Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 234 Registered: Jul-05 | Just read the threads down this forum and over at AVS and notice how in a Rear Projection thread there are a myriad of issues with the new technology and hardly ANY threads regarding problems with RP CRTs...1st clue The issues in the RPCRT threads usually in most cases refer to TVs that are 7-10 years old...NOT 6 months to 2 years as you will read in DLP and RPLCD threads. I came into this forum just like many knowing nothing and looking for information on the new technology TV sets. AL I do know, have learned and repeat is gleened by reading theses very forums. Then I started reading about Bulb issues at $200-$300 or more every year or two in many cases. Would you buy a $20,000 car if it needed a $2000 brake Job every two years? The the $3000 TVs ONLY display great looking picture quality on only certain source material.The rest looks WORSE then a standard CRT TV as its scaled, converted and mangled to fit a specific native resolution.......nice. Never in history has a TV not been able to display ALL source input equally!! Then there are VGame issues with lag, audio video sync issues, noise issues, a plethora of screen artifact issues and then when service is called in the service men are clueless and messing with $3000.00 toys.....Scary stuff. Many claim only the affected post negative issues. Well using that logic there are not many affected RPCRT issues reflected here and MANY MORE of them in the world. (Only 13% of the Public own HD displays) Then theres the limited content. 5-6 HD channels and a network primetime shows. YEah and the quality of that content is very suspect. (Hogans Heros in HD anyone?) Most people are ambivalent regarding network TV content. PLUS you have to pay your provider another $30 a month or more just to recieve and actually SEE the HD quality. LOL. Otherwise the standard TV EVEN WHEN BROADCAST ON A DTV SIGNAL is not mandated nor will it be mandated to be HD quality. This technology is still in "beta testing " stages. Gullable people are paying a premium to own (and test) a technology that is clearly not ready for the masses. If one were to buy a RPCRT today which is a great value considering size and picture for around $1000-1500. In my opinion they would be able in 4 years to purchase a digital TV which will then be of a format universally accepted AND RELIABLE be it DLP, LCD or whatever. That format will be proven beyond issue and only refined (not reinvented each year as now) for the SAME cost. One would then have both TVs for the price one pays today for a much inferior and problem laden technology where even the service techs do not know whats up. (read that here) MAJOR Television broadcast Stations (ask in your town) are replacing their bad CRTs with NEW CRTS (NOT digital screens) That should tell you something about what they want to reference their content on. After all they will be the first step up to new technology IF ITS WORTHY. They are shooting shows using HD cameras and monitoring those shows on "antiquated" CRTs Go figure. There is just not that much quality HD content to jump in for the expense and issues today. The government is mandating digital broadcast only but not for quite a few years and keeps pushing it forward. There is a set of rules called the ATSC standard regarding formatting ( resolution, etc.)But NOT HD quality. All broadcasters have to follow it. But again, no HD minimums.DTV has the capacity to provide HD content but no real incentive to do so with only 13% of households actually capable of recieving an HD broadcast. Even DTV when used to send a standard TV signal is only a polished turd. Until then you will be taking a chance with your hard earned dollars. The payments will last long after the wow factor is gone and the issues may not be worth it. I only want those who have not made a choice and know nothing to read an alternative view before getting sucked up in the HYPE and unrealistic overly bright. contrasty comic book looking displays that will require expensive bulbs every year or two.....Plasma is a better bet if you HAVE to have a fixed Pixel display. |
Against the Rant Unregistered guest | Don't believe tom bong! He's a ranting repetative idiot. I'm not sure why he keeps repeating false information. It seems more like a self affirmation of his own propaganda. He acts like he's on some kind of self appointed mission to save us from technology advances. What a total moron! Buy what you want, when you want it. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 240 Registered: Jul-05 | All this guy can do is cut and paste his repetitive rant....and he calls me repetative. LOL Don't believe me.Read for yourself. Come to your own conclusions. Not mine...not a DLP fan boys' Your own. Its your money. |
Against the Rant Unregistered guest | Everyone has concluded that tom bong is a dumbass. All this guy can do is rant about CRT's being better than any new display. CRT's will not be manufactured by anyone soon. They are no more reliable than tom bong is. The technology is not superior and will die. bong owns a plasma! |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 242 Registered: Jul-05 | >>>Everyone has concluded that tom bong is a dumbass.<<< Not everyone. There are some people who are not wrapped in the technological hype and see things as they are. Read the forums. >>CRTS will not be manufactured by anyone soon<<< WRONG AGAIN... "Tube Television Isn't Dead Yet" Although flat panel LCD and Plasma televisions continue to capture consumers' imaginations and pocket books, Samsung and LG hope to breath new life into 60-year old CRT technology with the introduction of new line of "slim CRT sets". Taking a new twist on old technology, Samsung and LG have figured out how to make CRTs that are less than half the depth and weight of a traditional picture tube, making them more attractive for those that desire a television that takes up less space. With the added fact that CRTs produce a more detailed image at a much lower price than flat panel televisions" >>Bong owns a plasma.<< Yes I hav a small screen plasma that is used no more then 5-6 hours a week in a bedroom. Nice TV but would wait to buy one for main home theater TV watching till they come down in price. They are more reliable and more superior in my opinion to DLP and RPLCD by far. I have in fact said if you HAVE to have a fixed pixel HD plasma is the best and even reccommended one a 52" 10000-1 contrast ratio (for spec heads) for $2600 at Costco inc Costcos very very liberal return policy of years not months. Anything else you want to debate Eienstein? |
Against the Rant Unregistered guest | No need to debate a complete dumbass! Your ignorance runs too deep! Isn't your mommy calling? It's past your bedtime! Punkass kids shouldn't be on forums. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 245 Registered: Jul-05 | You are so frustrated with me...I love it. You cannot refute my statements as I can yours. All you can do is ridicule and name call. I forgive you though. You can't help yourself, I know. I understand you. It's ok some fights you win some you lose. You will learn as you get older. I wish you well nevertheless. |
A little boy Unregistered guest | Please answer my e-mails Tom, you said in the game room if I did what you wanted you would by me ice cream. billy |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 251 Registered: Jul-05 | I did not tell you it would be cold!!! |
If I was a MOD here you'd be banned. Unregistered guest | Against the Rant, and whatever name you may be using today. You are a troll. If I was a MOD here you'd be banned. |
Anonymous | To: A Little Boy: after all of the grief you gave Mr. Bong, the correct spelling in the sentence you wrote " me ice cream..." the appropriate word is BUY...not by, not bye - but BUY as in purchase. Pretty Funny. |
Profiling Obsession Unregistered guest | It takes a high level of narcisissim for anyone to think they have sized up the only correct knowledge base of any subject. The need to continually express ones view depicts a personality void of satisfaction. It's an ego feed, of sorts. While he may think he's trying to convince others he's actually trying to convince himself. I suspect this fellow lives alone, if not physically, certainly mentally. The repetition may not be a search for validation as much as it may be a need for attention, albeit negative. The reality of posting over 250 times in less than a month is, at the very least, obsessive/compulsive behavior. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 258 Registered: Jul-05 | Someone is practicing without a license! LOL No it's really no deep psych 101 issue. There needs to be a voice of reason and someone to provide an alternative opinion to those who have more money then sense or those who have the "mine is bigger then yours" syndrome. I am nearly 50 and been retired for 8 years. I can assure you I have more free time then you most likely and can buy a $20,000 TV tomorrow if I choose without feeling it. I spend a lot of time on message boards offering another 'truth' to everyday consumers. Not the purists and hobbyists that frequent these types of boards. I volunteer as a consumer advocate and help those who cannot see the forest through the trees. I derive great pleasure from people "seeing the light." When they thank me; that's my reward. There are many detractors to what I do. That goes with the territory. I am not here for them although they can have a wonderful time at my expense calling me names "psycho analyzing" me and the rest. I say Enjoy yourselves although I am not posting for you enjoyment,. As long as I have the time and there are regular everyday people searching and looking for guidance on substance that is not wrapped in hype by those who live for these things, I will spend my time in that manner. Its not brain surgery. People thought snake oil salesmen went away in the 1800's. They are still around and wear much better disguises. Just yesterday I helped a couple from save $3000 in Best Buy by challenging the salesman's statements. I slept really well last night as did they. |
Anonymous | Mr Bong....You have answered most of my questions from earlier this week. I just purchased a 34" CRT - Tosh in fact. I looked at all of the data and decided that since most of the viewing will be SD for quite a while yet (family set) I decided against the compelling emerging technologies. In 5 years I'll move the set to the bedroom and replace it with a grear 42" of something that is equally capable. Thank you for the contrarian view. P.S. I liked the Sony XBR - but not at 2x the price of the Tosh. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 263 Registered: Jul-05 | YOu may not have to wait five years but I applaud your research and common sense approach. My view is obviously not popular among the fanatical set. But I am an average Joe who can afford any TV set but looks at things logically and from a conservative consumer standpoint. I am convinced you will NOT be sorry for your choice, especially in a few years when the formats are intact,consistant and the TVs more reliable (we hope), cheaper and yes there is much more quality HD format to enjoy all that with. Good luck and thanks for your kind words. |
HDDD Unregistered guest | Bong, I agree with you man. When I was shopping for an RP TV a few years ago, I really got sucked into the new technology. I'm not Mr. HD or anything and I can't throw out all technical jargan that many on this forum can - I'm just your average Joe who wants a nice TV. I have to admit that to my eyes DLP and LCD Rear Projection produce a sharper clearer brighter image then CRT (when watching anything in HD - regular analog cable picture however sucks compared to CRT) - so I bought a Hitachi 60V500. And now, almost 18 months later, I wish I could just have my money back. The TV hasn't even logged 4000 hours yet and the light engine is toast. What a joke!!! 3500 bucks for that kind of reliability is just ridiculous. After logging on to several forums I can't believe how many people have major problems with their LCD's and DLP RP TVs - sometimes just two years old or even days old and already haveing major problems. Anyway, I wish I would have just held on to my piece of crap TV and waited 5 years for the technology to become cheaper and more reliable - instead I paid top dollar for the latest and greatest technology only to get screwed over in the end. So - keep informin people...your doing the right thing. And 5 years down the road when everything is broadcast in HD and the technology is finally reliable, I'll throw down for another LCD or DLP TV. Thanks, HDDD |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 268 Registered: Jul-05 | I only hope there are more who read like yourself. Every day people who enjoy television who understand your words. Even though you bought a year and a half ago (which is not a long time in any CRT technology at all) the "new" sets are still having the same issues. Some people are seduced by the sharp bright HD content in the stores, (never seeing standard TV or knowing enough to ask to). Then they make excuses for the issues and workarounds NO $3000 should have to have. My message is to the unconverted. The converted are stuck and in denial in many cases. No one wants to admit they might have been a bit foolish to jump in to soon. Thats why they call it the "bleeding edge." But hey if nothing else their toys, Xbox's and PS2 games look great...if they do have latency issues...... I am holding on but taking it a step further and telling others just to read the forums. Not my words. Do what I did. Read read read.....If you ignore the substance while being seduced by the visual flash you're toast and in the place you are in. I am not against the technology. I am against the manufacturers releasing "bete" technology. Software makers do it all the time. Now hardware makers are doing it and those easily seduced are playing right into their hands...then whinning on these boards and shouting foul and offering petitions and class actions....funny stuff. And they laugh at me. |
yawn Unregistered guest | Whoopteedoo... |
bong-exposed fraud Unregistered guest | Anonymous Posted on Thursday, September 01, 2005 - 12:41am Quotes from the link that tom bong posted in the samsung problems thread: "In the old days, color imaging was accomplished by tickling phosphors with an electron gun. Surprisingly, this system produced (and continues to produce) the most life-like images of all, which is why CRT front projectors are still preferred by a small number of high-end customers for home theater applications." "That's because CRTs are capable of a wide grayscale and can show images with very low luminance levels (shadow detail) as well as very high luminance levels (highlights) in the same scene. More importantly, when a CRT is idling, it is essentially shut off. I mean REALLY shut off, as in black. Not a deep gray, as you'll see with LCD, DLP, and LCoS projectors and AM LCD and plasma monitors." If you ask people who really know this technology, they will tell you that a properly calibrated CRT is the reference that all others are measured by. A 2003 article that groups DLP black levels in with LCD and Plasma isn't very credible. Everyone knows that DLP black levels are matching CRT black levels while LCD is still unable to. Using wording from a 2003 article as your own is pretty lame. It's pure plagiarism. It's misleading and outdated. This proves beyond doubt that tom bong is a fraud. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 304 Registered: Jul-05 | Every one should know DLP and RPLCD is the LAser disk of television technology. It will be very short lived and SED will be ultimately the solution and is at least worth waiting for to see if it's actual capability is equal to it;s promise. YOu can call me what you like. The artical is extremily relavant even today and DLP technmology is flawed and a waste of money today with all it's sync issues, latency issues, bulb life and cost issues, STV PQ that article is more then relavant. But hey spend your money. My message is not for you. It's for those who are getting ready to spend $2000- $3000 on a TV they think will last as long as the CRT they are replacing. |
bong is flawed Unregistered guest | "DLP technmology" Looks like bong is the only thing flawed!!! Buy what you want, when you want it. Don't listen to CRT zealots like bong. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 308 Registered: Jul-05 | NO don't listen to me. Take my opinion, others and even those of the "militant" poster above who cannot stand the fact that I have an open forum with a grain of salt...... and FORM YOUR OWN!!!! |
Objective Observer Unregistered guest | Just read any forum and notice how in Rear Projection threads there are a myriad of issues with any display technology. There is no reason to believe a person who has taken an unsubstantiated position against LCD and DLP by posting over 300 times in less than a month. His obvious bias is in favor of CRT. This person has offended, ridiculed, and harassed micro-display owners all along the way in his effort to prove his opinions. People like this don't deserve to have their comments considered as truthful or credible in any way. All A/V forums mostly represent a negative bias toward products. The vast majority of consumers with trouble-free products don't post in these forums. The fractional minority with issues ranging from minor operational to major factory defects will post in forums. Use common sense. Be objective. Beware of preaching zealots with biased ideas. |
Sick of Morons Unregistered guest | tom bong, I'm just curious why is it your crusade to save us all from the "evil"? I don't need you to save me. I'm a rational adult that will spend MY money the way I want to. So, shut your piehole and worry about yourself. You don't happen to be an evangelical minister as well? |
Silver Member Username: XgrizzlyxPost Number: 105 Registered: Jul-04 | bong-exposed fraud: u said A 2003 article that groups DLP black levels in with LCD and Plasma isn't very credible. Everyone knows that DLP black levels are matching CRT black levels while LCD is still unable to. OK everyone knows that dlp black levels are matching CRT. What!!!!! if it was better then crt would not u say crt are trying to match DLP? alot of articals I read say the same thing that these new technologies are trying to match or are the closes match to CRT's Black LVLs and color. This applies that they are behind CRT, by saying "are matching" "are closest", you prove with your own words that the new techologies are still not at CRT lvls........How is Crt then not better? |
To Grizzly Unregistered guest | Actually, they don't compare. It's apples and oranges. CRT is a direct view or a projected direct view of an interlaced electron scan on phosphorus. Direct view is limited to 36-40 inch screens while projected CRT quality simply worsens with enlargement. DLP is a micro-mirror device about the size of a postage stamp. It uses nothing more than light and mirrors to create an incrediblely detailed progressively scanned tiny HD display. When projected it does not diminish in quality. Over time it does not dim or alter. The detail is there in displays up to 100 feet. That's right! It is the preferred projection method of movie theaters and enlarged commercial displays since 1996. The only criteria for comparison is the fact that CRT came first. Otherwise, the technology to produce quality images are really uncomparable. There are no movie theaters using projected CRT. CRT has it's best quality when seen by direct view at 36 inch screens or less. If that's the size you want, go buy one of the relics before they stop making them. They look very nice. If you want a high definition progressively scanned big screen of any size, better take a look at micro-displays. DLP has it figured out. Over 5 million are in operation from about 75 manufacturers. All use the same Texas Instruments DMD chip technology. |
Silver Member Username: XgrizzlyxPost Number: 110 Registered: Jul-04 | Well i'm still on the fence, still have to pay for the remodle of the room I just finished, It's all set up for what ever i choice to do, ie a dedicated outlet for the audio/video equipment. My thoughts are either a projector, or a LCOS tv. but my accountant mind says the hitichia crt :p. Well see, the despite the cost the thin displays are an easy sell to the wife ;). But i'm thinking a projector is best of both worlds. |
To Grizzly Unregistered guest | Actually, the lamp life of front projection units is quite bad. Some don't last 1000 hours. They have higher lumen rates, burn hotter, and give out. D-ILA/LCOS is really a good display technology. It's a refined method of LCD that should last longer. JVC isn't the only one doing it, but they are the most reasonabley priced. This year's models have improved the refresh rate for fast motion/action scenes too. If you really like the Hitachi CRT, go for it. Hitachi is the last best manufacturer of the RP CRT. The quality of the picture really depends on how big you go. It should have auto-convergence and a DVI input, though. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 315 Registered: Jul-05 | CRTs at 480i are bst viewed on 36" or smaller. When the screen gets larger the picture gets worse. Thats why it is not advised to sit close to a big screen RP CRT TV. With HD that changes becasue there are no lines which are really the biggest eye sore. The other "flaws" whether analog or digital will be larger as well, Its all about the relative size of the screen to the viewer NOT the actual screen size.....I had a 5" color CRT set that looked great from 12" away!! I do agree the D-ILA seems to be a more reliable technology on it's face due to the lack of all those moving wheels, mirrors and parts if nothing else....but that pesky bulb thing and fixed resolution has to go. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 676 Registered: Jul-05 | for lee phil;lips |