Just got my 52HM84 home and hooked up to my cable box with Adelphia (Scientific Atlanta 8300HD) via HDMI. Noticed it was showing 1080i on the front of the box, so I called their tech support to determine how to leverage progressive scan pictures (480p, 720p).
The tech walks me through an HDTV setup wizard, which allows me to "see" screens in various modes (480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, etc.) - each of which I can select and save. Once I complete this, the TV begins showing skinny black vertical lines about every inch or so across the screen (!). We try a number of things, including rebooting the box, to no avail. I also tried reversing what was done in the setup wizard, all to no avail.
My old DVD player is now hooked up with composite cables, so I switch to that input - and the lines show up here as well (!) So, it appears not to be specific to the cable box input itself (as it persists for DVD also), yet the problem did seem to manifest itself when we were selecting possible available scan rates...
Anyway, I'd appreciate any insights anyone could provide. I'd like to rid myself of these annoying black vertical lines and avail myself of the best available HD pictures.
My tv did something similar, but with white vertical lines about an inch apart. Needless to say, I called Toshiba and had to have the tv serviced and repaired :-/ You might try calling them and see what they have to say...but if it's anything like my problem, it will need to be fixed by a pro.
YIKES! I just picked up my 52HM84 last night and hooked it up. SD feeds look better than I thought they would. Here's the kicker...Adelphia is coming on Friday to install their HD service for me and I'm dropping DirecTV (after 8 years).
I don't think his problem was due to the configuration of the box. I'd bet it was most likely coincidental. Those boxes can't change the tv's display as far as I know...and since his tv shows that on all sources now, I would think the light engine is the problem...not the box.
Thanks - make sense. And, oddly, it just disappeared. I'm hoping it won't be chronic - just brought this home last Friday (!) I did go with the extended service plan however...
ROGER, WHAT DID THE TOSHIBA PRO NEED TO DO TO GET RID OF YOUR DLP LINES? We had the guy in yesterday and all he did was play with our remote and tell us we had the security code set wrong .He left without fixing it and I am back on the phone today with toshiba... first toshiba told us it sounds like a bad bulb then the guy said he never saw this problem before but then admitted it is a new tv and if it was a bulb he does not have it in stock...he was clueless
The guy that fixed mine ended up replacing the light engine. It was still under warranty, so it wasn't really a big deal. Does your tv have a bunch of thick vertical lines at all times?
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Just received my 52HM84 - black verticl lines. The store I bought it from says they'll replace it - we'll see.
Tech at Toshiba said he never heard of it. Hmmm... I wonder.