LCD response times - Where can I find them?


Unregistered guest
Why is it so difficult to find pixel response times for large LCD telelvisions? The only model I saw recently with a published response time was an Acer 32 inch with a response time (grey to grey) of 11ms, which looked a damned good TV for the price. Does any know where you can find this informatin for other brands such as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp etc? Or are the manufacturers deliberately keeping us in the dark?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
No, there's no a conspiracy, they are clearly stated on each of the product's specification sheet.

Current Sony LCDs have the same response time as samsung's LCDs from the same size.

Panasonic claim a 12ms response time but they are actually 16ms.

If you want to know the response time on a specific model, posted the model number here.

Unregistered guest
According to Toshiba they do not publish response times as they say there isn't an industry standard yet. I wanted to know the response time of their 32WL56

Bronze Member
Username: Fnegroni

Berkshire United Kingdom

Post Number: 13
Registered: Aug-05
My Philips 32PF5520D has 18ms response time.
The better Philips ones (with PixelPlus) have 12ms.
As long as it is less than 1 field (16ms in NTSC, 20ms in PAL), you should be ok.
The problems were with the old LCDs which had 20ms+ delays...

Geoff B.
Unregistered guest

Many models actually don't include the response time on their specification charts. For example, I'm looking for the response times for the Sony KLV32M1 and the JVC LT-32X575 (both 32" LCDs). The spec sheets for both came up blank.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 650
Registered: Jul-05
Response times mean nothing. they are measured differently. Therefore a TV with a "rated" response time of 12ms could be slower then one rated at 24ms depend on how RS was measured,

Toshiba is correct in not publishing useless specs.

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