Maple Leaf...can you help me with my Pansat?


NOT, You are a fcuking post whoree who knows nothing about shiat. You and your little butt buddy LK should get together and have a little taste of my leather donut..LOL I'm guessing you are a fat motherfcuker who is married to an XXL sized beauty queen, who has more rolls then a bakery..LOL People need to understand that you are a loser who is looking for attention, that is why you spend all your time talking about nothing and thinking you know something when actually you are a fcuking idiot....GET A LIFE AND POST HERE, YOU MIGHT FIND SOME FRIENDS...



Unregistered guest
I don't like this person "anonymous". He seems very angry. I think he hasn't had a number two for a couple of days and it makes him grumpy. Me. I like Maple Leaf. Knows a bit, isn't psycho. I think "anonymous" has issues with wanting to "love" his mother.

Unregistered guest
IGNORE Stoopid

Silver Member
Username: Maple_leaf

Post Number: 194
Registered: Apr-05
Kids will be kids. Especially when they are repeatedly dropped on their heads when they are young like these people were.

Gimme a Break
Unregistered guest
that anonymus kneegrow dude is a jealous biitch


Punjavi Da
Unregistered guest
hello . Maple Leaf hello
this Punjavi Da
I give you some advice..........
if you helping peeple comin ecoustics you get kicked your assses
why? becouse there a motherfukcer kneegrow son of a biitch
it gets relly pissed when you starting important ( like LK )
so if you get hitted you hit back and aslo kick the balls.
ecoustics a dangerous place and scammers . ok bye


Silver Member
Username: Maple_leaf

Post Number: 200
Registered: Apr-05
Ok bro what ever.
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