Dave is the president of direct and charlie the prez of dishnet the boxes are often refered to as them for that reason
Unregistered guest
Posted on
peabo... You DTV dish will work perfectly fine with any FTA receiver. Instead of pointing at DTV (101) all you need to do is point it to Dishnet (110) or BEV (91).
Unregistered guest
Posted on
murdah, thanks again for all the help. but just a few more questions, that is all i need is the reciever? which one do you suggest i get? and which site is the most reliable? please let me know.thanks again.peabo
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Murdah.. are these two birds at the same elevation as the DTV (101)
Posted on
no go up about 5 degrees
Finish 24
Unregistered guest
Posted on
**********THIS IS THE REAL SCAMMER***********
mofo Unregistered guest Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 05:15 am: yes, illegal if trying to pick up subscription channels, but not for fta(freetoair) channels, and there is a good amount of channels. i am sick of those who try to rip off ppl. u want a pansat2500a (cheapest is ebay), want support (panarex, the company who makes pansat2500a) - but not to use illegally--they can help set up your dish too, plus many free forums out there to help you, so don't be stupid and pay crap load for something cheaper than it really is, jmvip is james millard, worst of them all, one he is talking to himself trying to hype up his own stuff, two he is breaking the law by stating that he flashes these 2500a and selling it it for a scamming price, if he legit how come hemakes you call or email him and not give support to these questions, also how come his prices drop so fast for a ligit company, if you paying more than 200.00 for pansat2500a, u getting ripped-off
james millard Silver Member Username: Jmill1948
chester , va usa
Post Number: 229 Registered: Apr-04 Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 11:32 am: mofo k......m.a............
Where can i get a Pansat2500a?Also does it come with a dish?How do ya get the ppv Channels? Im a Rookie.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Finish 24, Could your above post have anything to do with the fact that JMILL cought you in a scam??? I have read the posts and anyone could do a search on this sight about your "business". Yes, you did not scam me, but I trust Jmill and everyone i know have not been scammed by him. Bottom line, get a life.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
How reliable is urbantoys?
I want to purchase a reciever but i'm kinda of paranoid especially with all these scammers going around.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Bought a pansat from urbantoys. Got it in the same day. I'm from the Toronto Area and they got a delivery service. Just my 2 cents.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Do the ones from urbantoys come pre-programmed?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
NO P-4 STUFF here you guys need to start a neww thread
Posted on
Listen up guys. As of right now there are no hacks for the p4. Anything you read saying there is a hack is a scam. I know people that are working on a hack and have found out what you need to run the p4's but no scripts are available. the best thing to do is buy an iso loader, I suggest the t-911, and wait for more news. I'm saying to buy a loader now because once the hack is released you wont be able to touch one for no less than $400. Hate to bring you the bad news buts its true.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Dont do it !!!! You'll just be throwing your money away!! A new generation of loaders will be needed...
Unregistered guest
Posted on
2 things:
PW-voice,U are an imposter,as we both know and anybody here who has half a brain who can read and see.Be original in name use.Build your own identity.
The T911 is NOT an iso programmer,it has an atmel chip,and do NOT buy a LOADER now or any hardware.Iso's are used for Dish now,but NOT DTV.The rest of your post is correct about a P4 hacks now are ALL scams.
Heres a little education regarding iso vs programmers.
There is a lot of talk going around about the possibility of using an ISO Programmer to work with the P4/P5/D1 cards. There are a lot of peps who do not know the difference between an ISO Programmer and a Loader (were not't around for H card days). So here is a quick reference for ya's.
LOADERS: Loaders first showed up in the H card days and were originally designed to unloop H cards. They are still sometimes referred to as "Unloopers" by experienced testers. Loaders require some smarts. They employ a micro controller (loaders are embedded devices). A Micro controller manufacturer named ATMEL makes some great micro controllers which, because of their single cycle op code capabilities, have become the tester's preferred controller chip. The ATMEL AT90S2313 series micro controllers have a flashable EEPROM, which makes updating quick and easy. You can see where the terminology has all come from in this hobby... "Atmel, loader, unlooper, flash... ect"
How loaders work: Loaders work by counting the clock cycles after resetting the card and causing the cards supply voltage to drop below 2.5Vdc at the opportune time. This is called "Glitching". When the card's supply voltage is below 2.5Vdc, it cannot create a logical "1". (5V digital circuits require >2.4Vdc to create a logical 1). If you want the data in a particular address to be 0x00, then you would glitch the card when the processor reads that particular address. No matter what value is in that location, it will be read as a 0x00. BASIC RULE: Loaders/Unloopers use "Glitch" technology to force their way in and write to a card.
ISO PROGRAMMERS: ISO7816 is a standard that establishes and governs the physical size and pad layout of the cards used by NDS and other companies all over the world. All the cards used by DTV are physically the same, although the controller chips inside them differ greatly. An ISO Programmer is a device which interfaces a PC to an ISO7816 compliant card for communication purposes. It contains only 3 basic components: 1) RS232 interface 2) 3.58MHz clock source 3) Card socket
There is no need for any smarts and therefore no need for a micro controller (ATMEL). All it does is connect the data IO line from the card to the Data TX & RX line of the Comm port and supply a clock source to run the card. Your PC does all the talking to the card.
IN REVIEW: 1) A Loader is an embedded glitching device containing its own micro controller. It uses Voltage Glitching techniques to force its way into an ISO7816 compliant card. Loaders are fairly complex devices.
2) An ISO Programmer is an interface which allows your PC to talk directly to an ISO7816 compliant card. A programmer is an extremely simple device which can be quickly made at home.
If you have a loader, it will probably (depends upon which loader you've got) be possible to acquire a FLASH (Program) for its ATMEL which will basically turn off all glitching and make it act like a simple programmer.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I bought a 3m for p5 from http://www.cpwave.net/cpwave2.htm I spent 300us. I've been waiting for support for five weeks. This is bullshit. There is no 3m for p4/p5 out there or they would have sent it. All I get is a run around and them saying they are busy,hang tight its coming.This is a total scam! DO NOT SEND THEM YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. debbie01
chosen one
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Cpwave has been posted at EVERY web site as a KNOWN scammer for MONTHS,shame on you!
Hi, It's me again, well like I said before a friend of mine bought the P4 Unlooper Program from Spain tomorrow he will give it to me the link and suppose to receive the package this weekend if this works I will give all the information I hope to help and start watching DTV again free of charge have a nice day!
debbie u should have known there scammers.i coulda made that same site in 10 mins. they use all kinds of colors like fagz to make u think they put some time into it,then makeup some bullshit reason why they dont answear ur email. lol when ordering i always ask for COD i never send anything first i make sure i get it then ill pay.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
debbie they get payment from paypal, meaning you can cancel the transaction with your bank.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Yes,Dispute in writing to paypal and credit card within 30 days of statement,but thats ONLY a DISPUTE,not a cancel transaction,which cannot be done.Also call them both first!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
1.-If there was a hack, a P4-ZKT would be posted. if the ROM were already dumped, this would be known.
2. There is no way to recoup the development costs -- the lawsuits have made buying risky, and the voracious free-tv'ers will steal the technology rather than pay for the equipment and time reverse engineering the product.
3. Dtv has learned from the past -- the F didn't have the ASIC -- fixed in the H. The H had software bugs which allowed access -- fixed with the development process and code reviews for the Hu. The Hu was vulnerable to power/clock glitches -- fixed in the P4 generation.
Remember, for there to be a viable hack, it has to be packagable -- which if it requires Focused Ion Beam editting to enable glitching, won't be useable by very many testers.
Finally, the appeal to time. The Hu was already compromised by the time the H stream was dying. People want to hear that it is hacked, so they believe, but historically, the previous card had always been hacked before the death of the current generation. Dealers can't make money if they don't sell what they have, if they have it.
You also have to consider any group that has a hack and is holding it back "for the right moment" risks getting beat to the punch by another group. If it were stable and marketable, it would be out there right now, while the demand is ripe and high.
Its nice to say that what man has made, man can break, but breaking and hacking are two totally different things. Think not? Go ask all the peeps who waited forever for a VCII+ hack. Any day now turned into years and still nothing.
Primestar was the same way and also made by GI and never ever hacked. It did have a smart card slot which was never used, because it was never needed, because the hardware inside was never compromised. Guess who bought out primestar and that technology? Yep DTV.
The H card was hacked well before the F was dead and the Hu hack was public even before the H was dead. Now you have a nearly dead Hu and not a single viable dealer even offering ANY sort of hack for the P4/P5/D1.
Would a good businessman/businesswoman wait till everyone has jumped ship and bought a FTA or ran to charlie, then release a hack? I think not. If it were out there and stable folks, it would be available right now, while the iron is hot and panicked peeps are willing to pay the cheeks off their a$$ to get it.
Even if it were, an "unglitchable" card will be an icescraper everytime it gets looped, because if you can't glitch into the loop, how ya gonna unloop it? Don't hold your breath folks, because the road ahead is going to get rocky and now that the heat is on charlie, he is going to jump right in and take care of some business too.
Everyone keeps saying the dealers have to make their money first, but when no dealer is selling, they are not making any money, because they simply don't have anything to sell at this point.
All those promises that it was out there but "not needed at this time" were bullshit. "It would only be released when somebody could make some money off of it." Uh, from reading the forums I see quite a few desperate people out there who can't watch TV right now. The "market" seems pretty damn ripe to me.
2. Not one SHRED of evidence has surfaced that anybody has gotten into a P4. I see a lot of posts that say it's "too unstable" for public release. Since when do hackers care whether something is stable enough for the public...getting all ethical now? Again, I call BULLSHlT. Or maybe they're talking about it being too unstable to SELL. You don't have to prove it's been compromised by posting a working fix. A simple P4/D1 range CAMID and matching ZKT that can be verified is all that is needed to prove it has been compromised. Posted via proxy or whatever other means to protect the poster from the authorities. How about an EEPROM dump? Partial disassembly (reverse engineer) of that dump? We haven't seen it because it's not there. The card has been out for two years and not one single byte of verifiable data has appeared to substantiate that a hacker has seen it's secrets. What do you think? Just by pure chance we should have already seen something...in two years?
3. ...One man can make it, another man can break it. I'm sick of seeing that one. While it's true that nothing can be 100% secure...all DTV has to do is keep you out long enough to make it financially feasible to keep issuing new cards. As long as it takes a few years (3-5) to break into the current card, they're ahead of the game and already issuing new cards. At that point it's OVER. Where's the financial gain in that (for the hackers)? The only people left trying to get in are the few *true* hackers who are doing it because they can't resist a challenge. Then, once all the forums and DSS sites whither up and die, the number of people actively probing the inner workings of the cards goes down drastically.
Something else goes down with the number of people and it's the most important of all: KNOWLEDGE. Fewer people with less knowledge means the "attack front" is reduced and with it the threat and probability of compromises of current and future cards. Think about it, if it takes another year for a P4 hack to surface, 90% of all the D*T specific DSS sites will be long gone. Their goal of crushing the piracy market will have succeeded.
4. Anybody who's looked at those leaked specifications will see that the P4/D1 is a kick a$$ card. Now assuming that those documents are not faked (they looked pretty damn offical to me) some things that stand out are:
A. The inability to change CAMID's (they're hard coded - not in EEPROM). That one right there kills a LOT of ability. It's surprising they didn't inlcude that ability (or lack thereof) in earlier cards. Sure as hell makes it harder to hack when you can't clone cards. Of course the no ZKT mod would help here, but I would imagine that they will come up with a way of requiring your private key or group keys to be valid for the given CAMID in order to take essential updates. Meaning if you spoof a CAMID using some no ZKT method, there still exists the possibility of still requiring the ID to match other important corresponding data on the card in order for it to function properly.
B. A shut down mechanism. The card processor is reportedly to be based on a European smart money card that is loaded with cash and as you buy things, it deducts from the balance on the card. Once the card reaches zero, it's designed to self destruct so that as they are thrown into the trash they aren't scooped up by hackers trying to reload money on them. They are destroyed via code in ROM at the end of their lives. If D*V chose to implement that into the P4/D1 - you're f*cked! Instead of getting looped - your card gets irreversibly KILLED. Quite nasty and quite effective. If I were designing a card I would surely include such a function.
C. The specs call for the ability of the card to handle a tier expiration date rollover that occurs some 10+ years from now. Seems they are quite confident that the card will remain unhacked for that amount of time. Why make that specification?
5. Be aware that the people who are designing these cards are not stupid. Yes, they may have overlooked many weaknesses in their designs in the past, but they are learning from them. All the newer cards are implementing more and more encryption capabilities. In case you don't know, public key cryptosystems cannot be broken. Unless someone comes up with a way of efficiently factoring large primes (the basis for PKE), it will remain unbroken. With the utilization of more and more of this technology into smart cards, hacking them starts becoming insurmountable. This new card has TONS of cryptographic functions. And these are ones that go waaaaaay beyond a simple XOR key! Think about the ZKT. It has never been possible to generate your own CAMID/ZKT pair on any of the cards. This just proves it's effectiveness (it's using properties of PKE digital signing). Now imagine using that CAMID/ZKT idea for zeroing out PPV purchases. Instead of using a simple 0, to indicate the obvious zero balance, think if they used the ZKT idea (or digitally signed the PPV's). If the PPV zero balance was digitally signed, it then becomes a special, non-recreateable, non-zero number. How would you get around that? What about tiers? What if the tiers were digitally signed for each card? The possibilites numb the mind! The important part? If implemented, there are no workarounds for them until PKE is broken! So better start looking for any option of a legit DTV service...BEFORE PRICES START GOING UP!
Air Wolfe
Unregistered guest
Posted on
applebee.... How much is Dave paying you for this ????
Unregistered guest
Posted on
be patient i am in new york and the p4 cards are actively being done now and i have seen it with my own eyes it is and activation you have to order ppv it is not all open thats all i could tell about it
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I think the continued insistence that there is a hack is based on the relatively simple P4 work around many people know about and use. Anyone can get a P4 programmed with all platinum stations open, plus 25 open PPV slots that you can fill and watch -- and the card will be good for about 50 days. How, you ask? If you have a sub with an older receiver, all you have to do is order a platinum sub, then cancel the subscription for that receiver (like a receiver upgrade, for example). DAVE does not check the close out of the card for a cancel'd receiver! So, just use a no-745 wafer or bootstrap to hold the activation until the tiers drop (about 50 days), and you effectively have a open P4 card with 25 open and usable PPV slots for that length of time. This only works on the older receivers. But it is not a hack, nope. Just looks like one to all your friends, and spawns another generation of "I have seen it with my own eyes it is and activation you have to order ppv it is not open thats all I could tell about it".
Posted on
I got this email the other day. Has anyone else received this? I have no idea if it's legit or not. Anyone know for sure?
Li Cheng Y HenSang Imports 1-888-252-8508 orcall 1-888-252-8509
Now Hack The P4/P5 DirecTv2FTA Conversion Kit Get It Now
The P-400 Adapter is a tiny filter like adapter that hides itself very well behind your current Dtv Ird and allows the user to receive all the channels that a high priced free2air ird would pick up providing that the user points his dish or dishes accordingly. When used in conjunction with a DiSEqc switch, you can enable multiple satellite dishes on one receiver, allowing the user to enjoy well over 1000 channels! There is no additional flashes needed therefore there will be no blackouts or hits like we are used to with the current selection of fta systems.
The Tiny little P-400 adapter unit allows you to unlock all dtv receivers and allows you to hear full audio, unlike the flash that is currently freeware and only works on one rca ird and you can not hear any audio. This is the solution we have all been working hard to manufacture and release and since it is so sensitive in nature, we will only be taking orders for the units for a period of one full week and then we will distribute the product to resellers who will then continue to market our hard work through their websites.
It takes under twenty seconds to install and works on all receivers providing that you have a working subbed card currently in the receiver and the telephone line unplugged. The package you currently have does not make any difference, basic or platinum. The reason you must have a working subbed card p4 or p5 in at all times to watch all channels open is because the receiver needs to have the prior authorization from your current subbed card to tell the receiver that you are authorized to view channels. The P-400 Just Tells the receiver that there are new channel sets available and tells your ird to scan and find these new channels, within ten minutes of having the adapter installed, you will see a new screen with channels one to one thousand or more but no description will be available in the guide, this is because there is no current technology that allows you to view a guide with your current ird's configuration. We plan on releasing a new P-400 in the future that will scan for whatever guide is available and tell your ird to display the contents for each channel selection.
This adapter is not a p4 hack or 3m, it is simply a control interface that will allow you to unlock the full power of your current receiver. It has been working flawlessly for over two months now, unaffected by any electronic countermeasures that killed off all other fta units. Get the P-400 Today while you can, because we will not be marketing this product after the seven day period of presales that has now started. At the time of writing this, The P-400 is not compatible with sony receivers we apoligise for this, we are in the process of ironing out the conflict issues and will release our findings shortly.
Price is $199 per P-400 order. Call Today and get 20% off! Pay Only$160 Lines Open Late! Units are tamper proof, will not function if forcibly opened to view internal workings. Quantity Orders are available at a discount, Providing they are not for resale purposes. Orders are sent via expresspost trackable shipping from a Canadian location. Estimated time arrival for shipping seven to fourteen business days. Quantity order discount not available at this time. The price you see is the price you pay regardless of quantity.
Call Our Order and fufillment operators today and let us pay for the call. Our operators are not technical buffs so please allow them to process your orders accordingly and avoid technical matters with them, as they are trained professionals in the sales and customer satisfaction field, they did not build the p400. Our product is so simple to use full instructions included, that you do not need any prior tech experience. Buy yours today without delay, Call us to make sure we still have units left in stock.
Sincerly yours Li Cheng Y HenSang Imports 1-888-252-8508 orcall 1-888-252-8509
Now Hack The P4/P5 DirecTv2FTA Conversion Kit Get It Now
Get The Service You Need
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I got the same e-mail about a tiny chip that you put in the back on the DTV???
Unregistered guest
Posted on
ok everyone what about this e-mail I got last week. The person sent me an movie and the date on the DTV is 08/11/04 ********************************************* GET ALL NFL GAMES!!!!!!!!!! PPV ADULT HBO LOCALS SPORTS AND MORE
Dear Tester
This email is a PRIVATE invite to join our testing family!!!
We offer the p4 p5 3M for DTV satellite system the reason you are getting this invite is because you are a known tester in the DSS community we will only accept people that are on our list and you must have a unique invite code that matches your email address if you are not invited t our group you will not be able to join no matter how much you offer to pay so please do not email us if you are not the person this email is intended for!!!
Due to the very large volume of emails that we get on a daily basis we have compiled this email to answer the most asked questions so please read this Email in full
How do I know you are not owned by DAVE Dave (DTV) can not sell a hack to their service as it is illegal (ask your lawyer) How do we know this is not a scam We have been selling the p4/p5 hack now for 2 months and have 3300 members at this point if you would like proof please ask us to email you a copy of the video
How Does the service work?
Once your payment is made we will email you a winexplorer script that you can run on a p4 or p5 card this script will do a few things 1.Clean your card 2.Tell you the status of the card 3.Program the card (open 3m) 4.Unmarry your cards
There are no limit's to the amount of cards you can do except with the 3 month package (Limited to 1 card) Any Hu Loader or ISO programmer will work with the software (please note that the loader must be flushable)
What is the Cost involved ?
we offer 3 packages ALL PRICES ARE US FUNDS (if sending from Canada multiply total by 1.30)
3 Month Package $99 (Only Good For 1 Card) 6 Month Package $199 1 Year Package $350 Includes a free ISO Programmer ISO Programmer $39 With membership only P4 Card $79
Thanks 3MOFFSHORE ??????????????
Posted on
They were a proven scam site months ago!!!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
So, All I keep reading about are people/companies that claim to have something that'll get into the P4/5.. I've seen no real proof of this happening.. Does anyone out there know how close it is to becomming a reality?
Posted on
i'm sure someone has tried this, but i haven't seen anything about it. What happens if you take a cloned Hu. and use the receiver to update card. Using p4/D1. you order ppv's. fill it up. then can you redo the same thing? will the receiver write over the card? I haven't tried yet, just wondering....
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Your post makes no sense.U need to clarify again.Receiver will not "update" a HU card."using P4/D1",how? redo what?
Posted on
it will update from a hu card to a p4/d1. that is how people get a new card in the mail and rewrite the info from old card to new card. if we program a hu with old sub info, and we activate a new d1, will this process overwrite the ppv area on the d1?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
HUH?...DTV sent a signal to all cards with a valid camID and good ZKT.The IRD stored the signal info data in its memory and transfered it into the new P4/5 cards that DTV mailed to all subscribers.It was a 1 time data transfer when the Hu stream was operational,which U cannot repeat.The Hu card does not receive any video signals now,so therefore it can't transfer "video" signals or any signal otherwise, that it isn't receiving.Therefore they (updates, as U call them) aren't being stored in the receiver either and cannot be transfered to a P4/5 card.
Posted on
applebee sorry to jump in here but are u having any problems with bev on bb. an old friend
Applebee, I agree. When the HU stream started going down someone tried to get receiver to update the info from a P3 to a P4. They used the menu on the receiver and tried the card update. Every time with every script, 3m and act, it came up error. Great idea, have dave hack the card for us. Too bad it won't work. Later, TY P.S. Anonymous, Bev is moving things around again, wait a few days and rescann.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Back in May if you had a subbed HU card that told you it was time to swap cards but you didn't and instead left on vacation returning today, you could still do the swap with the p4/d1 they sent you. The swap is done within the ird itself but the HU must be prepared by the swap commands from 4 months ago. Now if you could read the receive key from a virgin p4 then maybe you could force your own swap with an edited swap bin but we cannot do that yet.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
There is no "video signals" being transferred either or being stored in the ird. The swap is simply the transfer of tier data from the HU to the P4/D1. The ird stores the tier data once you initiate the swap but that is coming from the HU bin only. You don't even need a sat. signal hooked up if you had the cards to swap.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
All Hu cards (camid's) have been blacklisted,so U can't transfer any HU sub data to a P4/5 card via the IRD or anyway.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
www.sathouse.com.pa has aworking p4/5/d1 fix
Unregistered guest
Posted on
evil..post (copy/paste) it here,their ad..nobody wants to register for every site that claims a hack. Lets see what they're offering.Thanks
Unregistered guest
Posted on
BTW..this sathouse.com.pa is NOT the same as the scam site satthouse.com (well maybe same owners,I dunno)..but sathouse.com.pa does NOT have ANY p4/5 hack info on their homepage,and ONLY in their forums..this causes concern for me,..why?..its not cause they're trying to keep it a secret,and its not cause they're advertising it..just doesn't feel right.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
AppleBee...www.sathouse.com.pa has a activation fix right now..3 months for 100 bucks good deal. Its working many many members at site are watching free dave with this fix. everybody check out no bs at site.
Posted on
SCAMMERS BEWARE>sathouse.com<
Posted on
well im watching dave and its the same deal as sathouse.com.pa 3 mounths for 100 bucks and iv got 200 dollars in spending limits BUT ive learned that i can wipe the ppv and reload the credits with winexplorer and a omaga loader so what im saying is its kinda pricey but im watching tv and put in perspective its cheaper than cable so you all can take this post how ever you want im not trying to sell anything im just giving testemoniy to my experience
Unregistered guest
Posted on
yes, it is www.sathouse.com.pa NOT sathouse.com , NO it is not the same owners,it is an activation fix and yes it works $100 bucks for 3 months, and $150 worth of ppv's it comes with sunday ticket 100 bucks for a ton of channels+sunday ticket and 150 in ppv's is still a good deal. I AM A MEMBER THERE AND WATCHIN TV!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
right on
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Thanks evilhomer for coming on and verifying what i've been telling these peeps for 2 days now its here www.sathouse.com.pa has activation up and running
Posted on
and what happens when they don't pay the bill!!!!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I took that guys advice above. Got a max 2000 from http://www.urbantoys.ca and I received it last night. Also bought an elliptical dish coz these boxes can use multiple satellites!
I used my original DTV dish, repointed it and got BEV and I used the New Elliptical to get me 110 and 110 Charlie. Ellips got 3 LNB SLOTS. What's nice is that the elliptical can hold my DAVE LNB when the p4/p5 hack comes out.
I am glad to take that dude's advice above! These FTA don't have a program guide though but that's why I got my laptop in the living room for now! I can't believe I'm actually watching 3 SAT NETWORKS! Wish I got it earlier so I could have watched the dela hoya fight!
Product Details: This loader we assume that soon,will be the Unit to P4-P5 card, We are in Test. If you have any Questions please e-mail us True universal ISO-7816 - 1/2/3 compatibility On board hardware based universal smart card reader/writer Microsoft PC/SC compatible (USCT PC/SC Driver Required) . On board universal smart card diagnostic and recovery system On board Atmel AT90S2313-10PI Micro-controller For P4-P5 card Test AT90S8515-10PI. On board (ICP) Atmel programming interface. Will gain entry to cards previously untouchable by *old* code Future Unlock updates for Unlocking future Dealer Lock down 3M scripts One unit, one mode, does it all without any re-flashing. Provides the solution for cards that won't open with existing loaders and programming. Repairs otherwise un-glitchable card. One switch mode selection. All matched and hand selected device components No hardware device drivers needed in direct RS-232 mode Supports all speeds of serial communication up to 115,000 baud Compatible with all MCU smart cards and most Memory Only cards Compatible with all RS-232 smart card development software Supports both commercial and military power specifications Only true hardware based universal all-in-one S-C terminal available Amphenol "snap-in" card slot rated at 200K+ insertions Incorporates the exclusive and convenient SDLOGIC ON/OFF switch Incorporates a 20-pin dip socket for easy removal of Atmel chip Incorporates a 4 position switch selector for modifiable timing slopes Incorporates the proven SDLOGIC INTERSIL RS232 Chip Incorporates a new heavy duty DC jack Incorporates a new surface mount heavy duty voltage regulator Incorporates (5) separate Philips74Hc4053N Separate mode indicators Atmel Pin 1 Jumper Enable/Disable /Bridge. Enhanced high-speed buffer circuitry support (Jumper Enable/Disable) New anti-static/chemical coating treatment to the Amphenol card slots
i agree with the part ....we are in test... but look pass the obvious........its multi speed its universal to several cards might be the one.when the time is right................
Posted on
applebee ...you didn't even get to the fine line...lol
Unregistered guest
Posted on
i really dont give a SHITT if you dont beleive sathouse.com.pa has a hack or not,i am a member there,and i am watchin dave for cheap.you idiots can keep staring at your black screen for all i care, i was just trying to help some of you out and point you in the right direction,bye IM GOING TO WATCH SOME PPV'S FOR FREE
My comments on the loade james millard posted sounds like SD7816U USCT SE PRICE: ON SALE - US$149.95 ea. Product Features: True universal ISO-7816 - 1/2/3 compatibility On board hardware based universal smart card reader/writer Microsoft PC/SC compatible (USCT PC/SC Driver Required) On board universal smart card diagnostic and recovery system On board Atmel AT90S2313-10PI Micro-controller On board (ICP) Atmel programming interface One switch mode selection All matched and hand selected device components No hardware device drivers needed in direct RS-232 mode Supports all speeds of serial communication up to 115,000 baud Compatible with all MCU smart cards and most Memory Only cards Compatible with all RS-232 smart card development software Supports both commercial and military power specifications Only true hardware based universal all-in-one S-C terminal available Built to withstand aggressive use and abuse 100% duty cycle capability Amphenol "snap-in" card slot rated at 200K+ insertions Incorporates the exclusive and convenient SDLOGIC ON/OFF switch Incorporates a 20-pin dip socket for easy removal of Atmel chip Incorporates a 4 position switch selector for modifiable timing slopes Incorporates the proven SDLOGIC INTERSIL RS232 Chip Incorporates a new heavy duty DC jack Incorporates a new surface mount heavy duty voltage regulator Incorporates (6) separate multicolored LED's Separate mode indicators Atmel Pin 1 Jumper Enable/Disable Enhanced high-speed buffer circuitry support (Jumper Enable/Disable) New anti-static/chemical coating treatment to the Amphenol card slots
Product Specifications: Protocols: T=0, T=1 ISO Rating: ISO-7816 (Parts 1/2/3) Clock Frequencies: 1.2288MHz / 3.57945MHz / 3.6864MHz / 4.608MHz / 9.216MHz / 18.432MHz Interfaces: RS-232 DB-9 Power Input: +7.2 to +24VDC @ 200mA Dimensions: 3.5" x 2.5" x 0.5" Power/Mode/Data Flow Indications: (6) Multicolored SMT LED's O/S Supported: Any O/S that supports the RS-232 Standard
as sold on sdlofic.us (we won't know what equipment we need until or if ever the new cards are hacked).
Yes finally some dave tv
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Guys stop listening to these guys thaT DONT KNOW NOTHING. STick WITH www.sathouse.com.pa they have a working activation and hundres of satisified peeps so far. this deal is awesome
Like I promise here is the web page: http://jmvip3mfiles.worldispnetwork.com/catalog.htm I hope this one is real because a friend of mine bought it from here have a great sunday!
Taz i believe its identical............the price is completly different.........when an if one of these loaders are proved to be" the one" then we need to have ammunition to purchase at a fair price.......149 versus 269 and i have seen it for 189 so there is no set price it seems........lets continue to band together and beat this.........peace...jmill
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I know a reliable honest guy who watched his own card programmed (from a little distance)by a somewhat other bud..P4 ex subbed card lasted 17 days,then got looped (IVAC)...card was wide open 3M with all channels PPV's etc.....simple iso,winexp script,6th gen IRD,and basic H was ONLY used...it didn't need any special iso,just simple,(not dual)iso.
James I doubt you will find a sdlogic proggrammer cheaper than sdlogic sells at http://sdlogic.us it for and your description mentions sdlogic technology several times so it must be a sdlogic proggrammer plus sdlogic is a legit smart card research company so dave can't sue you for buying from them because they do not advertise it as working for sat tv wich that one can do (dish, bev, and the old hucards and more than likely if and when the new cards are cracked it would work)
Just Askin'
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I just checked out urbantoys.ca and saw lots of dishes. I currently have an old Dave dish that I think I want to hook up with a new elliptical dish and a Blackbird. Will I be able to get Dish for free? What mods will i need to get Dish for free?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
C/P rom applebee
know a reliable honest guy who watched his own card programmed (from a little distance)by a somewhat other bud..P4 ex subbed card lasted 17 days,then got looped (IVAC)...card was wide open 3M with all channels PPV's etc.....simple iso,winexp script,6th gen IRD,and basic H was ONLY used...it didn't need any special iso,just simple,(not dual)iso.
Applebee your full of sh#t like the rest of scammers here.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
*********** MUCH ADO ABOUT APPLEBEE *************
FROM NOW ON IT WILL BE...... applebee1
Posted on
i see that many people refer to the blackbird recieve (or free to air recieve). I want to know exactly what channels i can get with that. For example, do i get movie channels, ppv, adult, and nfl sunday ticket? or just public stations. Is there a website that i can check out which tells me what channels i can get with a blackbird reciever or otherwise?
Well winter coming and I got two good ice scapers(p4/p5) card guess that all they will be used for!
Posted on
Any one know the deal with this web site http://www.satelliteinteractive.com/join.html
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Unlike the HU card, the P4/P5 card bin number is hard-coded into the card. It cannot be changed or altered. The site offers "valid bin included" for their P4 3M. That is impossible. It is a fraud. But go ahead and send them $125, and let us know how it turns out.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Is this another scam? http://www.hereviagra.com/srg/shop.html
ya hoooooooooo????
Unregistered guest
Posted on
ITs at www.sathouse.com.pa a activation that works. NO SCAM and dont listen to APLLEBEE hes just jealous cause dsscentral dont have any sort of fix what so ever.....so he doesnt want othere brothers watching dave tv
I Considered Everyone In This Decision, We Knew We Couldn't Appease Everyone With This Decision And Pricing.
I Invested A Large Sum Of Cash To Up Grade And To Acquire This Software To Bring This To The House..
I Would Love To Give Dollar For Dollar Credit For Remaining Time, Just As I Would Love To Recover My Investment For The Software, Upgrades, Server Time, Tech Help And Other Expenses That I Bore During The 5 + Months That We Were Open And Not Making A Dime, and everyone was here using the facilities and sharing and learning...but I most likely won't.
Neither Of Us Is Going To Be totally Happy With This Deal, But For The Majority Of The People, It Will Work, For Some It Won't.
It's Just One Of Those Situations That The Old Adage Applies Too.... You Can't Please Everyone...wish I Could.
There will be some of you that won't pay or stay here, because you believe that we have done you wrong...there are others that will, because they understand the nature of this business and the costs involved, and there are those that would whine if we gave a free tv and a free sub to them....
I can't make those decisions for you or them. What I do believe, is that I offer a great bargain on a great service with a great site, loaded with great people and staff...if that's not enough for you to stay or buy, then I and the rest of the staff wish you the best in your search for a better deal and a better site.
I know this doesn't make your costs or decisions any easier, but its the best that I could do.
but if $30 bucks a month is a bad deal for each card, with every option that Dave offers opened for you, then, I don't know what I can tell you.
As for your previous investment...just how much did you really loose????... lemme see, if you were a 6 month Sathouse member, you put up, what $110 bucks for 6 months...and your sub expired about a month after the HU went down..so you only got 5 months of unlimited viewing for $110...hmmm that's a whopping $22.00 a month for service that should cost you around, what ? $140 or more per month.....I can see your point, that we have shorted you by not giving you credit for the last month...and fully understand your being upset at my not giving you more than a $30.oo discount on this new activation, when you lost about $25 in unused time...
There are others out there that will loose more and some less, and then if you wish you can share in my losses too if you really want to be fair in this deal...but, I won't ask that of you or anyone else...I made a business deal and win or loose, I'll take my chances..
If you all want a guarantee, I'd suggest, calling Dave and giving him your credit card and he'll give you all the credit you deserve if his programming goes down..
But if you want a good deal, with some risk, but most of the time full value +, then I'd suggest that you consider joining the growing number of Sathouse's membership in this new DSS activation.
Ps yes heriviagra is a scam..viagra????????
scam scam
Sathouse.com.pa has a activation fix that is working.
Applebee is a DAVE MOLE guys............dont listen to this idiot
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I've seen a p4 hack working only in a pc emulation enviroment. Its been working for a month but locals keep going down. We are working on a fix
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Im fed up with applebee here and applebee there and applebee everywhere !!!!! Why dont you all retards go to just one thread. >>>>THE LOSERS THREAD !!!!!!!!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I just love the DAVETV Unregistered guest comment. Is he trying to be cute using that name or just trying to make everyone know that Dave is reading this stuff
Posted on
I received this e-mail today. Has anyone bought one of these or at least tried to? Somebody must have tried buying one!
The P400 Universal P4/P5 Adapter All Channel Opener 219$ and rising Package includes 1 Universal IRD P400 Unit and A step by step 4 Page Simple Setup Guide Unit
Packs ask about them and save on A bundle for family or friends
Call us now to order 1-888-252-8508 or 1-888-252-8509 or 1-800-462-9791
We would like to express our deepest thanks to the Henseng P400 Crew for making it possible
for this long wait to happen.Due to the ever so popular High demand for our units weare
making it possible for you to take advantage of our specials that are happening right
now.Incase you were left out on the last email The P400 is the Ultimate solution in All
channels open on Your DirecTv Systems.In plain english the unit will open all your PPV
stations open as well as Your favourite channels.The Idea is to have a basic Subscription
With DTV and you are all set.There is a step by step guide that any 4 year old child can
figure out so please be minimul on your questions,This booklet is included with Purchase
Unit Packs ask about them and save on A bundle for family or friends
The P400 Universal P4/P5 Adapter All Channel Opener 219$
Call us now to order 1-888-252-8508 or 1-888-252-8509 or 1-800-462-9791
Steps are as Follows
1.Unplug COAXIAL cable from back of your DTV reciever
2.Simply Plug in the back of your NEW P400 Adapter
3.Plug P400 directly in the satellite IN on your recievers backing
4.Make sure that your Telephone wire is UNHOOKED before using.
5.Power on Recievers power and begin watching your favourite channels
Remember that we are open Until 12am Western Time Zone For those who are behind on hours.Act
now and take full advantage of our The P400 Universal P4/P5 Adapter All Channel Opener and Sales Reps and Staff.Thanks for the testers that made it possible for this to happen.
Special Thanks To- Knight_Rider401,UltraDssCrackCrew,Romprotectuur,and last but not least
the IRC crew P4ChannelHackerzTeam For making this so Awesome
Unit Packs ask about them and save on A bundle for family or friends
Call us now to order 1-888-252-8508 or 1-888-252-8509 or 1-800-462-9791
Hensang Imports P400
Posted on
Yeah I got that email today too! whats up with this? another scam? still nothing huh??
On FTA receivers if you buy one now and have it hacked to receive Charlie then your $ will be going bye bye soon. I have spoken with one of the lead dish net guys and Charlie is about to change out cards.
sathouse is a scam
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I paid for a 3 month activation and got nothing in return for my money...this site looks real good...emails answered...but nothing but excuses...save your money guys...
No worries sathouse allright
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Its commimg dont worry sathouse.com.pa will deliver there very backed up and having technical difficulties right now. Most arre watching tv it will be here to you soon.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
You know what....You can tell everyone you have a fix... collect there money...get a sucker like me... wait weeks for them to hook you up and you find out that a fix is now available or for the same price you could of got a subbed card and been watching tv all that time ...I have paid and not watched DTV for weeks...don't be as stupid as me and pay SATHOUSE.COM.PA
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Ok sorry peeps its working now www.sathouse.com.pa has a activation......it took awhile but hey i'm watching dave right now. THANKS SATHOUSE.COM.PA
Posted on
Why not let Dave activate it? U CROOKS
It really works
Unregistered guest
Posted on
yA I DONT KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM WITH APPLEBEE IS HE JUST CANT STAND PEEPS TO WATCH DAVE, HES GOT TO TRY AND DISCREDIT ALL SITES INCLUDDING this one)sathouse.com.pa) with no proof whats so ever. Peeps go to the site were 9000 memebers stay. Read the post on there forums to back up claim they have a activation fix right now. There very very busy with all the orders but if your a little patient the BIG GUY will get to you.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I LOVE DAVE. I think that we should all just buy the subscription and give up. It was fun while it lasted. Lets just pay for it now...
just kidding...
it works
Unregistered guest
Posted on
yA I DONT KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM WITH APPLEBEE IS HE JUST CANT STAND PEEPS TO WATCH DAVE, HES GOT TO TRY AND DISCREDIT ALL SITES INCLUDDING this one)sathouse.com.pa) with no proof whats so ever. Peeps go to the site were 9000 memebers stay. Read the post on there forums to back up claim they have a activation fix right now. There very very busy with all the orders but if your a little patient the BIG GUY will get to you.
scam a sathouse.com.pa
Unregistered guest
Posted on
well you can get your card subbed for three months for $100 and it works the next day at sathouse.com.pa you pay $150 and you get nothing take you pick i paid and got nothing from sathouse.com.pa.scam and had to use my second card because my first card was screwed by them and am now watching dtv with a subbed card you pic which one you want? i will never use the scam house again!!!!