I hate DLP..... DLP = Delirious and Lousy Picture


LCD = Lovely Crip Display
Unregistered guest
I bought an LCD rp by panasonic, it looks awesome. I went to God knows how may frigg'n stores to check the selection out -- the LCD, when paired against the Samsung DLP, quite frankly looked better. I had 2500 to drop on a new set, so I read every bit of info I could on the Samsung 63 series (50 inch) and the Panasonic LC14 (50 inch). In the end, the Panasonic won my heart.

Unregistered guest
Good luck with that Pan...ic!

Oh... and it's Delightful Lasting Picture!


Liquid Crystals Die

Unregistered guest
lcd is much more superior technology,

Dull Lame Picture is not as sharp and
the motion adaptive technology doesn't
hold a candle to it.

but dlp 4me is right about panasonics bulb circuit ,they over heat and burnout to quickly.

Good Luck


Unregistered guest
Hey oldtimer, yes I've heard the panasonic's bulb issue -- it seems to be a problem with the LC13 models, and not so in the new LC14 models. (same look, just an upgraded model). Can you confirm this? I bought the LC14, thats why I question it.


Unregistered guest
LCD is a "throw away" technology.

The LCD display will fade or fail in 10 years or less.

Hand me a lamp about then and watch the like-new picture on my DLP!

The only thing dull and lame is "oldtimer".

Unregistered guest
Yea, who wants fan noise, a moving color wheel, and lagging response time with video games and fast moving scenes. Not me. DLP has all of these characteristics.

LCD is a superior technology. An LCD screen is used for millions upon millions of computers. This technology has proven its superiorty. DLP is new, a trend, and lacks picture quality. And in 10 years we will all be drawn to new televisions, how long did you have your last good set? I had mine for 5 or 6 years.

Oldtimer is right on with his comment.

Unregistered guest

pull your pantie$ out of you a$$!!!!!!!

your dlp will blow up before 10 years ..

I fix those pieces of sh!t everyday

and when it does you'll be replacing more then
a bulb ,you'll need a new tv.

Dull Lame Picture..

lcd technology has changed just in 1.5 years
dlp is 30+ year old chip just now being used
because it had a bios imperfection when it was
delveloped and they rag tag patched it with some
low grade software that make a fast seen in a action movie look like a windshield with bad

take a electronics class at your local community
college and get back to me ..

until then stop your whining.


Unregistered guest
I concur with your claims Oldtimer. In fact, when I bought the Panasonic I described, I spoke with other customers at the store, not so much the salespeople. The man I talked to just purchased a 60 inch sony rp LCD. This was at Best Buy, but he works a lot with a smaller, more upscale electronics company he said, and the technician there claimed they are flooded with DLP repairs.

What other insights can you offer?

I posted a link under a new thread. 'LCD vs DLP war' -- check it out if you have a minute, let me know if this seems accurate.

Unregistered guest

actually the bulb problem was a result of
undersized heatsinks.

the fan could not compensate for the heat that
both bulb and powersupply gave off

so they redesigned the chamber,where the fan
is ..

TO COOL, and you should be ok.

having said that I would be in favor of a totally
re-engineered cooling circuit I have seen some
newer models blow bulbs quickly.

IN my 17.5 years as a certified ISF and technician I will say most people cause
alot of their own problems ,make sure it
has ventilation.

and what ever you do ..stay away from dlp

until the motion adaptive issue is solved.

hope this helps!!

Unregistered guest

You need a pair of scissors for those as$ hairs you have wound up too tight!

Liquid Crystals Die

LCD technology hasn't changed at all.
DLP is a 30+ year duration DMD chip that's just now being used by every brand, but Sony and JVC. They have chosen LCOS/D-ILA.
The jury is still out on that technology.

Take your electronics class and shove it!
I have more experience than two oldtimers put together!

Want some cheese with that whine?

Unregistered guest

Define "motion adaptive" if you can.

Unregistered guest
DLP4me! You must be a some company's DLP representative. Your making redundant and lame replies. You should get your eyes checked. I think you've hopped on the DLP band wagon and found your way to the drivers seat. Its a shame.

Unregistered guest

No, not me! However, those guys need to eat too!

I'm a retired engineer that knows a little bit about DLP technology. Enough to spot people who don't.

Good luck with that Pani. Oldtimer is right about keeping that damn thing cool. It will fail if you don't. Some folks are designing their own cooling fan installations for those. Not a bad idea!

LCD to DLP4me!
Unregistered guest
How do you suppose I do this cooling? It needs to be inside the box right? The tv sits in a dim area, hardly any light. It's in a cool basement. But how should I set up a fan?

Unregistered guest
Engineers are morons

they designed the lcd your talking about


o.k. so engineer or not your wrong ,

they also designed the space shuttle that blew up ...so please don't tell me how superior
you feel engineers are to anyone else.

I have 2 u.s patents on products that I invented and could give a flying f less about what you
claim to be.

although I am sure that you are probably a
best buy manager that failed out of engineering
school and you probably live at home in your
mothers basement.

and your p!ssed off you bought a dlp instead
of a lcd ...you have your facts wrong about
dlp technology...you probably read it in popular mechanics on lunch break at best buy.

engineers are so smart we need people to fix
their mistakes ,they cause the need for technicians and mechanics in every field.

actually dlp technology sucks,why should you need
mechanical intervention like a color wheel to
produce a picture in the 21st century?!?

probably because of engineers like yourself stuck in the past.

and no tv in the 21st century should look like
a smeared windsheld when something moves quickly.

if you want to insult me come up with your own
lines ,I believe i used the word whine towards
you..that shows your complete incapacity to invent on your own...your not a engineer you
best buy manager in drag.

sign up for summer class electronics 101
you need it.


chinese poet
Unregistered guest
the 14 model incorporates a different
cooling capacity..make sure the dust filter
stays clean.

you do not have to set up a fan ..limit
tv time or lose sleep over this ..
just relax and enjoy it.

Ignore the retired engineer..hahhahahahahah

Unregistered guest
Hey chinese

your a engineer right??

whats you take on dlp???,I read somewhere that
you design circuitry for a/v companys

just the guy to ask.


Unregistered guest
Oldtimer insults engineers and then asks one for his opinion. What a fool!

You spent all afternoon plunking your keyboard to vent your frustration over your own inadequacies. You can't possibly build yourself up by attempting to tear down someone more intelligent than yourself. You're a circuit board swapper and I'm a circuit board inventor, you moron with a screwdriver. It's a wonder you can change a light bulb. Stop pretending you know so much about DLP. It's over your head!

Another cheesebrain with a mouth is all this forum needs.....

DLP4me! to LCD
Unregistered guest
Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 -
How do you suppose I do this cooling? It needs to be inside the box right? The tv sits in a dim area, hardly any light. It's in a cool basement. But how should I set up a fan?

In your own words, "LCD is a superior technology." Don't worry!

When it craps out, go buy a DLP!

chinese poet
Unregistered guest

well this is a just a argument I won't
get to involved in ...to deeply.

but I will say that there are moron engineers
that's why I developed my own company.

and yes I would say alot of them think that
anyone else in their field such as a mechanics,
technicians etc.. are inferior to them.

and it's that arrogance that gives us a bad
name,I have plain ole simple technicians that
work for me ,they could have went through
engineering school in a breeze.

I personlly won't insult anyone that is not
on the same education level as myself because
really ,conventional education doesn't make
you a good engineer,or a smart person.

It's the common sense that you have that enables
one to be an analytical thinker.

I came up to engineer from being a technician
and know how both think.I agree that engineers
are the cause for mechanics and technicians
to be needed to a certain extent.

I also know that people who are really
good and quailified engineers would not
leave post like "I know enough to spot
people who don't"

I have a problem with a gross generalization
that all engineers are morons.I would never
conduct myself in a way , made to sound like
I have to convince you that I have my phd
and a double masters in Electrical Engineering,
conductive material chemistry ,electro-mechanical engineering and acoustical science.

I have spent most of my years dealing with technicians from alot of audio and consumer
electronic manufactuers,who are more intelligent
then some engineers I have worked with.

answer to your question is yes I am a engineer
and you did read that I design circuitry for
major manufactuers of audio and video equipment.

I have done research with dlp technology and
own a dlp set,and do not prefer it over

and a word of wisdom to lcd and oldtimer;

"stay away from fools ,for they only offer
hot air with no knowledge to follow"

"lcd" looks like you started a post proud of your
purchase ,rightfully so and this guy want's to
insult you, spend your time elsewhere on the
forum there are plenty people here out for
intelligent conversation,this is not a contest
or team sport.

I have been forward spoken in the past but followed up with apologies.

and by the way dlp is a very imperfected
technology and lcd has been proven and changed
in the last year with 3m optical coatings
inwhich panasonic incorporates into their
lcd tv's it's a technology called "vikuiti"
which is modified constantly.

go to 3m and read about it.

don't worry about the bulb ,and make
sure you do routine maintenance, keep
the dust off the boards inside,by
using air cans ,any computer store
sells them.get inside and clean those
boards and that panny will run like
a clean machine.


Unregistered guest
chinese poet quotes, "well this is just a argument I won't get to involved in ...to deeply." Wonderful grammer there, poet!

Then, he presents a condescending attitude toward a fellow engineer, while claiming no condescention toward his underling technicians, who he says wouldn't have a job without him. That's brilliant!

He slammed you, oldtimer, when he said "I have a problem with a gross generalization that all engineers are morons."

The "poet" proceeds to try and convince us of his credentials while claiming that he doesn't need to. Bravo!

He "personlly won't insult anyone that is not
on the same education level", yet he has insulted many on this board that would fit into that catagory if he actually has the education he proclaims.

DLP owners, "looks like you started a post proud of your purchase ,rightfully so and this guy want's to insult you, spend your time elsewhere on the forum there are plenty people here out for intelligent conversation, this is not a contest or team sport." to use his own grammer, run-on sentences, and poor punctuation, but he's an learned engineer that obviously failed his english courses.

The poet quotes, "and by the way dlp is a very imperfected technology and lcd has been proven".

There he goes insulting all you proud DLP owners again and setting you LCD guys up for the fall with his baseless generalizations.

Poet, you write like you have had to much to drink.
Your grammer and literacy does not present you as the educated engineer you claim to be. Your credibility is most definitely in question. You don't like attackers, but you're on the attack! You wouldn't insult, but you do!

For someone who said, "well this is just a argument I won't get to involved in" you certainly have been "forward spoken".

You call yourself a poet? You don't even proof-read your own post and make corrections. I wouldn't have a damn thing you claim to have engineered. It would be riddled with flaws.


chinese poet
Unregistered guest
DLP..your arrogance just proves how much of
an a$$ you really are.

"ignorance is bliss"

your such a fool ,and your only fooling yourself!
trying so hard to press how highly educated you
are .....please spare me.

competent people do not act like you, your a
videophile that reads articles and leaves links
to show what you read to prove your points.

your a hobbyist ,wannabe,.
never a engineer I would bet on it!!

your probably a retired english teacher!
engineers don't focus on grammer they could care less about it,Im not writing a technical manual here.

If you were a engineer you would totally understand that.

I see how smart of a person you are ,your
action of buying a dlp and claiming it's
perfection shows the lack of knowledge you have
about anything related to this field.

Dream on dreamer,retired engineer.........

yea ..sure ..whatever you poser!



Unregistered guest
Looks like you sobered up.
I can actually read your complete sentences.
Maybe you were better at math.
Enough with the non-productive personal attacks!

Look...it's clear you offer good advice.
I can tell you have been around the block.

On LCD vs DLP we can agree to disagree.

The sun is finally shining hear in Dallas.

Have a nice Sunday!

chinese poet
Unregistered guest
As I said


as for agree to disagree,

I agree your a pompous a$$..!!

and disagree you were ever a engineer!!

your a poser ,who likes to start trouble
and insult people because you have low self-esteem! your a sad sack,using a/v magazine articles.

to gain info and knowledge and claim
your a engineer.

I'll keep you in my prayers you poor pathetic

It's probably equally sunny in your fantasy
land of "wannbe a engineer" also.

Unregistered guest
I'm not going anywhere!

What a hate filled dark spirit you are!

Pray for yourself!

chinese poet
Unregistered guest
Grow up!!!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Kid_red

Post Number: 175
Registered: Apr-04
"The LCD display will fade or fail in 10 years or less. "

Well, LCOS isn't made with the same material and won't wade as LCD may potentially. Glad you like your Dreadfully Lousy Picture's creating rainbows with resulting fatigue and headaches.

Silver Member
Username: Kid_red

Post Number: 176
Registered: Apr-04
...and video game lag...

Unregistered guest
This thread is not about LCOS/D-ILA. Enjoy your JVC!
No rainbows or headaches at my house. I'm enjoying a stunning, clear, and vivid picture. I think those kinds of complaints are hyped nonsence with any real instances being few and far between, according to this forum. People who talk like that usually have an LCD and want to slam DLP owners when they have no real first hand experience. Both displays are amazing!
The game lag is definitely on the 63 series, but the 74 and 85 series seems to be fine. Some with the 63 are using component cables with progressive scan mode and are happy.
No offence, Rick! Like I said, enjoy that JVC!

Silver Member
Username: Mr_lynch

Seattle, WA

Post Number: 561
Registered: Sep-04
Wow!! Some interesting reading...

Just be happy with what "YOU" choose to buy. Most people don't care who makes it, how it's made, or how it works. They just want it to look good and give them reliable perfomance for years. If that happens to be DLP, LCD, LCoS, Plasma or whatever.

"LCD" though an LCD was the right choice for him, "DLP 4 me" obviously loves his DLP. Different technologies fit different people.

DLP 4 me-
Who cares that your DLP set will look the same in 30 years. Do you think you will own it, or want to own in even 15 years from now?
You also seen to be very defensive about your TV. Is it because you need others to tell you that you made the right choice? Does it matter that others don't like DLP? Who really cares. If you have something constructive to add to a discussion, then by all means do it. I own a JVC, but I've refered friends to LCD, Plasma and even DLP based on what they prefer. I persoanlly feel the JVC is the best TV out there...for me.

I do find it interesting that the 2 largest, most reliable Electronics manufacturers (Sony, Hitachi)don't produce DLP sets.

Unregistered guest
Mr. Lynch,

I respect you. There are a ton of helpful posts with you're name on them. I have no argument with anyone's choice until they slam mine. Read the start of this thread and you will see the obviously provocation.

Yes, I drive an old truck. I have a 72 Buick Convertible that's all original and drives as good as it looks. I have a lot of old useful thing. Even I, am old, but still useful! LOL
I want my multi-thousand hd tv purchase to last a very long time. I happen to believe that the 720P and 1080I broadcast standards will be around for 20 years or more. If you read other threads you will see that I have a lot of helpful constructive posts, like yourself. Please, don't judge me by my responses to jerks on this particular thread. My feathers were ruffled and I got carried away. I have 5 aliases on this forum. If you look closely you can tell what they are and how helpful I can be.

I read your posts as you venture from your JVC thread. As I said, I respect you. I also think JVC LCOS/D-ILA may have something going for it.

By the way, Hitachi has a DLP. Google it!

Thanks for your concern! Enjoy that JVC!

Silver Member
Username: Mr_lynch

Seattle, WA

Post Number: 564
Registered: Sep-04

Hitachi did make a DLP, but they dropped it last year. Just like Phillips and Toshiba dropped LCoS.
Looking at the post title, I can see why it could cause some problems. I've read many of your post, and I feel you have a lot of good things to say. You have been very helpful to many readers. That's the knid of stuff we need in the forum. A little entertainment isn't bad every now than either!
Enjoy the DLP. Sounds like you got a good one!!

chinese poet
Unregistered guest
Hey dlp

I think a cyber handshake could mend fences,
so ,the argument is over on my side.

take care


Unregistered guest
Same here!

Hell of a weekend!

Take care!

Have the LCD guys noticed that 75% of the programs offered or 4:3 format. Enjoy your screen burn.

Reply to Anonymous
Unregistered guest
LCD's do not burn in, and even if they did, black will not cause burn-in you moron. Only bright colors cause burn-in.

chinese poet
Unregistered guest

I,LL second the hell of a weekend,

alittle firing up does the mind good
once in awhile.

I have a toshiba dlp in my collection
but I still like my fine tuned crt hitachi
it's so crisp and clean it's unreal.


Unregistered guest
I'd like to to see it! When it's right it's so sweet.
Makes you want to stare...
Looking for a flaw that's just not there!

We both know there's nothing better than a perfectly calibrated CRT.
Even multiples, with discreetly aligned convergence are trick!

Sony does't make'em like they used to.
Mine went green after 18 months and pis$ed me off good!
All of a sudden, slighty double images and no color control.
It was before I believed in extended warranties.
It was a 36" for $1500, then it was junk.
My 35 Mitsu lasted 16 years before laying down.
Thought I'd give my old employer's chip a whirl.
Thought I chose the best picture and brand for the $ too.
May not have! Time will tell.

chinese poet
Unregistered guest
DLP..If your happy with your investment
that's all that counts.

my tosh cinema series dlp has very good
color reproduction but the lag time,
drives me nuts.

I am probably more sensitive and critical
with these things because I work around it
for a living.

It's the engineering blood I guess?!?!

anyway d*mn shame about your crt experience
I agree on the sony issue completely,they have
really disappointed the a/v field lately.
and I believe it's only because they have
resorted to cutting corners.

I endorse hitachi because I have only had
good experiences both as a consumer and
freelancer working with their technology.

I have also dealt with pioneer and jvc and
have alot of respect for their engineering

I must say that crt has my heart to date,
but I am trying to get in on this new 3lcd
deal,some slight changes in pulse width
reception would make this thing a sure

I have one torn apart in my shop...we have
been giving it "shock therapy"for the last
month and have really made nice changes to
color transmission...it's almost like a
4d picture.

I will never retire my directors series rptv
though ,I love having 3 different crt color
adjustments to perfect myself and not letting
the tv's technology decide for me.but I think
3lcd is coming at us strong.


Unregistered guest
Yea...I agree!

Jerry's link was a real eye opener.
I'll be watching for 3lcd.
Does it do what it sounds like...meaning does it actually have three layers of lcd screens rendering a depth perception effect?
Is it one screen with LC's of different geometry or what?

DLP forme!
Unregistered guest
I'd like to move this conversation to Jerry's Epson thread. I will move it up to the top and let this one fall, hopefully.

Unregistered guest
Hello all, i have had my 50 inch dlp made by sagem for 5 days and the picture and bulb do not work. Sadly i am not very pleased about this and i have tried everything to get it going again apart from changing the bulb.I do have sound however. The bulb seems perfectly ok........can any of you masterminds out there help??
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