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Archive through January 21, 2007 | Lee Tierney | 100 | ||
Archive through June 11, 2006 | Suicide Squid | 100 | ||
Archive through October 31, 2005 | Anonymous | 100 | ||
Archive through September 18, 2005 | Re: Helpful Smurf | 100 | ||
Archive through August 02, 2005 | Joe Tadros | 100 |
New member Username: J77jfPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | Have a question. My lamp light never came on but 2 days ago the Temp light kept flashing now everytime I try to turn on the TV the green light just flashes for about a minute then turns off. Is this a lamp problem? |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | I'm eligible for the replacement after 3 failures, but the TV is in a custom built entertainment center that won't accommodate the 56" model. I thought of asking Panasonic for a deal to keep me in bulbs for "x" years (thinking it might be a win for both parties - other than having a black out in the middle of the Super Bowl last year, I like the TV). Now reading the comments on the 56" picture, I think I'll press Panasonic for my "deal" - any thoughts? |
New member Username: Lkg_luverPost Number: 4 Registered: Sep-06 | Garrick, You sure it won't fit? the replacement is actually narrower, even though it's a 55" because the speakers are not on the sides. 50" is 55.8" x 35.3" 56" is 51.6" x 37.6" |
New member Username: Lkg_luverPost Number: 5 Registered: Sep-06 | Peter, Are the purple spots tiny dots? (the size of a pixel) If so, most likely have a burned out pixel(s). I have one on mine two, only it's green, right in the center, |
New member Username: Claudia50954San jose, Ca US Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | I got my 81 yr old parents a 50" Toshiba DLP TV and they tell me the sound is "flat." They had Best Buy down to adjust it, to no avail. They adjusted bass and treble with no appreciable improvement. Is there another adjustment they can make? Do they need a different TV? Speakers? Hearing aids? (kidding) Best Buy is going to service the TV again and bring a different TV to exchange if this adjustment fails. Any suggestions for replacement TV? |
New member Username: Lkg_luverPost Number: 6 Registered: Sep-06 | Claudia, I'm not saying this to be mean or anything, but 81 years sure it's the TV?..Have you heard this problem yourself?...My parents are approaching that age too...and it's not only their hearing thats starting to slip....good luck.. |
New member Username: CudapacLincolnton, NC USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Charles The green pixel in the middle of the set is stuck open so it is visible. This should be repaired under warranty by Panasonic. I bought my set through Tweeters in Charlotte NC and bought the extended warranty. They have replaced two lamps, repaired and upgraded the ballast and will repair the stuck open pixel in about two weeks. |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | Charles, Thanks; yep, it's that extra 2 inches height that's done me in. I'll just have to see if I can take something off the bottom of the TV when it arrives. (otherwise I'm going to have develop some keen cabinetmaker skills fast...) |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 3 Registered: Jan-07 | FYI, I called Panasonic and was told the conditions of the settlement forbid them from making any other settlement than what's described in the settlement announcement, including replacing (or even selling at a discount) the lamps over time. Too bad; I have no other complaints about the set myself. Must be nice to have more money than sense... |
New member Username: Steven_fisherPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Had the same problems, 3 lamps in less then 2 years. I went to an independent dealer/servicer who only sold Sony tv's. They not only knew of the problem but highly recommended LCD over DLP for numerous problems with the DLP format. They took the time to show us picture differences and higher set reliability. The dealer had a data sheet of all the sony's they sold. In 6 years time of over 1500 Sony TV's they sold 11 had failed. Purchased a Sony LCD to replace the panny. Sony is almost 3 years old, not a problem yet. Picture quality is better than the panny, which I gave away. Don't care what happens to it now. Sony lamp is still kickin strong. I'm done shopping at big box stores who just want to sell you something and don't know or care about service problems. |
New member Username: MisbitskiPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Need some advice guys... I submitted my claim paperwork to be reimbursed for a bulb failure. I actually had another bulb go immediately after, but because it was so closed to the original purchase, the seller gave me a replacement for free. About a month ago I finally received my reimbursement cost for the bulb. Last week, the bulb went yet again, bringing the grand total to 3 bulbs that have blown in the TV over the 2.5 years I've owned it. Am I screwed now, or am I still able to get a replacement set under the terms of the settlement? Panasonic said to talk to the settlement group, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be filing another claim or what. I haven't actually purchased a 3rd replacement bulb yet. The set is just sitting there collecting dust. Any suggestions? |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 4 Registered: Jan-07 | Mike, The way I read the settlement, and as it was explained on the phone by the settlement group, we're entitled to both bulb reimbursement and set replacement after 3 failures. If you have had a third failure that hasn't been fixed yet, you are also covered, but it must be confirmed by a Panasonic rep. You should call the settlement group. |
New member Username: MisbitskiPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | Panasonic was definitely not much help. They said anything related to this TV has to go through the settlement group. The best I can do is leave a voicemail. Is there any way to get a hold of someone directly? |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 5 Registered: Jan-07 | Mike, If it's any consolation, I did get a call back when I left a message. Took a couple days, and she didn't offer much help... |
New member Username: MisbitskiPost Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 | Sigh...I got a call back from the settlement group. You are correct, Garrick. They said I should be covered, but it can take up to 2 months to get a replacement. 30 days for them to process, and 30 days for Panasonic to pick up the old set, evaluate it, and then ship me a new one. Given the fact that it's a DLP set, I figured I'd elect for the $1000 rebate instead. Like an idiot, I bought a 42" HP from Circuit City tonight. I didn't realize it's only good off the purchase of another Panasonic TV. YAY! At least I left it in the box. So it goes back I suppose. The real topper is my SUV died on the way home with the new TV. AAA had to tow me to a local dealer...wonder what that repair bill will be. lol. Has anyone opted for the rebate? What are the terms of it? I'm curious whether I can buy a replacement Panasonic set now and then just send in the rebate form when they finally send one. My gut is telling me it probably has some dumb clause saying it has to be purchased 60 days from the date of issue or something, at which point I'd be screwed. |
New member Username: GmenrulePost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Well I am on my second blown bulb, called BB and awaiting the service call. I doubt I will get a third one by May 07 so I will probably be out of luck on the CAS but I have another problem. I read about the green dots (dead pixel) well I have a red dot, is that the same thing, dead pixel and can it be repaired? This is a great place for info. Bart |
New member Username: BeaubeauPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | I got the notice to replace my bulb today for the first time on my PT-50LC13 and in researching came across this thread. Most seem to be focused on the replacement part of this settlement but I'm looking for clarification on the reimbursement and/or extended warranty remedy since I obviously don't qualify for replacement. Will the settlement provide a free replacement bulb in my case? Do I have to purchase one a file a claim for reimbursement? Should I contact the settlement group or Panasonic directly? |
New member Username: CudapacLincolnton, NC USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | Bart I just had a green pixel, which is stuck open and visible, repaired last week. The repair was initiated by the tech who had came three weeks earlier to repair the ballast. He informed me that Panasonic would have to authorize and they did so he was back to replace the entire "engine" which includes the red, green, and blue elements. So yes the red pixel would be replaced. I'm glad I got the extended warranty as everything so far has been replaced at no charge. It's been a pain in the butt not having a HDTV set to watch waiting for 2 bulbs, a ballast, and finally the engine replacement. I have purchased a back up bulb on Ebay so hopefully I will be set for a while as the picture is great. Ron |
New member Username: Floatn1Post Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | Got my replacement tv today. If I remember correctly I sent in my claim form Jan 21, not bad from what I've been reading. Trying to get a call back from the claims people was difficult, never happened. They did email me back quickly though. I gave them a good month before I emailed them asking about it. Over all very satisfied with everything. |
New member Username: BrianmohPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | i just started to fill out the paperwork for the settlement and gather the numerous service orders - on my 5th bulb since jan04. i purchased the extended warranty from PCrichard (thankfully) do I still qualify for the new tv? anyone know as there seems to be alot of research done - thanks for the help! |
New member Username: Floatn1Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-07 | You do still qualify for the replacement TV even though you purchased an extended warranty. I got my new TV yesterday and I had an extended warranty from Best Buy that covered all my replacement bulbs. The process took less than 2 months from sending in my paperwork to getting the new TV. |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | Jason, Which exact model did you receive as a replacement set? Did they collect your old set? Thanks! |
New member Username: Lkg_luverPost Number: 7 Registered: Sep-06 | I had sent my paperwork in, waited a month, then sent an email, asking what the wait time, notification process and so on was. I got a reply in 4 days, stating they had no claim from me. Furious, I requested another claim, filled it out, copied all the reciepts and documentation, and sent it "certified" this time. Within a week, I got a call from the local TV retailer, stating my exchange set was ready for delivery. I got the PT56DLX76, with the 1080i native resolution. I have to believe it was a result of the first claim, not the one I had just sent 1 week prior certified. Still waiting for the check for the $750.00 in bulbs I bought though. Overall, I'm happy with the new set, it's 6" bigger, looks better and has a better picture, I think. Although it doesn't quite fit on the stand for the old 50" the way it should, (the clamps and slots to clamp it down don't line up) it works and looks ok. While there were times I swore I'd never buy another panasonic product during this issue (espicially trying to get documentation for the warranty work done) I even threatened one customer service rep. with taking all my panny products (I have about 3 others)out in the driveway and running over them with the car and mailing them all to her and never buying another one again. And do ya know, when they exchanged the TV's, they tried to leave without leaving any documentation again. I refused to let them out the door with the old set without some paperwork (warranty issues on new set...not going through this documentation issue again) Anyway, I thank this group for all the info and the Mills Group for their work on all our behalfs. Good luck to all of's a nightmare I never want to go through again, the end...I'm satisfied. |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-07 | For those of you waiting to submit your paperwork: If you Google "Panasonic LIFI" you can see what the next gen of Panasonic's RP HDTVs will be - this is probably what we'll end up getting once DLP RP stock is exhausted. DLP stock seems pretty low now, with most of the big online retailers being sold out of Panny DLP RP sets. These LIFI sets are scheduled for release in Apr/May. The upside is you could potentially be getting an HDTV that you'll never have to replace the bulb in. The downside is, instead of the 56" 1080p DLP that people are getting now, you'll probably get the 50" 720p LIFI instead, and AFAIK, these tvs are the first implementation of LIFI in consumer televisions... maybe you'll be involved in another class action in 3-4 years?! |
New member Username: David_dPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | I just came accross this site and have questions. I just had my lamp light come on this will be the third bulb in the Tv. I am wondering what paper work i need to file a claim as far as recpits and such. I sent it out for warranty the first time it went out and havent had any troouble since then. I didnt get any paper work and bought the Tv at ultimate electronics which has gone out of business at least in this area any help would be grate |
New member Username: MisbitskiPost Number: 4 Registered: Feb-07 | David, you might want to scan the rest of the thread. There is a lot of useful info. I think people were able to get copies of their receipts for bulb replacement from Panasonic for warranty service. You'll need a copy of the original receipt for the TV too. If you paid for any bulbs under the warranty work, you'd be eligible for reimbursement. At the very least, you should be eligible for a DLP TV replacement direct from Panasonic or a $1000 rebate on a Panasonic TV of your choice. Visit this link for more info and to submit for a claim form: [link removed] |
New member Username: NcdeacPost Number: 6 Registered: Aug-06 | Sigh...we got the replacement TV in October of last year. This morning...the bulb blew. I am so over Panasonic and their inferior products. Now I get to look forward to spending the next couple of hours trying to get through the Panasonic customer service. Ugh!! |
New member Username: NcdeacPost Number: 7 Registered: Aug-06 | An update to the post above. For once Panasonic really came through. Since we had done our replacement TV directly through Panasonic, we called their customer service. I was on hold for just a couple of minutes (a miracle in and of itself). I explained the situation and was transferred immediately to a manager. In 10 minutes, while I was on hold, he called a local TV repair shop and scheduled an appointment for that afternoon. They came, they changed the bulb and ran a few "diagnostic tests". So we were only without a TV for a couple of hours. I have been the first to complain loudly about Panasonic, so I feel I should give them props when they did the right thing. |
New member Username: Wry791Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | Does anyone know how long it takes to recieve the $1000 rebate check if that option is chosen? I was thinking of buying a Panny TV from Costco/Sams getting the rebate and then refunding the TV....does anyone know why this wouldn't work? |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-07 | You can't buy the TV until after you receive the rebate coupon, and I'd imagine you probably can't return the tv once you cut the barcode/serial number off the box, which is probably required for rebate submission... but other than those two reasons, it may work? |
New member Username: Wry791Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-07 | Can't you just say you threw away the box? You can return TVs at Costco/Sams long after the purchase. |
New member Username: KgehrkePost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | I have the protection plan warranty. I bought it in 2004, moved since then to another state, and my second bulb went out Tuesday night. I called Wed for service, they couldn't find a repairman in my area so they are going to research who the repairman would be and get back to me. I really don't want to go through this hassle every two years. I am trying to weigh whether it is worth it to pay for the warranty every 3 years to replace the bulb every 2 years. The bulb is listed @ $284 on Panasonic's website. But if the pixels go out next, then what? They replace it? Any suggestions? |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-07 | Pull the bulb and look at it. (It's very simple to do, just make sure it's cooled down) If it's just the bulb, call them back and tell them you don't need a repairman just a new bulb. How long is your protection plan good for? I don't think you can extend an extended warranty, can you? |
New member Username: KgehrkePost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-07 | I am pretty sure it is the bulb. I didn't know if it would hurt my warranty to change it myself. It is good until 2009. Just renewed it. |
New member Username: Swede2675Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | I just received the replacement TV for the Panasonic TV Settlement. I had the PT50LC13 LCD and the replacement was the 56DLX76 DLP. If the bulb problem never existed the LCD would easily be the better TV even though it was 720p and the DLP is 1080p. The picture on the DLP is definitley not as clear as the LCD and my wife and I frequently see distortions in the background objects. I was happy to find out that the DLP will fit on the stand from the LCD, just not as perfect as the LCD did. If I could do it over I might think twice about taking the $1000.00 rebate. |
New member Username: Max_tvPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | HELP Can someone please let me know if I can put a claim in? Let me try and make a long story short. I bought this TV (PT-50LC13) on 12/27/03. On about 11/01/04 less then a year from when I bought this TV a pixel (green in color) appeared almost in the center of my TV. Called Tweeter the place I bought the TV from, they came out and told me that I will need to replace the light engine and it will take about two months to get it shipped in and then schedule to have installed. No problem I can still watch TV. It was covered under warranty at no charge. About a year ago the same thing happens green pixel, this time green dot is on the upper center part of the TV. Called Tweeter and Panasonic and tell me out of luck because I am out of warranty. If I want to have it fix I am looking at paying about $1500. I guise I will have to live with the green pixel. On 2/01/06 the infamous bulb decides blow. That was about $300 + tax. Last week I go to turn on the TV and it don't light up, checked the bulb looks ok, not shattered like the last one. The only thing happening is the power ON button is blinking 5 times about every 4 seconds red in color. Now I am mad. Now here is were I need some help, I called the Class Action Settlement group, which I had signed up for last year thanks to this forum. And they tell me that I do not qualify for this settlement because it ONLY involves 3 or more bulb failures and nothing else. I told her that I was informed if I had 3 or more failures, no matter what the problem was that I qualify for this settlement, She told me that is not correct only bulbs is part of this settlement. Is this true? I know I read somewhere on this forum that any 3 failures qualify. If someone can please tell me if this correct, or what else can be done I would appreciate. It stinks staring at a dark gray box in my family room. PS I tried calling Panasonic for help but just get put on hold for ever or transferred to the wrong department, finally get this woman who thinks she can help me over the phone but needs the serial number from the back of the TV. Keep in mind I am at work during the time I reach her, she gives me her direct extension to her phone with an other number to dial threw more quickly. I call that number tonight finally get threw, they never heard of this women. I GIVE UP George |
New member Username: CudapacLincolnton, NC USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 | George Your current problem of a gray box sounds like your ballast needs repaired. This is a replacement of two samll resistors that also helps the lamp premature problem as well. Refer to my post of Feb 07 and you will see that we have had very similar problems. Knock on wood but my set has been working great since I have had the engine and ballast repaired. I'm very pleased with the color and can't wait for the Charlotte stations to go all digital and get more HD content. Ronald |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | Does the original Bulb count as one of the bulbs? If so I will be on the third bulb with two failures. I have the PT-50LCX63. This weekend I just had the second bulb blow and it was well under the 10000 hours. Called Panny and got them to send a free replacement bulb but the replacement TV sounds much better. From what I have been reading, these failures must happen on or before November 2007. What the hell happens after that date, we all go back to spending $300 a bulb again? |
New member Username: FolgersnyourcupPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | I am so confused... I have owned this television since the day it came out and am so upset. My first bulb lasted 4 months. I purchased the service plan at Circuit City, and they replaced the bulb and the ballast under it. It took them 2 months to get the bulb and ballast. The second bulb lasted 8 months. This time the replacement bulb took about a week to come. It died during the NHL playoffs though and I was highly upset. I called, and they again replaced my bulb. This bulb lasted right at 6 months... I have gotten roughly 6-800 hours on each bulb. This is preposterous. I have now been without the use of my television since early August, which was when I found out about I was scared to purchase another bulb at this point as I realized that this is a very widespread problem with this television. I was not able to go through Circuit City again because the service plan on my television had expired. It seems that the bulbs go out in under a year in most cases... I am trying to sort out exactly what I am supposed to do with this issue. I called Panasonic after doing a google search, finding this forum, and seeing posts where users said that they were being offered and sent new 56 inch dlp sets from panasonic as a replacement. Panasonic told me they could do nothing and that I had to call the Class Action hotline and they would probably ask me to fax them all of my service call info, etc. Is this what I should be doing? Should I press to talk to someone higher up at Panasonic? I wasted thousands of dollars on this tv and am angry. Please help! Thank you! |
Bronze Member Username: Sjones1Post Number: 12 Registered: May-07 | I know it's not the solution you're looking for...but you can get a replacement lamp for $199.99 here: S. Jones |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-07 | I actually called tech support today at panasonic and reported that the second bulb that I just received is giving me problems. My TV had a great picture before the bulb blew and not I am getting ghostly green lines that keep scrolling up the screen. She told me that with this problem I would fall under the three "performance problems" solution and I am now searching for my receipt for the other bulb I bought a year ago. She told me that the original bulb or the one that came with the TV counts as the first bulb and that the receipt for the TV counts towards that bulb. It is probably going to take me a week to sift through all the old mail to find it. |
New member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 6 Registered: May-07 | Stephen, A lot of those panasonics have that issue with the lamp. It is caused by a faulty ballast. You should ask the tech support if there have been any revisions on the ballast for your model TV. I know panasonic has had many revisions on the ballast of some models of their projections sets. Its not as simple as changing the ballast either, the set needs to be reprogrammed to the latest firmware to suppor that ballast. I've personally done it to tons of the 50LC13 models. But first and foremost, make sure your replacement is not an aftermarket bulb made by LTI or OSRAM... Panasonic makes their own OEM lamps with the distinct M logo on the side of the bulb. M stands for Matsushitsu (Panasonic). |
New member Username: Luke04Miami, FL USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-06 | I have had three problems with my PT50LC13, the first problem I had to have the projection unit replaced, then a lamp light went out, and now my lamp light is out again. The girl at the Settlement number said she does not Think that I qualify. She said the multiple failures had to be specifically the lamp light, but she is not sure. Does anyone know if I qualify for the replacement or $1000 credit. Panny is sending me a new lamp light. Thanks |
New member Username: BobboSalem, Virginia US Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | I've been reading all the posts and I'm a little confused about the time frame allotted for the third 'failure'. I have a PT-50LC13 purchased Dec. '03. The first lamp failure was in Nov. '05 (approx 23 months). The second lamp failure was April '07 (approx 17 months). Note the total lamp time from factory new to now (timer wasn't reset at first lamp change) is 7113 hours, average of around 3600 hours/lamp (we just don't have it on much). So to my question. The way I read the settlement I have until November of 2007 for the third failure to count (because of timing on my first failure) and to submit my claim. Is this correct? Secondly, my interpretation is I can submit claims for the cost of the first two lamps without giving up the right to submit a claim for multiple failures if the third lamp fails. Do you concur? Sorry for being long winded and thanks for any input. |
New member Username: DivbyzeroPost Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | I purchased a PT-50LC13 right after they first came out. I've been through four bulbs and a ballast, which fell under my extended warranty. I absolutely refused to get a DLP because the rainbowing effect drives me nuts, so I was wary about signing up for the TV swap-out remedy. Anyway, I was also getting really really sick of the horrible black levels of my PT-50LC13, so I sent in the paperwork about 5 weeks ago. I wish someone had posted an article like this before I made my decision. Yesterday, while my 3-year-old son was watching his favorite show, the delivery guys showed up, walked in, quickly removed my old TV (freaked out my kid, BTW), and replaced it with the PT-56DLX76 DLP. I must say, I am very pleasantly surprised with it. It was delivered through a local TV service company, which doesn't do retail. I asked about paying the difference to upgrade, and it wasn't possible. First thing, immediately turn it off of the "Vivid"'s horrible and will totally skew your perspective. The contrast ratio is sooo much better than the PT-50LC13 that I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. I can watch dark scenes again!!! HD images are more crisp as long as you can pump in 1080i/p, but if they're only 720p, I don't notice any difference. I've been watching "Into the Blue" and "Planet Earth" on Blu-Ray, and they both look spectacular. For some reason I can't figure out, the dynamic iris is disabled on 1080p signals. Kind of annoying. The old cabinet design was kind of an optical illusion that made the screen look smaller than it was. The new cabinet design plus the extra 6" in actual screen size makes a VERY noticable difference. The new cabinet is not any larger than the old cabinet. The extra HDMI connector allows me to plug in both my HD Tivo and my PS3. Extra filtering seems to have been applied to standard def inputs and it looks a bit softer. On SD DirecTV signals, it really helps remove the compression artifacts that were quite visible on the PT-50LC13. All in all, I greatly prefer th SD image quality on the new TV. Image quality from watching DVDs is more of a toss up (disregarding black levels). Color accuracy isn't as good on the new TV, but it's not annoying. I got used to it fairly quickly. I plan on doing some more tweaking at some point. The new TV has a 1-year warranty with a 18-month warranty on the lamp. Subsequent lamps only have a 12-month warranty. The new TV also has discrete remote signals for power on/off and input select!!! ![]() ![]() Now here's the thing I was most worried about...rainbowing. All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised. Unless there is some text on the screen, I don't really notice any rainbowing at all. With text on the screen I notice it a bit, but I don't find it annoying. The worst is the menu system of my PS3. All of that crisp white text scrolling around on a black background at 1080p is my worst nightmare. Thankfully I don't entertain myself on the PS3 menu system. I'm definitely glad I had my TV swapped out. |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 26 Registered: May-07 | From my understanding is that the LC13 series of the Panasonic sets have a recall on the ballast. The changing of the ballast must also be followed by a system upgrade by the servicer. I believe if your TV goes to service or blows more than 3 lamps under warranty, they replace the TV set for you. Panasonic is aware of the problem... But the problem isn't the bulb, it is the ballast/bulb combo. |
New member Username: BartgrovePost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | I have submitted a claim and just got a letter stating that the documentation was insufficient to substantiate all of the performance problems. I sent three copies of the work orders (three different dates for blown bulbs) from the repair center used by Best Buy. I have the extended warranty so I did not have to pay for the work but it still shows the prolbems they had to repair. By the way it took a while to get these repair forms as Best Buy and the repair company would not give them up. The repair company said Best Buy did not allow them to leave copies or reciepts of work orders if it is under an extended plan. Anyway the only thing I can think of is that the part #'s were blacked out but you can still read them through the marker. I wrote them out and I also called and left a message with the claims peole. Has anyone else had this sort o problem? The code on the letter the claims office sent me was "MPD". Great link by the way very helpful. |
New member Username: DstarPost Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | That's ridiculous that you can't get repair records showing the part numbers. Is that written in some contract that you signed? Do they understand they are screwing you out of a replacement television? I wouldn't stand for that. Take the repair shop to small claims court or have an attorney contact them. Write to anyone and everyone at Best Buy corporate that you can dig up information on until you get what you want. I'b be fuming if I were you. |
New member Username: Mcoates94Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | Bart - I had the same thing happen to me using Best Buy receipts. Except in my case, I had copies left behind but they use thermal type paper and it doesn't hold up over time. I got my claim back stating insuffient proof but it stemmed from not being able to read the receipts from the copies I made. I got on the phone with the settlement group and talked to a helpful lady who worked with me and suggested I try darkening the copy. I took it one step further and scanned the receipts so I had them digitally and emailed them to the group. That helped dramatically and all information was then suffice and my claim has been supposedly approved and forwarded to Panasonic for disbursment of the remedy. |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-07 | My wife called me an hour ago and said Panasonic called and needed to make sure someone was going to be home to receive the replacement TV. When DIVBYZERO said that he had no warning or advance notice that the new TV was comming, he was on the mark. She got the call and within a half hour the guys came and took the old TV and replaced and hooked up the new. My wife did inform me that the delivery guy was a little of a jerk to her about it asking why we never called him to service the TV before and asking to remove my 14 month old from the room. But all in all I am out of a sticky problem and can't wait to see how much a replacement bulb costs for this TV now for when it goes. Thanks again and what an excelent fourm for people with these TV's |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-07 | Slukman, did you the same tv as DivByZero? The PT-56DLX76 DLP? |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-07 | Yes, the exact same TV. And I think the picture looks ALOT better than the LDC it replaced. I had the PT-50LCX63 which I thought had an awsome picture. I can really tell the diffrence with my ps3 and the 1080p picture. Like I said, the tech at Panasonic said that with the original TV invoice and two invoices for bulbs qualifies you for the replacement. Now what I don't know is if I will also get reimbursed for the lights as well. DivByZero, any word on a check in the mail as well? |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 5 Registered: Apr-07 | For those wondering, I sent in my Claim form in around May 15th. The claims admin said once it leaves their hands Panasonic has 30 days to honor or send you a letter of rejection. By reading previous posts, I figured I'd be calling panasonic next Friday to find out what the deal was. Good luck to all. |
New member Username: DivbyzeroPost Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | Slukman, I had originally purchased an extended warranty through Magnolia Hi-Fi, so I didn't have to pay for any replacement bulbs or ballast in the first place. Therefore, I won't be getting any reimbursement check. |
New member Username: Mcoates94Post Number: 2 Registered: Jun-07 | How are people contacting Panasonic? My claim is supposedly now in their hands and I would like to confirm and get a status from them if possible. |
New member Username: Darthb587Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | I have two lamp failures currently. My first lamp that came with the TV lasted 11 months. The second lamp lasted 18 months. The third lamp is going on 11 months, but by this November it will be at 16 months. I'm hoping the lamp blows soon because if it doesn't i just know it will blow ONE DAY AFTER November 30, 2007 and I will be SOL!!!! Anyone else biting their nails? |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-07 | My wife just informed me that we got a certified letter from Panasonic which had a check reimbursing me for the two light bulbs' I purchased as well. So you do get both ends of the deal as long as you meet the requirements. Hat's off to the person who stepped up to the plate on this issue. Normally in these class action lawsuits you get a check for $0.35. Also I found out that the replacement cost for the replacement TV's bulb is around $235. |
New member Username: Cdizon2188Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | Could someone please clarify/confirm something for me. If we accept the $1000 rebate certificate, do we also get to keep the TV at issue (LC13)? The claim form seems to indicate that this is the case. Has anyone here accepted the $1000 rebate instead of the replacement TV? |
New member Username: MisbitskiPost Number: 5 Registered: Feb-07 | Yes. You get a rebate form that's good for year from the date of issue towards another Panasonic TV set $1500 and up AND you get to keep the old TV. |
New member Username: FolgersnyourcupPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-07 | What do I need to do to follow up? I gathered together all the required paperwork for the lawsuit and mailed it in two weeks ago but have heard nothing. |
New member Username: SlukmanPost Number: 7 Registered: Apr-07 | Arron, I called the tv settlement lawyers 800 number to get a status from them and they told me when they forwarded the paperwork to panasonic. I never heard anything about anything until the day they wanted to come over and swap out the TV. Then four days later I got a certified package from panasonic and it was the reimbursement check for the bulbs. So all I can say is try calling the lawyers and find out when they sent in your paperwork because Panasonic has 30 days from that time to respond. Good luck. |
New member Username: Cdizon2188Post Number: 2 Registered: Oct-06 | Anyone else notice that the DLX76 (actually all DLP tv's) has been removed from the panasonic website? Makes you wonder if Panasonic will still provide DLP replacement TV's or something else... |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 7 Registered: Mar-07 | I believe the DLP sets have been out of production for a while now, and they were just running down inventories. No way to say how many are out there, but the big box stores have stopped carrying Panny DLP sets some time ago. I predict that they will be sending out LIFI sets before the final date of settlement submissions - actually this was mentioned some time ago on the AVSForum board on this same topic. |
New member Username: FolgersnyourcupPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-07 | looks like everything is going great! I sent in my claim form the first week of June and e-mailed the claims people last week to check on its status. They said that it had been forwarded to Panasonic and I should expect a call around the middle of the month. The tv repair center that got me the multiple new bulbs for my television as they blew called me this morning. They said "Are you expecting a new Panasonic tv?" I jubilantly exclaimed "Yes I am!" I had been asleep but this instantly woke me up. My television has not functioned for exactly one year. And they said okay, well it looks like we have one here for you, we just need to find a time to swap it out with your old one. We decided on Monday morning so I can't wait! I heard murmurings of the LIFI sets but it doesn't matter to me. The 56 inch 1080P dlp tv sounds like more than a great replacement for my 50 inch lcd rear projection which does not show the color black... |
New member Username: FolgersnyourcupPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-07 | An update here. I decided I couldn't wait till Monday morning so I borrowed a friend's truck and did the swap myself. The new television is beautiful. The pictures I had seen online made it out to be all silver, this one is all black. I'm assuming the pictures were of the 720p model. I don't have a bluray player yet but the picture through upconvert dvd is great! There are blacks on this television. All in all, I am extremely satisfied with what Panasonic did for me. I went through quite a lot to get the necessary paperwork and a lot of headaches with my television being broken for exactly one year but it was worth it! Good luck to everyone else! |
New member Username: Devans1251Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | This is my first post on this forum - I just found it yesterday - great information by all. Here is my situation - I bought my PT-50LC13 in Dec. 2004 and have had 4 lamp failures - the latest one about 60 days ago. It was this last failure that started me looking at the settlement information - I did not receive notification when they sent out the original package - not sure why, but never received it. I called the claims group and requested a package for submittal - it took about 30 days to receive it in the mail. Luckily, I kept the records of my purchase and the paperwork for all of the lamp replacements - it all made the claim process very easy. I submitted my claim for a replacement TV around June 18th and confirmed their receipt of the claim on June 26th via email. I requested via email and received an update via reply email on July 13th stating "You will be on the next replacement TV request list that we send to Panasonic. Panasonic will then take 4-6 weeks to get you your replacement TV." I am now in a waiting pattern - not sure when the actual replacement list was submitted to Panasonic - but I assume it has been by now - so I will wait to hear from them. I must say that I am very interested to hear if anyone has received a replacement TV within the last month or so - and what the replacement TV was - if they are still issuing the PT-56DLX76 DLP or if they have moved on to another model. If anyone has any current information, it would be most appreciated to see an updated posting. Again, thanks to all that have posted in the past. |
New member Username: Devans1251Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Well, I just got off the phone with a lady from Digital Services Solutions here in the San Jose area and they are bringing my new TV out on Tuesday. I asked her what model they were bringing and she told me the PT-56DLX76 - so that answers my question as to which model they are currently providing. I will let you all know how I like the DLP vs the LCD - I hope that it is at least a good and maybe better. |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 47 Registered: May-07 | I just found out that is selling the TY-LA1000 lamp for $209.99.. Original Panasonic lamp. Their invoice is valid and accepted by Panasonic. I believe Panasonic will refund you the full amount if your TV falls under the lemon law or recall. Just FYI... Let me know how it goes. |
New member Username: John_murphyStillwater, Oklahoma Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | I found this site tonight , my 3rd bulb blew today, the 2nd was paid under settlement (kudos to the folks who did the hard work for the rest of us). I am going to take the $1,000 towards purchase of a new Panasonic TV so I can keep the old PT-50LC13. Any ideas on what Panny offers that is good in the $1,500 range?? I have not seen where any others have opted for this choice, Why is that? any thoughts! Also will they pay for this 4th bulb or is it on me since I am going for the $1,000 rebate? Are we SOL after 11/30/07, $300 every 18 months is a lot for a TV. I read every post and am glad I found this site, I was sweating my last bulb not busting until 12/01/07 so I am thrilled that the product held up to its crappy standards. thanks for your input! John |
New member Username: Devans1251Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-07 | John - I chose the replacement DLP vs. the $1000 for 2 reasons: 1. The very issue that you stated - keeping the PT-50LC13 (which is what I also had) and paying $200+ for a new bulb every 9 to 15 months is crazy - IMHO. 2. Benefiting Panasonic by paying another $500 to buy one of their other TVs is just something that I did not want to do based on my prior experience - i.e., reward them for abusing me. BTW, I have had the PT-56DLX76 replacement for several weeks now and love it. |
New member Username: John_murphyStillwater, Oklahoma Usa Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | Dennis, Thanks for your reply, I understand why you went that route. I need a TV for a pool house we recently added, I planned on putting the old bulb buster out in the pool house (I figure it will get less than 500 hours a year out there, so maybe the bulb wont be as big of an issue). I figured I would buy a new Panasonic plasma with the rebate, which panisonic would get about $800 of new money from me but I was going to have to buy another TV anyway for inside or the poolhouse. My big problem now is the settlement people WILL NOT CALL ME BACK!!!! All I want to know is do I have to buy bulbs beginning now (after I am eligible for the multple failure remedy) or do they replace them thru 11/30/07. I have sent 3 emails and left 3 messages, the guys at the lamp warrenty area cannot fulfill an order for a 3rd failure (4th bulb) but the court appointed people will not call me back. I had a new bulb in my hands last night in Tulsa (75 miles from home) the guy only took cash (no credit cards or checks) and only gave a 30 day warrenty it seemed to fishy to me so I could not hand over $250 cash to some guy who could say he had never seen me before if the bulb blew next week. Panny could solve my issues with one phone call. If anyone knows the answers to the 4th, 5th etc bulb cost responsibility question please let me know! If anyone has gone for the $1,000 rebate let me know how that worked out. Based on what everyone says about the replacement TV I may go that route and buy a cheap TV for out back. I would feel much better about Panisonic (or the settlement people)if they would just call me back. john Murphy |
New member Username: John_murphyStillwater, Oklahoma Usa Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-07 | FYI, I purchased a replacement bulb on EBAY from niosales, an internet consumer electronics seller for $116 + $9 shipping, It does not include the housing (I change out busted lamp from my old housing myself). I should get lamp via UPS today. According to Panasonic or the tvsettlement place all future LCD TY-LA1000 bulbs are on me. That is if I keep the old LCD Panny and go for the $1,000 rebate which I am. I can swing $125 every 16 months for a $1,000 off a new TV and getting to keep my old LCD but $300 would have been a bit much. I hate to pay Panasonic more money but I need another TV. John |
New member Username: Keystone_bobSand springs, Okla. Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | My PT-50LC13 had 3 failures. Sent claim form and documention on 7/31/07. Waited until 8/24/07 to e-mail requesting update and received reply by e-mail same day stating my claim was sent to panasonic on 8/07/07. Local store called on 8/30/07 saying they had our new PT-56DLX76 [1080p] and would bring it to us on 9/07/07. It seems to as good as the LCD it replaced.I can't say that panasonic was helpful but the claims group were great. |
New member Username: AntiguyPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | ok. for those of us who are broke and or on a fixed income. i received a panasonic pt43lc14 as a gift from a very well intentioned relative who has since passed, so it has a special attachment for me. unfortuantely since i am retired on a fixed income, i cannot afford the 250+ dollars for a new housing/bulb. i really cant even afford the 125 for a new bulb so i did some research and found out that supposedly the ty-la1000 housing uses an osram bulb. since it has been sitting for over a year and since i have an associates in tv and electronics tech, i removed the bulb housing from the cage, then the caulk from the bulb housing and removed the bulb. it appears to be a double end halogen bulb. the bulb has an 'm' logo on it enclosed in a box, then the number hs100a13 4g25 immediately after that. on the other side it has a number which i can only partly read 04g24? due to that being where the glass in the bulb broke. now i am assuming that the 100 in the first number relates to it being a 100 watt bulb i have yet to get the voltage, but it should be easy enough to stick a voltmeter in the cage socket and see what voltage is being fed if i need to. can anyone help me fill in any blanks and find a replacement bulb for this housing? i cant find an osram part number anywhere with either of those numbers in it. also, any suggestion on how to clean out the inside of the housing. please help me break away from my ten year old 25 inch sony wega. ![]() ps. for anyone who is going to attempt to do this. please remember that when handling bulbs like this, you need to keep skin oils and other foreign substances out of the housing and off the bulbs. |
New member Username: Dba100Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | Can you tell me if I qualify for Multiple Failures Remedy 1. Purchased TV in Feb 2004 2. Original lamp failed in Feb 2007 3. Panasonic sent a replacement 3. Again TV stopped working in March 2007 4. I had showed to TV to a Repair Shop on April 15, 2007, and have a receipt indicating that they had looked at it. 5. I was out of the country from April 25 to June 3. 5. I gave the TV to another repair shop in mid-June. Paid $500, but still the TV is not working. |
New member Username: AshvinaminPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | This TV is BAD. Since Panasonic has settled the lawsuit, I suggest anyone with these 50 or 60 LCD TV, fill out the paper work to get a replacement TV or $1000 towards purchase of another Panasonic TV. The time is running out to send the claim. ISent in my claim on Aug 12, it was received by the mediator on Aug 15. They reviewed it and sent to Panasonic on Oct 6. I just got a call from local Panasonic repair shop that they will deliver replacemenmt TV later today. So keeping the fingeres crossed. |
New member Username: AshvinaminPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-07 | Well. The TV just arrived. It is all black so looks decent. Smaller footprint, as speakers are on bottom. It is a LIFI set, so basically an enhanced LCD. Picture quality seems about the same.slight brighter. It is PT50-LCX70. I believe Panasonic has discontinued it and on the internet it says it has 720P resolution vs 1080I on PT50LC13 which they just took it away, when they delivered the new TV. I am disapponted in Panasnic and will never buy another product in future. The orginal TV was purchased in Dec 2003 and have gone through 3 Ballast replacement and 5 lamp replacement. It was good that majority of the repair was done under extended warranty. I did have to purchase 3 lamps from out of pocket. Oh well... |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 50 Registered: May-07 | The lamp in your TY-LA1000 is 100% NOT OSRAM...the bulb is manufactured by PANASONIC's parent company Matsushita. |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 51 Registered: May-07 | Like "j mercier" says...the M stands for Matsushita. Just a FYI, the lamps inside the JVC D-ILA TVs are made by Panasonic also. I would not recommend buying a generic lamp like the OSRAM's unless you want to change out lamps every 3 months! It's no secret that that OSRAM bulbs somehow found themselves in the CHEAPEST production DLP sets manufacture's like AKAI and RCA. You'll also notice that the high end RCA Sceniums and nearly ALL Samsung DLPs utilize the Philips brand, versus the OSRAM. The same is true with SONY, SHARP, LG, Philips, ZENITH, etc., etc. You've all been warned ;) |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 52 Registered: May-07 | Another thing to consider if you are just planning on buying the bulb online... 1) The TY-LA1000 Enclosures use torx screws. You will want to make sure you have a long set of torx 2) The original lamp is SOLDERED to the connector cable. Unless you have a soldering station you might have trouble de-soldering the cable from the old lamp and soldering it on the new lamp. Another FYI: For most of us, it just make sense to get the whole enclosure, especially since Panasonic is going to pickup the tab on it! Just make sure you buy from a valid business (NOT EBAY) which Panasonic recognizes just as discount-merchant or partstore. Cheers! |
New member Username: AntiguyPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-07 | thanks for all the info ovadoggvo. you wouldnt by any chance have the part number of the bulb that is inside of the lamp housing would you? or at least the voltage. the wattage we already know, is 100 watts. my set is the 43 inch one and this is the first bulb failure so it doesnt qualify for any of the lawsuit provisions. ps. i have a pt43lc24 and my ty-la1000 housing has phillips head screws. |
New member Username: SpeqtrePost Number: 8 Registered: Mar-07 | Ashvin Amin, Can you double check the model number of the tv you received? Panasonic initially announced a 720p 50" LIFI set, but supposedly never produced it. The model number you listed would be that set, but there is no reference to it on the Panasonic support web page. Are you sure you didn't get the PT-50LCZ70? Also, the tv you had was 720p/1080i, just like the one you say you got - the native resolution of the lcd is 1280x720 in both sets. |
New member Username: RickyhPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | I have had 3 bulbs go out on the 60 inch set. Two of the bulbs were from Panasonic but the first one that I purchased I got off ebay because at that time Panasonic was doing nothing to address the issue. Does this mean that since one of the came from ebay they will not honor the multiple failure remedy? |
New member Username: KlimbakPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | We bought our PT-50LC13 in 11/03. First bulb went out 7/04; second 6/05; third 01/06; fourth on 6/07. We then found out about the settlement and just filed two weeks ago. We were looking forward to our problems being over but then it happened again two nights ago. You would think the word exasperated would convey how we're feeling here but we're long beyond that now. I've read much about the possible replacement television possibilities -- 720 or 1080 LIFI's, the 56" LDX -- all of which are fine with us. Just get something in here that works and that we're not gonna have to keep getting repaired. This is not what we were anticipating when we leaped into the HD pool. I hope this nightmare is close to being over. Just my two cents... |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 6 Registered: Jan-07 | It just dawned on me to ask here... Could someone who has received the 56" replacement give me a "real" measurement of the height? We have our PT-50LC13 in a custom cabinet that might not be tall enough, in which case I'll have to opt for the voucher. Is there anything on the bottom that might be removed? I'm just 1 inch off if I can believe the Panny specs online. THANKS!!! |
New member Username: KlimbakPost Number: 2 Registered: Oct-07 | I had a very good call from someone at the settlement group today. He was responding to my phone message at the 800 number as well as my email sent to: He said my paperwork was in proper order and that my claim was in the evaluation process and that he felt that it wouldn't have any problems being approved. Needless to say, that was great to hear. He also said the turnaround time could be right around 30 days. I also asked him him if there was any current trend with the televisions being given out at this juncture. He said he saw earlier claimants receive the LIFI 1080 sets; more recently he has seen the PT-56DLX76 and the PT-56LCX70 56" 720p as well. He said the television selection process appeared to have no pattern and thus was inpossible to predict or plan for what you may or may not get. I'm okay with that. We built our wall unit and though not originally built to be resized one way or the other, we can and will make whatever adjustments need to be made to accomodate our new HDTV. We're just thrilled that we can finally see the finish line approaching! If I hear anything more that can possibly ease the minds of anyone else here I will be sure to share it with you here. |
New member Username: Keystone_bobSand springs, Okla. Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-07 | Garrick- Our PT-56DLX76 is 52" wide,36 1/4" high and 18 1/2" deep. No way to remove anything from the bottom of the set.Hope this will help. |
New member Username: Mpelletier523Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | I bought this set used a year a ago bulb just blew. Can I get in on this somehow.Thanks |
New member Username: ManbluesPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | hello all has anyone recieved a replacement for a 60 inch lcd tv model pt6olc13if so what model did they send you plus how long was the wait for the new set all i see is replacements for the 50 inch models also what number do I need to reach panasonic to complain about the wait |
New member Username: Newuser1866Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | does anyone know how much gonna cost in order to get a settlement group to help????? |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 8 Registered: Jan-07 | I know it's after the deadline, but anyone looking for status, you may want to try email. I emailed asking for status and got a reply back the same day (today) saying it can take as long as 30 days to process, but that they had received my claim. (I filed as late as I could just to see what other options might present themselves - to no avail, I might add). Email I used: |
New member Username: ManbluesPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-07 | hello andy it does not cost nothing but a stamp if you made the dead line which was nov. 30 2007 i got my set a few days ago it was a 61 inch dlp brand new model pt-61dlx61 good luck to ya |
New member Username: Fordtech21Shawnee, Kansas Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | My bulb went out on my PT-50LC13 TV which I bought new on 12/20/2003. How do you get the rebate from Panasonic? Contact info? |
New member Username: ManbluesPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-07 | for kevin schmucker kevin if you have your receipt for the lamp go to they will ask you for the number on your lamp then they will tell you if they can replace it or not the deadline for filing a claim was nov. 30 2007 for a replacement set stayon them and they might send you a new set you have to deal with panasonic now on the site is a phone number to call good luck |
New member Username: LexpauldPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | Well, the settlement company received my paperwork on 10 Oct 2007. On 23 Oct 2007 they sent a replacement request to Panasonic, who was supposed to get me the replacement TV within 30 days. I had not received a call or a TV and on 28 Nov 2007 I sent an email to the settlement company. On 9 Dec 2007 and 11 Jan 2008 I sent emails again to the settlement company because I had not yet received a call or a replacement TV. Finally, on 24 Jan 2008 I received a voice mail from a local service company that they had called in Nov 2007 and left a message with my daughter. My daughters don't recall getting such a call. Anyway, I called them back on 25 Jan 2008 and scheduled deliver of the new set for 30 Jan 2008. They said the replacement is a PT-50LCX70. I called them back to make sure I heard correctly because I had not seen that model number. I suspect it is either PT-50LCZ70 or PT-56LCX70, but I'll have to wait and see. I did download the manuals for the two TVs, and the cover page for the PT-56LCX70 also lists PT-50LCX7 and PT-50LCX7K. I'll report back to let you know get. |
New member Username: ManbluesPost Number: 4 Registered: Nov-07 | has anyone recieved the check for bulb bought yet I have been waiting over 3 months for the one im suppose to get frome panasonic I e mailed the settlement group and never got t a good answer why until I used the word lawyerthey sat panasonic owes over 600 people checks and they have gotten behind with the money so all of you waiting for checks e mmail them saying you will seek a lawyer and you will get results |
New member Username: Thewiz01Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | I just had a bulb go out of my TV. I have a PT-50LC14. I was shocked to find this website about the CAS. I was more upset to see that I received no notification and that the settlement is over. Just wondering if I could ask a few questions. The bulbs to be replace. Do they have to be genuine panasonic bulbs. And if so how do you verify that they are? Did I miss the boat if my TV starts acting up now? Has anyone tried to get a claim from Panasonic after the CAS? Just nervous about my TV now. |
New member Username: Fordtech21Shawnee, Kansas Usa Post Number: 2 Registered: Dec-07 | Buy bulb only on ebay for around $100 |
New member Username: Waiting_in_minnesotaPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | I still have not received my check from Panasonic!!! Is anyone having the same issue? |
New member Username: GdmPost Number: 9 Registered: Jan-07 | Here's the email I got from the settlement group: A reimbursement check has been generated to cover your lamp reimbursement costs. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery of that check. |
New member Username: ManbluesPost Number: 5 Registered: Nov-07 | hello people panasonic is not doing what they were ordered to do on tyla1000 lamp refund as derrick was told in 3 weeks they have been telling me that for the last 3 months all of us that spent hard earned money to buy those good for nothing lamps need to file suit aming at panasonic and garden city group its funny how panasonic can build a new plant in japan but cannot pay us everyone that is due a refund check we need to act now together |
Bronze Member Username: Sjones1Post Number: 33 Registered: May-07 | Craig, You didn't need to buy a original Panasonic lamp...and quite frankly I don't know why anyone would want to after repeated lamp failures. It's well documented that the Panasonic lamps are just plain poor quality bulbs. Panasonic lamps are also used by JVCs...Take a look at this forum...guess what, the longest threads on this site are JVC customers complaining about crappy lamps! It's not a coincidence that there was a class action lawsuit against Panasonic and JVC owners dominant the forums with lamp related pleas. Here is a good article on this: 00ua-ts-cl100ua-jvc-d-ila-lamps/ Again, clear evidence that the lamps are just bunk. Seems like the replacement lamps manufactured by Philips are clearly the best in the industry and the ideal replacement. |
New member Username: KaysyiayiaNew Port Richey, FL United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | My husband and I were also part of the settlement and opted for the $1000 rebate. We were afraid they would send us the same TV as a replacement. Well, we went through the process and received our rebate certificate. All we had to do was buy another Panasonic TV (any model) for atleast $1500. I began searching online and found a 50 in. HD Plasma TV on sale at Circuit City for $1499.99. I called the settlement office and they said it couldn't even be a penny short so I went to Circuit City, purchased the TV and asked them to bump it up one cent for a total of $1500 which they were happy to do. As for how the TV is going to work out???.....your guess is as good as mine. The good thing is that Circuit City online had this TV on sale from $1799.99 to $1499.99. When I went in to Circuit City, the sale price wasn't displayed but I had printed the page off the internet and they said that was good enough and approved the $1499.99 price "in store". The TV wasn't in stock so I won't receive it until next Wednesday when the truck comes in. So..I have my receipt as proof of purchase of a $1500 Panasonic TV and everything else I need. One more issue. The morning after I paid for the TV, for some reason I went online to Circuit City again and the price was knocked down another $100!!!! Now it's $1399.99 just through tomorrow (Saturday) so I think since I already have my receipt for paying $1500, I'll run in to Circuit City and see if they'll credit me that extra $100 since I don't have the TV in my possesion yet. I had them print a duplicate receipt for the settlement anyways so if they need the original back, I still have a $1500 "proof of purchase" duplicate to send in with my rebate certificate. If they'll honor the new sale price I can't lose! Also, make sure you ALWAYS check online first to see if they have it marked down there and print the page because the sales guy told me that if I went in to Circuit City to buy that TV, they would not have told me that it was $300 cheaper because I didn't know any better. I will check online from ANY store in the future. A lesson well learned that I thought I'd share with everyone. |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 88 Registered: May-07 | Steve, You are right about the panasonic lamp failure, however, some people go through bulbs every 2-3 months with the TY-LA1000 because they keep buying OSRAM or APO/DNGO brand lamps and install them into their old enclosures! THIS IS A BIG NO NO! All you eBay shoppers trying to save $10-$20 are going to cost yourselves $100s in the long run. The lamp enclosures with philips lamps have been the MOST SUCCESSFULL in the industry.. Again, PHILIPS IS THE INNOVATOR of UHP technology! They will ALWAYS have a better lamp through R&D... Even if you TV set came with an OSRAM due to lack of production demands in 2004-2006 by philips, if possible change the OSRAM to a PHILIPS... I bet you will be happier in the long run. Buy from a reputable dealer.. SPECIALLY PANASONIC, JVC, AND TOSHIBA lamps! They are notorious for premature failure... and eBay sellers won't replace it! I buy my TY-LA1000 lamps at and I always get great service and a reliable product. Only $209... that's $40 bux cheaper than anywhere else that sells the original product with enclosure. People selling OSRAM aftermarket lamps can't even compete there. Also, If the lamp fails prematurely within the 90 day warranty period (which has happened on 3 of 200+ lamps), I just call them with my order number and they send me a replacement the same day! You don't get that with ebay or even PANASONIC themselves... |
Bronze Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 98 Registered: May-07 | Guys.. I forgot to mention that your receipts from authorized dealers such as D-M can be used to get a refund for the full lamp's cost directly from Panasonic! This means if you have bought this lamp more than 2 times in one year, you can get fully refunded... Have a copy of your invoice handy when calling Panasonic! |
Bronze Member Username: Sjones1Post Number: 42 Registered: May-07 | I'd be weary of "fly by night" companies on eBay. I would definitely check for: * website with valid whois * telephone, fax, physical address of a business * location (not someone's home office!) * Live customer service, preferably in the form of live telephone support * warranty--it would suck to buy a bulb and two weeks later you're trying to track down the seller...and of course eBay doesn't care * Knowledgeable staff. Do they have valid information on their website or are they importing a bunch of products and not knowing what they are selling! * Peer reviews. eBay feedback is great, but problem with eBay is someone can bring up their feedback with $1 items, then start selling $100+ and no one would know. Sites like, nextag, google reviews are other sources to check. It seems like a lot of work, but it really isn't. all this can be done in a matter of minutes...and that would insure your best chances of getting a quality product from a quality vender. |
New member Username: KristamkWernersville, PA Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | I just found this thread and have enjoyed reading everyone's input/comments... I just got a call from a local TV shop saying our replacement TV is in and they will be deliver when hubby is home on Tuesday. The person I spoke with said the unit was the PT-50LCX70. Of course, I searched for any info I could find on the TV online which wasn't much and what I did find didn't thrill me - especially the fact that it's 720 dpi vs 1080 on my PT-50LC13? So I was wondering, for those of you who have received this model, what do you think of it so far? I guess at this point, it really doesn't matter because the TV is here and needs to be replaced per the settlement but I was just wondering if I need to prepare hubby for a lower quality picture. Thanks for any info you can offer! |
Silver Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 101 Registered: May-07 | Krista, The 720 you are referring to is 720P (progressive scan).. Which is the same as your old TV which is a 1080I (interlaced).. Both 1080I and 720P are interchangeable as they are both the same exact resolution displayed in 2 different ways. Both should carry a 1280 x 720 native resolution. What you will encounter with the new TV is a brighter and smoother picture as the LCX series is a 2007 model with many improvements over the LC13 series.. |
New member Username: KristamkWernersville, PA Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-08 | Thanks so much for the info, ovadoggvo. Since we were never intending on replacing our TV ourselves, I haven't kept up with the technology so I had no idea of the difference between the two! Now I'm looking even more forward to getting our replacement. |
Silver Member Username: OvadoggvoPost Number: 116 Registered: May-07 | Glad I could help. Let us know how it goes and how it compares to your old set. I'm confident that you will be very pleased with the difference in quality! |
New member Username: KristamkWernersville, PA Post Number: 3 Registered: Mar-08 | So far, so good = ) The new set seems to be brighter and clearer than the old one and we're really enjoying it. The 'cabinet' is taking me a little while to get used to because it makes the TV look smaller (the old one had speakers on the side) and I preferred the old gray to the current black but overall, we're happy with it! Thanks again for your help! |
New member Username: TwizePost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | This may be off topic a bit, but was wondering if anyone could be of help: I have a PT-43LC14 and just got a message last night saying my lamp needs to be replaced - lasted about 3.5 years. I have ordered a replacement from a seller on e-bay (niosales - same as John Murphy from post last September) Does anyone know how long you have before the lamp dies completely after the initial message? Guessing it depends on usage, but any rough estimates? |
Bronze Member Username: GdmPost Number: 10 Registered: Jan-07 | I got a check for lamp costs (partial, I might add), but still no TV or contact from Panasonic. The settlement group is giving me a lot of attitude, a la "We don't represent Panasonic; we don't represent the plaintiffs; we don't give legal advice; we can't exert pressure on Panasonic..." etc., and get defensive and snippy when I ask what DO they do then. Guess my strategy of waiting to near the end of the time limit hoping for newer technology blew up in my face... Any suggestions? Maybe I'll go to one of the local TV station "help the little guy" advocates... |
New member Username: LorriPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-08 | Garrick, did you use the telephone number in the post above yours when you contacted the "settlement group"? If so, you aren't talking to a settlement group, you are talking to a Web development group in Tulsa Oklahoma who has the misfortune of having their 888 number posted on this message board. We are NOT a settlement group and we have nothing to do with Panasonic. |
Bronze Member Username: GdmPost Number: 11 Registered: Jan-07 | Lorri, I have their number on speed dial. Depending on which dolt I get on the line at Garden City Group, I get a different, useless answer. |
New member Username: LorriPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-08 | Sorry you are having so much trouble. If you could just help spread the word that the 888 number listed here isn't correct, that would really be appreciated. Over the past couple of years, we probably get one or two angry calls from Panasonic customers a week. |
New member Username: KristamkWernersville, PA Post Number: 4 Registered: Mar-08 | Hi, Garrick. I am by no means an expert but I just wanted to share my experience with you... I received my rebate in December and just assumed that was all I would receive. In March, we got a call from the place where we purchased our TV originally saying our replacement was waiting there for us. There was NO advanced notice at all (to us OR the store!) so I wouldn't be surprised if, someday in the future you just get a call that you're TV is waiting to be delivered! Hope that happens soon ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: GdmPost Number: 12 Registered: Jan-07 | Thanks, Krista! That has brought my blood temperature down below boiling for the first time in a while! |