Boot repair for pantec receivers


Unregistered guest
if anyone has or can get a boot repair file for pantec,please post it. it is near imposible to get on any other sight with this file now

Unregistered guest
need to get power first to load whats fried? inputs, board...fuse ok, any body tech...

New member
Username: Rec974

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-05
the fuse looks good,just the small light in the right front corner looking down at receiver works nothing else

Unregistered guest
i'm getting the same problem as rec.

can someone help?

Pantec MX
Unregistered guest
Same thing here. I see the little green light inside nothing else. No flashes possible. Who has the solution?

New member
Username: Rec974

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
i just ordered a jtag cable for pantec this morning,this will supossedly bring back the dead receiver

Unregistered guest
Guys, your ird's are not fried. There is still power going to the ST5518BVC. (I believe the BVC mircoprocessor was to blame as the real pansats use a different one.) The only way to fix it is to use the jtag port and flash new software. It might not be the only way though, shorting two pins (can't remember which) can corrupt the flash inturn deleting the "don't boot flag."

im so so sorry
Unregistered guest
SEll sell sell them uselless pantec recievers
dead fried pretty soon..

Save your money and dont waste on these FTA crap
will be down by end of month charlie is stepping things up and fta's will be NO MORE
sorry for bad news but LK and otheres dont tell U that as there obviously in bed with the FTA DEALERS

Wait for something else othere than FTA
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