So my Comcast guy came to my house the other day to hook up my dual DVR box so I can record tv shows. He said he couldnt install it because my 8 year old Mitsubishi tv didn't have enough hook-ups in the back. He said something like 'you need a green one. You only have red, white and yellow'. Then he said I need to buy an HD ready tv. So now I'm looking at new tv's. But really, I have no desire or use for an HD tv and they're much more expensive than a regular tv. Any idea what I need to look for to get the right tv at a cheap price? Will anything with a green hook up work? And please dont baffle me with complicated terms and descriptions. I'm new to all this. Thanks.
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They're probably telling you that you need RGB component video which consists of three cables in red, blue and green. This provides the video signal alone.
Composite, on the other hand, is one yellow cable for video, which it sounds like you have.
Comcast installed a DVR in my apartment this morning using only a composite (yellow) cable and the red and white(or black) audio cables.
Basically, this person either doesn't know what they're talking about, they brought the wrong equipment, or they just got lazy.