I am stupid can someone help me


I just moved into a house with a dish network sat dish a friend gave me a unit for it a dish dvr 510 model ed02 is there a way that i can use this without a subscription? Any info would be appreciated. thank you.

New member
Username: Gilligansghost

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-05
You need a subcription. You can't use a DishNetwork box ya fucknut.
U want a FTA STB like a c**lsat 4000 pro or a dreambox.
and yes u are stupid.

Here U Go
Unregistered guest
U might wann NOT listen to this IDIOT LK aka Captain T I T s or whatever he dreams up next
stay with plastic more reliable.Peeps fta will be DEAD by end of month............MAJOR problems comming up with FTA's with Charlie

New member
Username: Gilligansghost

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-05
You got me HUG I AM LK! You are so Dang smart!
I'm going with a new flava on this post.

Now put your pantees back on and relax.
Like I said get a C**lsat pro...or DB. It's the way to go for now.
The future is uncertain but why stress over it. We have tv today right.


btw.. the next one to mention LK here is qu@@r for him.

gey man
Unregistered guest
LK #1 !!!!

Unregistered guest
too many facking stuuuuuuuuuuuupid people here...

gilligans dead
Unregistered guest
Save your money and dont waste on these FTA crap
will be down by end of month charlie is stepping things up and fta's will be NO MORE
sorry for bad news but LK and otheres dont tell U that as there obviously in bed with the FTA DEALERS

Wait for something else othere than FTA

Unregistered guest

MAPLE LEECH...........




save your money
Unregistered guest
Save your money and dont waste on these FTA crap
will be down by end of month charlie is stepping things up and fta's will be NO MORE
sorry for bad news but LK and otheres dont tell U that as there obviously in bed with the FTA DEALERS

Wait for something else othere than FTA

Unregistered guest
this message board is loaded with FTA types. don't listen to all of them. a lot of them want to make jokes, the others want to make money. you need to find someone who works for DN. i have a guy [ a DN installer] who makes cards for the original boxes. that's the only way to use it for free. of course, the card has a one-time fee. don't try to ask me for one -- i don't trust anyone online. as i said, try to find someone who works for DN -- an insider.

Unregistered guest
Blackbird Alien is coming out in a month. It is going to be a FTA with a card slot for DTV and Dish. I have some inside info that leaked out from one of the top sat guys in this industry. Big things are going to happen soon. Big money to be made. Get ready for the future.

Unregistered guest
that's weird -- i had a post in here about using fatory dish network receivers. but now it's gone. i'm really beginning to think that the mods here have a vested interest in FTA. people should be able to make their own decisions. i'll say it once again -- all you need is a card from someone on the inside, like an installer. ask first, make sure you see it working, then purchase it. i wouldn't pay more than $75. and see if the guy has any warranties -- like if it goes down in a set amount of time. i hope this post doesn't get erased.
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