To get your receiver back up and running please print and follow the following instructions PRECISELY!
The following steps will be performed just by using your Remote Control
IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING STEP 3 - in the event you locked the adult channels and changed the default pin# 0000 to another pin#; substitute the 0000 with that pin#
1. Press Menu
2. Press down button once to select Parental Control then Press OK
3. Press down button just once to select second pin number and press 0000
4. Now go down to Nagravision and press ok
5. Now press the right arrow button 11 times until you see DISH NETWORK (It must say DISH NETWORK)
6. Now press the down arrow button 1 time
7. Now press the right arrow button 1 time, key number should now read 01
8. Now press the down arrow button 1 time
9. Now you will press the following buttons (Will be a combination of number buttons and the word buttons at the bottom of the remote control the new keys.............
11. After this the key data should read:new keys(If not you pressed a wrong button on the previous step and must start over by shutting off and on receiver from the back)
13. Now press the OK button!
14. Now press EXIT button 4 times to exit the menus