Anonymous | i heard a rumur that toshiba will announce its new dlp line very soon. 62hm84, 62hm94,46hm84,52hm84 all dlp models. anyone have detail? |
New member Username: Kid_redPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-04 | You can read some here- Just says later this year. |
boby Unregistered guest | WOW it look like Toshiba is planning a coo(sp) in the rear dlp market, using TI HD2+ in every model they may be able to edge Samsung in the Picture Qaulity...cant wait to see their offerings Lets see what the cost too |
Bronze Member Username: EmkmdPost Number: 54 Registered: Dec-03 | I would not believe a word from Toshiba based upon their handling of their LCOS debacle. -E |
concernedperson Unregistered guest | I have seen a sample of the new DLP sets and they are nothing short of remarkable. Trust me, the new sets will do nothing short of revolutionizing the television industry to a new limit. The sets have a clarity on High Definition that cannot be matched by any of the competitor companies. They will be available shortly in the near future. |
ANON Unregistered guest | How can you have seen them if they were just released in the line show on Tuesday, unless you work for them in which case I will take your praise with a grain of salt. |
Anonymous | sOME INFO &threadid=403535 |
Anonymous | they are comming soon |
Anonymous | any new info on the DLP? |
New member Username: Jumping_jackPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-04 | How does the Toshiba 62HM84 with the HD2+ chip compare with a similar Samsung besides being cheaper, higher contrast, and better value? |
Anonymous | take a look at the new mitsu DLP HD2+ RP |
freddog Unregistered guest | Remember that just because manufacturers use the same chips, doesn't mean that they're all the same quality. Anyone remember "Packard Bell" computers??? Packard Bell used the same Intel Pentium CPUs as Compaq, HP, Dell, etc yet Packard Bell (maker of the cheapest PCs on the market) had the highest failure rate of any PC manufacturer in the industry. They subsequently went out of business. Toshiba and Mitsubishi are pretty safe names to go with but I'd beware of RCA. RCA has never been known as a high-quality electronics manufacturer. |
Anonymous | Well They are here lets take a look. &threadid=423770 |
Dwayne Unregistered guest | I recently took delivery of the 44' LG DLP TV and so far so good except for this little black spot in the lower right hand corner. I appears to be some lint/dirt behind the screen. It might have snuck in their during the build of it so I'm having Best Buy bring out a replacement. But, let tell you that the picture is GREAT!!! I have an xbox and DVD player hooked up via component and the picture offers hi res vivid colors, sharp-clear images, beautiful lighting (thx to DLP), and good contrast. The TV looks really good even at an angle. I have my TV positioned so that if you move 3-6 feet in any direction in my living room the picture still looks the same. Also, compared to the Samsung models, the DVD is good but not great. The samsung DLP's have this very bad "grainy" effect going on and you can actually see the pixels. The LG displays the pixels much tighter and clearer and the color is really good to. Of course, if you want the best DVD picture on the market, you need to get a DVD player with a DVI connection. The only thing I'm worried about is the new Toshiba DLP's with the new chip looking significantly better than the LG. Everyone knows that Toshiba makes the best DLP's hands down. But, if I had to rate, I'd say the LG looks better than the offerings from Samsung, Phillips, Zenith, Panasonic, and some of the Sony's (non Wega models). Lastly, I'm getting Comcast HD tomorrow and that will ultimately decide whether I love the TV or hate it. If the HD picture doesn't look good then I probably will take the TV back and wait for the Toshiba. |
New member Username: Mp906Post Number: 5 Registered: Jul-04 | Waiting for the Toshiba as well. The HLP63 Samsung looks great though. |
nug29 Unregistered guest | According to Crutchfield website, the Toshiba 46hm84 and 52hm84 will be available as of 9/10/04. |
maverick71 Unregistered guest | to the guy who bought the LG at best buy..what are you doing buying at BB?? go to a high end retailer.. i sell LG DLP's. they are great tvs. however, i also sell SAMSUNG dlp's full line up and even The tantus line. Samsung Dlp's have a better picture-clearer and smoother, less artifacting and noise. the new pedistal model of samsung 5085 is sweet. the new Mits dlp kinda sucks-- good color, but the screen saver is way to reflective. Also, the rainbow effect on the new mits is horrible. my best bet to buy, woudl be Samsung or Toshiba dlp.. best dlps in the market..,. aslo one to consider woudl be the JVC hd-ila 3 chip set.. great pic, no color wheel. |
Projectmyfuture Unregistered guest | Not sure what all the dlp jazz is about, I just bought a mitsubishi 48313 for $1999!!! and it kicks but, Man the colors are sweeeeeet, why would you pay double for anything else? I can see everything fine on an angle without the "color wheel" effect because the projections don't use that technology, back to the basics my friends, enjoy |
Projectmyfuture Unregistered guest | Not sure what all the dlp jazz is about, I just bought a mitsubishi 48313 for $1999!!! and it kicks but, Man the colors are sweeeeeet, why would you pay double for anything else? I can see everything fine on an angle without the "color wheel" effect because the projections don't use that technology, back to the basics my friends, enjoy |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Abe's of Maine says Toshiba DLP in stock now! 46" is $2,799 and 52" is $3,299. |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Toshiba Customer Service reps say that these sets will be out in September, confirmed by Crutchfield which says they will have Toshiba DLP on 9/6/04. |
New member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | I went to Best Buy tonight and saw the new 52 inch Toshiba DLP (arrived last night). It was sitting next to the Samsung 50 inch HLP. Folks, there is NO comparison. The Toshiba is better... WAY better in color, contrast, and brightness. I sat there and stared at the screen for over an hour trying to see what the difference is. I am no expert on this matter, but the Samsung still appeared to have some screen door/pixelation effect on fast moving sceens. Granted, the Toshiba rep had been there the night before tweaking it according to the Best Buy salesman, but even after tweaking the samsung for an hour, there was no comparison. The Toshiba was trully unbelievable nearing the quality of Plasma TV!! I will be calling 1877-camcorder and cancelling my preorder on the 61"samsung HLP, and waiting for the new 62" Toshiba. Remember that the new Toshiba has the HD2+ chip, which is better than the HD3 chip. I'm sure that the new Samsung HD2+ television (Tantus models) will be awesome, but for far less money (we're talking more than $500) you can buy a Toshiba 62" over a 56" tantus Samsung. I love the pedestal version of the new Samsung (although I have not seen one) but it too (the 56" version) will be well over $1000 more than the larger 62" toshiba, and you cant get it without the pedestal. Does anyone know when the Toshiba 62" model is to be shipped? I want to be the first one on the list!! |
Silver Member Username: MartiniPost Number: 114 Registered: May-04 | interesting..........this changes alot for what I plan on getting. I think Sammy needs to revamp their new models |
clueless_in_pittsburgh Unregistered guest | that just shows that the HD2+ chip will be better then the HD3 ... the real comparison will be the Toshiba next to a Tantrus model (HD2+) then its an apples to apples comparison ... but the nice thing is the Toshiba cost less ![]() |
Silver Member Username: MartiniPost Number: 116 Registered: May-04 | yea but isn't Toshiba a bad brand name for tvs? |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Martini, All I can tell you is that I have had a 35" Toshiba CRT for 10 years that is still going strong. The only thing that ever happened to it was my 3 year old spilling apple juice on the remote, in its 5th year, which Toshiba replaced free of charge. It still looks as good when I got it, but now with DLP, and convincing the wife(the hard part)I am getting the 46 hm 84(room constraints). So the short answer to your question is "no". |
Silver Member Username: MartiniPost Number: 117 Registered: May-04 | I got a 27" CRT from JVC and I heard they were (3-4 years ago) the best brand for that type of tv. I also have a 20" CRT from Panasonic and I got many friends who own that brand of tv as well and they are the best. The tv is still going strong and its 12-13 years old. Panasonic rules! But I'm still happy with JVC. Yea I guess your right then that Toshiba isnt half bad. I don't know if any company out there today is make a bad tv of this stature. Only a few |
Anonymous | isnt Toshiba the second largest tv seller? Second only to Sony, and Toshiba does very little advertising. They actually made some of Mitsubishi tubes. I think they, toshiba, made the the famous 40 inch tube. |
Anonymous | isnt Toshiba the second largest tv seller? Second only to Sony, and Toshiba does very little advertising. They actually made some of Mitsubishi tubes. I think they, toshiba, made the the famous 40 inch tube. |
Unregistered guest | All I know is that I saw the Toshiba 52" yesterday side-by-side with the Samsung, and I have changed my mind. I was all set to get the Sammy, but the Toshiba blew it out of the water. There is a setting for Hi-lamp and Low-lamp on the Toshiba (lamp intensity), and at low-lamp the Sammy was equal in output, but the Toshiba was much sharper (Even with tweaking the Sammy) and much better regarding artifacts and rainbow (I saw NONE). Now on to the surround sound purchase.... |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Where did you see it? |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Went to my local Best Buy and asked about the Toshiba HM84 DLP's today. The sales guy smiled and said that they would be available for sale at the end of August. When I mentioned that I heard that Best Buy in VA had them on display(Patrick Harding above), he stated that they were in the store but since they couldn't sell them until end of August, they saw no need to display them. Darn. Sales guy said if I have waited this long for it, another month won't kill me, and having seen the picture, said, "It is the best picture out there." He had no comment on the price, but said it would be less than Samsung HLP. |
Silver Member Username: MartiniPost Number: 127 Registered: May-04 | I just went to Best Buy today and they had the Toshiba DLP tv for sale. It was the 52" for $3499. Kinda pricey for how bulky the thing is. I wouldn't buy this tv just because the speakers on the side are massive. Anyone with this size tv should have another sound system and not have to rely on the tv speakers. I guess the picture was better, but just wait till Sammy comes out with another model. |
Jeff82 Unregistered guest | Well I saw them all today, the Mits 62" DLP, the Toshiba 52" DLP, the JVC lcos model, the Samsung 5085, "Captain Kirk" and the Samsung XX63 models DLP. I have to say they all look great, but a slight edge goes to the Toshiba and the JVC. Captain Kirk is a beautiful set with a stunning picture. The blacks on all the sets were amazing, but the Toshiba seemed to have a more 3D look to it. These sets look so good I don't think you can wrong with any off them, I do think the Toshiba does have a slight edge. I will give them all a good test with all sorts of inputs. I saw them all at the Best Buy in Hawthorne CA, I spoke to a guy, Glen he said he didnt work in the department but he knew WAY more about these sets than anyone else I spoke to. Will look for him in the future when I pull the trigger on one of these babies. |
Bronze Member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 11 Registered: Jul-04 | I discussed the different TV's with the head "tv" guy at Big Bang electronics. His impression was that based on his exposure to the Toshiba at one of the trade shows, he felt that it was a top notch product. He stated that the Talen light engine is superior to the Samsung light engine. It supposedly uses the technology that Toshiba was developing for their L-COS televisions before they abandoned it in favor of the DLP technology. Allegedly, it has a higher "refresh" rate. My understanding in this regard is very limited, but I think he meant that the Toshiba proprietary light enging (Talon) had the capability of refreshing at 3X (I think that is what he said) the speed of other DLP televisions. Maybe this is why it doesnt have the same "blurring" with rapid movements? Any better or more logical explanations about this would be greatly appreciated. If you read about the Talen light engine, it says something about 6.2 million pixel oversampling which is what I think he was describing. I discussed at length the new JVC LCOS television as well, since it has been getting a lot of great reviews. My impression of his opinion was that it is not tried and true (although he readily admitted that the D-ILA projectors are extremely nice units) The problem he sees with the LCOS, is that they are a 3 chip design which can lead to problems with convergence. (I too read about some issues on AVS Forums, but that it was barely noticable at viewing distance) The Lcos projectors allegedly have the ability to adjust for this issue, whereas the TV versions do not. He also felt that the durability of this crystal technology has not been clearly proven. Apparently static electricity (???) can affect these chips or even damage them??? Does anyone know anything about these issues? Is he right? I would like to have them cleared up before I make my final decision. I have not seen the JVC, but after going back to the store, my eyes continue to believe the Toshiba is better than the Sammy (HD3 versions) across the board. |
Anonymous | I've also seen the Toshiba side-by-side with an HD2 and an HD3 Samsung. Even with about 10 minutes of tweaking all of them, the Toshiba had much more vibrant color and deeper blacks. No way I would buy any HD2 or HD3 model now. As for build quality, Toshiba is consistently one of the top rated brands for reliability in Consumer Reports. And in Japan, where quality is king, Samsung is practically a no-name next to Toshiba. |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Supposedly there have been HM84 sightings at Best Buy in Paramus, NJ and Yonkers, NY as of today. PC Richard supposedly will have them at the end of next week. This is second hand info from avsforum, but I will confirm and post. |
ajets217 Unregistered guest | I saw the toshiba HM84 today and I agree with most of the comments . One drawback is the toshiba doesn't come with a DVi connector for DVD |
nug29 Unregistered guest | Yep, PCR had the 52HM84 right next to the JVC 52" D-ILA and the Mitsubishi. I was looking at all three for 10 minutes, shooing away salespeople. There was another guy there that had just ordered a 62HM84 from Said he got a great price, and they had the 52" for $2699. Anybody know about them? Anyway, the Toshiba just seemed brighter and clearer than the Mitsu. The JVC did look really good, but have been reading up on it in avsforum, and less than stellar reviews. It looks like it will be the Toshiba for me. |
New member Username: Kal853Post Number: 9 Registered: Jun-04 | Hi I saw the Toshiba 52hm84 last night at the Best Buy in Ann Arbor MI on Lohr rd. It was next to a Samsung HLP5085w. After about an hour of comparing them I'm still not sure which company I want to go with. The Samsung seemed to have more saturated colors and be brighter and glassier. When there was an HD underwater sceen I swear to god I have never seen a better picture quality in my life anywhere. Like I said the water looked like polished glass - actualy more like crystal. The primary colors were also deeper. HOWEVER, the Toshiba seemed to have substantialy less pixelation. Like later in the same show when they showed a fast moving gusher of fine particles in the water, there was much more bluring on the Samsung than the on the Toshiba. Honestly for HD purposes, I think the Samsung has the better picture quality. But for anything less than HD, I think it'll have more problems with pixeling than the Toshiba, especially with fast motion. Since I watch a lot of normal tv, I still don't know which one I'm going to go with. I have decided if I go with the Samsung, I'm going to wait for the 74 series rather than get a "Kirk" model. I like the housing better. |
Big Dave Unregistered guest | To anyone owning the Tosh 52HM84 I am looking at this Tosh 52HM84 and the following model with 52HMX84 or Toshiba 52HM94.( I need to understand the firewire connection, like what is it for) Have a question for anyone who owns the Toshiba 52HM84 concerning watching 4:3 and/or standard broadcast TV on this HM84 DLP. I had the opportunity to check out the new Samsung 50" DLP HLP5085W for an hour this Saturday (on a couch) with a Toshiba digital sat setup, the HD looked amazing but the stretched 4:3 or just broadcast TV looked really poor, I mean it was extremely poor (screen door effect, blocky, faded looking, really blury when it came to football ) Also had the rainbow effects on several programs HD and standard, I also notice a sync problem with audio/video which seemed to come from the Samsung SAT receiver it was connected to. The samsung was my lead choice until I saw this toshiba in the best buys store. Side by side the Toshiba was far better. What is your expirence to date with broadcast, or standard cable feed 4:3 programing on Toshiba. Does this set still have a good picture with the old stuff? Or does is look like the samsung DLP? Would you compare the standard cable/broadcast reception to that of a Plazma or Tube? |
CookieMan Unregistered guest | I have the new Samsung 50" and it does not have any of the problems you mentioned. Almost all of our TV watching is non-HD TIVO. |
Dallas Steve Unregistered guest | I saw a Tosh 52HM84 at Fry's in Dallas today. The picture much better than the Samy 5063 that I've been considering getting. I did note a slight green tint in the skin tones, but maybe that can be adjusted. The saleman said it was set to factory specs. I also beleive that the Tosh handled a standart broadcast better than the Samy. |
Anonymous | I've had my 52HM84 for 3 weeks now. It is incredible. |
Cannuk Unregistered guest | I'm seriously considering buying this 52hm84. I sure would like to hear from current owners. How is the pixelation in fast moving action? I almost bought the JVC LCOS a couple of weeks ago and it had serious pixelation issues (diving in the olympics). How is the Toshiba on standard tv? I saw one hooked up to a satellite analogue connection and the picture was terrible (is there a big difference in standard tv digital picture?). Is the bulb guaranteed for a year? How do readers have it hooked up? Any information would be much appreciated. |
LG Unregistered guest | I have a new Tosh and I love it the picture is bright and clear. I have no complaints what so ever. Like any big screen you will have a grainier loog to the picturee however it still looks good. I hope this helps you out. |
New member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | I just got the 52hm84 and all I can say is I love it. I had seen hd pics in the stores, but when I got it home and connected the hd box from comcast I was just blown away. The toshiba on sd channels is ok. If you put it on the natural setting it is fine, but if you go bigger you lose qualitity and it looks out of focus. I have hooked it up using the component hookup from the cable box and dvd player. I will use s-vid for my reciever and vcr. Did I mention I love the picture on HD channels? ;D |
Cannuk Unregistered guest | LG and doclaw64 Thanks very much for your 'input'. I am getting ready to make the purchase leap after a lot of tiring research. Your help is appreciated and I will post later with my experience. |
LG Unregistered guest | I was considering getting the 94 model instead of the 84 which I just purchased. Other than having 2 HDMI imputs is there any reason to get the 94. The picture looks great but would having a built in HD tuner make it look even better? Any feed back would be greatly appriciated. |
b04 Unregistered guest | The differnce between the hm84 and the hm94 is the bullt in tuner and cable card, the 84 is just 'hd ready' and the 94 is 'hd built in' and also has the cable card system built in which most tv's on the market (besides the mits dlp and the panasonic plasma) do not have. the cable card will allow you to plug your cable straight from your wall into the back of your tv with out using a cable box. usually it is cheaper then using a cable box as well.. not all cable companies have this ability yet but as of july 1 2004 they were all supposed to offer it by a federal law passed. the only down side to going with the cable card is that currently they are just one way, where as your cable box is 2 ways. One way means that just your cable company can send information to you, you can not send information back (it is not interactive) the only time this would ever be a bad thing is if you like to watch pay per view things. So if you do not ever watch pay per view the 94 is the better way to go. In the future (3-5 years) a 2 way cable card will be released allowing you go have an interactive service with out the cable box. Toshiba will also be releasing a high defination recorder that will hook up to the 94 model via firewire and will allow you to record anything that you want on tv. Toshiba will also have a tv guide system in their 94 model allowing you to see whats on tv if you use the cable card, which other companies such as mits do not offer. The hd recorder box is supposed to be around 500$ which is cheaper then most other HD recorders out on the market right now but their is not alot of information available about it yet. |
New member Username: Mike_hPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-04 | Hi Guys Just a quick question. I am confused about which way to go with my hard earned cash. I was considering the Song WEGA 50" but now I have read about all of the potential problems with it. Then there is the 50" Samsung DLP and there appears to be a whole set of problems with the bulb, overheating and having the set fail within a month. The Toshiba DLP just became available in Ontario and I have heard little about it. So I ask this to all of you: Which do you think is the best buy? I primarily enjoy watching DVDs and using my X-Box. Thanks |
honk Unregistered guest | Has there been any resulution to the samsung 50 63 "dying bulb" syndrome?I am only preferring this set to the toshiba 46hm84 because of its smaller width.Is there any truth to the rumor that toshiba will be introducing a narrower (speakers on the bottom)dlp. |
lowtrog Unregistered guest | Any word on when the 62HM94 will be available in the U.S.? For a comparison with the 84 version see: Does anyone have a URL link to the "requirement" that cable companies must provide a cable card by July 1, 2004?? |
Kylez Unregistered guest | I am soooo glad I found this thread. I will definetly check out the Toshiba. The screen door effect, rainbow, pixalization, fan noise, heat from rear panel and fuzzy on fast moving objects are all reasons I have not bought a DLP yet. I knew it would be a good idea to wait to see what all the other manufactuers had after Samsuck and RCanal had their 1 year (No Competition). |
New member Username: GregincaPost Number: 4 Registered: Sep-04 | Honk Toshiba will be releasing a smaller DLP with no side speakers within about the next month, but it will be hard to find, only a few smaller stores will be carrying it. |
New member Username: Steve_rPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-04 | GregInCa, Do you know the model number for the 62HM94 without side speakers? Do you know if any of the smaller stores are web etailers? Steve R |
MarkInEugene Unregistered guest | I made the mistake of buying a 50" LCD RPTV. It wasn't until I got it home and watched it for a few hours that I discoverd the screen-door effect can be quite bothersome. Fortunately the place I bought it from allowed me to exchange it for a Toshiba 52HMX84 DLP RPTV. Like many of you I took a long hard look in the showroom at the JVC LCOS DILA model and the Toshiba. They're extremely close in there ability to mask the spacing between micro-mirrors. You won't feel like you're looking through a mosquito net when watching these sets. The main point I want to make is that if anyone out there is considering a large set,50" or greater, do not buy an LCD style projection TV. Spend the extra 10 to 20% and buy the Toshiba or JVC. Both produce gorgeous HD and are very similar in many respects. The Toshiba is a much brighter set. Because I have a lot of light coming into my living room, I decided to get the Toshiba. Right now, my two cents is that the Toshiba line of DLP's from the 52HM84 to the 62HMX94 are the best sets on the market. I'm sure Mitsubishi, Samsung, JVC, and Hitachi will change that in short order. |
Bronze Member Username: TheburninatorPost Number: 12 Registered: Sep-04 | I'd definately agree on the Toshibas. I just recently purchased the 52HM84 and it's gorgeous. The room it's in is fairly light and it's more than bright enough even on the low lamp setting. I highly recommend this set. |
Canuk Unregistered guest | For what it's worth. I just (one week new) bought 4, yes four, Toshiba 52HM84's (better price for quantity and friends and relatives ready to buy - they know I'm a research nut). Sights like this have helped me immensely over the past 6 months, deciding what to buy. Trust me, I went and researched so many TVs!! Anyway, I just finished hooking up the third set to a satellite HD system. Simply unbelievable! THIS IS THE ONE GUYS! Price 3250 Canadian and the Toshiba stand at 330. |
New member Username: GregincaPost Number: 5 Registered: Sep-04 | Steve Rogers, Unfortunantly they won't be making anything except for a 44" in this style, it's a model made especially for a few specefic retail chains. |
Yzermoly Unregistered guest | Canuk, $3250 is a great deal! After 5 months of research I agree, Toshiba DLP seems to be the way to go. They finally arrived in multiple stores here (Vancouver) last week, so I hope to head out this weekend to work a deal. Can I ask where you bought? All the posted prices here for the 52HM84's are $4500, but I'm very confident that I could get my father, uncle, and brother in on any deal where the price would be in the $3500 range. |
Canuk Unregistered guest | Yzermoly: Got them at Future Shop in Ontario. I was given the same "sale price" of around 4600. I'm sure they would swing the deal for quantity. We also got great discounts off the cabling; I'm sure you realize this also adds up considerably, and a must for excellent reception etc... Good luck! |
DrPepper Unregistered guest | I am also considering the 62HM84 X84 or 94 and have several questions. I watched the 52HM84 at a local store off a directv feed. On some older movies (8-10 years old), the picture was very grainy and blurry. Is this correctable by choosing other viewing modes? I plan on getting a Dish Network HD receiver that supposedly upconverts all signals to 480p, 780p, or 1080i. Does anyone else have such a receiver and if so how does it look on the Toshiba? Finally, for 4/3 viewing, does the Toshiba have gray bars on the side or black. If gray, does it detract from the viewing expierence? Sorry for the long post. Any feedback will be appreciated. ps. lists the 62HM94 for 3449 + 120 shipping (USD). Any feedback on this store? |
New member Username: GregincaPost Number: 8 Registered: Sep-04 | There return policy looks a little awkward. They talk a lot about the doing an RA and freight damage. The part that really bothers me is they say all defects are the responsibility of the manufacturer and they won't be held liable. |
New member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | If you choose the natural setting SD tv is fine. This of course makes the picture smaller, but better. It is when you try to enlarge SD tv thta you see the probems. If you get HD tv it will make up for the fact that SD tv is only ok. |
MillMaster Unregistered guest | I to have been searching for the last month or so for the best dlp. I didnt like the JVC Lcos vs the sammy HLPs, then the HLP "kirks" hit, and I liked the PQ way better over the HD3 sammys. After seeing the toshiba, the look, the price and the PQ all drew me to buy... Just a few questions that I wanted to clarify (not shure if the saleman was lying!). I know the only difference between the 94 and 84 series is 94s have a tuner and a cablecard slot. But what is the difference between the HM and the HMX 84s? I had a salesman tell me that the only diff is an extra HDMI slot. MSRP is 400 bucks more for one extra connecttion? Also, what do people recomend as a HD tuner that will also upconvert SD to look better? How about the same in a DVD player? I was looking at some of the samsung sir series HD tuners. As far as dvd, if the samsung HD941 doesnt come out soon, im gona buy a denon 2910.... any other sugestions? |
DrPepper Unregistered guest | I spoke with a Toshiba rep today about the difference between the HM and HMX. Besides the extra HDMI connection, it apparently has upgraded internal parts to improve performance; however, I could not get him to be more specific. Samsung and Toshiba both have upconverting DVD players. Toshiba even has an upconverting DVD/VCR combo (only upconverts the DVD) for folks like me who still have kids with a bunch of old tapes. Crutchfield and BestBuy carry the Samsung and Toshiba players. LG just came out with an upconverting DVD player with an integrated ATSC tuner too (saw it at Bestbuy). |
jasmescrew Unregistered guest | Hello all, new to this forum. Was wondering if anyone knew if the Toshiba HM84 series uses the 7-segment wheel or the 6-segment color wheel? I am considering purchasing either the Toshiba or a Samsun 85 series TV? |
Bronze Member Username: Mr_lynchSeattle, WA Post Number: 50 Registered: Sep-04 | All TV's with the HD2+ chips use a 7 segment color wheel. It is all part of the TI light engine. The Toshiba is what I would choose out of those 2 sets for several reasons: 1) The picture quailty is very comparible 2) You can get the Tosh for up to 1k cheaper than the Sammy 3) Toshiba is the 2nd largest TV manufacturer in the world behind Sony and have a better track record than Samsung. Read some Sammy posts and you will see all the problems they have. Even with the 85 series. 4) The Toshiba has more options as to where you can place it. The 85 series your stuck with the stand no matter what. I do like the look of the Sammy though. |
Rockhead Unregistered guest | Toshiba does not have DVI..... |
b04 Unregistered guest | yeah they have hdmi which is what everything is going towards, better then the DVI connection. HDMI=video and sound. DVI=video. The Cinema series toshiba dlp's (model hmx) are rumored to have the built in hd recorder to compete with the higher end mits dlp's which will also have a built in HD recorder. however, if you go with the hm94 series, you will be able to buy a HD recorder made by toshiba, SYMBIO. It will connect through the firewire port and will be very similar to the hmx series in that sense besides it being built in or external. The hm94 will also have TV Guide, which will make using the cable card alot easier! with the cable card on the mits dlp's you have no way of getting a onscreen guide, but with the toshibas 94 series you will be able to. if you are going to buy a toshiba DLP, it is well worth the wait to purchase the hm94 series which are expected to be in retail stores sometime towards the end of this month. |
Anonymous | a toshiba tech told me the HM84 series has a 5-segment color wheel...that sounds odd...i don't know if he really knew his stuff. |
Unregistered guest | I bought the 52 toshiba dlp this weekend at bb. Bought the warranty for 399. It is a 4 yr warranty that includes yearly cleaning, and bulb if it goes. Is it worth it? Does a dlp still need cleaning like the crts? Isn't the bulb easy to replace? Anything else to consider? |
Unregistered guest | I decided on the Toshiba 52HMX84 which is one of the newest DLP's on the market. It has stunning High Def and I've owned 5 HD sets...this is the best. The JVC was beautiful too and I'm sure anyone would be satisfied with it's outstanding picture quality. The deciding factor for me was the maturity of the technology. DLP is a stable tested technology. I understand that the JVC technology is relatively new. I purchased an Hitachi LCD RPTV a week before the Toshiba and returned the Hitachi because of the annoying screen door effect: it was like looking through a mosquito net and is quite obvious in action scenes. The Toshiba and the JVC are identical in picture clarity, but the DLP is brighter, so if you have a lot of light coming into your room, the DLP is a better choice. Also the HDMI connection makes a difference. It's not as obvious as going from s-video to component, but it is decernable if you look for the difference. I made the mistake of buying a cheap DVI to HDMI cable ($20) causing shadows in the image just like would happen on expensive digital PC monitor. I bought a $90 cable and problem solved. The picture is amazing...I've never been so satisfied. The 1280 x 720 technology has truly been perfected in the Toshiba 52HMX84. The only thing I would like is an integrated tuner which can be had in the Toshiba 52HMX94 not quite out yet. |
pdawg17 Unregistered guest | Integrated tuners are only important if you have cable, correct? |
tnbubba Unregistered guest | can anyone tell me the difference in the theatre models and the cinema models(hm vs hmx)thanks |
New member Username: Sound4bargainPost Number: 9 Registered: Oct-04 | No actually integrated tuners are ONLY for off air signal most cable HD which is digital is encrypted and requires a cable digital box or in some cases a TV that can take cable cards and that is one of the major differences between the Toshiba HM and HMX - will take cable cards also better electronics filters and a few frills. Cablevision does offer a cable card sligtly cheaper than the cable box by about a $1 a month. Also if you want another good reason to get DLP over LCD check this out,1558,1049289,00.asp?kc=ETNKT0209KTX1K01003 61 DLP LCD torture test Its for front projectors but applies to a lesser degree to rear (due to lower heat and light). I have the Toshiba 52HM84 and got it below $3K the Samsung could not compete and the mits was 800 more the Panasonic DLP was not out then but I have now seen it in stores and has incredible black levels |
Unregistered guest | Mr. Lynch, I called Toshiba and the rep told me that the 52HM84 uses a six segment wheel. Also, apparently manufactures can use their own wheel. For example, Panasonic advertises on its website that it uses an eight segment wheel and Mitsubishi uses a grey segment as its seventh segment in its seven segment wheel vice the dark green that is mentioned on several TI websites. It should be stated that the Toshiba rep could have been wrong. As I've been told many times "if you don't like the answer you get from the first person you talk to, call back!!!!" Sometimes all reps do not come up with the same answer. |
jamescrew Unregistered guest | Now that many of you have had your Toshiba dlp tvs for a while, I would like an update on whether you would still recommend them. I would appreciate comments on the quality of the picture from standard broadcast programs as well as the quality from HD programming. Are there many rainbows, is there much pixelation? What are the strengths and weaknesses you all have discovered over time. I am strongly considering purchasing the 52HMX94 set. |
Bronze Member Username: Sound4bargainPost Number: 11 Registered: Oct-04 | I have had the 52HM84 for about 3 months and have never seen the rainbow. On last years Samsungs I could always see the rainbow and I am very sentive to display quality. As for picture quality this is my experience. I have cablevision and when I bought the TV I did not have digital subscription to IO just standard cable and the picture was horrible - I nearly returned the TV. I subscribed to IO the digital service (which includes HD) and this is what my take is non HD standard channels from digital are much better than the standard channels (non digital) on my old Toshiba 32". I do not like the strech mode and watch it 4:3 with bars on the side and the grey bars do not look bad as they sort of become a part of the speakers, the TV cannot do black bars (The cable box can but I leave them as grey) . Full screen seems to distort the picture too much (my kids like it but my wife and I don't). HD is super period. The TV is really good with for DVD as well - I have a pioneer DVD player with good progressive scan but I don't even set it to progressive mode as the progressive mode in the TV is nearly as good - I can leave the TV size mode (strech) at 0) Natural that way when I change sources I don't have to mess with it. If you set the DVD to progessive the TV has to strech the 480p to 720p. The sound is much better than I expected and I often leave the my audio system off when I want to listen at low volumes. I also like the fact when you switch it off it remains in a suspended mode for a few minutes - no picture but lamp on low (keeps warm) before it shuts off. This lets you switch off the TV to hold a quick conversation (get a message across to the kids) and then swich the TV on to its full brightness instantly. I don't know if other TV's have this feature. My TV is placed in a very bright room windows all over (no direct sun though), and it is always bright and clear to watch with hardly any window reflection or glare ,much less than that on the screen of the direct view TV. The anti reflective properties are really good. Excellent for daytime viewing and in well lighted room |
New member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 8 Registered: Jul-04 | In response to jamescrew I have had the Toshiba for a few months now and to answer your questions: 1. I have never seen any rainbows. Not that I am trying to see them but I have never seen them. 2. SD tv is ok. Toshiba has the ability to make the picture go to 16:9 on sd tv. Don't do that. It does look bad. If you leave it as 4:3 it looks ok. Still not as good as regular tv but it is good. 3. HD tv is incredible. I am still blown away when I watch it. I was watching espn hd and they were talking to some football player, anyway I could see the stiching on his shirt. I was just amazed at the clarity. I watch discovery channel and alot of hd nature shows because it is so clear. You need to find out how many channels you will get on HDtv. I get about 10 channels, all major networks and fox. If you don't get alot then I would think about waiting. The downside is that not everything is hd and sd is ok. Also having to deal with the cable company is always bad and they don't have very smart people working for them so that can get a little frustrating. If I had to do all over again I would do it in a heart beat. |
jamescrew Unregistered guest | Thanks for your input. Does the TV have several different viewing modes for SD? The Mitsu has 3 or 4 different views such as keeping the center in the correct perspective and stretching the sides, stretching the whole picture, etc. I know that you said that the stretch mode is terrible, but I was wondering if other modes might look a little better than the stretch mode. Again, thanks for your input. My alernative tv that I am considering the the Mitsu 52725 which also uses the Hd2+ chip. |
New member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 9 Registered: Jul-04 | Yes the Toshiba has 3 modes. Don't remember all of the features but 1 loses a little from the top and 2 loses a little from the bottom. Both with streching the whole picture. The 3rd one stretches the sides and tries to keep the center the same. The 3rd one is the best but you do lose some from the top and bottom. Really in all modes on any tv the people look like muchkins. Also I get NO glare on this tv. Don't know about the Mitsu but that is a big plus as well. |
BDavis Unregistered guest | I'm strongly considering a Toshiba DLP. I'm looking at either the 46HM84 or 52HM84. I've not been able to give them a side-by-side comparison. The room where the unit will go is not terribly big - viewers will likely range anywhere from 6 to 14 feet from the unit. Which model would be better for that distance? |
jamescrew Unregistered guest | I think either model will work for you. The info I've read is that there is no consensus on what are the optimal distances for a tv. Most sites that I've read said that a 52" requires at least 7-11 feet but others have suggested longer distances. I am going for the 52" and people will be about the same distance as what you are talking about. I think the 52" will work for you. I seriously considered a 62" but when put in my room it would overpower the entire room. |
New member Username: LittymrmrsPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-04 | I have had the 52hm84 for three weeks and I have had some very poor picture quality on standard satellite programming.HD programming was good but grainy.DVD was very good.Part of my problem is not finding a compatible HD sat. receiver. I have tried some of the ones available locally like rca-dtc210,samsung 360,hughes,and the new hd with tivo.Either the box didn't work or picture quality was bad or hdmi connection was bad.I have pretty much conceded to returning everything and waiting until HD tech. and standard def, improve their systems.Sorry, but PQ has been poor overall except on dvd. |
New member Username: Diggler1Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-04 | I've had the 62hm84 for a few weeks now and overall have been very impressed. Unfortuanatly i already have a problem with it. Over the past few days there has been a purple bar of color creeping up from the bottom of the picture. Everyday it seems to get worse and worse. The store said it might be the propietary engine leaking purple... anyhow... they're supposed to fix the problem or gimme a new tv this week... Anyone else had this problem? |
Bronze Member Username: Sound4bargainPost Number: 14 Registered: Oct-04 | Maurice I am surprised the HD signal is grainy and even the SD from the sat should be acceptable if you do not strech. Are you using the component or HDMI connector to connect the sat box. Your HD quality should be way better than DVD. You may need to perform a setup on your sat box to set the signal output - my cable box had this requirement where you had to set the aspect ratio for the tv and the resolution. The Toshiba does suggest you set this to 1080i even though the TV is 720p. The Tv will convert the 1080i to 720p |
Bronze Member Username: Sound4bargainPost Number: 15 Registered: Oct-04 | Maurice, Check the following post of issues with using HDMI connector with sat box. I personally use the component cables and have not felt the need to upgrade to HDMI/DVI |
Bronze Member Username: Mp906Post Number: 19 Registered: Jul-04 | Ok, lets talk about Black detail! I have none. Watching LOTRs, anything black looks like an empty hole. The "Black riders" look more like shadows. Using a Toshiba 5970, HDMI to HDMI, settings are all factory, except the lamp is in low. Is this the TV or DVD player? |
New member Username: LittymrmrsPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-04 | My RCA-210 has DVI out to the toshiba hdmi in. I did try using component cables but picture quality did not improve. About a two weeks ago I returned to CC the hr10-250 hd tivo. While using it I could not use the hdmi due to grainieness. But when I hooked up component cables the picture did improve. The hr10-250 crashed on me and I did not want to keep it due to the high cost. I then read where the rca-210 could be a good match for the toshiba but thats not the case at this time.I do have the sat box set with a switch on the back to 1080i. New cables and fittings installed about a month ago. Very frustrated at this point. |
Unregistered guest | I have narrowed my search to either a toshiba 44nhm84 DLP, or a sony KD-we42655 wega LCD. I am fairly ignorant as to the newer technologies and wonder if there is a definite advantage to DLP or LCD. I receive my signal from directTV satellite. The sony has a built in tuner while the toshiba does not. With satellite TV, does this even make a difference? Thanks in advance for your help. |
Unregistered guest | Just bought a 62" Mitsubishi DLP 3 days ago. Have already made arrangements to return it as the Audio/Video Sync is TERRIBLE!!! We have HD cable and the picture is incredible but the sound thing is unacceptable. The salespeople don't know squat and can offer no explanations. Does anyone else out there have the same TV and do you have similar problems? Would appreciate any feedback. We thought we had done all the research and comparison in store, but the direct feed on in-store models masks the problem. HELP!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Sound4bargainPost Number: 17 Registered: Oct-04 | Do you have the same issue with DVD sources. If you do than its the TV, if you do not it maybe the cable box Connect the cable bix with component cables, than test it. This puts the AV signal in analog mode right out of the cable box and check it. |
Unregistered guest | Vic - It is better on DVD but still evident. The TV people are on their way as I write this, to pick up the set. We have Comcast HD signal, from their box, but it also has the sync problem, no matter which hook up we use. Mitsubishi has acknowledged a problem and says "their engineers are working on it" but we are not willing to be guinea pigs or wait that long. Once my husband brought this to the attention of the sales people at the store, they were astounded at the problem, and agreed to refund our money. Why would it not show up from their direct feed? They cannot get an answer from Mitsu either. This whole techno thing is a mystery to me!!! Thanks for your input. |
Unregistered guest | I primarily watch non-hd channels, but still want a big screen. As of before reading this thread I had decided on a DLP, but it seems like regular SD sat reception will be worse than a regular SDTVs. I had read that EDTVs actually convert your 480i sd feed into 480p automatically using a deinterlacer. Shouldn't the dlp HDTVs do this automatically as well and thus giving a better picture than normal tvs. All of the reviews of Panasonic plasma EDTV seemed to rave about the improvement in picture quality of the regular SD feed as well. Does this mean Panasonic does a better job with their deinterlacer, or is it the plasma vs DLP issue? Does anyone own a panasonic DLP? I really need help on deciding which DLP HDTV gives the best SD picture. I do want to buy a HDTV because I wouldn't want to dish out another $3000 3 yrs from now when there is more HD feed, but as of now I am only interested in SD feed. Thanks a lot-this is a wonderful thread |
Tickle Unregistered guest | I just bought the 62HM84 from BB and was wondering if I should take the 4 or 5 year warranty? It is $440 for four years, 530 for 5 years. Anyone have any thoughts as to whether this is a good idea? Thanks. |
New member Username: HampersnowPost Number: 6 Registered: Dec-04 | from what i have read of these TVs ,an extended warranty seems like a must ,and i have never allowed myself to be talked into one before. in a seperate thread there was a debate on whether BB'S warranty covered the bulb. i would suggest you read and fully understand what is covered before you pay . on another note ,I would love to hear your feedback on this Toshiba ,as it has risen to #1 on my list. Crutchfield currently has this set for $3,699 WITH THE MATCHING STAND. their extended warranty (which does NOT cover the bulb) is $349 for 5 years. |
New member Username: LittymrmrsPost Number: 4 Registered: Nov-04 | charles I think you will be very happy with the 52hm84 toshiba. I got a great buy on this unit about a month age from BB. Paid $2399.00,free delivery, free 5" screen portable dvd player,plus $100.00 free store bucks to spend as I wish. Truely the best hd dlp on the market. |