I bought a new DVD player that has 5.1 Audio outputs. However, the TV I try to connect to has only one "Audio In" connector.
The white-yellow-red cable that came with the DVD is compatible with the TV connector, so that's not the problem. The problem is how to mix all 5.1 audio out channels to one stream, that could go into the TV ?
Is there a FAQ somewhere that answer this question ?
Currently, I connect the TV into either the Left, Right or Center DVD out channels, but obviously, not all audio gets to the TV.
So, what is the recommended way to mix 5.1 channels (at least the Right + Center + Left channels) into one audio stream that could be fed into a TV Audio In ?
Dale: I have some DVDs that have only 5.1 output. In anycas, even stereo isn't good, as I wrote, as I only have _one_ Audio In connector. David: Thanks, that what I'd do (though I'll try and find a 3-1 Y cable so I'd have the center channel also).
Doesn't the player have left/right outputs seperate from the multi-channel outputs? Those are the ones you want. All the audio will be output through them.
your not going to get surround sound out of your tv speakers......
the 5.1 audio out is to hook to 5.1 audio in on a amplifier if the dvd player has built in decoding or, to hook into a receiver that has 5.1 audio in 5.1 is an analog connections, your player should also have digital out via optical and/or coaxil digital...
The dvd player will have the most basic of hook ups
red- right channel white- left channel yellow- video channel
these hook ups are in the back of your tv as well, your tv my have a virtual surround, but nothing that will support 5.1 outs of your dvd player. The supplied cables are for that type of hook up.....
using y conneteros is going to do nothing for ya if hooking audio to a tv.