If someone in southern Ontario is subbing to DTV through an address in the Washington DC area and spotbeam signal strength is in the high 60's would that be acceptable? Amazingly the Wash DC spotbeam because it's so huge does reach into Southern Ontario but I have been always told that 70 and above is what you should be aiming for.
70% is minimum - with 60% you might get signal but consider poor picture also. What do you have DTV? Do you subscribe? What card are you using?
Unregistered guest
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I have DTV but the address I am subbing through in the US is in a location where the local spotbeam does not hit me. You can "move" to a location where a spotbeam does hit you. I am using a P5 card. Obviously if you live in Southern Ontario the Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Detrioit spotbeams are the most ideal but then again you have to know someone in these cities who's address you can use to sub. I also don't like the idea of using random addresses.
Unregistered guest
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having a good or bad strength has nothing to do with picture quality. in digital, you either get picture or you don't. you do get pixelation and hiccups if the strength is bad and theres things interferring with the dish.