Advice on What Model to Buy


Unregistered guest
I'm looking at buying a 42" plasma or LCD. Budget max $4000. Should I go for plasma or LCD and what model?

Advice would be appreciated?


Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest

With a budget like that is much easier to find more units to choose from., What would you be most interested in? What brands have you considered?


which one?
Unregistered guest
whith that budget I will go with LCD - Sharp, Smasung or the new Sony - see my other thread.

Unregistered guest
Hi Perrey

First of all I'm new at this. In fact I am completely ignorant. What brands I'm not sure, but someone told me that Fijitsu was the leader in this industry. Is this true?

Unregistered guest
Thanks for the reponse "which one?". I'll look at your treads.

I'm not sure if this is the right place, but what do you think of projectors vs flat screens (plasma/LCD)?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest

Fujitsu was one of the companies that started the whole plasma revolution in the mid '60s.

In 1999 they and Hitachi formed a joint venture with 3-factories to manufacture their plasmas and to offer OEM services to other brands.

Early this year, Fujitsu exited the plasma manufacturing business relying only on panel suppliers to built their units at their own factories.

These are the current Fujitsu Plasmavision;

42" 825 X 480p {Low resolution A.K.A. EDTV.}
Panel by Panasonic. Assemble by Panasonic. $2,999.00 MSRP.

42" 1,024 X 1,024p AliS panel {High resolution A.K.A. HDTV.} Panel by Hitachi. Assemble by Hitachi. $5,499.00 MSRP.

50" 1,366 X 768p
Panel by Panasonic. Assemble by Matsushita.
$7,499.00 MSRP.

55" 1,366 X768p e-ALiS panel
Panel by Hitachi. Assemble by Hitachi.
$9,999.00 MSRP.

61" 1,365 x 768p {this size has been discontined.} Panel Was by NEC. Assemble by Fujitsu-Hitachi. $24,999.00 MSRP

63" 1,366 X 768p {This is the replacement to the 61".} Panel by Samsung. Units are assemble in South Korea and in Japan. $12,999.00 MSRP

Fujitsu's aren't cheap even though the 42" and 55" are basically re-badged Hitachis, you'll pay a hefty premium price because they are sold exclusively at CEDIA authorized dealers., and thouse dealer play and sell at MSRP meaning, no discounts.

Fujitsu-Hitachi Plasma {FHP} and now known only as Hitachi is well-known as a OEM supplier to many brands. You might not get a Fujitsu but still can get the same quality under another brand and pay less.


Unregistered guest
Hi Perrey

Mmm, interesting points. Mention was made of Sharp, Samsung and Sony. What about Panasonic and LG?

Also what do you think about projectors vs flat screens (plasma, LCD).

Unregistered guest
Hi Perrey

Mmm, interesting points. Mention was made of Sharp, Samsung and Sony. What about Panasonic and LG?

Also what do you think about projectors vs flat screens (plasma, LCD).

Unregistered guest
What do you think about phillips 55" 100Hz digital scan projection TV (55PP8745/79)? Its not plasma? Does it have burn in problems? What are the advantages/disadvantages of rear projection?

comments would be appreciated

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
LG and Samsung are excellent units, they are the "it" plasmas and LCDs now. Their units have a lot of inputs and useful features including many picture and audio settings and several modes of burn-in prevention.

For years Sony has had a terrible record for workmanship problems. Now they are using LCD and PDP panels from their new partner Samsung. The electronics are mostly Sony.

We'll see how that joint venture turns out. Since both companies announce their joint venture, prices for Sony's TV products using Samsung parts had been going down to a more normal afforable level.

Panasonic delivers very accurate CRT-like colors and really deep Blacks. But their plasmas do not have burn-in prevention features.

Also the entry level PX50U series, tend to have odd buzzings not related to the cooling fans, static noise coming from the speakers even when they are on mute., The HDMI input is NOT compatible with ANY other brand, except Panasonic.

Some Owners had reported seeing neon Green hues, i did not see any of that., however, i did notice a strong enhancement of the color {Green} which was brighter, more vivid than the rest. This might be or might not be what others are seeing.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
I didn't found any detailed information regarding the Philips 55PP8745/79.

The advantage of a CRT-based rear projection television is you don't have to worry about any lamps., These lamps tend to go out before their estimated 2,000-4,000 hours of life, they aren't cheap some cost between $200.00 and $500.00 depending ont he manufacturer. CRT-based RPTV are VERY cheap.

The disadvantage of them is they are heavier and bulkier than their micro display rear projection brothers. They do have a slight chance of burn-in {except Philips units which have APAC, more on this later.} because they use phosphor-based CRT guns just like a regular old CRT type or plasma TV.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
NOTE: The lamps mentioned above are found on rear projection micro display units such as DLP, 3-panel LCD, LCoS and D-ILA.

There are two types of rear projection televisions {RPTV} CRT-based and micro display.

New member
Username: Donnyg

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-05
Interested in a 55-61 inch plasma for home theater viewing and am amazed at the lack of reviews of tvs in this size range. Am considering the 55 inch Fujitsu and a 55 inch Hitachi. Any advice?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
You won't finds many reviews for plasmas in this size range because these are still consider forbidden for most consumers. Only a few individuals can afford these.

Many might like to have a 50", 55" or a larger set, but at the end most consumers will settle for a 42" which is the size that dominates plasma sales.

Both of these are basically the same., Fujitsu claims they offer a better product because of their propietary AVM II circuitry, but the price doesn't justify it.

All 55" plasmas currently available are all from Hitachi. Samsung will b released thier own 55" plasma in the upcoming months. Hitachi will be releasing new consumer models in September and October., the new ones will no longer have a separate media receiver.

As a global manufacturer, Hitachi has always offer top-grade products, wheather they are sold under their own brands or rebadged {OEM}. They have their own unique manufacturing techniques and patents to produce their ALiS and e-ALiS panels.

One of the best Hitachi's out there is the commercial CMP-55HDM71, i've seen it for around $4,700.00 of course, it doesn't include the swivel stand or the speakers, neither does Fujitsu and they charge $10,000. plus tax, shipping and installation for them.

You can get the CMP-55HDM71 at most online authorized resellers that sell Hitachi commercial plasmas., Fujitsu is limited to B&M CEDIA showrooms.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Sorry for the typos.

Unregistered guest
Go panasonic i said

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest

If you value your sanity, time, and your money, Don't go with Panasonic. I have said it hundreds of times in this forum,, Panasonic mislead the consumer into thinking their units have features and extraordinary performances you won't see in any other brand, No true, i have seen better, like Philips. Go with a reliable brand, that mean NO PANASONIC!


Maybe you missed Business Week and other articles as well as the many sales reps I spoke to who said that Philips is HORRENDOUS in Reliability. I have OWNED MANY PANASONICs and have never had a single problem.

Perrey Z. seems to be content on posting false information on many models across the line.

Perrey Z. is clueless. The Panasonic's use Sharp panels on many models and are terrific televisions. Picture Quality is excellent and they are indeed top quality television and feature rich on the high end models. I have owned many Panasonics and reliability has been superior.

Philips HOWEVER are known to have reliability issues. This is a KNOWN FACT on the Plasmas and some LCD models.

Dont trust Perrey Z.
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