Since this group was so helpful in pointing toward this solid Samsung product, I thought I would follow up with some additional questions which have arisen -- now its sitting about 15' away from me, staring at me.
So, first thing I did upon arrival (besides grin at the delivery guys) was put in the Avia DVD and calibrate the screen (then audio). I'm new to the Avia DVD (bought it specifically for this purpose) so give me a nudge if I'm going the wrong way.
Avia worked me through four basic settings: Sharpness, Contrast, Brightness, and Color. I droppped the color from "warm1" to "neutral" right off the bat. I was left with the following settings:
However, with those settings, I've noticed one issue. During scenes with low lighting, I've noticed colors become flat, and much detail is lost in the darkness. What am I missing? How do I adjust Tint? Any web sources on calibrating DLP's (specifically the Samsungs), or web sources on using the Avia disk on DLP's (since it seems to be made for older CRTs -- published in 1999).
Deegan: Ignore Joe"good fella" peschi since he is an imposter. What you should try is use your standard, cinema, dynamic settings and see which gives the best performance. You can adjust color weakness in the settings portion of the menu. I think what you are descibing is what some call "clay face". If you have a dvd which has a scene that displays that way, pause the scene and adjust settings to minimize it.
Low contrast and hot color will create what you see.
Try this:
Mode + Standard Color Tone + Normal Contrast = 95 Brightness = 45-50 for ambient room light. Sharpness =20 Color = 42-45 to your taste. Don't overdrive it. In "Setup" in "Color Weakness" my green is on 3.
Klaus: Yes, I think the term "clay face" would exactly describe what I'm seeing. A flat blending of color and detail upon clothing, faces,etc. Thanks for that clarification.
FYI: Perfect, exactly what I'm looking for. I am surprised to see contrast so high; however, I'm game to tinker until I learn/see more. Will give those settings a run and let you know.
Since you didn't address it, I assume "tint" is not an option in 16:9 (I can only access that setting in 4:3)?
What are your other color weakness settings? Does the Samsung push blues harder than other TV's? Noticed it looked about +15% on Avia calibration.
You will notice some other options besides "Tint" are greyed out too. My "V-Chip" and "CC" are disabled as well. It has more to do with using the component input, which is considered a "monitor" input and the set thinks the video source connected is doing all the tweaking.
My other color weakness settings are "0", but feel free to play around if you think your blue is hot. Changing one color seems to affect the others, so, taking the green out to two or three will change the overall appearance.
My contrast was at 90 out of the box. After I used the THX setup on the "Ladder 49" DVD I wound up at 95. I've heard some just run it wide open to bring more detail to darker scenes without raising the brightness level, which tends to wash out everything.
Remember, each input has it's own settings memory. If you set up the DVD input you will need to match it on the other inputs.
FYI, the contrast setting has helped immensely. Details have become more robust, the "clayface" images have all but disappeared. Problem essentially solved (I'm just fine tuning now).
However, I would like to move on to a second question which has me puzzled.
D-Net allows me to hookup IEEE1394 devices to my TV via the firewire cable output. The manual only references high end AV components like Digital VCR's (approximate cost: $4+K). But it got me thinking, perhaps I could purchase a stand alone hard drive (self-powered) with firewire connectivity, hook it up to the TV then enable D-Net. This would (in theory) enable me the ability to use the TV guide and the possibility of recording HiDef images off OTA antenna to the hard drive.
Anyone have experience or success in this kind of hookup? Is it even possible? Thanks in advance.
I haven't even purchased my first DVR yet. What you're saying sounds very plausible, though.
If you get something working to a hard drive through that firewire connection, let us know.
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Hi everyone...I'm new here. I'm ISF trained on CRT sets, but am having all kinds of trouble setting the contrast on this projector. Can anyone outline a basic procedure that has worked well for them.
Absent any reasonable procedure, I set it very low (around 30), just like it ends up on CRT RPTV's. I have all kinds of clayface problems at that level (that's how i found this thread).
Also, I'm finding saturation very difficult to set using a blue filter and a split bar pattern. On a CRT, there is a noticeable difference in the patter with just one click either way on the sat setting. On this projector, I have to run the color way up or way down to start seeing a change. (I'm referring to the pattern through the blue filter...the change in saturation when viewing normal material w/o the filter is very obvious). Perhaps this is due to my low contrast setting also. Any help here is also greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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Which tv would you recommend: Samsung HLR 6167 or the Sony 60xs955.