pvbj Unregistered guest | What did you use for a price match g. Did you get the 10% Saturday AM deal? |
Anonymous | Why is everyone trying to get over on Sears ? You think your getting over on them . News Flash Your not! The only one your walking on is the salesperson that helped you . And I know frist hand . I work for Sears and All your doing is taking money away from me . I have seen this web site 2 times and All I can say is Thanks for taking money away from me! The pay is not that great at Sears. Good for you if you think your getting over on Sears Your not I hope your all happy that you taking money from my family |
pvbj Unregistered guest | Are you suggesting we all pay retail to all sales people because you dont get quite the comission that you would otherwise. YA RIGHT! Have you ever bought a new car? These guy's are probably the worst, they play major games in order to separate you from as much of your money as possible. But when you buy a car youre gonna say to the salesman "Ah you pore guy let me give you sticker price" right. I wish there was'nt all this haggling crap to deal with, but there is, and what's wrong with trying to beat them at there own game. How many time have you taken advantage of people, maybe an elderly lady that just wants to purchase a new TV cause hers took a dump, and you sold her more than she needed for top dollar. I could go on and on dude.............. |
New member Username: RavenwoodPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I plan on installing my set in a fairly small room and will be sitting 10 to 12 feet away from the set. Anybody out there in that situation. Is picture bright from that distance? I know that in some stores the picture looked best from some twenty feet but the salesman said they believed their bulb was defective. Any comments would be helpful since I am awaiting delivery and can still cancel. Thanks. |
New member Username: LukasPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I agree with "pvbj". Negotiating is part of the sales experience, whether it's for a car, TV, home, etc. With respect to purchasing the TV, I've found that the salesperson is more open to negotiation if you throw in the "Sears protection plan" for 3 or 5 years. Reason being is because a Sears salesperson actually has a higher commission percentage (10% as opposed to 3% on the product)and a "quota" to fulfill for the protection plans. This is where Sears makes the most of their money (I know because I worked their for 2 months part-time). Long story made short, work the internet price option as best you can. If you really want to play a bargaining chip, say you don't NEED the TV. This is just a "nice-to-have" (i.e. play the waiting game). With the economy the way it is, any retail store is looking to make a sale. Also, 3 days before the Thanksgiving holiday, CC had the Hitachi TV at $2599 after a $300 mail-in-rebate, which means the TV could go back to that price. If Sears pulls the 30-day price match rule, try to push for the match immediately. Bottom line is that it's all about presentation. Good luck to everyone. This dialogue has been helpful. And 10 to 12 feet away is optimal viewing. Six to eight feet is pushing it. |
New member Username: SeekerPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | First we have "Lordsears" offering the set for $3299, with just the Saturday 10% discount and acting like he's doing us a favor, which he definitely is not, then we get some guy telling us we should pay full price since he's not paid well enough unless he sticks it to us...just what kind of people does Sears have working for them? I went to Sears and "followed the script" and got all the discounts etc. that are described above...yes, I spent the $419 on the three year service plan even though I know that retailers pay service companies $200 for a FIVE (5) year protection plan and since Sears is "self insured", I'm sure they"re making a lot of mark up on their service agreement, so I'm not crying for them...besides,for every one person that beats them, there's probably 20 or 30 that gets to pay more than they should. By the way, "Anonymous", if you don't like the game is played and you think you're underpaid, do us all a favor and find another line of work. My salesman at Sears was a pleasure to work with and when I purchase somethig else, I'll definitely see him...Maybe "Anonymous" doesn't get too many return customers BECAUSEOF HIS ATTITUDE! |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 8 Registered: 12-2003 | Yeah Circuit City was doing some CRAZY pricing eith that. I told my manager about my posts on this sight and he replied, "CC was doing some wierd stuff with that TV." Meaning, "Yeah I guess we could price it at that price. Now If I did it more then once I bet my store manager would have my kudos tied in a sling so I won't go that low, but feel free to use the Circuit City pitch as well. I do not view this price matching as a bad thing, I just want to keep my job ![]() If it were up to me I'd sell every TV I could as low as I could. If I sold 10 T.V.'s instead of 2 I'd be happy! I still feel I get low lowest current/future price for my customers. I can't match Internet pricing though... |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 9 Registered: 12-2003 | Yeah Circuit City was doing some CRAZY pricing eith that. I told my manager about my posts on this sight and he replied, "CC was doing some wierd stuff with that TV." Meaning, "Yeah I guess we could price it at that price. Now If I did it more then once I bet my store manager would have my kudos tied in a sling so I won't go that low, but feel free to use the Circuit City pitch as well. I do not view this price matching as a bad thing, I just want to keep my job ![]() If it were up to me I'd sell every TV I could as low as I could. If I sold 10 T.V.'s instead of 2 I'd be happy! I still feel I get low lowest current/future price for my customers. I can't match Internet pricing though... |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 10 Registered: 12-2003 | Best Deal: Some people bend the rules, I being a guy who is trying to put myself through college, and support myself off this job, cannot take as many "risks" with mark downs. If you got the deal I am hapy for you. If you came into my store and asked me for that deal I would probably not give it to you. Would I ask my manager for you? Yes. I would. Hell, I just learned my brother in law knowcked about 25% - 30% off of a floor display Plasma. Sales isn't all about selling the customer it's about selling the manager too. Plus he's got about 15 more years with the company then I do. He's got bigger balls to do stuff like that then I do. IF I had my degree and some other job lined up I'd markdown everything in the store :P I just can't do it cause I would risk losing my job. |
New member Username: Hitachi_guyPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | I have a second 50V500 (and my second is a 50V500A which Hitachi assures me is no diferent) because CC would not match a price and I have noticed in my second set that it is not as good a picture as the first, i.e. more pixelation, more pinkish hue on the whites, etc....do the settings on televisions vary that much (within the same model) that I should be able to notice this? The first set was perfect out of the box...do I need what is called "calibration" on this set or am I just crazy? I saved $350 but if my picture is like this I should spend the extra $ and get my first set back......help....... |
HT Unregistered guest | Ravenwood - I have a 60V500 and watch it from 12 ft away and it is beautiful. Your room size will be perfect for either size set. |
NA Unregistered guest | Why is everyone trying to get over on Sears ? You think your getting over on them . News Flash Your not! The only one your walking on is the salesperson that helped you . And I know frist hand . I work for Sears and All your doing is taking money away from me . I have seen this web site 2 times and All I can say is Thanks for taking money away from me! The pay is not that great at Sears. Good for you if you think your getting over on Sears Your not I hope your all happy that you taking money from my family So you want all of us to go buy from your competitors? Assure you that they are more than happy to take our money and HH Gregg will beat my Sears price by another 10%. I did not go there because I like Sears for their service and I like my Sears sales Rep. I will buy from him and send more business to him. If he decides it is not profitable, he does not have to sell. If we all go to your competitors, you will get NO MONEY!. By the way, Sears list prices for any eletronics suck!!! |
Anonymous | Does anyone know that if you get a Dish Network HDTV receiver if you still need to get another HDTV receiver to go along with this TV? |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 11 Registered: 12-2003 | NO the DISH HDTV reciever should be fine. Also, It should have an antenna input on the back. You can use that to get your locals in HD and stop paying Dish for local channels... though I do not know if your locals are always being broadcast in Digital or just during HD broadcasts. If someone could test that out for me it would be awesome. |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Ok here is what im going to do this satuday. Im going to sears and have them price match $3099.00 CC price + Additional 10% off = $2790 BEFORE TAX + Paypal Debit Card 1.5% Cashback $41.85 NEW total: $2748.15 before taxes Is this a good price? has anyone found it cheaper? Im from La Puente, California |
Anonymous | I just purchased the TV at Sears in Corona, CA for $2699.00 thanks to Anonymous' links on this thread. However, I couldn't get the Sat extra 10% off deal because the saleman told me I can only get "either-or". I also got $100 instant discount that Sears currently has for purchasing any TV over $999.99. Total is about $2800. No stand though. |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | where did you get the price match from and how much was it? |
Anonymous | Raul, I used these online links from an earlier post: http://www.shopsunshine.com/Item.asp?Pid=1130&Item_Id=546 http://store.yahoo.com/cyberdiscountwarehouse-buys/50v500.html http://store.yahoo.com/thedigitalauthority/50v500.html Or you can search for cheapest prices from http://froogle.google.com Note that some stores do not accept online price match. It depends on your luck ;-) |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | Thanks bro i just found one for $2649 from redondo beach http://store.yahoo.com/amsus/hi5050di16lc.html Hopefully sears will take this |
Anonymous | Thanks to this board, I finally purchased a new television. Sears pricematched my local Ultimate Electronics at 2899.99. Sears credited 110% of the difference, subtracting 23.50 reflecting the $235 difference Received the $100 instant big screen rebate Plus the 10% holiday sale, and free delivery. The pre-tax total was: $2498. I went ahead and bit the bullet by purchasing Sears 5-year protection plan. It is expensive, but I believe Sears coverage is greater than any other vendor's on the market. Most importantly, it covers the bulb which is guaranteed to go out during that time. Currently, the bulb averages 300 dollars, a service call 100+, as well as labor. I figure that with one service visit, the plan pays for itself, in addition to covering all other kinds of problems, including cosmetic damage. I would kindly like to thank everyone for their info, and look forward to enjoying a wonderful high definition experience with this tv. |
New member Username: Teawalker007Post Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Guys, I have called Sears in Columbus, OH and they are not honoring the discounted price any more. The manager said the price match thing from internet is getting them soooo.. many calls and they are not honoring those any more even if you have the receipt copy. He is saying the price is firm now ($3250/). I think who ever got this TV earlier at $2400 are really lucky I guess. |
New member Username: TonyPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I just bought the 50V500, but the picture looks really bad. Pixelation, ghosting, shadows which are very distinct on the text. I used the 811 HDTV branf new receiver from DishNetrworks. I alos used the DVD player. Did anyone have a similar experience ? Thanks in advance |
New member Username: SeekerPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | For those of you looking for Sears to Price Match, you must get a quote from a store having a physical showroom, not just a web site. I was told this and went home and did what they required...ShopSunshine.com is a "local" store in my area, N.J. When I went back, there was absolutely no problem. They price matched, gave me 10% of the difference, $100 instant rebate for TV over $499, mail in rebate for $49 delivery charge, and today (Saturday), went back and received 10% off special 7-10AM that has been running and salesman said it probably will continue AFTER Christmas. Buy your set TODAY and get all the discounts except the 10% and if they offer the Sat. special within the next 30 days as the salesman thinks, go back for a refund. Stand is greatly over-priced and Sears warranty is expensive but , hey, if you save $1000.00, let them live a little too. You need the stand and the warranty will be cheap IF you need service. |
New member Username: SeekerPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | P.S. to above...Sears MUST price match IF you find a local retail store, even on the internet. Go to Sears.com and print out their price match policy and if you get a hard time, show it to them and don't take NO for an answer. It will be the manager that is going against Sears written policy and I don't think he/she will do that...if so, speak to the STORE manager. |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | I just got mine today and sears price matched circuit city 3099 - 10% Total was $2973.28 tax tax+delivery included. Also i have a $50 rebate for the delivery so n ow its $2923.28 + 1.5% cash back from paypal cause i used my paypal debit card ![]() Weird too because westcovina.california sears charged more and Hacienda Heights.California charged less. Thank guys for all your posting and updates this site made us all a little heavier on the wallet. |
New member Username: NewbienyPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I did it today, finally. I actually just used the printout from an online store provided by someone a few posts back. I did also mention that circuit city had it on sale for the same price ($2699) at the end of November, to make it more accoutable I guess. The saleman was pretty young and eager. He ran back and forth a few times, and about 40 minutes later, it's done. So the final price is $2699-$45 (10% price diff) - $265 (10% off Saturday before 10am), for around $2389 + tax. To show my appreication to him, I ordered the stand there without too much argument (only with the 10% off). This is at a sears store in Boston area. Now I can't wait for its arrival (the day after Xmas). Thanks everyone on this forum for making this deal happen! |
New member Username: Teawalker007Post Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | Circuit City gave a deal of 3296 out the door including tax, delivary and 4 year warranty (499) |
Anonymous | What is the leadtime / delivery date you're getting? In So. Cal, Sears is quoting mid January for delivery. |
New member Username: Marble68Post Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Hi all. I bought the 50V500 yesterday. I was set on the Sony. However, I couldn't seem to find one in my area (I'm in Dallas / Ft. Worth). No matter how hard I tried, I could find one and no one would sell me a floor model. After about 6 stores and many phone calls, I finally found a rep @ Sears who told me there were problems with the Sony. He said he wasn't sure they were going to continue to carry the Sony, and regardless, I should look at the Hitachi 50V500. So I popped in and sure enough I was able to validate his story. BB told me Sony pulled all their inventory including floor models. I saw the Hitachi, and was _very_ impressed. DVI, PCMCIA, nice bang for the buck. Also noticed a slightly better viewing angle. I must say, I am extremely pleased 24 hours later with my purchase. Very bright, rich colors. I spent about an hour playing with different settings. Sears did not have the hitachi in stock, but Ultimate Electronics did. Too bad for the rep at sears.. ![]() I picked up my 50V500 for $2,799, no stand. Added the 5 year on site warranty. Hitachi is running a financing deal for 24 months 0% interest, so I paid 75% down, and financed the other 25%. So far, I would recommend this television. I watched the Animatrix DVD last night and the clarity and brightness where mesmerizing. Best, C |
New member Username: Marble68Post Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | Oh, to follow up. The problem with the Sony's seems to have somthing to do with their Lamps. Not just that the bulb seems to burn out extremely quickly, but that the lamp mechanism itself sometimes won't initialize (turn on). Flaky behavior... Best, C |
HT Unregistered guest | After running through the Digital Video Essentials calibration process on the 60V500, I thought I'd share the settings, which were pretty much the "out of the box" settings: Contrast: 100% Brightness: 50% Tint: Middle Color Temp: High Black Enhancement: Low or Medium Sharpness: 50% (doesn't do much) Contrast Mode: Dynamic Color Decoding: All at 50%, but I prefer Red set to 30%. Anyone else have any recommendations? |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 12 Registered: 12-2003 | Great to hear about the Sony's. This other salemen who is new to my department insists Sony's are better... can't wait to see all his customer's bringing back their LCD's. I knew Hitachi was better... Sony has been angering me lately with their backorders and such. I think I am going to start pushing Toshiba and JVC from 36" down ... I do not care for Sony as much anymore they are falling behind again. Go Hitachi! |
Anonymous | I'm considering buying the Hitachi 50V500 LCD and putting it above my gas fireplace. Anyone know of any hazzards to the set or problems with the LCD's heating up and becomming a problem? |
Mystic96 Unregistered guest | Hey everyone, new guy here, just bought 50v500, here's my 2 cents. I bought it at HHGregg and got the set down to 2400, stand at cost (360) and 5 year warranty for 499. With the ungodly 9.25% sales tax in TN, the total was 3557. First set I got had horrible smudges (known prob), one dead pixel which was visible from viewing distance, and upon closer inspection, about 7 more dead ones. It was a 50V500a. Exchanged and got a 50v500. No dead pixels yet, less smudging, and it is easily wiped away when it occurs, but now I have to decide if I am willing to put up with horrible SD picture from Comcast. Just be forewarned anyone who is considering this TV, or any HDTV for that matter, the picture is so good and when it is upscaled, you see EVERYTHING. Some SD is plain blurry. Does satellite help at all, any input would be appreciated. I have until the 29th to make the full commitment. Other owners, a few questions for you... 1. How many dead pixels do you consider too many. For $3500, I want NONE. The guys who delivered it thought I was crazy complaining about one noticeable dead pixel. But it was all I looked at, and it ticked me off. 2. Does satellite help with SD viewing? 3. Do the smudges ever just permanently disappear? Thanks! |
HT Unregistered guest | 1. 0 bad pixels on my 60V500. I wouldn't tolerate any, which is exactly why I got the extended warranty. CC and Sears (and others I'm sure) will replace the set IF you have the warranty and get bad pixels. 2. Nothing helps with SD when scaled to that size in my opinion. SD is going away - digital (and I think HD) is required by the FCC by 2006. 3. I can only see the minor smudging when my set is off - completely undetectable when the set is on - when you say "wipe away" do you literally mean taking a cloth to the screen? I had heard that the smudges were internal. HITACHI RULES! HT |
Anonymous | Interesting piece of info - I e-mailed Hitachi asking them what the "official" contrast of the 50V500 / 60V500, following is the reply I got. Has anyone been told by a salesperson etc. what the contrast of these sets are? --- Dear Hitachi Owner, Thanks for writing! Unfortunately, this information is not available. As there is no industry standard measurement for this, it allows each manufacturer's result to vary. Because of the ability of the numbers to be "tweaked", it is not a fair comparison to make and is why we are just not able to provided you with this information. If there is anything else that we can help you with or answer, please feel free to contact us here by our support number at 1-800-HITACHI. We do thank you for your interest in Hitachi products. Derek Hitachi Consumer Electronics |
New member Username: TonyPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | I just bought a 50V500A. I am amazed at the picture quality ! I have an 811 HDTV decoder from dishnetwork. Once I plugged in the monster DVI cable and set up by decoder to 1080i my jaw dropped at the HD image ! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THE DIFFEENCE IS BETWEEN THE 50V500 and 50V500A ? Also, what's the best way to find dead pixels ? Thanks !! |
Unregistered guest | Sorry to bust everyone's bubble on the 50v500 but I can't believe that Hitachi would let something as noisy as this TV go out of their factory. I bought one from HH Gregg several weeks ago. It was delivered and I could not believe the fan noise. They sent service people to look at set. When they had the back off I viewed the fan, a simple computer case fan, cheap at that, with sleeve bearings. They sugessted sending the set back and trying another one which I did. This one is just as noisy. Hitachi should recall this set and get it right. It sounds as though I have another refrigerator running in my great room. Do yourself a favor, if you are at all sensitive to loud noise steer clear of this TV. I haven't made up my mind what I am going to do with mine. Good picture but noise is unbearable. Are you listening Hitachi! Please E-mail with any comments or suggestions. |
New member Username: SeekerPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | Just got delivery of my 50v500 (no A). thought it would be an older model but the mfg. date on the back was Nov. 03. It was manufactured in Tijuana, Mexico. Have NO dead pixels and an excellent picture...you guys that got the 50v500A and had dead pixels...where was it made? Maybe the only difference between the A and non A is where it was produced...seems most dead pixel complaints are on the A model |
HT Unregistered guest | From Hitachi: There is NO difference between the 50V500 and 50V500A - the A is just a manufacturing code. My fan doesn't make a sound - completely indetectable in a silent room. Have yours replaced. |
Unregistered guest | Just to pop back in and pass on the price I finally got in Denver on the 50v500 - Bought it at Sears on Sat 20th, with their extra 10% deal before xmas (just as several in this board recommended, thank you!). .Match SOundtrack price of $2899 plus 10% of the difference between Sears price and SOuntracks - about $40 . Then got the Sears $100 instant rebate .Then the extra 10% on the deal .Stand was 499 (argh) but got 10% off that . delivery charge of 40 was rebated as well Bottom line - whole mess including tax (4.1%) right at 3 grand. Not too bad. |
New member Username: PhoenixPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | This monitor is done by Compal China,and as Nelson said:"Circuit City had one on display and the picture had a pink shadow around the edges of objects on the picture",but I also consider the monitor is good ,I have the test firmware ,if you want to get it,please mail to me. lizhinang@263.net |
New member Username: SeekerPost Number: 6 Registered: 12-2003 | HT...I know the A is a mfg. code but that doesn't tell us if it's produced in a different place than the non A, or is an updated model,or, as I suspect, has something different since most of the posts that have problems such as dead pixels seem to be the A model.Some of the guys got a non A that they said was great picture and then returned it to get a better price at a different store and got the A model that they said was poor quality so I figured I'd ask to see if the A really was less quality than the non A...besides, Hitachi told me the same thing because THAT'S WHAT THEIR MANAGEMENT TELLS THEM but it doesn't make it the truth. |
New member Username: Teawalker007Post Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | I got mine (purchased on Sunday and delivered from Circuit City on Monday in SJ Bay area) and it's manufactured in Oct 03 assembled in Tijuana, Mexico. Model 50V500. I am amazed with the picture quality and sound. Even the picture from my 4 head hifi VCR looks pretty good on the big screen when playing in the Night mode with factory default settings. It is amazing how you can see all the details on the big screen. Even the picture from my regular Toshiba DVD player looks pretty good. I still need to buy the progressive scan DVD player. My COMCAST HDTV is coming in the first week of Jan. I am still in the process of setting up the picture for each video input. One question when setting up the picture. Which mode will you be doing set up ( Day or Night) ? I am posting some of the settings from one of the user from AVS forum. Contrast 90 Brightness 48 Color 38 Tint 4 clicks right (+ 4 from middle) Sharpness 0 Color Temp Standard BE Off Contrast M Norm Color Decoding Red 41 Green 50 Color 38 Color Management Magenta 50 Red 50 Yellow 50 Green 50 Cyan 50 Blue 50 I have tried these settings. What I observed was with Black level High, the picture is looking good. Any other settings to be watched? |
New member Username: Teawalker007Post Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | Does any body started connecting the computer to this TV. The tech guy in Circuit City was saying there are two options, a converter cable available or a DVI out (all in wonder card) from computer. Any experiences in this area, please guide. |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | Rats. Bought my 50v500 today from HH Gregg in Louisville. Went to the store with the goal of buying a Samsung plasma. Had done *hours* of research on those, including pricing. But at the store, compared the plasmas to the 50v500 and it looked like a better deal. However, the mgr. maintained that he couldn't go lower than the $300 sale price: $3049. I did a quick check on my treo browser and it seemed about right. Too bad I hadn't visited this forum!!! There's a lower price guar., but it requires original packaging... and unfortunately -- I had to discard that at the store to get it in my vehicle. :-( Double rats. I'll call CC and Sears tomorrow in hopes of getting some kind of competitive price to talk with them about... but HH Gregg won't likely allow the return w/out a 10% restocking fee. :-( Triple rats. As for the fuzzy picture, it's an issue. My hunch is that my 17-year-old will probably watch soccer on the 27-in. "normal" TV because Fox Sports World is still broadcasting "normally". quadruple rats. :-( But -- the upside is... the large-screen looks great. The DVD looks great. The picture is great. I don't mind the fan noise. I'd like to mount it up on our wall. ANyone seen a compatible mount of some kind, or shall I just build some kind of shelf to accommodate the 115 pounds???????????? Any ideas? Thanks. Doug in Louisville |
Unregistered guest | The best way to connect the 50V500 to a computer would be with a good quality video card that has a DVI port on it. Most of the high end cards from Nvidea, ATI, etc will have this port. If you have a laptop or otherwise don't have the option of installing a DVI video card, you will need a converter box. There are a couple of VGA to component out boxes for around $300 that will give you 780p or 1080i resolution. This means you'll get similar final image quality to using a card with a DVI port. The next option is a surprise one.. Radio Shack just started carrying a converter box for VGA. It will produce composite, S-Video and COMPONENT output! The down side is the max resolution is 480i, but this works quite well for gaming and such. I've personally installed one of these with a 50V500 for a friend's laptop. This is the low cost solution too, at $99 and one of my local radio shacks had them in stock. steve |
JohnSmith Unregistered guest | Well, I bit the bullet and got the 5OV500, need less to say I am happy somewhat. I will tell you this, in order for you to enjoy it you MUST HAVE A LARGE ROOM. |
mpagano Unregistered guest | I was thinking about buying the Hitachi 50v500. I also have Directv with Tivo. Does anyone know if the universal remote for Tivo (Hughes receiver) work with this TV? |
Unregistered guest | I've been planning the purchase of a 50V500. The hold up was not the price.. my salesman has offered me $3134 - 10%.. It would have been $3019 with tax tag and title. The problem was I need to sell a camaro project car I have sitting in the driveway. I thought I had it sold for Christmas but the guy backed out. I happened to be at Sears yesterday so of course I went up and checked out the TV department. My ever-so-patient salesman noticed me and came over. I was shocked when he said he had a returned 50V500 around the corner. A lady had purchased it to fit into a large console she had built in her living room. It wouldn't fit so she wanted to return it. The delivery guys scuffed the front of the tv (where the dolly touched it on each side of the Hitatchi name plate and one scratch on the right speaker). It was never turned on, no batts ever in remote etc. The price was $2309!! Not wanting to spend my money yet since the car was still sitting, I told him it was tempting but I really couldn't afford to pull together the money after tax was added. He disappeared for five minutes.. came back with another 10% off!! I got out the door for $2240. needless to say, I'll be going back for the $299 extended warranty shortly, when I get the extra cash. For this price I can live with a couple of scratches. I wonder how much a replacement front trim plate is? I am stoked.. it is a very merry (belated) Christmas. I'm so glad the car didn't sell or I would have paid $3020 on Tuesday. Sears is great to.. this is the second time I've made out good on a returned item. Steve |
Unregistered guest | I tried to buy one of these last night at the Nebraska Furniture Mart store in Kansas City. Their asking price was a few dollars under $3000 with no interest financing for 2 years. I told them and showed them a delivered to my front door quote from the internet of $2884 total. I asked for $2650 + tax and I would buy the 5 year extended warranty (which did not include bulb replacement, they said that no one would include that) for a total of $3250. They agreed but said I couldn't have the advertised financing as well because it was like buying a car you either get the rebate or the financing or in this case a negotiated price or the financing. So they didn't get a sale. I called back today and a manager said I could have 6 months on their store card that I already have or 12 months if I qualified for a Hitachi line of credit. I don't want to jump through that many hoops and I'm sure a comparable price will be offered between now and the Superbowl. If anyone who has beat that price on a new non-returned 50v500 from sears that included the warranty would email me a copy of the receipt with any personal information blacked out maybe I could get one of the local sears stores to get me the same deal. |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | I just checked the Sears webpage. They're showing $3299 as the sale price on the web, with local store pickup. They *do* offer 0% financing 'til Jan. '05. Also, not sure if anyone has pasted in the clearly-stated Sears price-matching policy. I'll edit out the parts that don't relate as much. This is taken from their Customer Service web-page. Note that they specify "including shipping, handling and delivery", and notice also that they specify "local retail store's online site." They do *not* promise to match a web-site without a local retail outlet. I guess that doesn't mean they would refuse to match it. But it *does* mean they've never promised to do so. They *do* say, below, that they won't price-match competitors' "special offers". So basically, they're promising to match the "regular retail list price" from competitors. Anything they give a buyer beyond that would be ... just grace. Doug ---- "If you find a lower price on an identical branded item with the same features currently available for sale at another local retail store Sears will match that price Plus, give you 10% of the difference. Just tell your sales associate at the time of, or within 30 days after, your purchase. If you find a lower price (including shipping, handling and delivery) on an identical branded item with the same features currently available for sale and delivery in your area from a local retail store's online site, Sears will match that total price Plus, give you 10% of the difference. Just print the ordering page, including shipping, handling and delivery, and bring it to your Sears store at the time of, or within 30 days after, your purchase. If you are purchasing the item from sears.com, email the information to order@sears.com Exclusions Sears will not match competitors' bonus or free offers, special offers, rebates, financing offers, clearance or closeout prices, or prices on used, damaged, returned, open box or display merchandise, service contracts or automotive services, or installation, delivery, or assembly services. Sears will not match competitors' prices that result from a price match." [end] |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | What about mounting the 50v500 to a wall or ceiling? I've found mounts that will promise to handle the weight. See, for example, the Peerless pm-27s for $59.99: http://www.plasma.com/peerlessmounts/PM27S.htm However, a search of the web revealed that the "depth" allowed is about 1" short for a 50v500. One *could* install two of the "Vantage Point Prime Time 25 to 27 in. TV Wall Mount PTW26W". See: http://www.standsandmounts.com/browseproducts/Vantage-Point-Prime-Time-25-to-27- in.-TV-Wall-Mount-PTW26W-(White).HTML That would be $136. But I guess I'm interested most in the option of a Lucasey 500 LB Load Ceiling Mount 24-1/2" - 36-1/2" Height, visible at: http://www.choicetvmounts.com/Product.asp?ProductID=320 I don't particularly want black, but maybe we could spray-paint it. :-) Has anyone tried any of these or others? Thanks. Doug |
Unregistered guest | After extensive research, I bought the Hitachi 50v500. The black levels, although not perfect, are vastly superior to Sony. The set also weighs substantially more than the Sony. While weight is not the best indicator of quality, it does suggest better build quality. I have had no problems with the set. DVD's are simply awesome when hooked up to component outputs. The down side is Digital Satelite. The picture quality isn't all it should be. A TV this size needs HD satelite service. I love my PVR and will just deal with the grainy digital picture until Dish offers a good HD upgrade option. I did make one exceptional investment in my 50v500. Radio Shack's 6in1 Kameleon universal remote for around $60. The price is steep, but is worth every penny. It works flawlessly with PVR, DVD, TV, and Receiver. Beware of the Ultimate Electronics alleged 2 year no pymt no interest financing. We read the credit app in the store and it was nothing like the promotion. We were re-assured by the salesman that the credit application was the same for all the offers, but we would receive the offer discussed with our first statement. The terms arrived with the first statement and they were slightly different than what we signed, but not what were told the terms would be. Two years no interest with fixed pymts are the actual terms. The good news is that the terms were not what we singed for under the credit application. For us not a big deal, but for others it could be. |
New member Username: AsmodeusPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | beware... if any of you guys end up buying from some of the online retailers with the listed links for $2699, just remember that you are buying this TV sight-unseen... you don't know if this tv has been used, or is a return or whatever, plus i believe all of these retailers are from new york, mainly brooklyn... there is a reason why brooklyn is aptly nick named 'crooklyn'... just beware... btw, i tried to go to sears here in san diego and all of them said, "no... we will not match any internet retailers price unless they are local and have a physical brick & mortar presence somewhere in the county..." i even went so far as to tell them about some of the sears in other states selling this tv for some of those prices and if not less... they said, "we will need the store number, the name of the salesperson, and the exact price so we can call and verify ourselves what the real sell price is..." so unless any of you guys are bs'ing any of us as to the true prices of the 50v500, then please email me at asmodeus@cox.net with the sears store number, the salespersons name, and the exact price you go this tv for... i'll buy this tv based on what i see come across my email box, otherwise, stop blowing smoke up our butts... i will willingly wait a month, which is how long it will take to get this tv from sears, if i can nail any of those low prices some of you guys have been talking about... well, let's see you put your money where you mouth is... Asmodeus asmodeus@cox.net |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | YES the are many people here who BS around price's like saying sears price matched internet price UNTRUE and if they in fact did so then that guy who gave them that pricematch will or has been fired PERIOD.... Second there is no such thing as pricematch + 10% + 10% holiday discount ( Its either 1 or the other no if ands or butts!!!).. That is the TRUTH. I will also add Sears will price match Ultimate Electronics and you can get your tv for a hell of a price but sadly there isnt one in my area ![]() Thats the real deal folks i was lucky to spend a little under $2900.00 buying from SEARS here in Hacienda Heights, California 626 area by price matching Circuit City 3099.00 SO BEWARE FOLKS |
Unregistered guest | Stand for your TV that'll actually hold it and more junk: Hope this helps - this stand is awesome |
New member Username: AllenwPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Bengal, if your still around, how did you get Ultimate Electronics to $2750? They list it at $3299, did they discount the price or was it on Sale? You remember which store it was, I live in Mpls too. Al |
Anonymous | hey guys, this tv isn't worth $3000+!!!! retailers only ~$1000 for it. it all depends on where you are and how flexible your local retailers are. i bought this tv for $2178 before tax and i know for the fact that at least one other person has paid ~$150 less than what i'd paid for mine. so just do what you have to and i don't want to get any of the saleperson in trouble, so please don't ask for my info. good luck |
Anonymous | just got my 50v500. everything is awesome, but is the fan noise normal? |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 6 Registered: 12-2003 | CRAP sears delayed my tv till the 7th. I did some calling and all i can get out of this is $20.00 sears card ![]() |
Unregistered guest | This past weekend went to Video Only in Beaverton, OR with the intent to "research" widescreen projection TVs. Ended up seeing the 50v500 and compared it to the "other" projection TVs and also the Sony. After much debate, and comparison went with the Hitachi. Haggled with the sales person at the store, told me he could sell me the TV for $2,750. Stand of course optional. TV they were at $2,999 and got them to $299 for the "regular" stand. They would have sold the TV w/"another" stand for $2,999. No delivery or extended warranty. We ended up calling them back later in the evening and haggled more, and ended up getting the TV w/"regular" stand, picked up at their location for $3,037. I'm usually very savy when doing my due diligence and didn't have an opportunity to research the net (my wife was all gung-ho), so today I find this site. Now I'm second guessing myself and thinking I will go to Sears or CC to see what they can do. It's only been out of the box for 2-days and I have the boxes. I guess I'm looking for either 1) A little reassurance I got a decent deal, or 2) Affirmation I should go to the other retailers for a possible better deal. Any help or suggestions out there? Any are apprecaited. I can be emailed at enviromark1@excite.com. Thanks! |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | I saw your post, "Overwhelmed!!!", and I can identify. :-) Armed with print-outs from the Etronics.com site (complete with a picture of their "bricks and mortar" store in NY), I humbly went into Sears today, explained my situation honestly, and asked them what would be their best deal. They wrote out a quote for $2749 on the spot (without me even having to haggle much). I explained that I'd need time, because I might take the 50v500 back to HH Gregg and the mgr. said that was no problem. Then went over to HH Gregg. The salesman wouldn't budge on the price they sold me ($3049). I asked to speak to the Sales Mgr. and humbly made my case. Explained that now this wasn't just about a single product. Now it was about a customer relationship. He insisted that HH Gregg didn't price-match with vendors out of town. I pulled out the Sears quote and, after several minutes gentle discussion, he agreed to match it (but not double the difference -- since Sears' advertised price is $3299, so he was essentially price-matching a *price-match*, rather than an advertised price). So... bottom line, we ended up getting the 50v500 for $2749, delivered (before sales tax). So... after everything I've read on this board, I feel better now. At least I'm more in the ball park with some of the great deals others have gotten here. Lessons learned? No more impulse buying. Purchases these days should be made only after a combination of lots of web research *and* visits to local retailers, asking them what they can do. So... for what it's worth, "Overwhelmed", I don't think you should feel bad. The "drop-shippers" are selling the unit on the web for $2700 -- and they don't have to pay commissions or rent in a mall. I think your deal is fair. Not a steal, but fair. For what it's worth... Thanks to this site, though, for the boldness and the ideas you gave me to save our family a full $318 on our purchase. Great work! Now... more work on that wall/ceiling bracket! :-) Doug |
Unregistered guest | Thanks Doug, it's nice to know I'm not the only one on here completely confused and feeling like they might not have gotten as good a deal as a lot of others have boasted about. My only question to you is, did you also get the stand included for your "matched" price? I appreciate what you're saying, and after again thinking about it (of course after posting on here), I'm thinking I probably got a reasonable deal. Not a steal of a deal, but reasonable (one where I won't lose sleep over it). |
New member Username: AsmodeusPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | hey guys... would anyone know how the hitachi 50v500 compares to the zenith D52WLCD 52"...? the only reason i'm asking is because i just saw the zenith and i was stunned... the prices was well below the hitachi at around $2900 and it is 2" larger with the picture quality, in my opinion identical to the hitachi unit... so if anyone has any opinions or ideas on the zenith set then please let me know... thanks |
Rich4757 Unregistered guest | Just to clarify, I got Nebraska Furniture Mart to agree to $2650 in about 30 seconds. The problem was they wouldn't finance it also at 0% for that price. I didn't want to pay for this thing in full until a bonus check comes in so I went with their everyday price of $2957 and 2 years no interest. |
Unregistered guest | POOR QUALITY !!! Have now gone thru 2 lamps since the unit was delivered on Dec 12 (it is now Dec 29) and the 2nd lamp just went out. I'm dumping this junk back at CC in the morning and buying the Sony 50" somewhere else. Had enough of CC & HITACHI !!!! |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | Whoa. 2 lamps? Maybe I should go back and get the extended warranty after all! :-) I checked the Nebraska Furniture Mart site. They don't even list the 50v500 as part of their normal stock -- at least, not on the web catalogue. Located a wall-mounting bracket I like. It's made by a company called Orbital Holdings. See their website at: http://www.orbitalholdings.com/products.commercial.pro-lok.htm The one I liked the best was the Pro-Lok. I ordered the wall-mount. $73. Couldn't beat the price. I got it with the double-stud anchor plate, so I'll be able to fasten to two 2x4 studs. I'll let you know how it goes once I've tried to mount it. They're supposed to ship tomorrow. If it works, I'll enclose complete order information, together with the toll-free number and any tips I learn when mounting it. The weight rating is fine. U.L. listed at 130 pounds with the *single* stud plate. Insight Digital Cable is hoping to bring out a High Definition Personal Video Record/tuner cable box (in one unit) this very week. I'm on the list for a call-back, once it's released. More later... Doug |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | Oops... clarification... That weight rating is *180* pounds (not 130) for the 36" bracket. Again, that's with just a single stud mounting. The double-stud plate should yield an even higher rating. |
New member Username: AllenwPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | There's an old saying, " the minute you buy something, your gonna see it cheaper somewhere else" Whatever you paid, if your happy with the set, and ya can't return it, don't worry about it. I have yet to see the TV for under $3100, I haven't tried the Sears thing though. Bengal said he got one for $2750 at a local UE, we both are from the same area and the two UE stores I visited wouldn't hardly deal at all. Go figure... Al |
Anonymous | AudioTronic stores in Ontario have the 50V500 on at $4488.88 CDN and the matching SP50W stand for $598 CDN as a Boxing Week special. |
Unregistered guest | The NFM site sucks, they just started showing their weekly ad on there in early November and it actually isn't on the correct page. I emailed them one day and was given the link to where the ad actually is each week. It is pretty much one of those "We carry (lots) of Big Screen TV's here is a sample of what we have (5) come in and see the rest." sites. It is a very poor site, but then again there are only 2 NFM's in existance right now and the second one where I live just opened in August. |
New member Username: AllinanamePost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I bought the Hitachi 60V500 for $3500 at Video Only just before 11/22. Had to wait for delivery until 12/16. I needed an AV stand ($500 retail), and they were more willing to throw it in for $1 than come down any more on the price of the TV. I love the picture on the Hitachi! The clarity is incredible. It's light weight (120 lbs.) and easier to move up and down stairs (a big deal in my house). You can turn off the gray side bars in 4:3, but gray is the default. I also bought the stand, because I liked the look. I would not, however, recommend the stand (can't hold any weight and too short between the glass shelves). The remote also does not work with my Yamaha receiver or my Philips Tivo/RCA DirectTV set up. Holding off for the new Yamaha remote due out next year. |
Anonymous | how much was the total price, does that include tax,shipping, or extended warranty at video only |
DougInLouisville Unregistered guest | "Center speaker" Does anyone know... that "center speaker" jack in back... is that expecting a "line level" or a "speaker level" signal. Tonight I finally got a moment to study our home theater amp, and the only output it has for center speaker is a "speaker level" output. Will I have to visit Radio Shack to ask how to adapt that resistance down to line level? Also, does anyone know how much improvement I'd gain by sending an "S-video" signal to the TV, instead of the "Video" line level I'm sending now? Thanks for any help you can give me. Doug |
Scot Unregistered guest | -The best signal is REALLY THE BEST I work for Hitachi and have viewed every video input possible: progressive scan DVD, Hi-def, digital and analog cable, and satellite. The v500's and vx500's have an internal 1080p (progressive) digital video processor, which is displayed at 720p, which is equivalent to 1080i (interlaced) - a Hi-def signal. This TV is expecting to receive a Hi-def signal of 1080i and any other signal will appear grainy. However, this applies to all tv's with a 1000+ lines of resolution. If there's not enough compressed data in the signal, 480i, the result will be a "grainy" image due to trying to display a analog or digital 480i (480 lines of resoltuion) on a screen of 1000+ lines of resolution. If you buy the TV you will need a Hi-Def converter to view the best possible picture. There's no video cable on the market that will increase the clarity and detail of an analog signal on a tv with a native display of 1080i or 720p. Just won't happen without a Hi-Def convertor through component or a DVI connection. |
Scot Unregistered guest | -The best signal is REALLY THE BEST I work for Hitachi and have viewed every video input possible: progressive scan DVD, Hi-def, digital and analog cable, and satellite. The v500's and vx500's have an internal 1080p (progressive) digital video processor, which is displayed at 720p, which is equivalent to 1080i (interlaced) - a Hi-def signal. This TV is expecting to receive a Hi-def signal of 1080i and any other signal will appear grainy. However, this applies to all tv's with a 1000+ lines of resolution. If there's not enough compressed data in the signal, 480i, the result will be a "grainy" image due to trying to display a analog or digital 480i (480 lines of resoltuion) on a screen of 1000+ lines of resolution. If you buy the TV you will need a Hi-Def converter to view the best possible picture. There's no video cable on the market that will increase the clarity and detail of an analog signal on a tv with a native display of 1080i or 720p. Just won't happen without a Hi-Def convertor through component or a DVI connection. For more info go to: http://www.hitachi.us/tv or call: 1-800-HITACHI (448-2244) |
Anonymous | hey scott or anyone else out there i just purchased this television and love it but there's a humming sound coming out from the back of the television. i believe its the fan. is this a normal sound. i went back circuit city and checked out the display model and heard nothing on the display unit |
Vince Unregistered guest | I just got mine today and it's a beautiful 50v500. The noise of the fan from the back is quiet, although I can barely hear it when volumn is muted. On power-up, it seems that the lamp is slowingly brighting up. It usually takes about 10-15 seconds for the screen getting to full brightness level (like an aging lamp?). Does everyone have this problem, and is it normal? |
Anonymous | HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!! Anyone (Scot?) know the following for the 50V500; Lamp life (hours) AND replacement cost? Sony and Panny publish theirs. I am hearing that Hitachi's bulb is twice the price and lasts half that of the Panny. It matters -only TV and I'm a couch potato. Cause of, and fix to the pink-shadow phenom that has cropped up a couple of times (above)? Picture-in-picture mode -is it scaleable and allow for different input/sources (PC, ana-cable, digi-cable, HDTV, PC, VCR)? Will 3rd party (or other OEM's) IR multi-remotes work this set? Dead pixels -some reported by Sony owners, 50V500 owners, but I have not heard anything from Panny owners. I was told by a salesman that Panny is the only company that treats dead pixels as a valid warranty claim and they pre-test the LCDs as part of their quality control -dead pixel panels are not supposed to be shipped. I ask because the salesman pointed out a dead pixel in a Sony, and that is all I could see after (even when I couldn't, I was looking for it). Comments? He then implied that Sony would help out if over 10 (or was it 10%) dead pixels. In this thread we have heard little about the Panny, and it seems this thread has attracted the previous stat of 15/20 Hitachi fans, 4/15 Sony fans, and 1/15 Panny fans. Are Pannys as reliable as what I am (not) seeing online, or is it that there are so few out there (possibly in the hands of non-videophiles)? Is the Hitachi really the best LCD, picture is subjective (I like the Hitachi's picture) -but I want solid performance and reliability for years? Facts, numbers, explanations -why is Hitachi best? Here in Canada, we are paying full MSRP, have the longest wait for the least HD content and my wife would not forgive me if this purchase is problematic or fails to last -I will not be able to get another for at least ten years (coincidentally, how long it's taken me to get here now for to buy my first big-screen). This set will be my one and only in the house as we are giving my old 27" tubey to my sister in law. PS. Fan noise: is it that the fan only comes on as needed (lamp is hot) why some people hear it more and/or louder? Meaning, those who do not hear it, the fan may not be running much thus rarely during silent times? Please answer what you can. Thanks, Anon Dave |
Anonymous | Scot, You said a few times "1000+ lines" -don't you mean fixed 720 lines? Or do I have something backwards in my head? And can you (or anyone else) tell me what the talk above about smudges is about? Assembly fingerprints on mirrors or lenses or what? How sensitive are these sets to degredation of quality in dusty environments? |
New member Username: Uzed2rulePost Number: 6 Registered: 12-2003 | Is the Hitachi 50V500 stand's middle glass shelf removable? Anyone know a spec for the weight these shelves can support? I have a sub-woofer I would like to put in there and it is 19" x 9" x 16" (WHD) -it has two 6.5" drivers with twin ports between. Don't know the weight but it is less than most AV receivers. I know many say to NOT get the Hitachi stand but I am going for a look and are trying to fit two audio racks (flanking the 50V500) and two 12" wide tower speakers outside them on a 9'9" wall. Audio stands that will fit (<19") are not wide enough for my sub and have difficulty finding a nice TV stand that will do what I need and match everything. Basically -if we use the Hitachi TV stand -it doesn't have to match the audio stands. Thanks |
Gtuck Unregistered guest | I just bought the Hitachi 50v500 from Sears for $2740 on a price match guarantee.They also gave me a free DVD player that Rex was offering and 0% for 1 yr.This was too good of a deal to pass up.I can hardly wait to get the tv this weekend. |
New member Username: AllenwPost Number: 6 Registered: 12-2003 | Gtuck, where did you get a price of $2740 to bring to Sears? Thanks Al |
New member Username: AllenwPost Number: 7 Registered: 12-2003 | Gtuck, can I ask where you got the $2740 price to bring to Sears. Al |
H2 Unregistered guest | Thanks to all for the price match heads up. Sears was able to price match sunshineshopping.com because they had a physical showroom. Got mine for $2699 and 0% interest for 1 year. Just printed out the website and took to the sales rep. No hassles or haggling |
Gtuck Unregistered guest | I think the salesman messed up.She said the computer showed the price of the tv to be $3140 but the price on the tv said $3299.Rex's was offering $400 off the tv for a new years special plus a free dvd player.The salesman at sears took the $400 off of the computer price and threw in the dvd player. |
Anonymous | Just talked to someone at 1-800-HITACHI Armed only with owners manuals apparently. When I asked how long the lamp was rated for, he said 50V500s don't have replaceable bulbs, just 3 LCDs, one for each colour that last the life of the set. He was obviously confused and recovered to say it's covered for 90 days and that he can not comment on how long the set (in whole) or it's parts would last -it depends on how it is used. Didn't know how much a replacement LC37 Lamp Assembly (part # UX21511) was worth. Anyone have an accurate price? I got next to nothing out of him. He couldn't even tell me if convergence was adjustable whatsoever (manual or automatic a-la Magic Focus). He said if there was a problem, he would help me get to the bottom of it through a service person. It was nice that someone answered the phone there within two rings and no busy signal or perma-hold like I hear it's like at Sony though. I only hope the independant service guys know Hitachi products better than Hitachi's Hot-line. He gave me a number for the stand maker which then told me: Middle (upper) shelf can safely be removed. Shelves have been tested to 25 lbs. ***BUT*** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Hitachi may have the best TVs out there, but they don't make it easy to find that out. Sony might sell more sets -probably because they publish more specs (be them accurate or not) -at least people have an idea of what their getting for their money. I will still be buying Hitachi, I just feel like I am gambling a bit (more than I am used to). |
mcpagano Unregistered guest | I found a web site that said the price of the OEM lamp was $297 - Ouch! |
hey_you_me2003 Unregistered guest | The lamp is $199 call 1-800 Hitachi for availability. |
DocNashville Unregistered guest | Well, I went to Tech Craft's online site, and purchased the PTV48 from their Monaco series. I picked this up for $400 delivered from sites (just look around online). Considering this is a dang near spot on match for the Hitachi stand, my 50" hangs over the edge about 2" on either side. Unlike the cheap Hitachi stand, this one holds everything I've got on it (6 pieces of equipment total) and the stand itself is steel + wood + glass. Absolutely jaw dropping. Hope this helps some looking for a good stand. And, it's got room front and back to slide the TV back and forth if necessary. |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 7 Registered: 12-2003 | Also IKEA has a stand that is the exact dimensions of the 50v500. Look under oppli |
New member Username: SurlyPost Number: 8 Registered: 12-2003 | Also IKEA has a stand that is the exact dimensions of the 50v500. Look under oppli about a 100 bucks |
New member Username: JameswardPost Number: 1 Registered: 01-2004 | Can anyone give me the name of a salesman at Sears that will price match www.sunshine.com for the hitachi 50v500 at 2699.00 . I am ready to buy today with the 3 year service agreement. |
DouginLouisville Unregistered guest | Hi James. You asked... "Can anyone give me the name of a salesman at Sears that will price match www.sunshine.com for the hitachi 50v500 at 2699.00 . I am ready to buy today with the 3 year service agreement." Technically speaking, as long as you can show a "bricks & mortar" store, *any* Sears salesman should match it. Print the website, with the price, and make sure you also print a page showing the bricks & mortar address or picture .. and especially the operating hours and tel. number. The salesman *might* want to check the site or call the store, but probably not. Mine didn't. The secret: It has to be a retail store. You don't need to include shipping price. The deal is: if the TV can be picked up from a real store, they have to match it. See the Sears website for a print-out of the policy, if you'd like to take that along too. Doug |
DouginLouisville Unregistered guest | Center Speaker Today I finally worked up my nerve to hook up the speakers on the 50v500 to act as "center speakers" for our 5.1 home theater amp. Actually, it worked like a charm. I wired an RCA phono plug on the end of the speaker wire that formerly went to the center speaker of our setup. ("red" or positive to the center pin) I plugged it into the center speaker plug on the back patch panel. The volume on the 50v500 acted as a kind of potentiometer ("gain") for the speaker, but from all appearances, it seems that the speaker input can accept a speaker-level (already amplified) signal quite nicely. For our home theater set-up to function correctly, we needed to set the center speaker level to 20 or so on the 50v500. At that point, we could then control all levels (including the feed to the Hitachi) with our amp remote. Worked like a charm. The bracket for wall mounting should arrive tomorrow. I'll let you know how the mounting goes. Doug |
DouginLouisville Unregistered guest | Extended warranty from Hitachi Today, when I registered my Hitachi, I *almost* decided to go with an extended warranty from Hitachi. That is, until I noticed in the fine print that bulbs were considered "consumables" and aren't covered by the warranties. :-) Likewise, HH Gregg's "tubes and guns" warranty won't cover bulbs either. So.... thus far... we haven't purchased a warranty beyond the 1-year factory version. :-( Doug |
New member Username: JameswardPost Number: 2 Registered: 01-2004 | DouginLouisville I have tried that and they still refused.Another problem I had was I don't have a Sear's card and they wouldn't accept the order over the phone.I did find one that would(give it to me for 2699) but that was the holdup on the transaction.There has got to be a way for me to pay for it here and receive the price I want it for (2699).I can't believe I am having this much trouble trying to buy it at this price.Maybe I should try circuit city?I just think the sears warr. is better for the money.The Visa is burning to get it at this price.By the way I am in North Carolina and www.sunshine.com is in NY |
New member Username: AllenwPost Number: 8 Registered: 12-2003 | When I go to the www.sunshine.com web site, all get is a web service site??? Where's the TV? I am ready to buy at that price. Al |
New member Username: JameswardPost Number: 3 Registered: 01-2004 | I'm sorry the site is www.shopsunshine.com |