I just bought the Shaw 6412 HD DVR cable box and hooked up to my Samsung 56" HLN DLP. Connected the box to my tv with the lower quality component video cable that came with the box. I am using the 720p setting which gives a great picture on the HD channels but the analog channels look awful. I would like to maximize my viewing experience, both for HD and analog channels, so here are my questions: 1)If I upgrade to DVI will it make that much difference vs component when it comes to the HD channels? 2) Does DVI carry sound or only picture? 3) Due to low quality analog reception via the box, I bypass the box completely to watch non-HD channels (using "antenna" option on my tv). The quality is better but I would prefer to use my box, after all I paid $700 for it! Can I add an s-video connection between the box and my tv and then at least I could switch between DVI and s-video depending on the channel and at least be able to use the DVR cable box either way? 4) Given my hardware, is the 720p the correct setting to use or should I drop it to 480i or 480p? 5) Any other suggestions?