It boils down to 3 DLPs: Toshiba 46hm94, Samsng HLP4674W, RCA 46xx165


diego nyc
Unregistered guest
Hi guys,

Great forum to read about all the different technology out there.

Now from all of your experiences with these 3 models, which one would rate as having the best PQ in HD and DVDs?

Any other comments regarding these models much appreciated!


Unregistered guest
correction: RCA 44xxx165 DLP


Unregistered guest
I have the HLP4674w and it is a great set. I watch dvds, cable HD as well as HDDVR. I use only component 1 input since all source switching is done by Onkyo surround receiver. I do not even have the tv sound hooked up and never have so I can't comment on the sound quality but in the store it was very good.

Unregistered guest

Have u experienced any of the 'rainbow' effect that a lot of the users are experiencing w/ DLP sets?

Any complaints of fan noise, etc?


Unregistered guest

Have u experienced any of the 'rainbow' effect that a lot of the users are experiencing w/ DLP sets?

Any complaints of fan noise, etc?


Bronze Member
Username: Lampright

Syracuse, Utah USA

Post Number: 13
Registered: Jan-05
If you can see the rainbow on one DLP set, you'll most likely see it on all DLP sets. And it's not true that "a lot of users experience" the rainbow effect. I saw the figures somewhere and it was a very small percent of the population that see them. I can see it on my DLP, so I'm trying to decide if I'm going to keep it or return it for a non-DLP set. It's pretty annoying to see the rainbow effect. Nobody else I know can see it. Watch a DLP set in the store with a dark movie to test if you can see the rainbow effect. It most often is visible when you have a very dark scene with a bright object in it...transition from black to white basically. You won't see it just staring at one point of the screen, you'll see it if you make a rapid eye movement across the screen, or away from the screen.

Did you know Mitsubishi is doing a 3 years no interest deal? I purchased a Mitsubishi 52725 partly for that reason.

Post Reader
Unregistered guest
Brian wrote:

"If you can see the rainbow on one DLP set, you'll most likely see it on all DLP sets."

I'm not sure that's acurate. He may be right, but this excellent article repeats another technical piece I read. It talked about the "rainbow effect" being more prevalent in light engines with 6 segment color wheels running at 9000 rpm and almost undetectable in those using 7 segment color wheels at 10,800 rpm.
This article tells how best to detect it and avoid it. Here it is.,1558,1747604,00.asp

Bronze Member
Username: Sause

Post Number: 18
Registered: Oct-04
Hands down the samsung is the better of the three TV's your looking at, then the RCA and then the Tosh. Out of all the DLP's out there the Samsung has the best picture. IMO

Bronze Member
Username: Sir_enitie

Toronto, ON CANADA

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jan-05
I'd have to disagree, fallsinquestion. I believe it all comes down to personal preference. I own the Toshiba and am generally thrilled with it. I saw the Samsung model in the store at the time of my purchase, and thought that the image was clearly inferior -- but again, it's personal preference.

To be honest, I've always preferred direct-view TVs to any type of projection. I find, in general, that rear-projection images are dark and murky, and that blacks and dark-end grey-scales bleed into one another. And then there's the glare issue, which only serves to worsen these shortcomings.

One of the reasons that I purchased the Toshiba was that it seemed (to me) to suffer from these problems to a far lesser extent than other rear-projections -- including RP LCDs and other models at FAR higher price points. I had the salesperson line up several models next to one another, and -- in my opinion -- the Toshiba was the brightest and sharpest by a longshot. I mean, it wasn't even close.

So Diego NYC -- my advice is to go to a big-box store and have the salesperson put those three TV's next to one other. Do you research, make sure you know the technologies and features of each set. But when push comes to shove, picture quality wins the day. Put all that aside and decide which of the three would give you the most enjoyable viewing experience. I'm not going to say that the Samsung is inferior, and fallsinquestion can't tell me the opposite -- ESPECIALLY in the case of rear-projection, personal preference plays a huge role.

Post Reader
Unregistered guest
I'm with "fallsinquestion". Menu set-ups and consistant signal quality can vary at each comparison test bed. I went to three such test beds and was given the freedom to manipulate picture set-ups and signal sources. The Samsung 46" and 50" DLP's were exceptional in brightness, clarity, vivid colors, no motion artifacts, and no glare. I don't find that rear-projection images are dark and murky, and that blacks and grey-scales bleed into one another. While picture quality is the first attraction, long term reliability ultimately is the most important factor.

Unregistered guest

I had the RCA 50 inch TV one week before I sent it back to BB. The picture was comparable if not slightly better than the other models I looked at but I could not stand to be in the same room with the set. The fan noise was very loud. More than the other brands. That was not the worst of it though. It has a power supply board mounted vertically on the right side that hummed like a bunch of bumble bees. I could hear it over my stereo. I checked the set in the store and it was the same. Poor, Poor engineering. By the way, I used to be an RCA factory repair tech and I will never by another RCA. Before Thomson bought us I would have. And about the rainbow effect, I happen to be one of the few and it is to say the least annoying. I'm waiting for the 7 segment wheels and faster refresh rates. Hope this helps.

Unregistered guest
I have the Toshiba 52HM94 and have found that the HD is exceptional. Sporting events look as if you were on the field looking through a glass window. If you haven't already check out the following review:

Digital channels are also extremely clear. SD channels aren't as good but are very watchable.

If there is a Best Buy near you you can compare this model with its competition and judge for yourself.

Unregistered guest
Thanks again guys for all your comments.

As of yet, I haven't seen the samsung hlp4674w at a store but once i do, i'll be able to make my final decision.


Bronze Member
Username: Lampright

Syracuse, Utah USA

Post Number: 14
Registered: Jan-05
Does anyone know the RPM of the 7 segment color wheel in the Mitsubishi's? I have the 52725.
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