Hey, I have a Pacific 1002 DVD Player and it has played everything that I have tried in it so far. Until last night I put in a original DVD and it started to say it was loading, I left the room and forgot about it for around 20 minutes, I got back and the DVD Player had said that their was "No Disc."
I turned the DVD player and back on to re-load the DVD but the same error came up again. I thought that maybe the DVD was faulty or needed a clean.
When I took the DVD out, it was "really" hot, so I thought it'd be best to leave it than clean it, so I put a different film in (one that I had played on this DVD player before) but it comes up saying "No Disc" and now everything I put into the DVD player says "No Disc".
It is trying it's hardest to read the disc because you can hear it spin around a few times and says "Loading" for quiet awhile, but if I close the tray with no disc in, it doesn't spin or say "Loading" for very long before coming up saying "No Disc". Because of this I thought maybe the lens wasn't very clean, so cleaned the lens (CD Lens Cleaner.) But still it fails to read CD's.
Please if anyone has any suggestions, or any information as to why it has suddenly started doing this, please help.
I would really appreciate some help as I will soon need to have it working to do some college (for I will need to watch The Incredibles to do a semiotic analysis on it.)
You can try lightly cleaning the lens with a q-tip wet with alcohol. Sometimes cleaning the spindle top and bottom will help, that's usually more like when it skips though. DVD players have laser problems, it's just the way it is.
OK thanks for all you help, but I did some searching yesterday and found that the DVD player was still under guarantee, so took the DVD player back to ASDA and got it replaced with the same DVD player but I model up "Pacific 1002MK2" it looks much smarter than the other one and still does all the same :D oh and we also got £30 back aswell, which was a suprise.
I still appreciate all your help though, at least I know where to come if I have any DVD problems.
i have a hyundai DM-350 dvd player. when i want to play certain dvds it says "NO DISC". i tried unlockin it but the problem persists. this is only happening with few latest dvds. what may be the problem n how can i solve it?