Please, I was setting up my tv connections, and I dicovered that one of the component cable's connector had detached from the cable and was stuck inside the tv. So, the little connector stick has filled a perfect hole inside the tv and is jammed all the way in so I can't use my fingers. Just picture staring at a component TV input, now fill the empty hole with a little metal stick. What to do? Need any info thanks!
PS-the 1080i/720p is the messed up input. Should instead use the 480i/480p? IS there a major picture difference?
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Samsung 27 HDTV's had some problems with that, especially if you use those spring loaded gold-plated components inputs - avoid those
you will absolutely need 1080i/720p, there is huge difference with a true hi def signal
you need a qualified tech to open up the back, meaning $$$ because warranties rarely cover this
Unregistered guest
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there is a tool out that removes broken cable inners,try you local tv parts store, or radioshack .com.