Can't load the new bin into my pansat 2500. Keep getting write faild ER1. What i am doing wrong? Help me....using blacklist STB updater
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Very possible you have the wrong cable, if not make sure your computer is set to com port #1 or you'll get this message as well. Also turn the box switch off on the back, then on and start the download before you see the third - - -the box should start counting 1-100 if it's loading. I hate Pansats they can give you fits when loading!
From other site..tigajoe said to be sure to do the following. I forgot step 1 and it said failed error. step 1- while receiver is still set up...hit menu button and restore the pansat2500 to factory settings step2 - iused the original 2500 loader not Bl and flashed it with the original factory bin 222 . And then Tigajoe said do it again and I did. step3..then flash with new bin..iused the slow 253 version and I'm up and running for almost 2 days.
to vic kasende you must completely unzip the file before loading. I had the same problem,just resolved it last night. Good luck
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i had this problem for the longest time. my mistake was I bought the wrong cable. make sure it is straight thru cable with female connectors on both end. even if you can't find, u will usually find one with male to female. just add a gender changer. also make sure you got the right com port.