I dont have the manual. I bought it for 600 bucks at a repair shop. The manual convergence is bowed and twisted. Perfect Focus gives me a no sensory data message, but when I do a mute 183 and display the sreen is fine but I cant save it. Its hard for me to download a manual cuz for some some long story reason I dont have MS word.
I've had my HD52z585 now for 2 weeks. Its awesome. I think a lot of the problems people have with SD is that they don't split the signal and feed one into the RF turner in the set and the other into the digital cable box. By switching to TV mode on the remote the SD is as good as my old Mits 35' set. For Hidef and digital I switch back to digital in on the remote. It took my a couple of days to figure out the configuration. It works.