light - always dim to moderate, never bright main viewing position - 13' from front of tv, directly in front
sources - DVD's, dish satellite (i think this is digital, but not HD)
Since i do not watch HD, and DVD quality is about as high as im going, I was considering a standard rear projection Toshiba 51H84 ($1400ish) or 57H84 ($1600ish)
but seeing the price of a 50" DLP has me wondering if it might be worth upgrading to the newer technology, if for no other reason, coolness factor and future resale value.
Mitsubishi's 3 years no interest ends tomorrow (7th)...that might sway you towards a Mitsubishi. I purchased the 52725 2 weeks ago and love it. The superbowl in HD was pretty awesome. I read somewhere else on the forum that the 52525 was on sale for $2600. I've seen the 50" Samsung for $2200 at Sams Club...don't know which model. For the size of your room I would stick to about 50". Because you're not watching HDTV on your new tv you might want to go to a store and compare SD picture qualtiy between the different technologies. CRT is still better looking for SD...the DLP's accentuate the flaws in SD and it often doesn't look too good. DirecTV and Dish look pretty good on DLP, but cable SD isn't so hot, especially the analog channels.