HLP-5674W or WD-52725 with Direct TV


I'm considering purchasing either the Mits WD-52725 or the Sammy HLP-5674W. I'm currently leaning towards the Mits. Only because of the cablecard and various input connections, ie. firewire, memory cards, etc. But I plan to connect my computer to this new set so it looks like there's really not much advantage with the Mits, especially since you guys make the point about loosing program options, PPV, etc. Does anyone have any opinion on Direct TV with this cablecard? How about your suggestions, Sammy or Mits?

Thanks for your help!

Unregistered guest
Look at some of the other threads regarding cablecards. The appear to be not ready for prime time. Since the industry is in flux right now, I suspect almost any set purchased now will eventually be used as a monitor only with whatever tuning technology eventually becomes standard. Don't waste the money on built in tuning technolgy, use the system, cable box, sat box, that the cable guys are most comfortable with since the PQ is limited by the signal to the tv.

Unregistered guest
Thanks Klaus! I see you have a good deal of knowledge to impart. I appreciate your time. I'm gonna go with the hlp5674W with the extended warranty from Onecall. Will reasearch hookups/components next. jnthames@mchsi.com
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