

New member
Username: Peterock923

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-05
Hey there, thinking about moving to France and trying to keep most of my stuff.

I know that buy finding a converter I can play my DVD players and DVDs oversea, but will french DVDs play on my american DVD player????

Thing is I have so much american DVDs that I know will be hard to find there.

What about VHS???

any feedback greatly appreciated, thanks.

Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 1109
Registered: Jul-04
Most European equipment is multi-format, so if you buy a DVD player or VCR over there it will probably play discs and tapes from here and there both. Some U.S. players will play PAL discs, most won't. France is the one place that uses a different TV format from everywhere else, so wheather anything will work, who knows.
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