Bronze Member Username: PugcharlieN, E, PA USA Post Number: 13 Registered: Feb-05 | I have had my Grand Wega for two days now and am very pleased. Most of the time, the color and picture is brilliant...gorgeous...3 dimensional. But (as I heard) sometimes in low light films where the scene is very dark and flat. the LCD technology can't display that type of scene well. I knew that before I got the TV. Watching "Mulholland Drive", the dark scenes were not displayed well. They were murky and washed out. But then watching Fellini's B&W La Dolce Vita, it was fantastic. Perhaps that is because the lighting is more high key in that film. Dark scenes that have high key lighting do very well. Overall, despite that weakness to reproduce black, the picture is so film-like when watching DVD, it feels like watching film as opposed to watching a film on TV. Great TV! |
New member Username: AphPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-05 | I couldn't agree more - the TV has a wonderful picture aside from lowlight films in which the picture does appear a bit dull. Great TV, highly recommmend it. |
New member Username: JestaPost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-05 | I am going with the New Sony's hitting this summer. I think pro vs con wise lcd is the way to just delivers a wonderful picture. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | I have the KDF-55WF655 55" Grand Wega. It is my second one. The first one had a problem when watching DVD's using the component input. The screen would black out for about a half a second. The audio would never miss a beat, just the video. I tried using a different input, and even tried a different DVD player and it still did it. My DVD's video is connected directly to the TV, so it had to be the TV. I took it back to Best Buy, and they gave me another one. I watched several DVD's on the new one, and after about 2 weeks, it happened just once while watching a movie last night. My first TV got worse as time went on, so I'm thinking that this problem is going to happen more often. I have 2 more weeks to return the TV, so I'm going to watch the heck out of it and see if it gets worse. It's a real shame because I love the picture quality and the features the TV offers. If I end up taking it back, I'm considering going with the XS series 55" because I heard that it uses a better color decoder. I'm also thinking about trying the 62" Toshiba, but personally I would rather stay with the Sony LCD. One other thing to note, the screen has never blacked out while watching HD and SD off the air using the built-in antenna. I read another thread a week or so ago about someone's Hitachi doing the same thing but while watching broadcast TV using a set top box with component inputs. I'm thinking that the problem might be with the component input circuit or maybe the ADC converter. If anyone else has experienced this problem, let me know. I will update the thread if anything new develops. |
Bronze Member Username: PugcharlieN, E, PA USA Post Number: 17 Registered: Feb-05 | HDFanatic, My DVD players are connected to my receiver of my home theater. I haven't seen that at all.Did you try to connect the DVD player to your receiver? Steve |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | Steve, I have the digital audio hooked to the receiver via coaxial digital cable, but the component video is fed directly to the TV. I believe you get a better signal that way, because that's one less component for the signal to travel through, and less potential for signal loss or interference. Plus I would need to buy another cable to route it through the receiver. I also bought high quality monster cable component cables, just to make sure it wasn't a cable related issue. |
Bronze Member Username: PugcharlieN, E, PA USA Post Number: 18 Registered: Feb-05 | I have only one expensive Monster Component cable. the others are the cheaper "Pure AV" by Belkin and the pcture quality is exceptional.The Monster ones go on better though. One of the Belkin component cables seemed to be needed to be pushed on several times to stay put. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | The Monster component cables go on so tight, you almost need to use two hands to put them on. I scored a good deal off of e-Bay. Paid 25.00 with shipping. The same cables were 60.00 at Bestbuy. My screen on my Sony has not blacked out since just the one time, but something else has cropped up... Last night while watching a DVD, the display information popped up on the screen, and stayed there for about 10 sec. This happened one other time about a week ago too. Initially, I thought I may have been sitting on the remote, but no. The remote was sitting on the coffee table, and was not even pointed towards the tv. What's even more odd about this is the fact that normally when you hit the display button, the information will only stay on the screen for 5 seconds at the most. The fact that it took it 10-15 seconds to disappear tells me that it was activated more than once. I know that these are relatively minor disturbances, and some people would probably be willing to overlook them. Not me. I will probably end up taking it back again, but I'm not sure as to what I will get. On a positive note, one thing I noticed was that the picture quality gets better after you put some hours on it. I have heard that the LCD's have a break-in period, and the picture gets smoother over time. I am totally satisfied with the picture quality. If it wasn't for all these little quirks, I'd be a happy camper... |
Bronze Member Username: PugcharlieN, E, PA USA Post Number: 19 Registered: Feb-05 | HD, I'm not sure what I would do because knowing how computers can have glitches causes me to be a little more tolerant of random things that happen in electronics. I am by nature very fussy so I totally undserstand however. |
JJH Unregistered guest | HD, I read your post and felt compelled to write. I too have experienced the "video dropouts" which you describe having with your Sony KDF-55WF655. I had these exact dropout problems with my KDF-60XS955 model. I tried changing component cables, switching from input 5 to input 6, and I even went out and purchased 2 new video players. The dropouts occurred on all three dvd players and on both component inputs. It was very frustrating because the dropouts occurred very randomly and sometimes it would take 20-30 minutes before one would occur. They generally lasted about 2-3 seconds and the audio would continue as usual. If I tried to rewind to the spot where the dropout occurred it could not be repeated. As I played more movies the dropouts occurred on a more frequent basis. I contacted Sony and they weren't much help. They seemed to not know about this problem though I know this problem has been reported to them. (check out AVS Rear Projection TV Forum - "GWIV Video Dropout" thread) They did give me a local authorized Sony technician phone number to call. I contacted the local Sony tech and explained the problem. He advised me to exchange the set as he thought it was a faulty component board and in his opinion the problem would only get worse with time. I took his avice and exchanged the set. The build date on the defective set was November '04. My new set has a February '05 build date and so far I haven't seen any dropouts. However, if I do see any with this new set, I will reluctantly return this one and look at other brands or wait until the new Sony models come out this Spring and Summer. I really like the picture quality but when you're spending $3K+ for a TV, at the very least it should work properly. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | JJH, Thanks for the post. It's interesting to know that you had the same problem. It's discouraging to hear that it happened on your XS series, as I was considering the XS in hopes that the problem would not exist. The blackout period on mine was only lasting about .5 to 1 sec max. I was back in Bestbuy today and they said that they couldn't get the XS 55", so I'm thinking about trying the XS 60". How do you find the build date? Is it on the box? I don't recall seeing anything on the TV. Thanks. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | JJH Nevermind about the build date. I found it on the back of the set. Mine is January 05. I only have had one video blackout with this one, but I'm worried it will happen more frequently as time goes on. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | Well, it looks like I found another person with the same problem on the XS-60" model. This person went through 3 sets, before finally giving up... These reviews are discouraging. -htm |
JJH Unregistered guest | HD, I was hopeful that my problem was related to the build date (November '04) as there was another poster at the AVS forums that also had the problem with his 55XS November build. But after reading your post I see the problem is still occuring even with your January set. It does start out with rare occurrances - then eventually gets more and more frequent. I haven't seen any dropouts yet with this new set, but you can rest assured I will be watching it like a hawk! Sounds like there is a bunch of bad component boards out there. I think many people may not be aware they have the problem - it can be very easy to miss if you are not keeping your eyes on the set at all times while watching a movie. And as you know, it happens very quickly. The local Sony tech told me that eventually the component inputs may become unusable if nothing is done to correct the problem. He also said he would have to take my set into his shop and work with Sony which could take an unkown period of time. That was why he advised me to exchange the set since I was still within my return period. I really thought after spending so much money on this set I would have no problems and would love watching it. After my experience, however, I really wonder about the quality control with these tvs. This new set has a great picture - but there is a dead black pixel in the upper right corner which I can see on white or light backgrounds sitting about 10 feet back from the set. I know that exchanging it again puts me at risk of encountering more dead pixels or other problems. If any video dropouts occur - this set will be returned and I will consider other options. Good luck with your set. I really hope the dropout was just a fluke and you won't see another one. Please keep me posted - and I will post again if I encounter any dropouts with my set. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | JJH, If your out there, thought I would give you an update. My KDF-55WF655 never did produce another dropout, but the info banner was popping up while watching DVD's, so I ended up exchanging it for a 60"XS model. Of course I had to pay a few hundred more for it. The banner popping up didn't bother me all that much, but the fact that I saw one video dropout bothered me, because I didn't want to experience more after my 30-day return period was up. The extra HDMI input was also another reason for going to the XS, and I have to say that I was blown away by the sound on this thing! Although it's no match for my theater system, it's probably the best sound from a tv I have heard. However, I noticed the SDE is much more pronounced on this set compared to the 55" I had. Matter of fact, the 55" really didn't have this problem at all. Have you noticed this on yours? Somehow I ended up getting an October 04 build, and I heard that the older models had more trouble with fast action. Also, I have a blue pixel stuck smack dab in the center of the screen. It's only noticable when the screen is dark. I'm thinking of exchanging this one for the 55 XS model. Let me know how your 60" XS set is doing. Thanks- |
Unregistered guest | HD, Sorry to hear you are having these problems with your sets. I was really hoping everything would work out for you. I do know what you are going through. Yes, I do notice the SDE effect on this set. It does bother me. SSE is evident as well. Also, the info banner does pop up randomly on both the dvd input and hdmi (HD DVR input. It doesn't occur frequently, but it does happen occasionally.(enough to be a nuisance) The main thing that bothers me, however, is the presence of a dead black pixel. Though it is in the top right corner area of the set it is quite noticeable and my eyes are drawn to it whenever a light background is present - which occurs quite frequently. This greatly detracts from my viewing experience. Noticeable dead/stuck pixels at normal viewing distances are unacceptable to me. I really don't think, at this price point, I should accept something which I consider subpar just because I am afraid I might exchange it and possibly get something with worse issues. In other words, I've decided I'm not willing to accept a product that I feel is not yet perfected. I have contacted the store I purchased the set from and have notified them that I have decided to return the tv and would like a refund. They have agreed and will be picking up the set this week. I am not willing to go through another exchange and possibly deal with a whole new set of problems. At this point I have decided to wait until the 1080p sets come out this fall and see how the technology has progressed. This is just too much of an investment for me to accept something that has so many issues that need to be corrected. I hope everything works out well for you. It's difficult to understand how you received an October '04 build. Did the store stock an unusually large inventory? Was this set a return? I would be very careful to make sure that this was not a return. I have heard of some establishments sending out returns as new - especially for exchanges. In my area the local stores usually sell out of their inventory soon after receiving them in stock and then have to constantly re-order new shipments from Sony. I don't know how your stores operate. Perhaps they just had a large inventory in stock. Personally, I would not accept a stuck blue pixel in the center of the screen - but that has to be your decision. Apparently dead pixels do not seem to bother some people. Good luck with whatever you decide. Thanks for keeping us informed. Please continue to do so. I'm looking forward to hearing how everything works out for you. |
Bronze Member Username: HampersnowPost Number: 26 Registered: Dec-04 | hello ,since the 60 inch sony was at the top of my list (undecided as to the WF or XS series )i was disappointed to read thru these posts. i did have a few questions though. is anyone with drop out problems trying to hook their DVD player up to the HDMI imput ?i would most likely buy an upconverting DVD player with HDMI to go with this set. also ,about the SDE ,how close are you to the set? i will be 11 to 13 feet away and in the stores i have not noticed the SDE from this the SDE more noticable during certain scenes ,say light or dark? thank you...charles |
Unregistered guest | charles, I experienced the video dropouts with 3 different dvd players connected to component inputs 5 or 6 with my KDF-60XS955 set. I purchased the Sony NS975V upconverting dvd player which has an hdmi input. When I connected it with the hdmi cable to the hdmi input of the tv there were no dropouts. When I connected it with component cables to the component inputs of the tv, however, there were dropouts. The dropout problem was only apparent with the component inputs of the tv. I considered keeping the set because I thought I could just use the extra hdmi input for my dvd player. But after talking to a Sony tech, he felt that the component inputs would eventually become unusable and I did not want to have a tv with useless component inputs. As to SDE - it is noticeable 10+ feet from the set at normal viewing distances. It can be very distracting. My family members notice the phenomenon also and have commented on it. I notice it more with fast moving scenes, and especially when people on screen move their heads quickly. It is more noticeable to me on lighter scenes - but can be seen on darker scenes to a lesser extent. Good luck with your decision. If you have any further questions I'll try to help you out from the experiences I have had with my sets. |
Bronze Member Username: HampersnowPost Number: 27 Registered: Dec-04 | thank this point it may be a long time before i make my purchase. |
HD Fanatic Unregistered guest | JJH, I ended up taking the XS 60" back and decided to just get a refund. So right now, I'm without a big-screen ![]() As for the October 04 build date on the XS 60", I thought that was pretty strange. The manager at BB told me that they just got it in, but I don't know if I can believe him or not. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a previous return, but it was packaged like it came from the factory. The next TV I buy will not be from BB due to this uncertainty. I do have to say that I was happy with the PQ of both my 55" sets, but when I tried the 60", the SDE and pixelation on fast moving scenes was terrible. The SSE (silk-screen-effect) was also noticable on the 60", but I really don't recall it on the 55". Neither of my 55" TV's had dead pixels, so if I do decide to buy another Sony, it would have to be a 55. But for now, like you, I think I may take a wait and see approach as to new models that will be arriving soon. I'm really bummed out about the whole ordeal, and the fact that Sony has seemed to drop the ball on their quality control. By the way, I sent Sony an e-mail explaining my problems and I never heard back. That was well over a week ago... Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Keep us posted on any new information you find, and if you decide to try another set. |
Unregistered guest | HD, I know exactly how you feel. I had such great expectations with these Sony models and then to have experienced these problems is extremely disappointing. My 60XS was picked up this morning and I'm now without a big-screen tv. I do think that I made the right decision for me, and I know I would not have been happy with the various issues I experienced with this set. I'm optimistic about the future and the new 1080p sets coming out within the next few months. It gives me something to look forward to. I'm hoping that by then something will come along to convince me that it was worth the wait. If something new develops I'll post it - and I hope you'll do the same. Good luck to you! |