Playing DVD-R recorder on the Toshiba D-KR2 on other players.
technology downfall
Unregistered guest
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Playing DVD-R recorder on the Toshiba. They worked on another Toshiba a mintek and a Philips but I could not get it to work on a Sony. I don't know if this is due to the type of disc used or not it was on a TDK and the Sony has played DVD-R's before just not sure of the brands. Let me know if you have this problem.
Unregistered guest
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I have a Toshiba Multiregion player that froze when playing a DVD. I was able to eject the DVD but ever since it reports back "No Disc" for all DVD's and CD's. I have tried cleaning the unit but no luck. Opening it up by all accounts looks like a no runner as well (yep I took a look). Any ideas ?