Dsstoybox have WIDE open channel Hack


toybox for REAL
Unregistered guest
Its true www,dssoybox.com have the n2 101 wide open fix.LK tried to dicredit us but were here and confirmed hackers.check out www.sat scams.com for verification or www.h a s h hu.com as the dssguy was sent a wide open card from us..Its been confirmed at dssnewbies also with MORE to follow. Very good for the future look out charlie were back. hehe order today for free tv tommorrow

Unregistered guest
Thanks [link removed] for comming threw fro us all for free Tv
Right on.Oh i'll check H a s h hu out to good site not like that useless dsscentral paying site

Unregistered guest
I did confirm dsstoybox and ez123 dish are both selling it..BUT I have yet see an admin or mod CONFIRM it..TDG (very controversial person) is only one to confirm it,but there are inconsistencies in his posts about how he came to see and comfirm this..

satscams has NOT confirmed this...hashhu is partially owned by TDG...and dssnewbies mods haven't confirmed anything!

Unregistered guest
Hashu has turned out to be a site of mud slingers and bashers recently bought partially by TDG...their credibility is now in the toilet!...it once was a great site BUT no more!

I wouldn't be surprised if TDG is using hashhu and dsstoybox and setting up either the biggest SCAM or STING in DSS history...awful coincidental that, TDG who is a convicted DSS felon rat,is right in the middle of this nagra2 hack and the purchase of hashhu and also is endorsing dsstoybox (a once owned DAVE site)..

sorcerers a looser
Unregistered guest
dssnewbies mods haven't confirmed anything!

GET your facts straight sorceror aka LK you looser before spouting off untrue alligations..IDIOT go check dssnewbies it was confirmed YESTERDAY that the owner or admin. has SEEN it with his own TWO EYES.a few more mods Too have seen it also so get YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT
ya friggin sorceror

dssnewbies confirms hack
Unregistered guest
www.dssnewbies.com have CONFIRMED n2 hack as REAL and working dont list to sorceor aka LK.HES a big lier and a cheat trying to stear you all wrong here.Bad bad advice from LK....LIER

Unregistered guest
It has been posted on the bulliten boards, but not confirmed. The person(s) posting claim that after paying $300 to $500 for a programmed ROM 101 card, without guarentees or warranty of any kind, that they can get "FREE" TV.

Stop and think about that for a second.

Unregistered guest
Hey it free tv not cheap but channels all OPEN
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