Hogans Heros in HD? Plueeze.....


Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 224
Registered: Jul-05
The only reason for an HD set is CONTENT...compelling content.

Don't believe those stating just because there is a law stating TV must be broadcast digitally in 2009 they will have better TV PQ. Thats just plain wrong. MAndated DTV is only a signal not content quality or necessarily HDTV.

The broadacasters seem to be interested more in squeezing as much SD content as they can into the bandwidth they've been given for DTV rather then providing quality HD content. Sure, it all goes out digitally, but the quality may never be better than SD unless the laws change to require HD content. They can encode an old TV show with crappy low rate Mpeg2 and broadcast it in all its analog looking glory over DTV.

Yes There is a set of rules called the ATSC standard regarding formatting ( resolution, etc.)But NOT HD quality. All broadcasters have to follow it. But again, no HD minimums.DTV has the capacity to provide HD content but no real incentive to do so with only 13% of households actually capable of recieving an HD broadcast. Many have to pay their pay TV companies MORE for that "luxury" and have little real incentive to do so with the high entry costs of TVs and Service.

How many times can you watch the same HD movies on Showtime and HBO the HDNET content is laughable. Voom? right.

Most people do not care for network primetime fare or have an ambivalance about it to say the least.

HD sets are going to drop a lot in price over the next few years. The content is many years away from being truly compelling on all fronts and the TVs are only going to get better and cheaper in that time.

There is a format war on the HDDVD front and that take another few years to flesh out.

I say wait until the dust clears and avoid the pricy unreliable technology that is DLP and RPLCD where you CANNOT get equal picture quality on ALL sources.,,,not just Hogan's Heros in High Definition.....LOL


Against the Rant
Unregistered guest
Don't believe tom bong!
He's a ranting repetative idiot.

I'm not sure why he keeps repeating false information. It seems more like a self affirmation of his own propaganda.

He acts like he's on some kind of self appointed mission to save us from technology advances.

What a total moron!

Buy what you want, when you want it.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 225
Registered: Jul-05
Spoken like the President of Samsung's DLP Division! LOL

Now tell me where I am wrong Eienstein!

Against the Rant
Unregistered guest
Don't believe tom bong!
He's a ranting repetative idiot.

I'm not sure why he keeps repeating false information. It seems more like a self affirmation of his own propaganda.

He acts like he's on some kind of self appointed mission to save us from technology advances.

What a total moron!

Buy what you want, when you want it.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 228
Registered: Jul-05
I'm repetative? LOL

Against the Rant
Unregistered guest
No! You're a dumbass!

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 248
Registered: Jul-05
I understand your frustration.
You do not have the tools to challenge my logic.
You can only call me names and try in vain to discredit me.

I forgive you though and wish you well.

Bronze Member
Username: Hd_fanatic

Boise, ID

Post Number: 73
Registered: May-05
Hogans Heros? Are you serious? What a waste of bandwidth!

Unregistered guest
personally, i love tom bong's insightful anecodtes. he raises some very good points and is a welcome balance to the pro-HD crowd. lack of content is a huge factor to consider.

Sandy San Diego
Unregistered guest
No shortage of idiots!

Those who think there is a lack of HD content must not be living in advanced civilized areas.
That, or they suffer from ostrage syndrom.

There are pro-HD CRT owners too.

Unregistered guest
I have been reading these message boards for a few weeks and I have to chime in. When you look at the numbers of broadcasts available next to the number of HD broadcasts, Tom is insensitive sometimes but he is correct on a lot of his points.
In fact he qualifies his statements with 'quality' HD content a lot. That I certainly agree with. Although I'm not a fan of network fare. Take that out of the equation and maybe Hogan's Hero's is a good satirical example. I was watching Swamp buggy racing last night in HD. There's your sign.
I like reading his 'rant' against the new TVs. He is correct there as well. I had a Samsung dlp projector TV for three weeks and took it back. Too much money for mediocre picture and yes not enough HD for me to justify the rest. As he says 'I'll wait'.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 272
Registered: Jul-05
Thanks Jon.

Your patience will be rewarded on many fronts.

Unregistered guest

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 301
Registered: Jul-05

bong is a fraud
Unregistered guest

Posted on Thursday, September 01, 2005 - 12:41am

Quotes from the link that tom bong posted in the samsung problems thread:

"In the old days, color imaging was accomplished by tickling phosphors with an electron gun. Surprisingly, this system produced (and continues to produce) the most life-like images of all, which is why CRT front projectors are still preferred by a small number of high-end customers for home theater applications."

"That's because CRTs are capable of a wide grayscale and can show images with very low luminance levels (shadow detail) as well as very high luminance levels (highlights) in the same scene. More importantly, when a CRT is idling, it is essentially shut off. I mean REALLY shut off, as in black. Not a deep gray, as you'll see with LCD, DLP, and LCoS projectors and AM LCD and plasma monitors."

If you ask people who really know this technology, they will tell you that a properly calibrated CRT is the reference that all others are measured by.


A 2003 article that groups DLP black levels in with LCD and Plasma isn't very credible. Everyone knows that DLP black levels are matching CRT black levels while LCD is still unable to.

Using wording from a 2003 article as your own is pretty lame. It's pure plagiarism. It's misleading and outdated.

This proves beyond doubt that tom bong is a fraud.

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