Sony TV (KDF-50WE655) and Sony Dream System (DAV-FX80) - What cables?


I know the TV and DVD both have HDMI ports so it seems obvious to use this port, but is it really better than Component?

I want to know what the best cable TYPE and BRAND are for my TV and DVD System... I don't have tons of money to spend on the cables, but I want to get the best I can for my money.

Brands, Models, and Links would be greatly appreciated!

Bronze Member
Username: Dennis44

San Diego, CA

Post Number: 12
Registered: Jul-05
Actually, using the HDMI for DVD is overkill. The HDMI is designed to support a high definition signal. I have the same TV as you and I use the HDMI to connect to my HD cable box and use component video for the DVD. If you don't have high definition (you really should look into it, it looks great) then you can use that hookup for your DVD but you won't get any higher resolution than you would with component video.

As for cables, Monster is considered a good brand but they are very expensive. For store bought I've gone with Acoustic Research (AR) cables and been happy with them. They're less expensive that Monster but still not exactly cheap. Some on this board can recommend some cables available on-line so you might do a search for that.
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