Most people but the wrap around entertainment centers which have a space on top for your center channel. if you haven't bought the tv yet toshiba is a very good tv and they thought about this exact problem and made little ledge to set one on. Mitsu. also still uses a full cabinet a little bigget but you can put everything on it which is really nice. Just a few i ideas if they don't work go to a hardware store and but a little shelf to hang on the wall you can usually get then for under 50 bucks.
john m
Unregistered guest
Posted on
True, the CRT projections don't have much space. However, if your looking at a LCD or DLP projection you can place the tv on a stand and the center channel can be placed below the tv.
Unregistered guest
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Sanis makes a self that has ajustable back feet for the slop of the TVs back its designed for vcr or dvd players but will hold a center channel just fine,