Archive through August 02, 2005


Unregistered guest
If you have had problems with the lamp unit life of your Panansonic LCD TV visit

Unregistered guest
I have had 2 lamps go bad in 15 months. The first lamp went bad after about 1,000 hours of use and the second went bad after about 200 hours of use.
The model of my tv is pt50lc13

Unregistered guest
My guy says to replace the ballest at the same time Cost w/ bulb ballest and labor $ 866.00

Unregistered guest
Model PT50LC13. Lamp lasted about 1,000 hours. As a certified electronics technician, I say don't change the ballast until it fails. I am very disappointed with the lamp life. The actual lamp, excluding the case, should cost about $30. I am researching an alternate source for replacing just the lamp and using the original lamp case. If I find a solution, I will post it here.

TV Psychic
Unregistered guest
"The actual lamp, excluding the case, should cost about $30."

LMAO!!! I think automobile engines should cost $100. I am researching an alternate source for replacing just the engine and using the original auto chassis. If I find a solution, I will post it here.

TV Psychic

Bronze Member
Username: Vikingknut

Post Number: 14
Registered: Mar-05
I hope your sarcasm made you feel better. Why would you blast someone that is just trying to find a better solution and possibly help others?

TV Psychic
Unregistered guest
"Why would you blast someone that is just trying to find a better solution and possibly help others?"

False hope is never helpful, just ask the family of Terri Schiavo. Supply, demand and manufacturing costs will determine the ultimate price of a projector bulb, not a P/T tech in a dark basement.

TV Psychic

Silver Member
Username: Revan

Los angeles, Ca Usa

Post Number: 173
Registered: Apr-04
a monopoly helps

Unregistered guest
Hi, I have a PT-60LC13. Lamp lasted 10 months or some 7200 hours. And Panasonic guarantees a life of 10000 hours. Is this a joke or what? And the lamp costs about $300. Shame on you Panasonic.

New member
Username: Mopelr

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-05
My 50" all of a sudden will not turn on. The green light flashes for a while then goes red. any help here? first LCD

TV Psychic
Unregistered guest
"Hi, I have a PT-60LC13. Lamp lasted 10 months or some 7200 hours. And Panasonic guarantees a life of 10000 hours. Is this a joke or what? "

It must be a joke! There is no guarantee! Plus you watched TV 24/7 for 10 months? I don't think so!!! Hell if you did you need a life not a light bulb.

Everyone remember what light bulbs do best: Two things, they change electricity into light and they burn out. It appears these bulbs are doing what you would expect.

Either purchase a different TV or an extended warranty. Save your crying for the Pope!

TV Psychic

Unregistered guest
TV Psychic - firstly 10 months at 24 hours a day would be 7440 hours (thats giving each month 31 days) Unless you are living in a part of the world which ceases to abide by the rules of time and space. You could have possible gotten hold of HG Wells Time machine in which case i stand corrected. Dont you ever turn that thing off!!!

New member
Username: Crackedthecase

Black Eagle, Montana U. S. A.

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-05
Bulbs on my Panasonic PT-50LC13 burnt out frequently enough I cracked the case myself after the second one burnt out. First one burnt out after 7 months, second one 4 months.
Approximately 2400 hours of use for the second one.
I opened the case to replace it and examined the inside. Dust, dust and more dust.
Using a vacuum tool to clean computer cases, and motherboards, I removed the dust from inside and off the little path the light passes through to project. Afterward the television sets color was brighter, while white was almost painful to look at. I reset the temperature to cool.
The dust was probably the main cause, although a cold draft occurring when the bulb is on for eight hours could cause the effect of shattering it too.
What I think is; it would be a good idea to stock up on Bulbs. Or I will just wait for the new LCD Big Screen televisions of 2010.
Anyone know where a person could buy TY-LA1000 in bulk? If so, anyone want to buy a couple each and see if we can get the price down to a more reasonable tag?

In the meantime before my new one burns out; once a week; I will turn off the set, let it cool down completely, and in the morning carefully remove the bulb and dust inside and out.

New member
Username: Madmax389

Post Number: 8
Registered: Mar-05
"Model PT50LC13. Lamp lasted about 1,000 hours. As a certified electronics technician, I say don't change the ballast until it fails. I am very disappointed with the lamp life. The actual lamp, excluding the case, should cost about $30. I am researching an alternate source for replacing just the lamp and using the original lamp case. If I find a solution, I will post it here"

Any luck yet Carl? I tried several bulb distributors to no avail, but I'm betting that the bulb itself can be purchased somewhere in the world, (TV Psychic's inane ranting aside)...


I am the USER of Panasonic brand but after my very BAD experience of LCD TV pt-50lc13 I want to sell my Tv buy HALF COST. I PAID $3200 and lamp fuesed in 10-month 13-days. Under warranty LAMP replaced after 13-days by panasonic service provider and that bulb BLAST within less then 5-months. Now my TV is out of warranty and Service provider asking ofr Visiting fees $89 plus parts and labour cost me another $350.00 plux taxes.

This tv maintenance cost $100 per month plus paying $72 for DISNETWORK.


WHO IS MAD GUY TO MAKE TRUST ON Panasonic products, since i was making fully trust on my PANASONIC PRODUCTS.

I will never never buy any products from PANASONIC, NOW ONWARDS. ....BHARAT SONI -NEW JERSEY NJ 08520, Tel:609-346-6975

Unregistered guest
who CAN HELP FOR FIGHTING WITH MFR : PANASONIC COMPANY FOR wrongly commitment of the life of BULB MODEL/PART # TY-LA1000 if breakdown within less then 1000 hours of life. Original life is 10,000 hours but it failed 2-times within less then 1000 hours and second one within 500 hours.


Unregistered guest



New member
Username: Tm1945

Loveland, Co US

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-05
hmm, I just had my lamp replaced on my Panasonic LCD 50LCD13. I bought it in July of '04. Took them about a week to come and replace it. luckly for me I bought an extended contract that covers everything for 5 years. I'm covered as far as the cost of replacing the lamp, but not happy about having to wait so long for it.

Unregistered guest
Did anyone figured out why the same bulb (TY-LA1000) blows in PT-50LC13 but works fine in newer PT-50LC14?
Was it a bad batch of lamps, cooling issue, or air filtering issue?

New member
Username: Crackedthecase

Black Eagle, Montana U. S. A.

Post Number: 5
Registered: Apr-05
Filters? PT-50LC13 manual doesn't show any filters. What kind of filters? There is only one place on the back of the TV set that I can see an access.

The fan appears to be inside of the bottom section, in the back, at the sets stage left and passes air through to the set to its stage right.

I've have got four more years : Extended Service Plan.

Unless this is a general cleaning service area I will have to get the book before I crack the case any further then the lamps install area.

Is there a picture of the sets complete structure available anywhere?

Unregistered guest
I just purchased the 60" version, but after reading all this stuff, I'm thinking about sending it back. It costs a fortune, plus is not that sharp and on top paying $400 everytime this peace of crap blows the lamp. No way !! Old TVs are maintanance free and thats the way it should remain with any new technology coming out.

Unregistered guest
PT-50LC13 stoped working after 19 months @ about 10 hours of use a day, that's about 5700 hours, give or take a few. Maybe I just got lucky, or maybe only the ones that have had bad luck are posting? There has to be thousands of people that have bought this model, but I don't see thousands of complaints.

Unregistered guest
good point, however:
when my bulb blew I was upset but I channeled my enegy and computer time to find the replacement lamp ASAP. I only found this site and evidence of big panny lamp problem later by chance and I consider my self fairly internet savvy. Average Joe with this problem will not post here but rather wait in line for the "backordered" lamp. So, IMHO, you are seeing the tip of the iceberg here.
As for your complacement with 5700 hrs, it is still short of the 10000 advertised for your model and your usage pattern was ideal for these HID bulbs. My usage pattern is different: 2-3 hrs watching a pop (DVDs most of the time). And I squized only 1600 hrs from the 5000 hr TYLA1500 lamp operated in economy mode (cinema: 130W vs normal: 150W) in my PT-45LC12.
Looking at your numbers, looks like your bulb survived ~600 power on cycles, very close to the number I estimate for my bulb. If this is confirmed by others, looks like $0.50 per turning on TV. If Panny disclosed the true bulb life statistics, very few people would buy these LCD RP TV sets. I believe the consumers were duped with rosy and misleading numbers.
BTW, did anyone get the advertised 10000 hrs in LC 13 or 5000 hrs in LC12?
If so, please post here and I will stand corrected.

Johnny Engineer
Unregistered guest
Hey, we all wanted that big HDTV screen. (At least my wife did). It was new technology. Engineering reviews said that projection bulbs are good for
500-1000 hours. Looks like they were right. I never did believe the pana-hype. Always figured the 10,000 hours was a (marketing inspired?) "typo".

Still I think the LCD projection was/is the best choice. DLP & Plasma have more expensive problems. It is the price you pay for being on the bleeding edge of technology. Just have to plan on replacing those bulbs. Same for Sony, Samsung, or any other brand. My suggestion is find a local dealer who supports the TV, get the extended waranty, and hope the bulb doesn't go just before the superbowl.

Either that or stick to a 32" CRT, and wait for technology advancements that make the large screen TVs more reliable.


New member
Username: Crackedthecase

Black Eagle, Montana U. S. A.

Post Number: 10
Registered: Apr-05
WOW! Now the PT-60LCX63?! What a deal?

I am not a technician, and yet, I can see all the problems these sets are going to have and it is not looking like they are going to get better.

I guess I should use the television set like a regular family: That would be about ten hours of televsion a week. You know, watching the
family hour on week days, or the favorite Soaps opera, then a movie with the whole family on the weekend.

The television might last a couple of months longer.

These bulbs don't like to get cold suddenly.

So, I better get it a blanket and cover it before I open a window letting in the fridgid air.

These ballasts sweat and mainboards get hot and expand, so, while running long shows or playing computer games for hours, I better open a vent in back to let off the heat that is making the mainboard and ballast sweat too much before it causes another breakdown.

I recommend everyone who loves the idea of these sets gets the Extended Service Plan when they buy their next one.

Get a back up bulb so the delays in time while waiting for the new ones aren't driving you crazy.

Anyone thought of cleaning out the vents and the fans blades once a week or so. I vacuumed out the insides of the Bulb case before putting in the new bulb and the picture was incredibly brighter for a about ten days. Dust! Yes! I said, DUST!

Tried all that? Then, send me your fact sheet and I will sign your petition. No fact sheet, No sign.

Unregistered guest
Could you please elaborate on:
"Engineering reviews said that projection bulbs are good for 500-1000 hours."
Any links, references?

Unregistered guest
I just stumbled on this looking up the specs of a lamp. I have sold and serviced over a 1000 lcd projectors and have been buying these bulbs to put in place of there manufacures orgional that only last at most 2K hours.

I have had mainly the sony xl-2100u's running in my machines for 5000-7000 hours. The thing that leads to premature lamp failure is not enough cooling. The ballast my also be out of wack, most have adjustments for current. Should operate at roughly 85V, and if your spark gap is wearing out do to turning on and off the set, it would shoot more volts 15-25kv+ and the more current, the more the electode gap in the core burns and soon enough there wont be anything to strike hence the failure.

Even more so, the postion of the lamp has a lot to do with the way it burns. So if you can, rotate the reflector 180, have extended the life just by a simple flip.

Another problem could be the design of the ballast, most that i have seen will correct amps and voltage while the arc is buring, find the sweet spot. If it cant adjust for more power with the shorter gap, it wont do anything.

Just my 2cents. Try to toss a sony lamp in there, xl-2100u is 100/120 8K, xl-2200 132/150 8K

Unregistered guest
The lamp in my PT-50LC13 lasted about 8 months or 2800 hours based on usage not nearly the suggested 10,000 hours. I was concerned with this upfront and was asured by the CC Salesperson that you will get somewhere near the 10,000 hours. I just annoying to pay 3,500.00 dollars for a TV and in the middle of the playoffs your set blinks out.

I think it could have something to do with a defect in the model and am currently working with CC to replace it with the PT-50LC14 or different brand altogether.


Unregistered guest
I have a 50" Panasonic LCD projection TV. Just like the rest of you, my bulb went out after about 800 hours to televistion. Less than one year old! Panasonice should recall these TV's or provide us with free bulbs.

Unregistered guest
We bought our PT40LC12/PT on 10/3/03 and a friend bought his like TV just 3 weeks later, based on my glowing report of the TV. He informed me today that the lamp just blew. No more glow, no pun intended! Ours is still operating, but from the reports I have read it is a miracle!

The cost is extremely high for the lamp. I have found none less than $288 plus shipping. Does anyone know of a cheaper dealer? We paid only $1900 for the TV at Costco and having to pay so much for a design flawed lamp seems outrageous.

I am uncertain about the Lampguy post. What is the p/n of the Sony lamps? The numbers listed mean nothing to me so I cannot convert the TY-LA1500 Panasonic lamp to a Sony counterpart. Does anyone know?

I intend to write Panasonic and tell them how many are unhappy with the premature lamp failures. With Corporate greed at the highest level ever I seriously doubt it will matter to them. Fixing the problem would cost money that the CXO's would not be able to share in their "compensation packages."

Mr. Sickofit
Unregistered guest

While I applaud your efforts, you really should check the spelling and typos in your letter to Panasonic. It will hold a much greater impact without them.

Unregistered guest

Like most critics, you add nothing to the mix! You did not point out the areas of your criticism so the writer could benefit.

I imagine that most posting here realize that they aren't being graded so make little effort to submit a perfect paper. Please elaborate on your criticism--Who and where? And why is it your place in life to point out our sins?

Unregistered guest
i just joined the burnt out light bulb club. Not even 2 months and it went in the middle of the night. Silently and without any prewarning.
Are there people out there really interested in putting pressure on Panasonic? If so I would love to join the group.

Bayliner 2252
Unregistered guest
I have a friend that has done some lab testing for Matsushita and may know some influential people. I'll see if he is willing to assist me.

My TV is nearly 18 months old and I've not had a lamp failure so I'm on borrowed time. I've already asked him to get me a spare lamp assy. through Panasonic at a lower cost and he will try. He was very surprised the lamp is such a high failure item. He says that is not a characteristic of Panasonic production. Their parts are normally purchased from good and reliable sources and are lab tested to meet the design spec's.

I am shocked that Panasonic has done nothing about replacing the lamp assy. with a better one.

They will be the next big company to be relegated to the Junk stock tank, GM and Ford recently made it for many of the same reasons I suppose.

If anything can be done I will post it here.

For those of you that have had a failure: Is the lamp (not the sub assembly) a plug-in type? Have you removed it and looked for a part number so we can possibly find a source for just the lamp and not the entire assembly?

Bronze Member
Username: Cyco

Post Number: 31
Registered: Jan-05
Some good news everyone. I received a letter back from Panasonic's Customer Affairs Division. They are aware of the problem. What they are doing about is extending any lamp problems (lc13 series) to 18 months from invoice! Here is there letter:

"Thank you for your undated (oops) letter postmarked April 23, 2005. We at Panasonic appreciate your having contacted us. We are committed to assuring that our cutomers experience extreme satisfaction with the Panapsonic products that they purchase.

Having said that, we are aware that a number of people who purchased Panasonic projections TVs are not currently happy because of their experience with the lamps used in those TVs and we lok forward to satisfying you and other valued customers.

To put the prolem into some context, while projection TV lamps are expensive, they are light bulbs. Light bulbs blow out from time to time and need to be replaced. You should also know that based upon the best information that we have, the vast majority of people who have purchased Panasonic projection TVs have not experienced the kinds of premature burnout you and others have seen.

We recognize that this broader perspective does not help you and does not make you a satisfied Panasonic customer, but maybe it will help us find a common ground to a solution.

Based on the best information we have at the present time, we believe that if the lamp in one of our projection TVs does not fail within the first 12months of use, the TV owner is not likely to experience the kind of continuing problems about which you have expressed conscern. If the lamp fail within that period, it is possible that the cause is a defective lamp, but it is also possible that the cause may bea defective ballast or other component.

So here's what we are doing to address the problem. If you purchased a Panasonic LC13 series TV and experienced the burnout of a lamp anytime within 18 months of purchase, call us at (800)211-PANA. We will be happy to provide you with a replacement lamp and, if you have experienced repeated lamp failures, or otherwise suspect theat there may be a defect in your TV causing the lamp failures, we will arrange for an in-home inspection and , if necessary, repair of your TV. If you have already purchased replacement lamps for your TV and provide us with proof of purchase of the replacement lamps, we will refund the purchase cost of the lamp or lamps to you.

Just so you know, we are extending the limited waranty on lamps sold with the newer models to 18 months from the date of purchase and all replacement lamps will carry a one year, rathere then a 90 day, warranty.

We are truly sorry that you experienced dissatisfaction with your Panasonic projection TV and appreciate the oppertunity to turn you into a loyal Panasonic customer.

Very truly yours,
Michael Marino Jr.
Manager, Consumer Affairs Division"

Sorry for any typos, I just typed away. We'll I guess that is better then nothing and it looks like most of us have had problems well within the first 18 months. I hope this has helped everyone! Good luck with your TVs as I'm calling to get my $300 bucks back!!


Unregistered guest
Good luck when trying to work with their Customer Service Dept. I have been trying now to get my replacement lamp going into the second week of waiting. Did everything they asked me to and when I checked on the status I was informed they are still waiting for documentation even though I faxed a copy of the the sales receipt along with the case number they provided me.

I am going to see if I can get a local service center to replace the light and check the ballast at the same time. Working with their customer service dept is very frustrating.

I think this problem (rip-off) needs national attention. Then you will see the vast majority of the customers that purchased this set is indeed experiencing this type of problem.


Bayliner 2252
Unregistered guest
I heard from my friend today and his contact said the lamps would cost him $255 each. I had suggested I might want two if inexpensive enough. I declined and will not ask my friend to "owe" a favor to someone when it would only save me $32--and some of that would be returned in the form of WA state sales tax @ nearly 9% as the parts would be delivered from a local service center.

I've reviewed some of the things I have done that might contribute to 19 months of use and no failure yet (knock on wood). You might try some of them.

I have always run our TV in the "Cinema" mode. It reduces the lamp current draw to 135 watts rather than 150 watts and yet the picture is plenty bright.

I have a Honeywell Electronic filter in the return air source for the furnace/air conditioning system. I have installed replaceable fiberglass filters in each of the two return air ducts. Our home is pretty free of dust.

I have never waited for the on-screen message telling me to clean the filter on the front of the unit. I probably clean it monthly but have no real schedule, just whenever I think about it.

There isn't any doubt in my mind that Panasonic owes us a better lamp asembly than is currently used. There are just too many premature failures. I really doubt they will do much about it though. It would be a very costly program to honor the premature failure of so many TV's and would be a career-killer of the manager making that decision.

I had hoped to use this TV for 10 years as I did my last Panasonic 46" projection TV but can see that won't be possible.

I do know that unless Panasonic addresses the problem that there will not be another Panasonic product in my home. I can hurt sales in that way.

Unregistered guest
$255 is the hurt/bulk price of the TYLA1500 (I think you are talking about this one) bulbs produced exclusively for panasonic. No other venue possible.
I also use cinema, but need to step up the filter cleaning routine. Mine lasted 2 years of light use. Another thing, need to avoid short services and frequent power cycles.

Unregistered guest
To add to my previous post, reading in a sylvania HID spec paper, they explained that the nominal 1000s of bulb life is acheaved by near continues use (12-24 hrs at a time). Use for only couple of hrs at a time cuts nearly 50% of the life of HID bulbs.

Got 14 months of use out of my Panasonce 50". I figure no more than 4 hours per day.

Went to Pacific Parts in Gardena, Ca. and paid $329.00. Put the new bulb in and viola!

There was some dust around the bulb, I vacuumed it all and will keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks to all of you.

Unregistered guest
I have a question for you all. After the adventure of having to change my bulb, I saw a instruction that in case I need to replace it before it has enough time to cool to hit the VOL+ and the 'up 'button within the first minute of turning it off. It says it will fan for 10 minutes.

Do you think this might be helpful in the life of the bulb?


Unregistered guest
I had my 50" for 18 months of about 2-3 hours a day, and now here we go. I'm working with Best Buy now, should take about 2-3 weeks they say.

Unregistered guest
Well my lamp went out yesterday. That's twice in 1 year now. Panasonic 1 yr warranty/bulb replacement ended on May 23rd and my bulb burns out on the 25th....just my luck. Well looks like I'll be spending $300 on the bulb now. GEESH !!! I knew about what woody100 was talking about 2 posts above me. I started extending the fan run time to 10 minutes everytime I powered down the TV. I started using this method last October when the 1st lamp failed. I guess this didn't help any with lamp life as both lamps have failed after 6 months of use. I'm gonna buy a new lamp and sell this TV. I'll probrably go with an LCD flat panel.

Mike - Thanks for you post on the feedback from Panasonic Consumer Affairs!!!
My 3rd bulb blew today (4 month life on this one).
Here's my letter to PCA. I'll let everyone know if I receive the same response as Mike.

Dear Panasonic Consumer Affairs,

I write to you in hopes of finding a solution to my problem and what appears to be many others who have purchased the Panasonic LCD TV model PT-50LC13. I have owned the TV for 17 months and today the 3rd bulb has shattered on me. I purchased this most recent bulb from Panasonic for a total price $335.52 less then 4 months ago.

While the TV is great when it is working, I am extremely disappointed by the lack of quality in the TV. There is obviously something wrong with this model and many others and myself are forced to pay several hundred dollars to replace a bulb every few months.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback and a possible solution to fixing this problem for me. I can not afford to spend over $1,000/year to replace bulbs. I would appreciate Panasonic replacing my TV with a model that has not had these problems or honoring a longer warranty on the bulb used to power the picture.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Bayliner 2252
Unregistered guest
I bought a Panasonic PT-40LC12 in Oct. 2003. It was still functioning well, we thought, more later on this. I was alarmed at the high failure rate others had reported on the TY-LA1500 lamp and while looking for a lamp-only that same week, a 5/8" "green spot" appeared on the screen and would not go away.

I talked with my seller, Costco, and was advised to return the TV to them. I hesitated, but did a week later, and was promptly refunded my original purchase price even though the Panasonic warranty had long since expired!

We looked at the many TV's Costco had in stock and decided that one of Panasonic's Plasma models would work well for us. The new unit was exactly the same price so we just exchanged a poorly designed unit for one that appears to have no problems. The model number of the new unit is TH-42PA25 and in my Internet research of it I could find only one problem reported. From the description of the problem I suspect he had outside interference turning the set on and off etc. and not really a bad TV.

I have not seen any TV with so sharp a picture or with such great color. We watched the TV series "24" all season and since it is set at night or in a war room there is little color or brilliance there. It was very difficult to see everything on the LCD projection unit! With the new Plasma unit everything can be seen easily. It's amazing how much brilliance the old set had lost since new, it was probably ready to blow.

I am very grateful to Costco for treating me so fairly, it was above and beyond anything I could have expected. It is just another of the reasons we shop there a lot and are stockholders in the company.


who ever
Unregistered guest
uh yes another victim of the panisonic pt-5t0lc13-k best buy smooshed me into the purchaceing seat offered me a extended warn)tee for 500. onlt to find out after the bulb blew after 2 mos that the underwriter changed the bulb statement to no we don't without notace
I lucked out on the service guy not mentioning a fee but warned double check your extended.
SO here I sit in sorrow with another bulb gone after only72 days
I hope you have a lot of fast talkers on cos service because shits going to hit the fan
see ya monday signed: fed up

who ever
Unregistered guest
uh yes another victim of the panisonic pt-5t0lc13-k best buy smooshed me into the purchaceing seat offered me a extended warn)tee for 500. onlt to find out after the bulb blew after 2 mos that the underwriter changed the bulb statement to no we don't without notace
I lucked out on the service guy not mentioning a fee but warned double check your extended.
SO here I sit in sorrow with another bulb gone after only72 days
I hope you have a lot of fast talkers on cos service because shits going to hit the fan
see ya monday signed: fed up

Unregistered guest
Good to see that Panasonic have admitted the problem and offered a fair resolution. But the response to my question to Panasonic Canada about whether they would also be extending the bulb warrantly was:-

Please be advised that Panasonic Canada Inc. does not have any current plans
at this time to extend the bulb warranty on our Rear Projection LCD TVs.

Any Canadian lawyers around? Since Panasonic US have already admitted to problems it should be an easy case....

jus depressed
Unregistered guest
Yea so i had my tv for a whole 3 days before it stopped working(i guess i have everybody beat). I dont know much about tvs or the lamps, but im just upset that my really expensive tv that i saved up for is not a pile of crap. Im not some nerdy technician(not to say bieng a nerd is a bad thing!) but i am in fact a college student who also pays for school and for rent on my apartment, so blowing 2000+ dollars on a tv that doesnt work is kind of a real depressing point in my life. Im not sure if the lamp blew or what, all i know is that i can turn the tv on for about 5 minutes and then it decides it doesnt feel like working so it shuts itself down. Well im not really complaining, big corporations love to deficate on the little guy and i already knew this, im jus kinda bummed out about the whole thing. Well if anyone wants to respond to this my email is

Unregistered guest
Your tv has the factory warranty to fix your problem. Give Panasonic a call.

Mr. Loser
Unregistered guest
I bought my PT-50LC13 in Nov.03 Had to wait till Dec.03 for the stand to come in. Didn't get it hooked up till late Dec. with the cable co. I puchased an ext. warranty in April 04 for $515.00 that I thought covered everything until 11/06 I called today and was told the 18 month warranty for the lamp is over (19 months) & my ext.warranty doesn't cover it. I haven't even used the set for more than 12 months but they go by the purchase date.

Unregistered guest
I've had a pt-40lc12 for 2 years though the set has hardly been used. The set can't have over 500 hours on the bulb. The other day, it just imploded (as compared to exploded) Panasonic says that it is out of warranty. Thats alot of BS. If they made a quality product, it should last. Why is a bulb $300? This is the last item I will but from them. Shame on you Panasonic

Unregistered guest
My lamp just blew, 11 months in (Panasonic 50LCD). They sent me a free replacement, I put that one in, and now my TV won't stay on for more than 5 seconds before it shuts off. What the hell is going on??

Unregistered guest
Here is the link to the petition being created for this problem.

Thanks for the info on getting a free bulb with panosonic...I called them and mine is on it's way.


Terry M
Unregistered guest
I have been one of the fortunate ones. I am approaching 5000hrs of usage (always in dynamic picture mode) and decided it is time I ordered a spare. I consider "maximum life of 10,000hrs" something to hope for but not expect. I appreciate reading the constructive postings with suggestions I can implement, and have one of my own to provide. Since mechanical shock can cause lamp failure, be careful not to move or bump the set while on. Also, since it may be part of a home entertainment center, make sure subwoofer is not located near the set.

Unregistered guest
Cruel and expensive joke by Panasonic. After 18 months, bulb blew...less than half of its life expectancy. It looks like this TV may become a money far...well over $100 per month in cost.

Unregistered guest
PT-60LC13...extended warranty..."bulb not covered"...bummer. Same story. We were told approx 10,000 hour bulb life. Figured a bulb would last us at least five years at less than 1000 hours per year usage, in a well-ventilated "clean" area, infrequent on/off cycling, etc. I thought I'd done my homework and covered all the bases on this one.

Purchased 03-26-04. First bulb problem 3 weeks ago (14 months...but less than 1000 hours). Dealer replaced bulb under warranty. (I wonder if this is due to the extension of the factory bulb warranty per Mike's post above?)

It worked fine...with approx 15 second start-up as I remember...for the first year. Then it started taking longer to start. Then I start getting the flashing red...

Symptoms? Press the power switch. Green light flashes for a minute or two, then goes to flashing red, with the bulb indicator flashing once every five seconds or so. It would eventually start after multiple tries, but it would always take a minute or two to start (or start flashing red). New bulb still took a minute or two to start, but worked...for a few days (maybe 3 or 4 cycles, less than 15 hours usage). It took many tries to get it working yesterday. Called service again. After reading the posts here, I'll have a few questions for the tech that comes out this week.

I'm no bulb expert; but the old bulb "looks" fine (filament is intact, no discoloration inside bulb, etc). And the old box had virtually no dust on/in it. Could my problem be more symptomatic of a bad ballast? bad bulb-box connector? current adjustment? ...or??? Has anyone had repairs made other than replacing the bulb for the falshing red on/off and bulb indicators?

Glad I came in here and found that there is a bulb life issue with these LCDs. Other than a couple of childish, non-constructive posts, it's been an informative read. Thanks for the info.

I'll let you know what comes from this week's service call.

Unregistered guest
PT-60LC13...extended warranty..."bulb not covered"...bummer. Same story. We were told approx 10,000 hour bulb life. Figured a bulb would last us at least five years at less than 1000 hours per year usage, in a well-ventilated "clean" area, infrequent on/off cycling, etc. I thought I'd done my homework and covered all the bases on this one.

Purchased 03-26-04. First bulb problem 3 weeks ago (14 months...but less than 1000 hours). Dealer replaced bulb under warranty. (I wonder if this is due to the extension of the factory bulb warranty per Mike's post above?)

It worked fine...with approx 15 second start-up as I remember...for the first year. Then it started taking longer to start. Then I start getting the flashing red...

Symptoms? Press the power switch. Green light flashes for a minute or two, then goes to flashing red, with the bulb indicator flashing once every five seconds or so. It would eventually start after multiple tries, but it would always take a minute or two to start (or start flashing red).

Installed new bulb a week ago that the dealer shipped me. It still took a minute or two to start, but worked...for a few days (maybe 3 or 4 cycles, less than 15 hours usage). It took many tries to get it working yesterday. Called service again. After reading the posts here, I'll have a few questions for the tech that comes out this week.

I'm no bulb expert; but the old bulb "looks" fine (filament is intact, no discoloration inside bulb, etc). And the old box has virtually no dust on/in it. Could my problem be more symptomatic of a bad ballast? bad bulb-box connector? current adjustment? ...or??? Has anyone had repairs made other than replacing the bulb for the flashing red on/off and bulb indicators?

Glad I came in here and found that there is a bulb life issue with these LCDs. Other than a couple of childish, non-constructive posts, it's been an informative read. Thanks for the info.

I'll let you know what comes from this week's service call.

Unregistered guest
I've been a TV Tech for 20 years. I've already replaced three ballasts in these TV's with the same symptoms as yours is displaying. A new ballast should get you running again. Key, keeping the airway clean and unobstucted will keep the bulb cooler and will usually make it last much longer (good for the rest of the circuitry also) - no airtight entertainment centers.
It looks like the TV manufacturers are taking a cue from the printer companies. Sell the device and then charge a criminally ridiculous price for the expendibles you need to keep it running, ie, printer ink. Hopefully someone will start a company to make quality replacement bulbs and sell them at an honest and humane price.

Unregistered guest
Had the same problem Randy, my tuner block had blown


Unregistered guest
Good call Mopar...the dealer came out and replaced eight components on and around the power supply board. Per the dealer tech, Panasonic has given them an instruction sheet/parts list for a "ballast repair kit". Worked like a charm. TV lights up 10 seconds after hitting the button.

It wasn't a bad bulb; even though the bulb indicator was flashing when the power switch flashed red. I've pulled the replacement bulb out that the dealer shipped me after their first service call...and I put the original back in. Works fine. I got a spare bulb out of it...hopefully I won't need it for a while.

They also confirmed what MikeK said earlier...that Panasonic has extended the warranty on original bulbs to 18 months from purchase date, and replacements to 12 months.

Unregistered guest
I have 50LCD16:9 Panasonic. The first lamp went out in 11 months (500 hours) and now the second one blew in just 7 months. I waited 3 weeks for Fast-Trak, now known by me as Slow-Trak, to fix the first one. I don't expect much better service this time. I'm thinking of buying a lamp myself to put in while I wait for Fast-Trak to use their inefficient system to get the lamp to me. I have a 4-year warranty so it's no cost to me but it is ridiculous to be without the tv for 3 weeks, especially when it is well known that this is a recurring problem and the part could be stocked in each major service warehouse. Anyone know of a good price on this model's lamp?

Unregistered guest
RandyB, Mike Krajewski and Anonymous:

I have a PT-60LCX63 with extended warranty, purchased on Jun/29/2004. Bulb just went out a few days ago. Called Panasonic's 800-332-5368 number from the product literature book and rep. gave me new number 888-843-9788 to call. No one answers the 2nd 888 number. I have called 5 times now and automated line tells me that wait time is usually upward of 48 minutes. One time it said that wait time was 19 minutes and after 51 minutes there was still no Panasonic human on the other end. My TV costs $3500. I have extended warranty when I purchased TV from Brandsmart USA (Florida) but it does not cover bulb replacement.

Finally got customer service operations lead (Nika) at 800-211-7262 X-2114 who informed me that the 800 number is incorrect in the Panasonic TV literature. The 888 number is for tech support but couldn't explain the long wait times. Nika aked me to fax the page that lists the 800 number so that she can get it corrected. Then she xfered me to x-9772 which had automated voice tell me that wait time was 46 minutes. I hung up and called Nika and left her a v-mail again. She hasn't called yet. Obviously, Pana is giving me and many others the run around regarding the free bulb replacement under warranty. I have even emailed my complaints thru' the website but Nika tells me that the turn around on the online complaints is at 7-10 days.

Meanwhile, I am taking Mike's advice/action and will write return receipt to Pana consumer services. See if I get a response...

Meanwhile, RandyB...any response after your last posting on Jun/19?

Mike Krajewski--did you get a new bulb from Consumer Affairs? Does your TV work now? Ddi you get any of the $300 back from Pana? Any new updates after your posting on May/7/05?



Unregistered guest
"Meanwhile, RandyB...any response after your last posting on Jun/19?"

Micky, see my 6/26 post above. Though the bulb and power indicators flashed red (as if the bulb was bad), my problem seems to have been bad ballast/board components. The dealer came out and repaired it. It's working fine for now...with the original bulb.

Under my extended warranty through the dealer, the dealer came out both times...thought it was a bulb the first time, shipped me a replacement bulb to put in, which didn't fix the problem...and then came back the second time with the ballast fix-it kit. They left the replacement bulb with me. I pulled it out and put the original back in. At least I got a spare on hand out of the deal. From the stories here, I may be using it sooner than I'd like to.

If your extended warranty is directly with Panasonic, and not with your dealer, good luck. Your story sounds like the headaches others are having with Panasonic. If your warranty is through your dealer, and Panasonic is covering original bulbs for 18 months, then you might try hounding your dealer to get a replacement for you.

In my case, it wasn't the bulb; though the indicators said so, and the dealer was all over getting out here and fixing questions asked. I'm glad I haven't had to deal with Panasonic directly.

Good luck.

Unregistered guest
I wrote and called Panasonic about the problem I was having with my lcd hdtv. I saw green colors for a couple of months before the bulb blew. The picture quality was really bad. Based on the treatment that I'm seeing to their customers (including me)...I will NEVER knowingly buy another one of their products. This is mainly due to their shabby customer service and their unwillingness to stand behind their products. These things (hdtvs) are not cheap...and they should warn buyers about the high cost of maintenance (blow bulbs) before dumping them on the public...should be a big red warning sticker on the tv!

They told me that their warranty on a replacement bulb is only 90 days...What does that tell me? They have no confidence in their products...that they know there is a problem with their or otherwise...well, I don't have any confidence in them...and the only vote I have at this point is to NOT buy anymore of their products...stupid corporate greed!


Getting a plasma
Unregistered guest
Our PT60-LCX63 blew (shattered) the first bulb at 10 months, the second at four months. I did vacuum out the bulb chamber but did'nt service the fans or filters as they are not readily accessable. The second bulb had a large bulge which would indicate to me overheating and melting of the quartz. I think these sets could be fixed by beefing up the cooling airflow and putting the set on a UPS. We did get a second warranty replacement in one day by putting "Please rush delivery, willing to pay extra" on the copy of receipt faxed to lamp warr. dept.. This baby is going back to Costco. They are great, they take anything back, no questions asked.

Unregistered guest
I have been extremely pleased with my PT-50LC13 - until my bulb blew. Great picture. Nice, sleek design with its matching stand. Now, I feel like I bought a lemon. Through the information on this site, I learned that the warranty on the original bulb has been extended to 18 months. I had no luck trying to reach Panasonic by phone so I mailed a request - along with my reciept - to obtain a free replacement bulb. Assuming I get my bulb, I'm concerned about what lies in the future for this TV. Will this be a continual headache and/ or money pit?

Unregistered guest
I would like to add these thoughts. If it is the case that Panasonic extended their warranty to 18 months on their lamps, I view that as a step in the right direction. But this seems like a bandaid fix .. a short-term solution. Clearly, there is a problem here. It appears that the bulb may be an inferior part and/or defective and/or other factors i.e. cooling system may be shortening the bulbs life span. Panasonic MUST deal with the bigger picture. I don't want to have to fight with them for additional bulbs in the future. Paying $300 for the bulb is OUTRAGEOUS and not an option for me and I suspect a lot of other people too. Not only is $300 a lot for a bulb, but you also don't have any confidence in how long it will last. May last a day. May last 4 months. Even if it lasted 19 months, you should not have to pay $300 every 19 months for a new bulb. I think Panasonic may have to issue an official recall and correct the bigger problem - whatever that is. Or, provide a new and improved lamp. Or, sell them at a reasonable price. Or, provide us with a resonable refund. I included my name on the petition and I would like to hear how it will be used and when. It's too bad that we are stuck dealing with this problem because I think the PT-50LC13 is a great set in all other long as it operates. After I bought my set, I debated whether I should have bought the 60" screen. Knowing what I now know, I'm glad I didn't- - more money wasted.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
I continue to have no luck at reaching Pasasonic by phone. Each time I call, I am subjected to endless music and repeated messages saying that my "expected wait time is approximately 35 minutes." Today, I collected cobwebs waiting on the phone for about 25 minutes and my expected wait time of 35 minutes never changed and I just gave up. The only time I spoke with a live person was at the beginning.. I was asked to give my model number, they redirected my call and then I nearly went comatose. Now, I did send my request via regular mail so I hope I have some luck with that. If you have any advice or good info, feel free to email me at

Unregistered guest
I bought a PT50LC14 LCD in January-- I do not have a problem with the bulb (it is still working) but am having a problem with the picture. I turned it on two days ago and got NO PICTURE-- just green and red "snow" with a columnar looking pattern and a dead black horizonal area toward the bottom. Has anyone else had this problem? This appears to be some kind of problem with the tuner or processor as I got the same snow pattern regardless of whether I was on cable, DVD, or VCR mode. Very surprising to have this kind of issue with a premium product like this. Let me know if you have had this problem too! and if so, what it was and what they did to fix. Thanks. Mike

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Some progress to report. I finally succeeded in speaking to a Panasonic rep by phone after trying to get through for several days and being given the classic run around. I was on the phone with them today for at least one hour. While on the phone they gave me step by step instuctions on removing the lamp. When I removed it, you could see that it had shattered and there were little pieces of broken glass inside, which I assume was the filament. I'm not sure why I had to go through this exercise.. Anyway, I was given a case no. and told to fax my receipt to the attention of "lamp exchange." The new lamp should be mailed to me tomorrow and I should have it in 3-5 business days (you could opt for overnight mail for a charge of $20). I also had to give them my credit card no. as collateral. If I do not mail them back the bad bulb, they will charge me $299. I do not know why they want me to mail them the bad bulb.. Is it that they don't trust me or do they recycle them?? Again, I view this as definite progress and I will check back and report whether I actually obtain the new bulb.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
The Fax# to "Lamp Exchange" at Panasonic is 1-800-237-9080. I am providing this because it is too painful to attempt to reach a live human being at customer support who is willing to help. All they do is bounce you from one department to the next hoping that you get frustrated and give up. Therefore, I recommend to anyone reading this, who is a victim, to fax Panasonic a complaint and not only request they send you a FREE bulb, but demand that they come up with a LONG RANGE SOLUTION to deal with this problem. The only chance we have in getting them to address this issue is to comlain loudly. Not only am I unwilling to spend $299 on a bulb, I refuse to spend $100 or even $50. $299 is outrageous! And you have absolutely ZERO confidence in how long your bulb will last. It might last 22 months. It might last 2 months. You just don't know. Again, make sure you are heard. And this fax# is one way to accomplish that. Forget reaching them by phone unless you have a lot of time on your hands and enjoy being tortured.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Well, I received my replacement lamp from Panasonic. Took about 5 days from the time it was ordered until it was delivered. I put it in the TV and it works. I am not clear if the replacement lamp is covered under warranty. I wonder how long this one will last?

New member
Username: Kjp04

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-05
Where can I find instructions on replacing the lamp? There is nothing in the manual of my PT50LC13. Are they difficult to replace?

Unregistered guest
The manual for the PT50LC13 surprisingly does not provide instructions on relacing the lamp. But written instructions are provided with the new lamp. Having replaced one lamp already, I found it real simple. Power off the TV for a couple of minutes. Remove the front panel beneath the screen. Behind that is a compartment (I think it says caution on it) and you have to remove the screw (left side). Once you have done that, you will have access to the lamp. There is a screw on the right side. Loosen it enough to slide the lamp unit out. That's basically all there is to it. From what I understand, repalcement lamps have a one year warranty period.

Unregistered guest
Add one more family to the "upset at Panasonic" group. I got about a year out of the first (original) bulb and 10 months out of the second. The second bulb went out two days ago, but instead of buying a new bulb for 300 dollars we got a 32" Sony WEGA for 500. I might try to get a free replacement bulb using the "Mike Krajewski" method and then sell or give the TV away. Although not wide screen or as big the Sony has a much better picture (almost plasma like) and 500 bucks is a good deal. I remember when WEGA 32's first came out they were like 2000 dollars.

Unregistered guest
I don't think selling our lemon of a TV is an option - if you have a conscious. At some point I may give it to charity for the tax right off. On the Panasonic website, if you click on "Support" it says "Putting Customers First." Right!!

New member
Username: Kjp04

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-05
Thanks for the instructions on replacing the TY-LA1000 bulb Andrew. It is amazingly simple in todays' complex world, even think I can do it! I don't know why Panasonic didn't add the instruction paragraph to the manual of the PT50LC13. All they say is that instructions are included with the bulb, which to me meant BEWARE - DIFFICULT WORK AHEAD! Maybe they were trying to save a few pennies on printers ink. We have had our TV nearly a year now and so far so good. We use it about 2 to 3 hours a day on average. We are quite happy with the set, good color and all. The bulb seems to be an issue which we haven't faced as yet. We certainly hope that prices of the replacement bulbs come down as more and more sets are sold.

Unregistered guest
You are welcome, Ken. My initial bulb lasted 13 months. Based on the magnitude of this problem, it is reasonable to assume that death is imminent for your lamp. Yes, it is a great TV in all other respects, but the bottom line is NO BULB;NO VIEWING. While it is a good thing that Panasonic evidently extended the warranty on bulbs, it's not enough. They need to address the broader issue because a free replacement bulb that falls within the warranty period is only a temporary fix as I see it. I intend to write a letter to Panasonic and appeal to them that they publicly acknowledge the problem and come up with a long range solution. Otherwise, failure to do so, in my view, could potentially have a significantly negative impact on the future of the company.

Unregistered guest
Panasonic 50 inch LCD completely bust after one year.

First my lamp blew, so they sent me a new one, but the TV would still not turn on. Then I had the Tuner block replaced - still didnt turn on. Then a new ballast and lamp were put in, as well as some sort of new wire, still didnt turn on. Then step 2 was repeated incase the "new" ballast was faulty. Still doesnt turn on, and now this crack team of TV repairmen are baffled. Its been 2 months now with no TV.

I am supremely disappointed. The only way Panasonic can prevent me from going on a mission to put them out of business would be to replace this TV and give me a 5 year full warranty. I'll be in touch with their warranty dept. tomorrow and let you all know what happened.


John Wallace
Unregistered guest
Anyone have a problem with the PT50LC13 image?
I just turned mine on (4 months old) and the color looks almost like a color negative with lots of green.

Turned off, let cool, restarted, same problem. All sources generate the same image problem.

Any ideas?

Unregistered guest
Well well well. Five days new bulb at no cost. Faxed receipt Friday got bulb Tuesday.

New member
Username: Stanlori

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-05
I was lucky. Mine lasted 15 months at about 4200 hrs. The solution is obvious. Make sure that your first lamp burns out in the first 18 months and that every replacement lamp burns out within 12 months. Then the replacements will be free. Buy an extra lamp so that you can use it while waiting for your replacement. This isn't elegant but it should work and if enough people do it then it will get to be expensive for Panasonic and maybe they will do a recall and fix the problem!

New member
Username: Tperk100

Virginia Beach, VA United States

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-05
Own PT-50LC13 since 12/03. As of today (19 months of course) set comes on normally and plays for about 3 to 5 minutes and then turns off. The POWER indicator flashes red and does not stop flashing even after a LONG time (hours). The red LAMP indicator flashes every 6 or 7 seconds or so. I removed the lamp and it looks OK. I know the fan is running because I can hear and see it. I am baffled as to why the set would look normal when on, but then shut down with a LAMP warning. I can repeat this over an over.

Hopefully someone here can tell me what is wrong.
Thanks a million!

Unregistered guest
Tom, Mine is doing the same thing! I hope someone can tell us. I'm assuming it's the lamp, but it's not time for our lamp to be out yet. Any ideas anyone?

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Tom and A@P: My guess..and this is strictly a that it's an issue with the lamp. Maybe the lamp is dying a slow death and it's causing the TV to act funny. I don't know. If it were me, I think I would try popping in a new lamp.

Unregistered guest
I spoke to Panasonic and a local TV service center. The man at the service center said is was the "Ballast" & Board and it is going to cost us $460 dollars total for repairs.

I'm really sick about this. It took me 2 hours of holding and transferring to get through to panasonic who told me that I may be able to submit the claim since our warranty is out.

I didn't pay this much for a tv to pay hundreds of dollars in repairs just 19 months later. We are out of warranty and basically just going to eat the cost I guess.

Does anyone know if Panasonic will likely pay for the Ballast cost? I'm not getting my hopes up about this.

New member
Username: Tperk100

Virginia Beach, VA United States

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-05
I really am beginning to think I have bought a lemon.

Unregistered guest
Well, unfortunately, after reading all the above posts, Panasonic must have a Lemon tree that grows bulbs and ballasts for production in their tvs.


Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
The PT-50LC13 is a lemon, which Panasonic needs to publicly acknowledge. Evidently, they don't make this set anymore - a tacit admission. I totally regret the purchase. I tell anyone in the market for a HDTV to stay clear of bulb based sets - especially Panasonic. If you have to eat the cost of a $460 repair, I think you ought to consider ditching it.

New member
Username: Kjp04

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-05
I disagree with you Andrew, that the PT-50LC13 is a lemon. The main issue here is the bulb, and bulbs do burn out. All TV users are different, some turning their sets on and off 1 or 2 times a day, others do this many times a day. Bulb and TV life will vary according to use, as will for example automobiles. This whole issue could be resolved if Panasonic would lower the price of the bulb for this set. We wouldn't mind replacing this bulb at $20.00 for say 1000 to 2000 hours of use, just as we replace the light bulbs in our homes(mercury vapor bulbs run at around that price). However, getting Panasonic to do this is another story.

Unregistered guest
Ken, I guess it comes down to what your definition of a "lemon" is. Putting terminology aside, I basically agree with most everything you said. While the bulb seems to be the main issue, there are a substantial number or reports having to do with bad ballasts and replacing them. Considering the magnitude of customer complaints (Last I checked, 813 people have entered their names on the on-line petition against Panasonic)and how young this set is, that the PT-50LC13 has evidently been discontinued and Panasonics unwillingness to offer a long-term fix, this, to me, constitutes a "lemon." Remember, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I have no problem with my PT-50LC13 right now. I still get a great picture. But based on everything I have read, I don't see this TV lasting me many years. Let me just address what you said on "bulb and TV life." As for TV life and peoples use, this is not worthy of dicussion given how YOUNG this set is and the enormity of the problem. So, let's now address bulb life. Yes, bulbs do burn out. Yes, Panasonic charges WAY too much for their bulbs. The issue is that the life span of the bulbs fluctuate and vary a great deal from one bulb to the next. If you would read what customers are reporting on the on-line petition, you will see a pattern of diverse life spans. One customer might get 18 months on their first bulb, but only 2 months on their second bulb. This is pretty typical. What does this tell you? I submit to you that it has virtually nothing to do with peoples use and habits and practically everything to do with some sort of defect in the bulb or another component of the TV (perhaps the ballast) that is causing the bulbs to fail prematurely. Therefore, replacement bulbs are unreliable because you can't count on how long they will last. So, there is definitely something broken that needs fixing - regardless of whether you want to label something a lemon or not.

Unregistered guest
$460 being poured into a set that is ONLY 19 months old consitutes a lemon for me

I feel ripped off and cheated. I didn't pay $3000 for a TV only to have to "fix" is a short time later.

Panasonic is misleading the public about their bulbs and the set is NOT the quality that they claim. I can't even believe how many people are here complaining about this TV, I would have never bought it had I known.

It looks great, it has a great picture, and wonderful stand...but in the end, I think it's a lemon, too.

Unregistered guest
I'm joining the club....bought my Panasonic 50 LCD in October of 03. Picture went out in September of 04 with no more than 2000 hours of bulb life. Tech came out to look at it, replaced the bulb and tv still didn't work. They had to replace the ballast and that fixed the problem. Today, I get a call from the wife that the set has just shut down and the bulb light is flashing. I guarantee less than 2000 hours of bulb life this time.....Absolutely REDICULOUS. We need to form a band of revolters from this group to storm their offices.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Chris, welcome to the club. You have plenty of company here.

Unregistered guest
Chalk-up one more unhappy owner of the 50" purchased in 12/03. Original bulb blew in 11/04 and second blew 7/05. Neither of these were high-time bulbs, but I suspect my kids cycle them alot. I will ask for a free replacement and then appeal to Visa if denied since the double the mfr warranty on many card purchases. Does not look like I will slip in the stated 18 mo period.

Unregistered guest
I bought my Panasonic 45" LCD Projection TV in 04/2004. The TV sometime shutdown or wont turn on started in 03/2005. Sometime it makes clicking sound like when turn on the gas oven. I think it might be the ballst or something, but the Tech replaced the bulb through warranty in 05/2005. Two weeks after replacement, the same old problems started to happen again. Now I am waiting for the tech to come out to check it out again. We used the TV about 4hrs/day.

Unregistered guest
I have a Panasonic PT40LC12 and replaced the balast fuse with a resistor. My lamp has been running for 9000 hours now. I have recieved a message saying It is time to replace your lamp at about 3000 hours and again at 6000 hours. I used the remote to reset the timer and my tv is still running good. Just have to clean the filter every three weeks or so.


What value resistor did you use to replace the balast fuse? Are you using the same bulb that is in the PT-50LC13?


Unregistered guest
I have had the PT-40LC12 for three years now and am going on my 3rd bulb! I'm definately disappointed with this issue, $500/year to watch my $3000 tv isn't a good deal and not what I signed up for when I purchased this set. Very disappointing.
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