IF you read down the threads of the plasma forum to my surprise you will find MUCH less problem threads...Amazing.
Burn in issues do not seem to be much an issue with the newer tehnological advances.
The CRT threads have very little issues as well, IN fact there are those there who feel the way I do who have OWNED fixed pixel technology and went back to direct view.. CRTs are not going anywhere soon.
Just judging from the issue count oon these boards I can be comfortable with the conclusion that LCD and especially DLP are not reliable, cost to much to maintain, have terrible track records and are generally not ready yet for hard earned dollars.
YOu are the only one commenting with a few different name changes. Funny guy.
Nobody (fanboys in particular) may be siding with me but I can asure you someone who is considering this technology is reading and thinking. Thats all Im attempting to accomplish. Save another from dissapointment who still watches the majority of content in SDTV in all its glory and expects at least as good a picture as their CRT displayed. Not happening.
HD is the minority in programming and will be for awhile. Even digital SDTV looks terrible on these sets. They are all about HD and MOST programming buy a long count is not HD and will not be within the next couple years.
I say take a wait and see stand and you will save a ton and have a much better technology while fan boys like you pay for the R&D and piss and moan on thses boards about issue after issue......LOL
gnob mot
Unregistered guest
Posted on
There is no such thing as digital SDTV, idiot!
You are not very smart at all.
Better Google EDTV and brush up.
Widely available EDTV from ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, PBS, and others looks fabulous on fixed pixel displays. That's why people prefer them.
You will need a digital to analog converter when the FCC pulls the VHF spectrum because your Toshi RPTV can't draw a digital signal.
Standard TV is my own definition and is any signal that is NOT HD or ED whether its broadcast in digital or analog format. There is not much of a difference in the channels from 1-100 as those "digital" channels 100 and up in cable. Its just the broadcast method for compression and bacndwidth. You are confusing CONTENT with broadcast technology. Digital broadcast of non ED content is not much better in resolution then the same analog signal. Its abouyt the content. GArbage in garbage out...albeit more detailed garbage which gets garbled in the fixed pixel upconversion of such.
The examople of EDTV you site are very small in mumbers. MOST channels are NOT EDTV and as such I call them STANDARD. Bravo,EFX,MTV,VH1, CNN,,,and on and on are NOT EDTV and look terrible on fixed pixel displays. All I suggest is those who are in the market compare for them selves.
IF they want the network content ONLY then buy the TV and pray it does not have issues. IF they watch other then the crap on network, They will be dissapointed. Thats not opinion. That is fact.
>>>>There is no such thing as digital SDTV, idiot!<<<
SDTV is broadcast digitally all day long on Satelite systems. That is what I am speaking of when I speak of digital SDTV. Its still sucks when upconverted. No matter how you polish it a turd is still a turd......
gnob mot
Unregistered guest
Posted on
You are completely confused.
SDTV is certainly not your own definition.
SDTV over digital cable and digital sat is not digital signal. It's analog SDTV transmitted digitally through a medium then converted back to analog. Everyone knows this.
EDTV is true digital signal, which is widely available on all major networks 24/7. While not true 720P or 1080I, except for primetime and sports, they are twice the resolution of VHF.
Your Toshi can't display these signals.
Don't be making up your own definitions. You will look more foolish than you already do.
SDTV over digital cable and digital sat is not digital signal. It's analog SDTV transmitted digitally through a medium then converted back to analog. Everyone knows this.
We are saying the same thing. Analog TV transmitted digitally is still terrible on fixed pixel displays. And there is and will be alot more of this signal available then EDTV or HD for the next few years.
I know My Toshi cannot display those signals. I also know NOW its not worth spending $3000 at this moment for unreliable and expensive technology to see the pimples on an American Idol. Network TV sucks for the most part in any reslution.
I watch more cable TV then Network by a long margin. The content is just not there yet but will be and at that time it may be worth spending much less on more reliable displays.
IN the interim CRT is still the way to go financially. You can have both if you wait a few years for the price of todays unreliable and still evolving DLP technology.