Unregistered guest
LG Guy,

Stop posting on every thread, idiot!

Another Disgruntled Consumer
Unregistered guest
I guess you support the "big companies" taking advantage of the "stupid consumers".... you must work for one of "them"....other wise you would see that this guy is just trying to drive home a message to LG that as consumers we work hard for our money...and we don't take lightly to having "them" rip us off!!!!!

One thread is enough!
Unregistered guest
More power to him!
One new thread is enough, though!

Bob L.
Unregistered guest
I'm with the LG Guy. He just wants us to take notice. I think he should stop posting now though. He made his point.

Sorry for all the posts guys.

I needed to vent a bit and I was hoping to catch some attention to this issue. I guess I did. I will not post any more as I have stated my point.

Thanks for your support!

I have been ripped off too!
Unregistered guest
Hey LG Guy, I bought one of these Tvs last month and I was told that it had the HD2+ and .098mm also!

Thanks for the tip!

Unregistered guest
Do any other DLP televisions have the same issue? How do we REALLY KNOW what is inside the sets we buy? Anybody else know anything about this? I wonder how many other manufacturers post misleading specs to get us to buy their old stock?

Is this true for all LG dlp's sold in Canada? I have the 44" version, which is suppose to be the same as the 52"

The only hard evidence I have about a product not being as advertised is on the 52" LG RU-52SZ61D.

You can run your serial number through LG Korea and they can give you the components list inside your particular set.

Good Luck!

How do you get LG Korea to do this for you?

The person I was in contact with and who was very helpful was DTV North America Gr Jay.J.K.Choi Assistant
Manager(coolguy@lge.com, 82-2-3777-7455. He did not try and "snowball" me like the representative from LG Canada. Mr. Choi answered my request quickly and honestly.
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