Daughter got married on Saturday. Went over to their place to watch them open their presents. TV is too small and I want to buy them a new one as a wedding present. Thought of giving them my 40 inch Mitsubishi Direct View so I could buy myself a new one, but decided (heavily infuenced by Wife) that that was too tacky.
So I went shopping yesterday by myself for a TV. Looks like I will probably go with a 32 inch flat screen. I was buying the Sony KV32FS120 for $454 at Best Buy, but when they went to get it in the back they could not find one, even though the inventory said they had four of them. Then I was going to get the Toshiba 32AF45, but they did not have it either. Now the store is closed and they are trying to find something for me. They gave me a Sharp 32F641 that was marked $509 for $425. It's in the wagon right now. Wife is upset. Said I should have found the Sony somewhere else. I can return the Sharp with no problem and probably find the Sony at some other store.
Now I am seriously condidering going another $100 to try and get something in HD. There is a Samsung TXR3265 ($629), a Toshiba 30HF85 ($632), and a Magnavox 30MW5405/17 ($600) that I am looking at right now.
Any suggestions/comments?
dealer 4567
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Do not buy a non-HD television. It's 2005. I would suggest the Sony KV-30HS420 or (MUCH better) the KD-30XS955. We've sold both the Sonys and Samsungs and the Sony has the best picture by far.
I would buy the HDTV. Although there are not many shows on now, there are more and more coming and in a few years there will be many more. You would want them to keep this TV for awhile. They may regret not having an HDTV in a few years when all their friends and others mostly would have one by then. Personally, I would pay extra and get HDTV.
I bought the Samsung. I got the thing for under $600 tax included. Sears matched the price at CC of $629 then took another 10% off for opening a Sears charge. Then the salesman through in 0% interest for 18 months. It was an offer I could not refuse. I can't wait to give it to my daughter and her new husband. The are going to freak out.
Now comes the fun part. They have to connect HDTV to satellite, cable, or they can get free HDTV with a rooftop antenna. I guess it is up to what they have now or want. But, I would at least connect the TV with S-Video or component video cables for better picture. Monster cable makes expensive S-Video and component cables or you can go with component or S-Video hookups with a different company, maybe Accoustic Research cables which are very good and less expensive then Monster. In order from good to best are the following video cables: composite, S-Video, Component, and HDMI (video & audio combined). Except for HDMI (which I doubt you have for that TV), you would also need audio cables for hookup, which probably comes with the TV. They probably gave you composite cables with the TV, which will work, but you want a better picture with at least S-Video. It also depends on what connections you have on back of TV.