The question is does the aspect ratio matter on big screens? Cable company told me that it is recomended that it is 16:9 and the tv I was going to get is not a wide screen it is a 4:3 Akai 54 inch. Cant really afford a better tv, this one is only $899 at my work.
If you watch mostly standard def TV, 4:3 will work fine. You will get black bars on the top/bottom when watching DVDs and HD broadcast. If you can live with that, then go for it!
Is that Akai at Sams Club? I think I saw one of those there.
Something to keep in mind though is that if it's a HDTV, all HD programming is broadcast in 16:9 format and everything you watch will have black bars on the top/bottom of your picture.
Trust will annoy you, and if there is a mode to stretch the picture to fit the screen, it will kill the quality, and you dont want that with your good HD-picture.
4:3 televisions are on the way out, and in 6-10 years, they will be virtually obsolete, unless you dont mind watching 16:9 broadcast on a 4:3 screen. I was considering getting big HDTV with the 4:3 aspect ratio too(yea, im subborn about change), but decided on going with the 16:9 and I thank God that I did.
My recommendation is to look at rear projection CRT HDTVs with 16:9 aspect ratio(more TV per $$), and get the best thing you can find within your budget.
Trust me on this........
It's superbowl sunday and they're broadcasting in HD.......
You hook up your new Akai for the first time, and watch a scrunched up image in the center of the screen for the big game.....You'd probably wish you had saved your pennies longer, or bought a smaller 16:9 TV that was within your budget.
Thanks guys. You really made up my mind for me. Yeh thats the $899 one at Sams, thats where I work. We just got it in on tuesday. I will probably go with a 42" widescreen Akai from Circuit City that I saw on sale. Thanks again.