Sony KDF-50WE655 as a computer monitor


New member
Username: Ibtorres

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-05
Has anyone used this TV (KDF-50WE655) as a computer monitor? I have been playing with it for a week and am having varying degrees of success. FYI, what I am using is:
Sony VAIO desktop PC
ATI 9800 Pro video card
and a DVI (Compuer) to HDMI (TV) cable

Now, there are only 2 resoltions which seem to work from my compuer to the TV 848x480 (480p) or 1280x720(720p). The 1080i setting (1920x1080 at 30hz) does not work.

I am having 2 particular problems with this set-up:
1) The desktop image is cropped off on all 4 sides no matter which resoltuion I use. I trid using the PowerStrip program, but anytime I modify the screen resolution the screen goes black.
2) I am unable to run full-screen games. Doom3 works ok until I exit from the game, which then causing my TV to show a black screen. And Half-Life 2 wont start in any full screen resolutions.

Can anyone here offer some pointers on may help me fix my probelms?

Unregistered guest
I have the exact same TV with a Radeon 7500
in my PC. I have a DVI to HDMI cable as well.
I can only get 640x480 60hz to work.
What are your settings for PowerStrip ?
Can you email them to me ?

Overscan - Have you tried the -1/0/+1 overscan
setting in the TV's menus ? This may bring the
overscan in a little bit.

I tried the MonInfo utility (from same company as
PowerStrip). The TV reported it supported:
640x480, 720x480, & 1920x1080 (30hz-Interlaced).


Unregistered guest
I am considering the same TV and also have a PC in my home theater setup. Overscan is a concern of mine too. I want to take full advantage of the 720P resolution. I have Powerstrip, but you do need to make adjustments in tiny increments to avoid the black screen. If you do get the black screen, quickly hit ESCape. That should return you to the adjustment screen you were on, but may lose any unsaved adjustments you were making. Please post any new findings you uncover. Thanks.

New member
Username: Ibtorres

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-05
Sorry for the late replies on these...

Hi Charles Marcotte, when I was playing around with the PC-TV set-up, I did try using the Overscan in the menu. It helped some, but there was still a noticeable amount missing on all sides. I would send you my Power Strip settings, but I didn't get anything working but the default, so I have no custom data to send, sorry.

Hi Charlie, like you suggested, I tried decreasing the resolutions in small increments. I did 1 line at a time. Each time I used anything other than the 1280x720 (720p), it would go black screen.

In the end, I called Sony for help. Their help desk told me, "We don't support using that TV as a computer monitor." So that was that, and I gave up. I have since took back the HDMI-DVI cable. I kept the TV of course because I love the picture quality of HD and DVDs on it :-) But I didn't feel the need to have the $100 cable, when I wasn't able to use the PC.

I have since used the S-Video out from my 9800 Pro to play games on the TV. Its not great, but acceptable for games.

At any rate, if either of you (or anyone else for that matter) gets it working, please let me know how you did it.
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