I'll be installing a FTA system this weekend. I have a Pansat 2500a, with a 30" dish, a 2100 rotor motor, switch, and 3 LNB's, (1 Ku LNB, and 2 DTV LNB's). The thinking was with the dish sitting stationary 1 DTV LNB could point to 100 the other to 119 without the motor needing to move. I suppose the Ku LNB would be pointing at 100 also (for whatever that is worth). Then when I wanted to see other FTA Birds the motor would turn the dish and align the Ku LNB accordingly. In setting this up do I run the feed from the ku lnb through the motor to the switch, and have the DTV LNB's run directly to the switch? How do I find the position where the dish is facing a direction for both DTV LNB's to pick up there respective birds? Should I set this up first as a single ku lnb system, align dish, and then add other 2 LNB's? can I set all this up first before "flashing" my Pansat? Any help would be appreciated.
If you aew going to do a motor & both circular & linear Ku LNBF's , you want only one circular LNBF .
Set it up for linear first & work the bugs out of it . Then worry about circular .
I tried a diesque switch w/o much luck . Mat try a 22 khz switch , instead .
Most important thing with the motor is to install it with the mast 100% vertical , tmotor and the dish installed pointing due south & the latatude set correctly on the adjustable motor mount .
Look up you position & what is due south for you , when using a compas . I bought a $ 5 - 10 compas at Walley-World , in the sporting goods dept . It has a rectangular clear plastic base , a red referance line on the base , runing through the center . The compas itself is round and rotates .
Find your degrees magnetis to due south , rotate the compas so that the red line matches that number . Now , when the compas needle is pointing N , the sides of the rectangular plastic base are aligned true S & the base of the plastic is aligned E - W .
The rub is , most dishes are some / all metal , which messes up the compas . I use a yard stick for a mon magnetic straight edge . Something longer , like a VERY STRAIGHT board would be better .
After the moter is mounted snugly on the mast , lay the edge of the yard auick on a flat part of the mounting bracket . The yard stick is point , generally , N - S . Take the properly adjisted compas and press the side of it aginst the yard stick , with both extended as far away from the mount , bracket & dish , as posable .
Now , rotate the whole dish & mount untull the compas needle points N . Tepeat on the other side of the mount , to try to compensate for errors .
Now , take a level & be sure the mast is still perpendicular . Check the motor mounting bracket , also & adjust as necessary . Re check the N - S adjustment .
When you have all that done . do the same on the mounting bracket that secures the dish to the motor arm .
You can also doubble check to see if the dish & motor are aligned with each other by taking measurments ( using straight edge ) between flat spots on both the motor & mount the left side & comparing them to measurments on the right side .
You got all that done , look up your latatude and longhitude on the inter net . Set the latatude on the motor mount .
Go to the setup menue , in the receiver & pick out your closest due south sat . Tell the receiver to drive the motor to the reference position , whish is sometimes calle 00 degrees . It will also have the motor arm at mid position & representing due south , rotationally .
Motors come with instructions to figure out the elevation of the dish . Never had much lick with it . Besides , my 30" dish does not have any numbers on the scale . :-(
If your motor supports it , set up the sat , closest to due south , at your location , with the Long. & Lat. and tell your receiver to drive the motor there .
With someone watching the receiver & tv Slowly try to tweek the dish up and down for the proper elevatiom . Tighten that up on the dish mount . Gently tweek the dish & motor ( together as a unit ) left & right to tweek it . This assumes you got both mounted correctly , alligned with each other .
Remember , if you are pointing at a linear sat , you must have a linear LNBF installed & the LOF's correct . Circular sar -> circular LNBF & LOF = 11250 . Also , the sat you are pointing at must be transmitting on a transponder on Ku , at the time you are putting this all together . If you are pointing at a C band only sat , you will get nothing with this setup .
If all goes well , you will be ready to scan the due south channel . Then you should have a picture on your TV .
If so , tighten up all the brackets & choose a FAR east sat & try to set it up . Then a FAR west sat . If both of those work , all should work . If not , moew tweeking is needed .
Drawings and instructions should come with the motor , or the receiver or are avalable on the inter net ( print them out ) .
Best of luck Wyr
Unregistered guest
Posted on
WOW...call Domino's,they deliver!...good post,informative...but I wouldn't have that much patience...LOL...sounds easier to forget using various LNB's and motorized Dish..keep it simple,I always say...but also,no pain,no gain is true too....
WOW...call Domino's,they deliver!...good post,informative...but I wouldn't have that much patience...LOL...sounds easier to forget using various LNB's and motorized Dish..keep it simple,I always say...but also,no pain,no gain is true too....
With 2 motorized dishes , I am thinking of putting together a 3rd dish with 4 dual ( 2 F connectors ) circular LNBF's & a switch . Switch is much faster for changing from sat to sat ( compared to motor moving from far west to far east ) .
Then use the 2 motors for playing with FTA .
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Thanks for the reply. Why would I not want to have both circulars mounted? This way motor would not need to move betwwen the 2 birds I watch that need circular lnb's. Also why did you say that disqu probably won't work? will a 22 still control motor on channel changes? Thanks