Somebody please help! i just recently bought the 42 inch sony grand wega LCD flat screen tv and it's been great up to a couple days ago when i noticed a ~ 1 inch in diameter GREEN CIRCLE on the right upper side of the screen. What is this thing? it's not on the outside of the screen as it wont rub away! I can only see it when the background is black; when the picture is on and is bright you cant see it; when the picture is on and, say, the scene is a night scene with a dark/black background, it's visible. Can somebody please help explain what it is and how I fix it? i spent 2400 bucks on this tv and it's only about 2 months old!! Anybody else heard of this problem???
Thanks alot! neo
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It might be something that settled on the projector lens like a piece of lint. The projector lens points up and slightly to the back, so it is suseptible to foreign dust and particles falling down on it. If you have decent technical abilities, you can unscrew the screws that hold the frame and screen in place. Once the screws are out, gently pry the top of the screen out just enough to reach in and use a "new" magnetic feather duster to clean the lens. While you in there, check the mirror that runs along the upper backside of the cabinet, and rid it from any dust as well.
If this doesn't solve the problem, then it could be the screen itself, or something in the rest of the optics between the lamp and the lens. You can rule out the screen by looking at the mirror inside while the tv is on, with a black screen. If you see the green spot on the mirror, than it's obviously something before that.
Of course you could just call someone and have them check it out, since it should still be under warranty.
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Let me know what you find out as I have the exact same problem with my new Hitachi 50v500. The spot looks like a giant green fingerprint when the screen is black.
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Let me know what you find out as I have the exact same problem with my new Hitachi 50v500. The spot looks like a giant green fingerprint when the screen is black.