New member Username: JpazPost Number: 6 Registered: Aug-04 | I'm looking at the new Sony 34" XBR. A sticker on the set says "Digital Cable Ready." If I understand this correctly, it means I don't need a box from the cable company to receive digital cable programming. My question is this: If I want to receive HD programming, can the cable card take care of that too or do I need an HD box from the cable company? Thanks. |
Denise Stanco Unregistered guest | - A 'Digital Cable Ready' TV does NOT mean you don't need a cable box. You would have had to purchase an HDTV with CableCard or SmartCard technology. I just bought the Mitsubishi WD-52725 because it has a cable card slot. No set top box! Does the Sony have such a slot? If so, then yes, the cable card in addition to the service you buy from your cable company will get you the digital signal. |
Anonymous | If the Sony has a slot for the cable card you should be able to get the digital channels. Assuming your cable company can properly support it. It is new and the local Time Warner hasn't figured it out yet, they keep trying to get me to use the box. As for HD, the tv must have a hd tuner to get the hd channels. I don't believe this sony does (if it says HD ready, it is only an HD monitor), so you would still need the HD box from the cable company. Also, if you have a choice between Scientific Atlantic and Pace, the Pace box I got was much nicer. |
Unregistered guest | "Digital Cable Ready - Official term for an HDTV that conforms to the plug-and-play digital cable TV standard using POD (point of deployment) access cards, also called CableCARDs. With cable systems that comply to the standard, users can plug the cable directly into an HDTV set, then enjoy HDTV and digital cable without having to use a separate set-top box. Sets with interactive functionality are labeled Interactive Digital Cable Ready." |
Anonymous | If your tv has a cable card slot, you do not need an hd tuner, the hd channels on the cable plant are encoded in qam just like other cable digital channels, not 8-vsb like the broadcast hd channels over the air. As far as the tivo question you are correct. Best answer to that is bug tivo for series 3 dvr to have a cable card slot, that would be the best of all worlds. Since you loose the interactive guide on your tv with cable card, you could use Tivo's if it had a cable card. |
Oslo Unregistered guest | Just be aware that, although a Cable Card will eliminate the need for a cable box, the cable card may also eliminate the opportunity to use the on screen cable guide, set reminders and the ability to order PPV direclty through the set from your cable carrier. |
Unregistered guest | Where can I purchase a HDTV Cable Card? |
Anonymous | best advice on cable cards: avoid them, alot of trouble for little if any benefit. By yr 2008 they will probably be perfected |
Anonymous | This is a geat thread! I'm considering purchasing either the Mits WD-52725 or the Sammy HLP-5674W. I'm currently leaning towards the Mits. Only because of the cablecard and various input connections, ie. firewire, memory cards, etc. But I plan to connect my computer to this new set so it looks like there's really not much advantage with the Mits, especially since you guys make the point about loosing program options, PPV, etc. Does anyone have any opinion on Direct TV with this cablecard? How about your suggestions, Sammy or Mits? Thanks for your help! |
Unregistered guest | looking to purchase panasonic TH-42PX25U/P 42-IN Plasma TV . i have cox cable which does not provide TRUE HD. SHOULD I GO WITH DIRECT OR DISH NETWORK FOR TRUE HD??? I WATCH LOTS OF SPORTS AND LOTS OF cable NEWS TV cnn/fox cnbc OR shouldd i stick with coax directly into bnc of tv? please advise |
Anonymous | Hi all. I understand that Cable Card is for TV's or TiVo's that have a slot that you put a card in from your cable company so you can have digital cable w/o a box. Does this work for satellite TV as well? |
Klaus Unregistered guest | Anon: Cable card would appear to be a real crapshoot at this time. The standard does not support 2 way communication, so this negates on demand,pay per view, which are about the only perks from cable versus satellite. If you look at a lot of the threads, the cards have some operational issues as well, such as locking reception etc. which seem to be issues with the tv/cable card compatibility issues. As these issues are resolved will they be compatible with your Cable card ready set? I bet not. There are not even any set in stone standards for the cable boxes and HD. Get the best HD ready set for your buck, and then upgrade the signal source ( cable, satellite, Over the air tuner, DVD HD) as they mature |
Anonymous | I have a SONY KDF55XS955 HDTV and just converted from a STB to cable card. I have Cox/Tulsa and was fortunate enough to actually have it work! Technician from Cox was great and very patient in getting signal strength problems resolved before attempting the cable card installation. I will say it took two cards before the card would properly scan and identify all the channels from Cox. So far so good - I know it's too early to say I'm out of the woods but according the technician, if the card starts up - they have not have many call-back problems. Apparently only about 35% of the installs are completed successfully. It sure makes for a clean installation if you can live without the two-way features. |
Unregistered guest | Be advised that, at least in NE Ohio, Adelphia's cable cards from Scientific Atlanta (an oxymoron) DO NOT WORK! An executive at Adelphia informed me that they only offer the cable cards because the FCC requires it, they do not market it or endorse it, and they feel no compulsion to make them work. This has been very disheartening to my clients. |
Anonymous | i had a cable card installed on my sony 55 lcd works great i am not concerned about on screen menu ppv but would one of the filters that give free ppv work since it is not communicating bact to the source??// |
Unregistered guest | We bought a Panasonic HD Plasma TV with cable card. We love the TV but are experiencing picture freezing and color breakup only with the high definition channels via the cable card. Our cable company has made several repair visits to change all the wiring/connections and given us two different cards. We are still experiencing this problem. Are there any solutions to this problem? I don't want a box! |
New member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 4 Registered: Mar-05 | Have you contacted Panasonic yet and described the problem to them? If it's only the HD channels there could be a problem with the cable frequency that those channels are carried on, but you stated the cable techs have come out and replaced wires and splitters. If this is the case, it sounds like there could be something going on internally with your TV, maybe a processor issue or connection problem. Since the cablecard has been swapped out, and the wiring replaced it might help to get Panasonic involved in this and have them check your TV and make sure there isn't some hardware or software issue causing this problem. I'm not saying the TV is the problem, just saying have them come out and check it since the cable co has replaced wiring and connections. Picture freezing and color breakup only on the HD channels should suffice when telling them what the problem is. Keep us posted RHM, regards |
New member Username: Red_hot_mammaIthaca, NY USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-05 | I never thought it was a TV problem, but defective cable cards. I've read messages saying sometimes it takes 5 cable card installations before you get one to work. I do appreciate your suggestion, but it sounds like you are of a different opinion. I did not buy a TV warranty beyond the standard 2 yr warranty that comes with the set, so I don't think they will make a house call to analyze this situation. I trust the Panasonic brand because I've had good luck with my previous analog Panasonic TV. Today the repairman came and discovered that I do not need a cable card or a box to receive the high definition channels. The picture is fanastic and I no longer have the issues I described. For now, I get the basic and standard and 5 high definition channels, so I'm content. I don't need two way communication, the guide or pay for view. I'm not worried about the future because TWC will eventually have high definition on all channels and I can get it via the wire connection. Do you think I'm being too optimistic? |
New member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 6 Registered: Mar-05 | Kathy, Yes I am of a different opinion because I've never had to use more then 2 cablecards at any given time to get them operational. Most of the TV's are up and running on card 1. There have been a lot of messages regarding who's at fault, the TV manufacturer, the cable company, or the cable card, there is no easy way to say with 100% certainty who's at fault so I don't point fingers without facts. I speak from my experiences only as an objective observer. There was a soldering issue with certain Panasonic models early on, serial numbers would tell you if your TV was part of that issue or not. From my experience, most instances of the cablecard not working were related to the following factors 1. Improper software on the cablecard: that issue has been fixed with a firmware update to the cablecards 2.Improper software or hardware in the TV: those issues have pretty much all been addressed from the manufacturer. Improper coding of the account or poor signal hitting the TV are usually dealt with on the spot in our system and I don't factor those in to the "not working catagory" because we fix them as soon as it's recognized something on our end is not doing what it should be. As I have previously stated we have a 100% success rate on getting CC's installed, usually on the first attempt unless there is a software issue with the host television. I've installed CC's on Panasonic TV's and can say they're pretty reliable since they discovered the broken pin issue due to a soldering malfunction and quickly addressed that issue. If I come across as argumentative, it's not intentional, I'm just trying to help people having problems from my own experience in dealing with a lot of the same problems. They work in our system, they should work in your systems as well. I take pride in my work and do everything within my powers to resolve any issues that come up. I know not everybody does this, but I do because I care. As far as your warranty: if something on your television is not working properly while it's under warranty, then YES they will come out and diagnose the problem and correct whatever it may be. I can tell you first hand I've been in contact with the manufacturers on any issue I wasn't certain of why it wasn't working and with their help we were able to determine the cause and get resolution. Apply a little firmness in your demand as a consumer to get this issue corrected, this is new technology for the industry as a whole, the cable company and the cablecard supplier, and the TV manufacturer's...there has not been one time I've had an issue that they weren't interested in getting the answers to what is wrong, we need to learn from it, but more importantly the TV manufacturer needs to learn from it. Every cable system has their own way of doing things as well as the TV manufacturer's, and CC suppliers. Getting all three companies involved to resolve the problem is the trick to success or failure, I personally don't rest until it's done, I'm pushy that way lol. regards, |
New member Username: RicksribsPost Number: 10 Registered: Jan-05 | Can I split a cable card signal after it is in my hdtv with a built in hd tuner? I want to run the same signal to different tv(non hdtv)in an other room just to pick up digital channels from adelphia cable. I did it when I just had the digital box. I actually split the signal to 2 other tv's just using one box. I used a radio remote control extender. Any suggestions?? |
billllllyhilllllly22 Unregistered guest | If your TV has a video out you can run it to another TV but your second TV would be a slave to the CC one. Split the signal before it goes to the cable card. I have mine set up where one side goes to the CC TV and the other side goes to a cable box. I use the box for the guide & on demand but all other viewing is done through the cable card as it has superior picture & sound. |
Bronze Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 83 Registered: Mar-05 | Most of the DCR TV's don't have a monitor output. The keyword here being most. The only option you have is exactly what billlly is suggesting. |
guest Unregistered guest | Does the CableCard descramble channels 1-100 on Digital Cable? - As of now - Channels 1 thru 100 are not truly a digital image as they are in satellite |
bhill Unregistered guest | I don't know if the cable card is "descrambling" the channels you are referring to but if you have CC installed you receive all the channels you are paying for. |
Bronze Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 85 Registered: Mar-05 | channels 1-100 are NTSC analog channels, the CC does not interact with analog, only digital and HD encrypted CP channels. Good case and point on this is the Sharp TV, when you connect the CC to the Sharp you have to split the main cable feed one to the digital tuner on the TV for the CC and the other side goes to the analog tuner, you actually have to switch inputs when jumping from analog to digital or HD and vice versa. In our system channels 1-100 are not scrambled so there is no need to descramble them. |
Anonymous | Cableguy you don't know what you are talking about, yes there needs to be a splitter but the TV does the rest if it has been properly programed. From another cable tech! |
billllllyhilllllly222 Unregistered guest | Anonymous is totally correct. I have cable card and I do not need to split the signal to differentiate between digital and analog signals. As a matter of fact the analog looks much clearer through the cable card connection than it did when it went through a descrambler box. |
bhill Unregistered guest | I reread my post realized I didn't understand the correlation between cable guy & anonymous posts. I know nothing about the Sharp TV connectors. I was referring to my Panasonic. Apologize for any misunderstanding. |
Bronze Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 87 Registered: Mar-05 | Anonymous, I got the information directly from a Sony engineer who developed the CC slot, the TV takes the main feed coming in the CC does not ineteract with analog signal, it's a pass through based on detecting QAM signal and NOT NTSC analog. If you read the post again, you'll see on the SHARP TV you need a splitter. 1. One side is for only for digital, which GOES DIRECTLY TO THE CC 2. the other side goes directly to the NTSC analog tuner in the DCR So if there is something wrong with that statement prove me wrong. The Sharp TV does not let you go from analog to digital/HD channels without switching the inputs. It's a design flaw in their system, they are aware of it and are working on correcting the problem with the next generation DCR. ALl the other TV's there is no need for a splitter, and check your references, the CC does not interact with analog channels, the whole purpose of the CC is to decrypt encrypted channels and allow CP authorization. In our cable system analog channels are neither encrypted or have CP embedded, only digital and HD channels. The CC can only interact with QAM signals hence "DIGITAL and HD", all analog signals are passed through. No interaction, if you doubt that, plug a CC into a DCR, don't add the card on an account and tell me what channels you get. Here I'll tell you: ALL the ANALOG and CLEAR TO AIR HD CHANNELS. The CC in an unauthorized status does nothing more then pass through analog and clear to air channels, because there is nothing built into the firmware to accomodate analog channels. That's also why the Sharp model has to be split and inputs changed when switching between anlog and HD/Digital because there is no interaction. It's all about reading the post and understanding what is said, not what you think is said. Don't get mad at me cause I'm right and you are misinformed, it's my job to know everything about this new technology, I get my answers right from the people who designed the CC and the engineers who work for all the respective TV manufacturers. Next time before you accuse somebody of being wrong, have the facts, it helps. As bhill correctly stated, he reread the post and realized the Sharp has a different mode of operation then the standard DCR's. Thanks for correcting your post bhill, no need to apologize we're all trying to help out and also to learn. |
New member Username: LucasoFort Gratiot, MI Post Number: 2 Registered: May-05 | I have a Sharp Aquos with cable card. My HD channels are like radio channels: 1.1 is NBC, 2.1 is Fox, 103.1 is Discovery HD, etc. I cannot find ESPN HD even though I'm paying for it. The Comcast rep doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. Comcast cable channel guide doesn't provide the same channel numbers I am getting. How can I find all of the HD channels I am paying for? |
beenthere Unregistered guest | Dave, It sounds like you need to set your TV to cable card and do a scan. Your should be getting your programs on the same channels that the cable company broadcasts on. You are picking up channels on the standard digital broadcasts. I was getting the same thing until I upgraded to HD and had the cable card installed. |
New member Username: LucasoFort Gratiot, MI Post Number: 3 Registered: May-05 | I set up an appointment with the Comcast cable guy for tomorrow a.m. to address the fact that I receive unencrypted HD stations on odd numbered channels (1.1, 103.1, 115.3 etc.) and I cannot find encrypted stations that I am paying for - ESPN HD. Is there anything else I should tell him that would expedite things - in addition to what has been posted here? These guys aren't always up on the latest developments. |
Bronze Member Username: Bhumi44Ahmedabad, Gujarat India Post Number: 19 Registered: May-05 | I HAVE 1,60,000 SERVICE MANUALS FOR ALL ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS INCLUDES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, PCB LAYOUT, FAULT FINDING, PARTS LIST, VOLTAGE SENSOR IN ABOVE 960 CDS !!!Post by spammer - Please send e-mial me: regards kirit shah |
Unregistered guest | I recently purchased a Sony Grand Wega KDF-60XS955 HD ready TV. I got the cable card hooked up OK and most of the channels were absolutely beatifull! However, the reception on most of the HD channels (especially HDTNT) broke up (tiling) either occationally, or regularly, especially during prime time. This was bad enough to either make me stop trying to watch a show, or to change to the analog version of the channel. I complained to the Time-Warner and they said that the problem was the cabling inside my house. I got this replaced, which helped a little, but the problem was still there. I had Time-Warner come again and they determined that the TV/cable card combination was not able to operate reliably with the signal level that I got, even though they claim that this signal is good enough (+1???) to meet federal regulations. I ended up letting them hook me up to a cable box instead. This was a big mistake. While the "tiling" went away, the great image quality that I got with my expensive Sony tuner is gone, and replaced with the terribly blurry, poor color, reception from the cheap cable box! I have 3 questions for anybody who can help me: 1. Could I get image quality as good as the cable card using a better cable box? 2. The cable company tried several cable cards with the same result, but I don't know what the brands were. Do you think that there is a card that can handle the marginal signal level better? 3. I asked the cable guy if they could put a signal booster on my line. They said that the only boosters that they had were too powerfull for my signal and would damage my TV. Is there a booster (amplifier) available that would work to improve my marginal singnal? Thanks for any help. |
Unregistered guest | i just bought a Panasonic PT-44Lc65 Projection HDTV. What card will give me the premium digital services from my cable company (Brighthouse Cable.) I called them they have on back order. Does anyone know where I can buy one? Or part# Thank HAB |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 137 Registered: Mar-05 | Bakkeh, you can't purchase CableCARD's on the open market. You have to get them directly from your cable company. Dean, 1. No, the CC provides the best PQ over STB's 2. No, but the bigger question is why aren't they getting your cable signal to a level that is not causing problems? I work for TWC and I know we don't leave anything from our headend to your TV that is going to cause problems. The ideal cable signal hitting the back of your CC DCR should be no less then 0 dBmV, the CC's are very picky about poor signal quality (as they should be) Keep calling back and asking to speak with a technical supervisor and tell them whatever it takes to fix this problem to exhaust all resources. I've stated this many times, there is not 1 single CC TV that I have installed during beta-testing or the rest of our tech department that has installed since full release that does not work. If there were problems, they contacted me and I guided them as to what it would take to correct the problems and they were done. In fact the only customer's that were not happy with the CC were unhappy only because they didn't have the interactive program guide or wanted the pay per view access the current CC TV's can't provide. 3.We use 1 and 4 port amplifiers in our system, the 1 port amp adds 15 dBmV of signal, the 4 port adds 7 dBmV of signal. I can't refer you to anybody that has signal amps because I've never had to deal with that since we provide both types. I would strongly recommend that if you buy an amp, that you make sure it is bi-directional and has at least 1mghz of bandwidth. Question for you, did TWC offer to replace the inside wiring or did they tell you to deal with it? +1 signal is acceptable but if there is ingress caused by breaks or cuts in the wiring, poor connectors or loose connections...that could be the cause of your problems. +1 dBmV doesn't tell the whole picture though, you could have +1 dBmV on the lowband and have a -10 on the highband. The significance is that the lowband covers your analog channels and the highband covers all of your digital and HD + RoadRunner. Cable 101: Let's say you have a 100 ft cable line feeding your house. Signal levels at tap 17 over 13 (high band over low band) at your ground block you should have no less then 11/12 dBmV. Assuming you have a 4 way splitter in your house,-8 dB leaves you +3/+8 dBmV As you can see this is a better scenario then your +1 they are claiming is "good" Ask them to specifically check the high and low band levels and write down what they tell you. What levels are hitting the back of your TV? What levels are at your ground block? What levels are at your tap? For all sake of ease I round up and down, you lose 6 dBmV per hundred feet on the highband, to 1 dBmV per hundred feet on the lowband. If you can get those numbers from your local cable co, I can verify if it's "GOOD" or not |
Unregistered guest | cableguy I see a few manufactures have come to an agreement with cable labs to make their TV's DCR two way. Will this require different cable cards or different firmware loads on the cable cards? have you seen any of these yet like Samsung where the interactive program guide is working. Or heard anything about it yet? Time Warner is also in my area |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 139 Registered: Mar-05 | Scott, from my understanding, the current version of SA CC is already two-way capable. As soon as the DCR manufacturers certify a two-way DCR TV with cable labs we're ready to go. I don't believe this will require a new CC, although I would expect based on past experience with these (cough cough)lovely new toys, there will more then likely be more rounds of firmware updates to both the CC and the host DCR TV.I have seen the interactive program guide on Samsung, LG and I believe RCA offer the TV Guide feature on their DCR's and think it's neat but think better software could be written to allow more features. I'm not really too sure about how "interactive" the TV Guide feature is, I don't stick around and play with that...after getting one of these things up and running, explain how to use the TV sans STB, and field any questions I'm gone. Usually I can be at a house for anywhere from 40 minutes to 3 hours depending on how much it's fighting me, how bad the cable in the house is, or the plant feeding the house/neighborhood etc... I look forward to the two-way version, new headaches but ya gotta have a little patience cause the long term benefit will be worth it. |
Unregistered guest | Cableguy, One more question. Is the digital tuner in a DCR the same tuner as the Off Air Tuner and the CC is just a descrambler? If so does that mean a DCR will receive any non scrambled stations on the cable such as Local Broadcast HD stations that the cable system rebroadcasts on the cable without having to use a cable card. If this is so then the cable card would only be needed for premium (scambled stations) and all future interactive & program guide. Do I understand this correctly? Thanks in advance for the info |
fx Unregistered guest | Cableguy, I know you provide a great deal of help and useful information on these forums but you really should be careful when discussing the 2 way cablecard capability. Below is a link to an FCC document giving Cablelabs until the end of 2005 just to study the "feasability" of 2 way cablecard implementation much less to begin production. This link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Here is another good link that elaborates on the difficulty of even the one way cablecard mush less the future of 2 way. In summary there are currently no 2 way cablecards in the field. Nor are there likely to be before 2007. xvxvxvx |
Scott is intrested Unregistered guest | fx, I not sure I agree with you that we won't see 2 way cable cards until 2007. Your second link didn't really address 2 way cable cards as much as multi stream cards and it was just an opion of the writer. Your first link did not work so I could read what your saying there. I do offer you 2 links to look at though: look especially at the press releases at the left and more press releases at: and some of the past links. There are several manufactures that have come to an agreement with cable labs for 2 way operation and several of them are working on projects now soon to be to the market place. cableguy: after typing my question above I have spent much time reviewing many of the past messages in other threads and I know understand that if the local broadcasts are unscrambled they can be received without a cable card. I am still unclear however if there are two different types of digital tuners - Over the Air vs Digital Cable Tuner. I understand the over the air tuner is a ATSC. My question is: is a ATSC tuner the same as a QAM tuner or are they to different types of tuners ie protocal etc.? |
fx Unregistered guest | Scott my first link works fine and is from the FCC. You remember them? The guys who make the rules. As I wrote above the salient point of that document is: "Below is a link to an FCC document giving Cablelabs until the end of 2005 just to study the "feasability" of 2 way cablecard implementation much less to begin production." No gray area at all but let me know how that 2 way cablecard you get is working this summer ok? Your 2nd link has one relevant statement which happens to support my position for that matter: "The license signed by Digeo, together with related OpenCableTM specifications, enable television and set-top box manufacturers to develop and market digital products that support two-way interactive cable services that run on the OpenCableTM Application Platform (OCAPTM) middleware (OCAP)." As it says to develop not already in the field and working. The FCC has now given Cablelabs till the end of this year just to report back to them. xvxvxvx |
Unregistered guest | fx, No where did cableguy or myself say we would have 2 way cable cards by this summer. Cableguy gave no time frame at all. I simply stated I did not beleive it would be as late as 2007. Check out Panasonic is the third manufacture to sign the agreement joining Samsung and LG. I fail to beleive 3 big manufactures working since the beginning of 2005 will not have product certified and to market prior to 2007 but I may be wrong. In my origional post I was simply asking if the existing Cable Cards already support OCAP for 2 way interaction or if it is a completely different card. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 140 Registered: Mar-05 | fx.. your first link doesn't work page not available..I clicked the link to the and don't have permission to view that page. Anyway, long story short... I talked with the people at SA who make the CC, the cable card itself, through SA is already two-way capable. Key wording here is the CC is two-way capable. They informed me that until a manufacturer makes a two-way capable DCR the CC will will remain working in the one-way system it is plugged into. Now, I'm not saying your wrong fx, because I can't read the link, all I'm saying when people ask is what I've been told by the people that make the brand of CC we use. I don't believe they'd lie to me, but I have seen where there is a ip address for our CC's in our division. If there is an IP address, one can assume there is an ability for two-way communication. I believe the argument is the manufacturing of a two-cablecard device, not the cablecard itself...I could be wrong, but I can't read the first link to see the wording. No ill will fx, I've stated it before I have no beef with you I respect your post as I've learned some things from you. Maybe if you could copy and paste the document (if it's not 5 pages long lol) One thing I haven't seen in any link is the wording stating the CC itself is not two-way capable. I keep seeing "host device" or "CC receiver" is being looked into. I'll look on SA's website and see if they have any different wording, if they have anything about the CC at all. Best regards |
Unregistered guest | I have read through the thread and have seen that I'm not the only one haveing problems with using a cable card and a Panasonic plasma. I have found that by turning the tv off, pulling out the card and re-inserting it and turning it back on I get all my channels (those above 100). It is really annoying to keep doing this but for the time being it works. Has anybody found a fix to this yet? I have the Comast guy coming out for the fifth time tomorrow. They just keep replacing cards and it works for an hour then stops. |
fx Unregistered guest | New link to the FCC document, this should work for everyone: Please let me kmnow if it does not. xvxvxvx |
Unregistered guest | fx, The latest link works....thanks. All I'm looking for in a two way card (sometime in the future) is the interactive guide. Just because their own boxes not following OpenCable standards has been extended back doesn't mean the cable companies won't follow the standards already set up for 2 way CC. All we can do is hope. cableguy, did you see my follow up question about the different tuner types? Pasted here: I am still unclear however if there are two different types of digital tuners - Over the Air vs Digital Cable Tuner. I understand the over the air tuner is a ATSC. My question is: is a ATSC tuner the same as a QAM tuner or are they to different types of tuners ie protocal etc.? Thanks All |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 145 Registered: Mar-05 | scott, I don't really know the answer as I only deal with CATV. I'm sure somebody who has extensive knowledge of OTA might be able to answer better for you. |
Scott is intrested Unregistered guest | Thanks cableguy I found the answer at: An intresting article even if it is a year old. In it it states: "The thing to remember is that there are three types of tuners, excluding those required for satellite, which is a different subject altogether. "NTSC" tuners are used to receive the standard analog over-the-air and analog cable channels we've all been watching for the last fifty years. "ATSC" tuning allows a set to tune to those same frequencies, but when it "sees" a DTV or HDTV signal, it is able to receive, demodulate and decode it. This gets you the local, over-the-air HD signals, but not anything from a cable hook-up. The key there is to look for sets that have "QAM" tuners built-in. That lets the set deal with digital cable signals. Remember that a QAM tuner alone, without a CableCard, will only allow reception of "in the clear" digital cable channels, and there aren't many of those. To receive the "pay" channels or "tiered" premium channels you will need to still resort to the use of an external cable STB unless the set has a CableCard slot. " |
kjack Unregistered guest | I have a Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2100 Cable Box and im using brighthouse. Im curently paying a monthly rental fee. If I buy the same model box off ebay will it work and allow me to return my rental? |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 151 Registered: Mar-05 | kjack, this is the cablecard forum. To answer your question No it will not work. |
DCReducated Unregistered guest | After much research, I think I will wait to get a DCR until the cablecard is a two-way. The cable rep for our area told me today, that there will be no upgrade available for the one-way cable card when the two way ones come out. If I buy a DCR now, even if it has all the bells and whistles, it will be obsolete when the two-way cablecard capable ones come out. Another option might be satellite TV, for which I won't need a cablecard. Almost everyone I talk to says on cloudy days you can lose your reception with the satellite TV. I guess there is no perfect enchilada,,,![]() |
MackfromKC Unregistered guest | I recently purchased a 42" Panasonic Plasma. One of the reasons I got it was for the cable card feature. Hate cable boxes. Anyway, it worked on the second install try - for a week or so. Now it has a message that says "firmware upgrade in progress" but never goes away and there is no picture - just a black screen with the message window on it. Had the cable company out and they had me call Panasonic - which I did. Panasonic had a local TV repair guy come over and he checked out the TV and said it was fine and that it had to be something with Time Warner. What is it going to take to get this thing to work? It doesn't seem that difficult to me. Should I keep having Time Warner come out? Should I take the TV back and exchange it for another one? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 175 Registered: Mar-05 | Have them check your forward data carrier and make sure it's higher then -5 dBmV. I would also ask the tech if he knows if there was any firmware update to the CC's at your division, I don't believe there has been, but better safe then sorry. I've seen problems similar to this during the initial installation, but haven't heard about it after the fact. |
MackfromKC Unregistered guest | Supposedly they sent an update out a couple of weeks ago - same time mine stopped working. I'll ask him to make sure about the data carrier (whatever that means) thanks! |
Anonymous | We inserted the cable card in the slot in our TV, but all our TV will do is post a message: "Cable card inserted. Cable service must be connected. Now receiving channel information." It has been doing that for over a half hour. What do we need to do to get the card installed and the cable running? |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 177 Registered: Mar-05 | what type of TV do you have. where did you get the CC from, as in did the cable company give you the card to install yourself or did you buy one somewhere? I'll help you when you fill in some blanks for me, thanks |
Mike0607 Unregistered guest | Panasonic informed us after several unsuccessful attempts to install CC on Plasmas that some model TH-42PX50U, and TH-50PX50U TVs were shipped missing a chip. Download will not work. Panasonic 1-888-843-9788 is aware of problem, and will send someone out to repair. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 179 Registered: Mar-05 | thanks for the update Mike |
MackfromKC Unregistered guest | Cableguy, what if there has been a firmware update in my division? What would the tech need to do at that point? I believe that is what has happened. We called Panasonic and they sent someone out but I believe they ruled out the missing chip issue since it worked the cable card worked at one time. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 186 Registered: Mar-05 | If there was a firmware update and your CC never fully implemented it, there would be two options, first and foremost: have the technician check your signal levels, especially the forward data carrier frequency. That is where the data is coming in to update the firmware in the CC. Second option would be to swap the CC out and see if the new card does the same thing or works properly. Keep us posted |
Mike0607 Unregistered guest | SA sent out a batch of cards in April that had the 148 code on them. There was a conflict of some sort with the chip in the card, and 148. SA installed 149 on our DNCS the end of May. The purpose of the 149 download was to resolve the cards not properly reading channel package info. This is all what SA told me when I called about the 148 cards. We were also not seeing the firmware issues on Panasonics until 149 was installed, as there was no firmware download installed, and Panasonic was very clear they were aware of this issue when I spoke to them. I will find the case number I had and include in next post. |
Mike0607 Unregistered guest | CC manufactured between 3/22-4/29 had the defect. These cards needed the download to resolve channel package issues. Once all cards from this batch are upgraded, the software is to be deleted, as any card will download the upgrade. CC manufactured 5/9 or later are shipped with new code, but if 1.49 software still on DNCS, these will also do the download. Case # I had with Panasonic was 21341814. This only applied to the 2 models in my earlier post. Hope all this applies, and helps. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 187 Registered: Mar-05 | just curious mike, you work for a cable co? |
Mike0607 Unregistered guest | Yes, and as most cableguys have been, we have all been pulling our hair out here at the Beach with cablecards. You'd think after 25 years, I would have found something better to do with my life. LOL |
Unregistered guest | i have a sony kd34xbr960 hd ready tv i had a hd dvr cable box connected to it, from brighthouse. the analog channels were lousy the hd tier was not bad, i switched to a cable card and the picture on the analog was a lot better and the picture on the hd tier was fantastic but it only works for a while then cuts out to a black screen that says no signal the cable guy says its a problem with the main tuner on the tv i havea five year maint. agreement so their going to come out and check out the tuner. the regular channels seem to work ok maybe its the card i had them shoot a signal twice no luck any ideas? |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 190 Registered: Mar-05 | Are you getting any error messages? |
tookie7155 Unregistered guest | yea 161-6 icalled sony and they said it is a tuner problem if there is alot of people with this error code than that might mean a defect problem with a lot of tv tuners and not a card problem |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 191 Registered: Mar-05 | Yes there is, depending on the date of manufacture. When they replace the Q-box, you will need to call the cable company again to have them basically redo your CC. Replacing the Q-box assigns a new host ID, which the cable co. will need to give your CC permission to work again. So, once it's been changed out call your provider and let them know you're going to need your host pairing information redone because the numbers have changed. If the rep that answers the phone doesn't know what you're talking about, just tell them to set up a service call for your CC and let the tech know what he needs to do, it should go smoothly from there. |
Error 232 Unregistered guest | tookie7155, It turns out that they have a known problem caused by a very rare manufacturing defect. The problem was corrected earlier in the year, but sets manufactured before March 2005 may have the defect. The telltale sign of the problem is the error message stating "A technical problem is preventing you from receiving all cable services at this time. Please call your cable operator and report error code 161-6 to have this problem resolved". The problem has become known as the "161-6 error problem". The CableCARD module needs to be replaced to resolve the problem. Call 1-800-222-SONY, and state that you have been directed to call Sony by the cable operator, and have the "161-6 error problem". You need to mention they have the "161-6 error problem" in order for the Call Centre to arrange the correct service repair. Enjoy... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 193 Registered: Mar-05 | is there an echo in here? lol |
New member Username: Error_232Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Due to the fact that we work in the same field and more than likely network with the same vendors. |
MackfromKC Unregistered guest | Well, I had my 5th cable card installed in my Panasonic TH42PX50U Plasma and I am still not receiving all of the channels that I am supposed to. Still missing the "digital tier" channels and the "HD Bundle" bundle channels that I'm paying for. Time Warner says "Cable Cards don't work!" They told me the whole story on how they were rushed by the FCC to offer the CC service. They also say that you're not supposed to try so many different cable cards because the pins that join the card inside the tv aren't made to withstand so much activity. I'm ready to bag it (even though I didn't wire my wall with HDMI) and go with a cable box. Anyone? |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 195 Registered: Mar-05 | Have you called Panasonic to report this problem? The reason I ask is because there should be a firmware update from Panasonic that might help your problem. Give that a try first and get back with us. |
New member Username: OptivityPost Number: 4 Registered: Jun-05 | I've got an SA PowerKEY CableCARD installed by Albany Time Warner in a Panasonic TH-50PX50U. Performance on their 1800 HD tier is very good; I even get closed captions on some HD channels. I am having a problem getting Dolby Digital sound output to an Onkyo receiver through the PDPs optical interface. I get Dolby Digital sound on the local(s): ABC-HD, CBS-HD, etc., but not on some of the CATV provider's pay for service broadcast channels like TNT-HD, IND-HD and ESPN-HD. Scientific Atlanta & Time Warner seem to be CableCARD challenged. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 201 Registered: Mar-05 | Keep in mind not all stations broadcast in DD. It has nothing to do with TWC or SA, we simply put out what we get in. |
New member Username: OptivityPost Number: 5 Registered: Jun-05 | For the stations in question, initially I see (and hear) the ATSC DD signal on the front panel of the Onkyo receiver and then it switches to PCM mode. I received DD from these stations when I used an SA8300HD-DVR and had the STBs digital coax output connected to the digital coax input of the Onkyo receiver. It's definitely related to the CableCARD/TV and SAs/TWs/Panasonic's implementation of this whole mess we refer to as OpenCable. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 204 Registered: Mar-05 | Is the feed going to your Onkyo coax (AC3) or optical, and have you contacted Panasonic to see what they have to say about it? I'm not going to try and pretend it can't be in the CC, because I've never heard of any issues concerning this until you mentioned it. I would be interested to hear what Panasonic has to say about it, after all...they wrote the software for the TV, and by proxy the CC is really only decrypting channels, not dictating if you get DD or PCM. It never hurts to ask them anyway, I can check with some people on my end and see what they have to say. |
New member Username: OptivityPost Number: 6 Registered: Jun-05 | I'm using the TV's optical interface to the Onkyo receiver. I attempted to contact Panasonic regarding this issue... But it's one of those hold for 45 minute deals before speaking to a customer service representative who has no clue about CableCARD's and digital interfaces. I don't preclude the possibility the problem may be with the TV. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 207 Registered: Mar-05 | Cool, thanks for the reply...honestly I wish there was an easier answer, but you need to contact a technical supervisor and bring this issue up with them to contact their headend and talk with the manager and find out what level of copy protection they have on the CC. There is a possibility that the copy protection is causing the DD to not work properly. Keep in mind copy protection is mandated to ensure the integrity of HD channels being pirated does not happen. If the copy protection is set to never copy, this would kill your DD output when using the CC. IMHO, it's not the TV, the CC or the cable co's fault this's more political and financially motivated to keep people from ripping off HD content. Such is life in technology central huh? Anyway...there is nothing that can be done to correct this issue, but at least maybe you can get a straight answer from your end on why it is happening and make a valid choice on what to do from there out. It makes sense, but doesn't make it better. |
New member Username: OptivityPost Number: 7 Registered: Jun-05 | It appears the current implementation of copy protection is being applied to all Host digital interfaces (audio & video) in the same manner. It seems odd that content providers would be "so" concerned about copy protecting the Dolby Digital soundtrack of the narrative during a nature scene on Discovery-HD. There is also an incongruity in that a 1st run episode of "American Idol" on FOX-HD is not copy protected where a repeat episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on TNT-HD is. I'm under the impression the "consumer/subscriber" is entitled to the private use of digital content without restriction. It's not like I'm going to be "hawking" bootlegged DVDs on some street corner, and there are laws in place to stop those who do. The ever increasing restrictions on the private use of digital content that a subscriber is paying for is going to become a big lose - lose situation for all parties. 1) I will not purchase any additional services from Time Warner until I receive all of the digital content I currently pay for. 2) I will not purchase or lease any additional A/V equipment until I can be assured it will work as intended. Time Warner has already lost $50+ per month in services I formally subscribed to, and while I may be an early adopter of this technology... during the next couple of years CATV/Equipment/Broadcast providers will see an increase in resentment from their "legitimate" consumers who are being punished by the piracy paranoia being fostered in Hollywood. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 208 Registered: Mar-05 | I understand your complaints Op, it's not TWC's fault this policies are in place...the FCC mandates all this stuff, if you really want to get to the bottom of this contact the FCC via email, voice your complaints and see where it gets you. The cable company has a responisibility to ensure content protection, which is based on each network provider, good example do some research on macrovision, google it... you'll see it's not TWC that is doing this stuff, we're just complying with the law as we are required to do so. I know it sucks, trust me, what's the point? don't know the answer to that one my brother, just scratching my head like everybody else is at this point. I think the all mighty dollar drives companies to come up with newer/better things and aren't fully looked at from a consumer friendly standpoint, what the new product offers and what it takes away...seems all they want to do is charge you more for the new technology but take away some of the old vices. Macrovision for example is a way to content protect analog signal, why on earth anybody is willing to go through that just to protect analog is beyond me. I guess they figure they spent all that money making it and "damned if somebody can bootleg it", kind of like Disney a couple of daycare centers played Beauty and the Beast. Disney has strict guidelines on what you do with their product, can't duplicate it, can't show it in public place yadda yadda...anyway... Like I said, I wish there was a better answer to your question, the powers that be make the rules we have to follow them, and the consumer has to deal with the end result. Firewire at least tells you it's ok to copy once, never, or clear to all... You summed it all up in your last sentence, Hollywood, production studios, even local broadcastors all dictate content protection, we simply pass it along. respectfully, |
New member Username: OptivityPost Number: 8 Registered: Jun-05 | Sorry about my rant. I appreciate your input. It's just so frustrating to pay all this money to not enjoy everything you pay for. It's a sad state of affairs that those who "play by the rules" wind up being punished for the criminal behavior of those who don't. I'm not surprised... it's just more of the same. The good news is... my TV with CableCARD renders a spectacular picture and for analogue PCM signals I can produce a DTS:Neo6 surround sound effect. |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 212 Registered: Mar-05 | Nothing to be sorry about, you're not stating anything that I haven't heard ten times over. I don't deny cable companies do things that might not make some people happy, this is just something we have no control over. You're abosolutely correct that the honest people always wind up paying for somebody else's wrong doing. I could be wrong, but I think the studios didn't care to much when analog signal was being copied, might have flinched a little with the advent of digital, but I think HD is too close to perfect and they are doing everything in their power to ensure CP. Sucks? big time, like you I don't see any harm in making a single copy for my own private viewing. Heck with the HD-DVR's you can record to the hard drive and play back when ever, what's the difference? Hard disc, CD it's still being written to a device for playback. I still think you should contact the FCC and see what kind of answer they give you, I'd be interested if they use a standard "form" ro reply with that dances around the question, or do they actively investigate and provide an answer. Singular, nothing will be done. However, if everybody that owns and HD set or recorder complains they'd have to re-address the issue. It would seem to me if 200 million people said " we want this" somebody would listen (even if it's just a cableguy) |
New member Username: OptivityPost Number: 9 Registered: Jun-05 | The last "Cableguy" I knew (not personally) earns hundreds of millions of $ making movies in Hollywood... you wouldn't be JC in real life would you? ![]() |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 214 Registered: Mar-05 | LMAO the only millions of dollars I've ever held in my hand came with monopoly special edition ![]() |
Fire_Links Unregistered guest | Hi, i am from a 3rd world country and our local cable provider has has just switched from an analog service to digital. The problem is the boxes they are issuing seem to be an electronic blunder. The box always needs to be reset, the remotes from other appliences also control the this leads to problems like pressing record on a video remote changes the channel so you got to get up etc. anyway my questions are... there a box that i can buy which will work with the local smart card? how can be sure it will work before i order the box? ...thank you in advance |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 229 Registered: Mar-05 | There are none that I'm aware of. |
Unregistered guest | I bought a Panasonic TH42PX50U earlier this month. I have not been able to get the QAM tuner to tune in the local HD channels through Comcast cable consistently. Now, I have an ATSC/QAM PCI card in my computer, and it receives the local HD channels through the same Comcast cable feed just fine. I have had a Comcast tech out once, and I was told that I would need the CableCARD (or a set top box) to resolve the issue. I have tried Panasonic directly, but I have been on hold for over 30 minutes. Does anyone have any other suggestions as to why the local HD channels would not be consistent? |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 231 Registered: Mar-05 | Is the same line that feeds your PC, the same line that feeds your HDTV? There may be an issue with the wiring going to just that one location. Signal loss, bad connection points, or sub par wires could be causing the problem if it's just to one location. If it's not too much trouble, could you move your pc and monitor into the room with the Pansonic and see if it does the same thing? This would resolve if it is the TV or the wiring. |
Unregistered guest | cableguy, First, thank you for taking the time to respond. The PC is less than three feet from the Panasonic TV. I had the Comcast tech put in a 3-way splitter three weeks ago. One line goes to my cable modem, one line goes to the MPC-130 HD card in my PC, and the third line goes to the Panasonic plasma TV. I have RG-6 coax cables coming from the splitter. AT&T Broadband and now Comcast both confirmed that the wiring from the drop to my apartment is not the greatest, but when the tech tested the signal strength three weeks ago, he said I had +7/+7, which was the best I could get in this apartment. |
New member Username: Fire_linksPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Sorry, i thought since a smart card interacted with a box, there would be other boxes capable of reading said card... If there is anything you are over looking, id like to hear it...cuz im desperate. Or are boxes locked to a certain smart card in the same way how some cell phones are locked to certain networks/sim cards ........???????? |
Unregistered guest | Alias, Are you referring to the smart card for a satellite receiver or are you referring to a CableCARD? |
Silver Member Username: CableguyDeep in the ... U.S. Post Number: 234 Registered: Mar-05 | JDP, So is the problem now fixed or are you still having problem? |
Unregistered guest | cableguy, I had the CableCARD installed this afternoon. Now I have absolutely no problems receiving local HD channels. The Comcast tech said that he had seen several people with service out of Elmhurst IL with my problem. I have put in a service call to Panasonic because I want to find out if there is a problem with the QAM tuner in the TV. |
New member Username: Fire_linksPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-05 | The card that goes into the cable box at ur home is what i mean |
lizphil Unregistered guest | July 4, 2005 bot Sharp LC32D5U. July 19, after giving up on thru air HD broadcast (only a couple miles from transmitter) from the many area stations, Cox Communications installed Scientific Atlanta PowerKey Model PKM600 CableCard, dated 05/12/2004. Problems are similar to many postings here. Best description I could give is "rangy" (a term we used in the lab when an instrument's calibrated readings varied for no apparent reason). Sometimes we get digital chanels but no sound. Usually, digital channels are in 4:3 aspect ratio, not HD. Analog channels disappear whenever we turn TV off and on again. Cox cable installer: (1) after consulting Sharp, put in splitter for digital and analog cable inputs, (2) have been here for about eight hours total and (3)after contacting their engineers, say this CableCard may not support this TV (engineers are contacting Scientific Atlanta). Problems persist. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we have enough advanced degrees and do not desire to spend our retirement years getting a master's degree in cable TV reception. |
New member Username: AvernusPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | I have a quick question... I have a Sony Grand Wega kdf-42we655 and I was wondering if anyone has a CableCard and likes it better than the HD box through DVI.. I've heard that since it is just a signal and not a box processing the menu, on demand and etc., that the quality can be better with cablecard... Reason i am asking is my box tends to stall around every 45 minutes, if that...and it will stall for a good 5 minutes... plus I'd like to free up the HDMI port for my DVD player ahah... does anyone have any info?... thanks in advance.. |
Bronze Member Username: OptivityPost Number: 13 Registered: Jun-05 | I have a Panasonic 50" PDP with a SA PowerKEY CableCARD installed by Time Warner. Before using a CableCARD I had the SA8300HD-DVR cabled to the TVs HDMI port. I have noticed a significant improvement regarding the color rendering and visual acuity experienced (particularly for SD) with the CableCARD. My assumption is the improvements can be attributed to less noise/signal degradation by eliminating the external STB/HDMI cable and perhaps different MPEG-2 decoding and grey scale processing with CableCARD versus an STB/HDMI or DVI implementation. |