What viewing distance for a 42 EDTV plasma


what should be the viewing distance for a 42 EDTV Panasonic plasma in order to avoid the "screen door" effect?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
7 or 8-Ft. Minimum.

BTW; Good luck with that Panasonic and burn-in.

Unregistered guest
8 feet seems to be the magic number for me. At 8 feet I can't see SDE and HD looks about the same on a 42" at that distance.

============NOTE TO PERREY=======================
Perrey, I am still tripping you got sreen burn that fast. What I don't understand is why your set has no screen saver of any type. I e-mailed a guy I know at Panny , he said he would forward my mail to a tech in comsumer department. He only works in the broadcast tech dept. I do know how to get into the servie mode for a 6 or 7U. The problem is thats no were the screen sever settings are. they are in the main menus. I will let you know what i ome up with. As you know I have 5 Panny commercials (one with just over 12k hours) and no burn in on any of them. I still can't belive Panny does not put in "the white paper" that gives tips for breaking in the unit for the first 100 hours. Sound like you know this anyway. Oh ya on the bank card thing, you should have the same protection as a regular CC. Call your bank. If you do, dispute the gharge right away. If oneall sees you have done this they will know your not fing around. I will see what more I an an find out for you.

PS: sorry to OP. I do not have perrey email addy to comunicate with him sorry to hijack.

I don't know what to think any more - I've heared both sides of the burn-in issue. So my decision will be based on the price: for 1800 (or so) I will get the latest industrial panasonic 42" EDTV plasma (the 8UK model). I will have to double that if I want to get LCD.
Panasonic claims that the latest model
"boosts peak brightness by more than 20% (from prior models) and increases the resistance to static-image burn-in to the same level as CRT displays."


I will barely have 8 feet - maybe I will have to go with the 37" EDTV version - that way I will also save few hundred $$.

which one?
Unregistered guest
Are you telling me not to go with plasma or not to go with panasonic plasma (industrial)?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest

New Consumer PD50U {ED} and PX50U {HD} do not have ANY type od burn-in prevention features. By this i mean no pixel orbiter/shifting, no white wash, nothing just like an old CRT Tv type., The industrial series does have this features and lots of them., over the years the Panasonic "Pros" have had features the consumer version don't have., This year it seem to be the lack o burn-in prevention modes.

Here's a more detailed comparison on last year's consumer and Pro Pannys;


Pros: Had a stand., an SD card slot, Digital cable ready. came with integrated speakers.

Cons: No 720p resolution from HDMI or component inputs, only thru the VGA., Fixed inputs.


Pros: 720p resolution on all blades {input cards} inputs., You can select the inputs cards., affordable.

Cons: No in-home warranty service, Input cards, Stand, and speakers sold separately.

There seems to be a much tougher construction and more features on the 7UY series, so so features and construction on the PX25U and even less on this year's PX50U. Skip the consumer versions altogether, get a pro series it's worth the money and the headaches.

I took the wrong decision in getting a consumer version based on cosmetic appearance and price and the fear of what-if..., The good old saying "You get what you paid for" applies here.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Space is a problem., my suggestion is go with the 37".

which one?
Unregistered guest
I agree, I could not find any differences between the 37" and the 42" industrial plasmas besides the screen size (I am talking about the EDTV VERSION), so I will go with the 37" TH-37PWD8UK that just came out. For that price there is nothing like it.
Thanks again!

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Good luck! please tell us how the new units perform.

New member
Username: Bruzzi

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-04
I could not find any differences between the 37" and the 42" industrial plasmas besides the screen size (I am talking about the EDTV VERSION), so I will go with the 37" TH-37PWD8UK that just came out. For that price there is nothing like it.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

The 37" Panasonic Commercial Displays don't have the extra slot like the other sizes (42", 50" & 65").

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Which One?,

I have located a dealer in town that sells these Pro 7UY and Hospitality 7UX panasonics aswell as JVC and Sony Pro. Never knew there was a hospitality series., Anyway, i'll call again and set an appointment with no obligation for next week.

The thing is the guy on the phone told me they preffer appointments instead of walks-in, that way they can take care of the individual needs of each customer... Something tells me they will not allow me to walk out of their store empty handed.


Bronze Member
Username: Bruzzi

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-04

Which One ?

The Panasonic 37" 6UY, 7UY and 8UK Commercial Displays don't have the extra slot.
All Models come with a S-Video/Composite and Component/RGB Boards supplied as standard.
But only the 42", 50" and 65" Displays have the extra slot. So if you are planning to buy a
DVI or a HDMI Board for the 37" Displays, the only way to use it is by removing one of the
supplied Boards.

I have located a dealer in town that sells these Pro 7UY and Hospitality 7UX panasonics aswell as JVC and Sony Pro. Never knew there was a hospitality series.

The UX Models are identical to the UY Models.
The only difference is that the former don't come with Terminal Boards as standard.

The "X" stands for no Boards supplied.

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