TH-37PWD8UK & Non-Panny Speakers


New member
Username: Jfalek

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-05

I am interested in getting the TH-37PWD8UK and have limited wall space (this is for a bedroom). While I may connect it to my reciever, I will also just want to use it "on-the-fly" and be able to just turn it on for some non-movie situations.

The "optional" panasonic speakers attach directly to the sides of the unit which adds another 8 inches to the size which makes it too large for the space. Will this unit take non-panny speakers? It looks like I could add any set of speakers (albeit small) directly to the TV and place them at somewhere which doesn't add width to the unit.

My other option is to wait for the TH-37PD50U, whenever it actually comes out in the next few months.

All insights and views would be appreciated. Thanks -

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Any speakers rated with the same watts as the original ones, yes.

There will not be a 37" low resolution consumer unit this year.
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