Westinghouse 37" lcd monitor or TV


New member
Username: Holycow

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-05
i purchased an lcd monitor. did i make the right decision? i understand it doesnt have a tuner built in, but i am planning on buying directv or possibly digital cable. anyhow, both services provide tuners along with the service. is there anything else i am missing?

New member
Username: Holycow

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-05
by the way, the monitor is capable of 1080p and the tv is only capable of 1080i. im quick as a cat, but will i be able to tell a difference?

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest

I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm planning on getting 2 more Plasmas, my two choices aren't TVs but {attractive} professional plasma monitors without built-in tuners, side-speakers and/or table stands.

This is my new strategy to get high-end quality brands for a good price., although these extra accessories are available if i need them, not including them in the initial purchase saves me a few hundred dollars {and space} which i could use to get better speakers than the ones normally included with consumer plasmas and the proper audio and video equipment.

If you are planning on creating a home theater you don't need an integrated TV tuner, a external tuner or the satelite/cable box will be fine. You can even use a VHS or DVD player.

If you want to control all the analog and High Definition local channels without the satellite or cable provider's box, you can always get an external HD tuner.

Very important! Not all HD tuners are good., the majority of them do not have a DVi W/ HDCP only component. Some will only work with antenna {no cable} some will not work with your TV or monitor at all!, the most efficient ones have a VGA, DVi-HDCP or HDMi input and will be able to search, memorize and lock for HD cable channels in addition to the over-the-air ones.

Here's a list of some of the Excellent/best, good/fair and worst HD external tuners i've seen;

The Excellent/Best ones:

Radio Shack's Accurian Model# HTS-600 {$249.99} has an HDMi and will pick up all HD terrestrial channels with antenna and/or thru analog cable service.

Humax Model# HFA100 {$199.99 at J&R Music} same as the Accurian.

The Good/Fair ones:

ViewSonic NextVision HD12 {$399.00 Direct price}, it's very difficult to track a store that actually have it in stock.

Has a DVi-HDCP, a Dolby Digital optical output and a few others outputs. This is somewhat a bare bone unit but will do the job.

A ViewSonic representative told me this tuner box was designed as an "affordable" media receiver for their own brand of Plasmas {VPW4255 and VPW5500} when they're use at home., The only bad things is not enough inputs and outputs for the price.

RCA Model# ATSC11 {$388.00} Currently sold at http://www.walmart.com/ it's very pricey, has a DVi Not sure if is HDCP compliant. No many reviews or actual owners experiences to comfirm pros and cons.

The Worst ones:

US Digital or Hisense Model #DB-2010 {$198.76} also sold at http://www.wal-mart.com/ Mediocre performance, {If you can call it "performance"}., the only high-def. connection is a component input set and will only pick up HD channels 2-69 with antenna.

Menu is VERY complicated., is NOT compatible with most Philips' and NECs. When they aren't compatible, you'll see a distortioned picture with a purple-greenish hue, no colors at all, only a mess.

HP {Hewlett-Packard} Model# MR4000N {$N/A}, only available from HP Shopping when you call and inquire about it. Not compatible with ANY other TV or monitor except their own.

Vizio's Bravo HD1 stylish but pricey at $349.00, has not DVi, only component. Not good enough for the main entertaiment room., might be good for a TV in the bathroom.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
One more thing...

I've been told most monitors will not have or support on their own closed captioning, V-Chip, Parental locks and 3:2 & 2:3 film mode pulldown., a few only have 3:2 pulldown and closed captioning. Is your LCD unit one like this?

New member
Username: Holycow

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-05
yes it has 3:2 pulldown. i will primarily be using the unit for dvd's.

Unregistered guest
the 1080p is for input from PC only, not from TV
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