I'm new to this technology and was wondering if you all have recommendations for the best receiver out there. Pansat? Cool-sat? Dreambox? Fortec?
For a newbie, it's all very confusing. I've searched for an overview site to give me the whole rundown, but no luck.
Bottom line: I want to hook up and pull down FTA programming and be able to "test" my system for premium programming. Can someone post or point me to a review of the dominant hardware platforms for FTA? I would also like to find a clear, first-person description of how to get it all configured before I buy. Maybe I'll have to write one when I get it all set up.
Any help appreciated. "RTFM, you loser newbie" posts not appreciated.
do a search on google you newbie...buy the sounds of it you want someone to write you out a 10000 word essay on how to buy, set up, and work a FTA receiver...not going to happen there fruitcake...you have to read and learn just like the rest of us...no spoonfeeding for you loser newbie...ROTF
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Yes, just what I expected from you, Knee Grow. If you spent half the amount of time writing something constructive as you spend tossing your excrimental prose around, you might amount to something useful. Instead, you jump into every thread and criticize others in a futile effort at raising your own self-worth. I hope that works for you.
Here's a tip, Knee Grow: Learn some basic grammar if you're going to post your meaningless drivel on public discussion boards. Sentences begin with a capital letter... always. The word "buy" means "to purchase" and is a verb.
And another thing... lick my sweaty, newbie balls, you miserable, twisted piece of trash. Then go back down to your dungeonmaster's lair in your mother's basement, pull out your collection of internet kiddieporn, and spank yourself silly. You've obviously got some pent-up frustrations to work out.
Now that that's out of the way... anyone out there have anything CONSTRUCTIVE to add to this thread?
Dixon Syja
Unregistered guest
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Here is what I would do if I were you, spend less acting like you are still in university, and more time reading sites like hashHU.com or bellexpress.vu under the FTA sections.
I bought a generic Pansat for $100 on Fleabay and it works great. Right now I wouldnt pay any more than $100 for a FTA system that might only bring in your lame university channels in a few months time (nagra 2 is here)
this isn't english class there fruitcake.....if you don't like my grammer, then fcukoff and go to another site, maybe a stupid post like yours would be better off posted at www.dssazzcommunitys.com ...there's lots of idiots over there that have the time to answer your stupid post!!!
I've heard alot of good things about dreambox and cool sat.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Dreambox is the best and most costly too...and with Nagra2 (N2) coming VERY soon,the no matter what FTA U have ,you are going to lose Dishnet and Bev satellite channels..IF U just want TRUE FTA only,or don't care about price then thats the way...I personally wouldn't buy ANY FTA now,unless U can pickup a very cheap pansat or fortec and U already know this hobby or can learn within 1 week (which is NOT possible)unless U have the time to read and test and are an extremely fast learner..Bev is going N2 within 1 month...Dishnet 3-4 months...so U best weight the cost with the time left..
Posted on
what is going on with the keys my box is not working please help