Bought a Dish Pro 500 antenna from ebay and find out that it's incompatible with the PanSat receiver. I have several options to keep the antenna into becoming a white elephant: 1) Buy a DirecTv antenna that is compatible, 2) Buy a compatible twin LMB, 3) buy a Dish Pro Adapter to Legacy receivers. The cheapest is to buy the DirectTV antenna from ebay and point it to the 110 119 locations. The second cheapest is to buy a Pansat compatible twin LMB and third) buy the Dish Pro Legacy Adapter. Does anyone see a fatal flaw in the DirecTV antenna or the legacy adapter?
the dish pro 500 is compatable with the pansat......all you need is a dish pro twin lnb and your in business..the lnb will have black lettering on the back........jmill
Hi: I'm not disputing your word, but after looking at the incompatibility noted at I don't know what to think. Please advise.
dude...believe me im looking at one right now all you need is a dish pro 500 dish with twin lnb and a good chanel list and the proper bin file and your on your way.......jmill
Thanks for your replies - I'll take your word for it and give it a go. I wonder why those guys that sell the Pansat 2500A receivers are so adamant about the antenna configuration not working. Thanks again. Krujo
I went to that site there full of crap pansat and dish pro go together like peanut butter and right there full of it....jmill
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Joseph a while back all fta were not compatible with DishPro, but more recently there are channel lists that now support them.Just use DP channel lists.