I have a concern. I am a tester of BEV but I also have a subscription that I pay monthly for. BEV has done a campaign where they have sent out new smart cards to all of the customers in preparation for the Nagra2 switch. I have not been contacted or sent a new smart card.
I understand that everything will be switched over on July 1st at which point I will obviously be without TV.
Here's the question. Should I call them or are they going to know that I have been testing the whole time? My receiver has never been plugged into the phone jack but I'm afraid that it probably doesn't matter.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
They definitely will NOT know about your "testing", so don't concern yourself with that..if using plastic,restore it back to original subscription and reboot (UNPLUG overnite) the receiver (NOT necessary,but if it makes U feel better)...since NO phone,then NO problem..
Thanks for the response LK. That makes me feel better about calling them to get a card. Cheers!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Colon are u the same dude that I'am reading about on other threads that calls himself Colon from Toronto? From what I can read you have some NUT very mad at u. Glad it's not me that he don't like. GOOD LUCK COLON FROM TORONTO or Colon Cowboy whosoever u are. BYE