Best scart leads?


New member
Username: Chrismayhew

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-05

I got:
28" Toshiba Flat Panel LCD
Toshiba DVD Recorder
Sky Digi Box (Installed today)

Now the guy replaced all my scart leads when he installed the Sky digi today. Anyway my picture quality is poor. I have been told by the guy that it is the scart leads.

So my question is where can i find some good quality Gold plated scart leads to buy on the net. Don't want to be paying £50 a lead but some fairly good ones.

Around £20 - £30 each.

Thank you,
Chris Mayhew

iain mackay
Unregistered guest
best high street vfm are gold plated monster scart leads from comet £29.99, or take a chance on ebay starting from £5-10
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