Philips 50PF9966


Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 24
Registered: Jul-05
Does the Philips 50PF9966 have PIP and Zoom functions? And does it have the HD tuner built-in?

Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jul-05
And now the wait begins....
Thanks Perry for ALL the information. I've gone ahead and ordered the Philips 50PF9966 with Ambilight. Let's see how it works out. By the way, I've always wanted to ask.....WHAT do you do with so many TVs?????????????? And you must be rich if you are ordering so many of them. The tech person I spoke with was very helpful with all my questions.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Congratulations! you are going to love it! Don't take the TV out before assembling the stand first, everything's included, even the hex wrench. Where did you bought it?

LOL! i'm not rich {i wish!}, i just have a good job. Here's what i got and the places they are in;

42" Philips 42PF9966 Living room.
30" Philips 30PF9946D Brother's room.
23" Samsung LN-R237W Kitchen.
22" Panasonic TC-22LH30 Master's Bathroom.
37" Panasonic TH-37PX50U Game Room. {Bad purchase, bad idea!}
20" Panasonic flat CRT {was in the game room, now is in the gym.}

And i'm not done yet., i'll a few more plasmas and one more LCD for the remaining rooms. Also, i'm in the early stages of constructing a movie room, which i will install a DLP front projector.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest

"And i'm not done yet., i'll get a few more plasmas and one more LCD for the remaining rooms."

Kinda tired.

Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 26
Registered: Jul-05

42 = 3K
30 = 2K
23 = .7K
22 = .7K
37 = 2.5K
20 = .5K
Total = 9.4K + stands and speakers etc = 10.4K
um...10.4K on TVs alone?
And you say you are not rich?
And excuse me a DLP front projector?
Damn right you have a good job!!

Do you have a houseboy opening?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
More like;

42" $2,998.88
30" $1,499.99
23" $799.99
22" $699.99
37" $2,699.99
20" $349.99

Damn, i didn't figure out how much i had spent on TVs already. I hope there's some sort of luxury items relief tax refund...

Yeah, A DLP or LCD front projector like the Dukane ImagePro 9100HC, well that one is a D-ILA which falls into the LCoS category, or a Sony Cineza.

LOL! Sorry, no openings. I do need a new gardener, though.

Unregistered guest
I feal your pain! I have $12k in now and looking at the Panny 65 at $9k. Man I NEED HELP!!!!!!!

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
I heard you, i'm out of the 60" to 65" range thouse are still forbidden territory for me and my wallet.


football fan
Unregistered guest
hi all..i have a new philips 50pf9966..plasma tv . all i can get is a snowy picture. can i get some help to clear up this problem. thanks !

football fan
Unregistered guest
i have satelite direct tv with splitter and a amp to boost my signal but watched football last night in terrible snow :-(

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
Football Fan,

Have you try getting the DirecTV signal without the splitter and the amp? If so, did you still see the image with snow?

Could you connect the RF coaxial from the TV directly to the satellite receiver or use the A/V composite or S-video instead? Please let us know.

Unregistered guest
thanks perrey z......yes i have did the hook up without the splitter and amp and almost no pic.i have now decided to buy some monster cabels . the m series to see if that helps .its such a costly tv to get such a bad picture and im sure its due to my hook up. thanks again perrey because i have been looking somewhere for help on line for this and thought there was none. thank you

Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 37
Registered: Jul-05
football fan. i would suggest belkin cables instead of monster. as far as snowy picture, i have dish network satellite receiver and even initially without the good cables, using simply RCA cables, I was able to get clear audio and video. When you say snowy, do you mean just a little blurred or like a January football game? If you are talking a little blurry, then you are correct. Component (RGB) video cables should resolve this. It did for me. Same plasma.

football fan
Unregistered guest
newbie sad to say snowy is the real deal here and thats what makes this a sad situation. i did not get the cables yet so maybe belkin which i did think of maybe will be my choice. i thought for sure its not a tv problem but seeing you at least had good reception with your first hook up im just hopeing its only a hook up problem.its just 2 weeks old so you can see my concern...thanks newbie for your info

Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 38
Registered: Jul-05
2 questions footballfan.

1. Where did you buy the plasma from?
2. Have you experienced this problem on another regular TV at the same connection point using the same cables?

football fan
Unregistered guest
newbie i bought it through mail order with a shipping price at 357.00 yes you read it right . i have changed cabels but no corection. today i decided one last thing is to get a new receiver for direct tv since the output signal comes directly from there . i have now hooked it up and finnaly that has solved the problem. its not perfect but a top picture for sure. i now will use a splitter and signal booster to send the dirtect tv pic to 2 other tv's > i hope :-). thanks for all the help guys .....just in time for football

Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 39
Registered: Jul-05
football fan:

OMG at 357 bucks for shipping!!
I paid 4299 for the plasma inclusive of EVERYTHING! Another thing you could have done is hooked it up to a DVD player directly and seen if that works. Go through the DVD menu and you will see "Progressive Scan" settings. This should be ON in order to view the BEST picture for your movies on your plasma. Sigh as I had told you before, if you had gone through the right website, you could have used $357 for a surround sound speaker system like mine. Trust watching is never the same again after that.

football fan
Unregistered guest
newbie that is great info. thanks . life has it snags guess mine are comeing all at once . i bought the tivo hr10-250 that did solve my pic problem but the tivo itself skips direct tv channels like my football channel and some espn channels and more .if you have any info on this let me know. in there booklet for trouble shooting there is nothing on this problem. thanks newbie ....i might never get to surround sound at this rate :-(

Bronze Member
Username: Methenewbie

Post Number: 40
Registered: Jul-05
football fan:
i know the season begins sept 8, but...that is in fact 13 days away.

Here are a few things you should consider:
1. If you paid more than 4299 for the TV, you may have been ripped off. There were a few websites quoting lower prices than that, but of course, they are all "crooklyn" sites. :-) is where I got mine. It is based in Delaware.

2. If you have a full refund 30 day return policy and you paid way more than 4299 for the TV, then you can return the TV.

3. If you order from avdeals or similar website, you don't pay shipping or cost of stands, wall mounts.

4. Kef 1005s (my speaker system is roughly $325-350) and AV235 Harmon Kardon receiver (roughly same price) brings my total to 4300 + 325 + 325 = 4950. Add $300 for professional installation of home theater system (and I am talking wall mounted speakers with wires hidden in the walls) and my total expense is $5250.

5. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that your total expense has probably already surpassed that.

6. My order on their website: Tuesday. My delivery at door: Friday. 3 days from order to delivery!! great customer service. didn't have to worry about them not being available to answer questions. They call ahead so that you can schedule delivery at the time that suits you best.

Given the fact that the season is 13 days away and the new order will not take more than 3-4 days to arrive, you might wanna really think about going that route. But that is all IF your current TV can be returned for a full refund.

7. How long have you had the direct TV? If you are not under contract with them anymore, I'd say ditch 'em. Who wants to pay 45.99 per month? I have Dish Network and I am paying 24.99 per month and I get the local channels and 60 popular channels. On top of this, I have received HBO and Showtime channels free for the first 3 months. A Tivo style DVR (Digital Video Recorder) is included in the price. Both Direct TV and Comcast in my area charge for that. The 4 room standard connection is free. 2 TVs can use the DVR independently. Meaning you can record 1 prog and your spouse can record another at the same time. The remaining 2 TVs will not be able to record without a VCR.

IF you can return the TV for a full refund, this is really the way to go since the money you'll save from the shipping and cost of TV plus the money you'll save over time choosing Dish Net over Direct TV, that surround sound system that you wish you could will have money to spend for it. let me know what you think.

football fan
Unregistered guest
newbie...lots of great advice. thank you....the philips is maybe 21 days old....there would be a restocking fee and shipping fee if they would take it back. that alone would be enough to put down on a big screen sony .and to rebox the whole thing > wow!!your advice is great because i agree even if i cant do it. i have direct tv because i have the nfl package which only they have . about the philips it is true when you do have a true hdtv picture it is great when the tv is working correct.i did fix the skipping problem by eraseing the total memory that was programed on the took a total of 4 hours to get the skiping correct and no sleep time before work . yep a all night killer .i think the fact you had a professional setup was great thinking. i did not have that option with my delivery. the good news is i have got most of the problems fixed but the picture should be better except in hdtv mode which is one great pic. with all this said i would return or never had bought it. but the cost to return and restocking on a big price is not worth sending back:-) anyways you had the right idea. thank you ....redskin fan:-)
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