Archive through December 08, 2004


New member
Username: Irq77

Fort Collins, CO USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-04
If you do a comparison of the LCD next to the DLP you will see that the LCD produces a picture where the colors look more faded. The DLP's (especially the wd-62725) produce much more prominant blacks (more vibrant color altogether really). Plus, look at the LCD close up, you'll see the screen door effect. If you get close to the DLP, you'll be able to see individual pixels, but not nearly as bad as the screen door on the LCD.

That's my $.02

Unregistered guest
I ordered a 62725 about 6 weeks ago, and it was delivered two and a half weeks ago. When I came home and turned it on, I heard the fan come on, and about 5 seconds later I heard another constant, low rumbling noise. I contacted the retailer (the Big Screen Store)and told my salesman about it. He set up a service call, and it was determined that I had a bad color wheel making all the noise. They offered to order a replacement wheel, but I requested instead that they replace the whole set. Several days later, I had a new set with just the normal fan noise.

I have not really gone through and done the setup entirely, but I have noted some things that concern me. When there is a rather dark background, whether brown, green, red, etc. and it is stationary, I see a lot of flickering when I'm reasonably close to the set. I went to the store and saw this on nearly every TV to some degree or another. I have a digital cable box, but was informed that the cable card may help out with some of this ....what I call "color snow". I have also had some other suggestions including using a DVI-HDMI cable from the box to the TV instead of component video cables. I've also been recommended to get a line stabilizer, such as the Monster voltage stabilizer. I was pretty wowed when I first saw this television, but in my home I have not been so impressed. Does anyone have any similar experiences? Or, am I being just too critical by looking from too close to the TV?
Any assistance would be appreciated.

Unregistered guest
I got my WD62725 on Oct. 23. I was going to get wd62525 at Best Buy, they had a one day sale $4050, but on the way there called Tweeter and asked them what they can do for me if I buy it today. Their regular price was $4,700. After 2 phone calls, 2 min each, the sales guy said they can sell me the 62725 for the same price ($4,050) - I picked it up myself. Very cost-effective phone negotiation!

This TV is the most beautiful piece of hardware I ever bought - worked great right out of the box. I did noticed the rainbows, though, but very few, and they don't bother me.

I got a stand from Cambridge Sounworks (also sold by Sears) from either Video Tek, or TekVideo, something like that. Normal price $300, I got mine for $237 (open box) and assembled! I needed it, because it has cut rear corners, and my TV goes in the corner of the room, so I can push it all the way in the corner to give me a longer viewing distance.

The cable man is coming today with the HD box AND cable card. I want to use the cable card input for regular viewing, and the box for ordering pay-per-view and on demand staff. This will also will allow me to see cable channels on PIP/POP. The HD box I opted for is a RECORDABLE one! Can record of up to 4 hours of HD broadcast and much more regular, can pause regular programs. For extra $10 per month (same as TiVo) I will get all TiVo's features, and don't have to buy TiVo. I will give it a whirl, and if I find that I don't use it enough, will just go to a regular HD box.

One GLITCH - my TV manual has a misprint - shows page 53 instead of page 13 (numbers are correct, but te text is from page 53). DOES ANYONE HAVE THE CORRECT PAGE 13 WHICH SHOULD SHOW BACK PANEL. IF YES, CAN YOU SCAN IT AND EMAIL TO ME AT ?

New member
Username: Russeddy

Corte Madera, CA Usa

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-04
I am looking at Mitsubishi WD-52825, has anyone purchased one yet. If so what did you pay.

Unregistered guest
Just got my WD-62725. But when I hooked up my DVD player directly using component video, the DVD playback looks grainy. This is a progressive scan player. If I push the format button on the remote, the TV says 480p. Does this mean the TV is showing the dvd in 480p, or does this mean the source is 480p? Does anyone know what I can do? Thanks.

Unregistered guest
JC-Poster, which store in Dallas did you get a quote of $3200 on the 52725?

New member
Username: Bampie

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-04
Purchased a WD 62725 two weeks ago from American Thearer in N.J. over the internet. With Base $3999.00. Shipping was an additional $300+. I thought a pretty good deal. The first week the Mitz worked great. The Sunday of the second week, Green Screen not picture only sound. Called Mitz authorized repair and they said that there was a soft ware glitch and they would have a fix by thursday. Friday got a call that they would be out Sat with a complete new chassie. they came and went and now the set works like new. I am not happy that the set went on the fritz, but I am satisfied with the resulting service. I am purchasing a service contract this week. Now I am still having problems with DirecTV and their HD TiVo. The HDMI does not work, but that is for a different forum.

New member
Username: Bigdave

Post Number: 6
Registered: Aug-04

I live quite aways from town. I'm sure the cost of delivery would be pretty pricey on the WD-62725.

Can anyone who has bought it tell me the dimensions of the box? Can it be layed down flat in the back of a Suburban or does it have to be transported standing up?


New member
Username: Drchip0

Atlanta, GA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I live in Atlanta and bought the new WD-62725 at BrandsMart. They had it in their ad for $4,500 but indicated there was a big rebate. I went in to the store and they had it for $3,900 on the floor. The salesman knocked off a couple of hundred dollars on the following deal: tv, Mitsubishi stand: ($250); 5 year extended warranty ($428); in addition I bought a Terk TV 5 antenna for grabbing HD signal out of the air and a Toshiba DVD player with HDMI that upconverts the signal to "near HD quality." Delivery for $40, sales tax @8%. Drive out was $5100.

They delivered the tv on Saturday and I am still knocked out by how amazing the picture is. I don't want to leave the house. It is stunning. I am very pleased with my choice. "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" and "Finding Nemo" look incredible when played on the upconverting DVD player using HDMI connection. I also can't believe the detail of HD grabbed out of the air--never really noticed the divots on football field caused by the cleats but they are obvious now!

Unregistered guest
Just went looking in Atlanta this weekend Fry's gave me a business card with 3699.00 for the 62725 and 3299 for the 52725. the HHGreg was next at 4050.00 for the 62725

i got a price from TWEETER of $3800 for the 62725; $225 for the matching stand; $395 for the 5-yr warranty; component cables for $70 and $100 for a surge protector/power cleaner

This is in Houston

Unregistered guest
Which houston Tweeter and the name of the sales person?

Unregistered guest
I got my 62725 for $4000 and the extended 4 year warranty for $499. Picture is great, video games are awesome on this screen. I was wondering if anyone has fine tuned their new mits and if they could post the color settings. I can never get them right and i have no clue how to set that up.

Unregistered guest
npc2396, I would like a copy of your receipt. I live in Fairfax, VA and there is a Big Screen Store here. I would be willing to pay what you got the tv for. email me at



Just got my Mits WD-62725. it has a great picture. Just noticed that the TV has two black dots in the lower left corrner of the tv. The dots size is about less than 1/8 inch square. Has any one experience this problem yet.

Unregistered guest
reply to Devin Fisher

I have same problem on my new WD-62725. two big black dots. BTW: i bought it from ultimate elec.

Do they charge you again for delivery?


New member
Username: Irq77

Fort Collins, CO USA

Post Number: 3
Registered: Oct-04
Ultimate Electronics has not charged me for additional delivery costs.

I have experienced several black dots now as I have my fourth wd-62725 now. All four have had the problems. Ultimate has been in close contact with their Mitsubishi rep. and they think it was a quality control issue.

One of the Ultimate salespersons came to my house to verify the issue and agreed with me that it looks as if there are particles inside the tv being projected on the back of the screen.

I'm currently waiting for a new tv from a new batch order from Mitsubishi.

I hope that the fifth time is the charm, otherwise I may be sending everything back all together. I did a lot of research and the WD-62725 seemed to be the clear winner. I don't know what I'll do if the fifth one has problems as well.

Anyone have additional thoughts?

New member
Username: Russeddy

Corte Madera, CA Usa

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-04
Has anyone purchased a Mits WD-52825. I have one on order with Best Buy. Will this be the same TV as the WD-52725 with a built in recorder. What price should I be paying.

Unregistered guest
The quote I got from local tweeter for WD-52825 is around 5499 and 62825 is 5999.
What price you are getting it in best buy ?
When will they be available in BB?
Does any one have better deals than this ?

Unregistered guest
My question is now that the 825's are showing up, can the screen be retro-fitted to a 725. If the technology is the same except for the PVR and the 825 screen completely elliminates the glare as its claimed, it would seem like a good option to save a few hundred bucks

Unregistered guest
I dont know but I just got my 62825 and believe the picture is worth a 1000 words have had no problems so far cant find anything wrong with it and looks fantastic on the matching base.

Unregistered guest
Audiophile88 - I saw your question about the HD DirecTV Receiver/TiVo HDMI input to the Mits 62725, 'Just bought/installed mine 2 days ago. HDMI works great. It disables the component video inputs when connected, though. I'd hoped to use those for my AVR.

HDTVNewbie - the device recognizes the input format. You must have a progressive-scan DVD, which is 480p. If it had been an older interlaced type, the format would have been 480i. As you scroll through the formats, the tv will only show those that are applicable to your current source (480p in your case). Unless you have DVI or HDMI output from your DVD, the component video connection that you used is the best possible. Grainy picture, then, is more likely the result of recording media. You didn't say - was it an older DVD?

For what it's worth, I bought my tv at Sound Advice (Tweeter company). They advertised $4,700 w/ $200 discount. No interest, no payment for 24 months. After reading posts here, I counter-offered $4,300, which matched the $4k internet price + roughly $300 shipping. I also got a 60-day price guarantee.

Now for my question - the software version installed is v26004.03. I'm trying to find out the most current version that's been released. doesn't seem to have a way to find out. Anybody know? If more current, what's new or fixed? And how do I upgrade (does it take a service call or can I download and use the pc interface?

By the way - we LOVE the television. Understand the rainbow-effect, but it's minor. If you move your eyes back and forth quickly while watching, especially in a dark room, you'll see it. We have great picure clarity - no dots, no green or red borders. The picture froze once while changing channels (probably too quickly).

After auditioning CRT, Plasma, LCD, DLP, and LcOS, and after installing and setting it up in our home, my wife and I are very pleased that we opted for the Mits 62725. I believe it's the best that can be done with about $4k.

New member
Username: Eagle1999mb


Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-04
I just purchased a package from Ultimate in Dallas.
WD 62725-$3800; 5 year warranty(2 bulb replacements) -$300 Denon 2910 -$600, Sunfire Symphonic Reference amp-$800,Harmony 688 remote-$130,Monster VideoII cable, delivery and set-up by their technician(free) with tax $6100 total. Pretty good deal, I think.

Mike White
Unregistered guest
Correction to my post - the HDMI limitation is not the television - it's my Hughes HD DirecTV Receiver/TiVo, which only allows one output or the other at a time (HDMI or component video). I should have read my post more closely.

Eagle199mb - you did get a good deal. $500 less than mine (Tampa, FL). Sound Advice wanted another $500 for the warranty, too.

More info, for local HD programming. I'd read some pretty bad reviews on the Terk TV44 clip-on antenna ($70; attaches to oval 3-LNB sat dish). The salesman at Sound Advice wouldn't sell me one. He said that every one he's sold has been returned. Mine works great.

Check for your Zip Code. If it indicates that you can receive local channels via small, multi-directional antenna, you should be able to use the Terk. I get every channel it said I would - perfect/digital reception. It has everything you need (i.e. don't purchase separate diplexers - they won't work).

New member
Username: Fp7937

St.louis, Mo

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-04
I have had my 725 for a few days now. The picture in HD is great. However I am already having problems. The color wheel is way too loud,and this morning when I tried to turn on the TV on it wouldn't come on. The yellow power light came on but after waiting and waiting,nothing happened. I tried turning the Tv off but it wouldn't respond. Finally I had to unplug the Tv from the wall.
I received an e-mail from indicating they now have The Toshiba 62hm94 in stock. So I am considering returning the Mits in favor of the Toshiba. I like the Mits but after spending this much money on a tv I expect it to be perfect. I have had a 30" Toshiba for 10 yrs and never had a single problem, the picture is still great.

Unregistered guest
Mike White - I have had my 62725 for over 3weeks now with only a minor problem with left tilt. Serviced and now fine. The HDMI works great. The HD on DirecTV is great but the local HD using off air antenna is even better. Did you try calling DirecTV for a credit since you spend so much on your Tivo? I got this from reading threads and it pays.

Mike White
Unregistered guest
Audiophile88 - what do you mean? I may be entitled to a credit from DirecTV because of what I paid for my HR10-250?

Unregistered guest
Yes, I called up DirecTV and requested to speak to their retention center. Hopefully, you have been a member for at least 3 years. The credit ranges from $100-250 with free HD service and HBO/or Showtime for 6months. Keep trying til someone gives in. I gave in at $100 and the extras because I did not have time to keep calling back.

New member
Username: Trek4ward

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-04
I have had the 52725 for a month or so now. NFL games are not impressive. The grass looks really pixelated. If you watch an HD show where colors are cut and dry and characters are close up, it looks incredible! Non-HD picture is really horid. Honestly....I wouldn't waste your money on DLP just yet. Looking at my girlfriend's lower end CRT Rear Projection Mits, I would prefer that at less than half the price. There is still glare as the screen is still gloss plexiglass....just tinted underneath which actually makes the picture darker. Overall...skip it if you want a clear picture.

New member
Username: Pitburger

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I've had the 62725 for a month and love it! Researched all things DLP for a year and glad I waited for the Mits. Glare is NOT an issue.

New member
Username: Derik_boucher

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I just purchased my 62725 on Saturday at UE in Minnesota. $3750 for the TV, $200 for the stand and $450 for the 5 year warranty (no other purchases). Until I get some component cables, I am running S-Video from my DVD and DirecTV Tivo. The picture from these sources (480i) is very impressive! Hopefully I'll get some quality component cables this weekend to try out on the DVD player and be even further amazed.

I've only had one lockup so far when I pressed the connect button on the remote with no firewire devices connected. I had to press the reset button to save the day.

Otherwise, it's been trouble free and I'm loving every minute of watching it.

Unregistered guest
Hey Derik, seems like a pretty darn good price. Almost too good to be true. I am a fellow Minnesotan and plan to be buying a 62725 in the very near future. Which UE did you purchase the TV at? Do you have a scanner or fax machine? I'd love to get get a copy of your receipt to help me with negotiations.

New member
Username: Pitburger

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-04
I paid $3900 for TV, $200 for stand, and retailer threw in a 2nd year warranty for free.
A note on the stand - It really sucks, barely enough room to put in STB, slim DVD player, and receiver. My set up is in a large room but the TV/Stand sit caddy corner, so I am limited on space. If you have the room, I highly suggest a different stand.
I purchased the Toshiba 5970 DVD player which upscales to 1080i, looks awesome. Since my STB doesnt have HDMI on it and the DVI is not active yet (Adelphia cable) I have it hooked via component crappy cable supplied by Adelphia. Picture still looks great. Didnt want to spend the $$ on a good cable knowing the DVI will be active soon. The DVD is hooked up via HDMI and looks unreal! No room in stand for PS2 so that is sitting behind stand, so I have to reach around it to access the PS2.
So as soon as Adelphia gets the DVI active I will use that, and eventually buy an HDMI switch for the STB and DVD.

Unregistered guest
I bought the WD-62725 today from an Ultimate Electronics in Phoenix. Paid $3725.84 for the TV. Then another couple hundred bucks for a 3 year service plan, covering bulbs and anything that happens to it. Delivery will be free after I send in a rebate. The catch, I know the sales person and he worked on his mgr. to get the price that low. So, finding a low price is possible.

New member
Username: Derik_boucher

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-04

I bought it at the Burnsville location. When I originally walked in to the Edina store, they offered it for $3900 ($262.95 off their sale price) after I showed them an internet price of $3700.

The angle I used with my salesman in Burnsville is that Sears would sell me the 62525 for $3375 (with the 10% off deal they had last week after talking them down). I wanted to try and get the 725 for the $200 difference in retail, but as the salesman pointed out, he wasn't price matching the same model.

It took a good 45 minutes of negotiating, but in the end, I thought it was worth it as the Sammy 61" was $3599 at Sam's Club and since I was getting the HD2+, a built-in tuner, etc.., I figured it was worth $150!

I can scan my receipt at work if you like and email it to you.

Unregistered guest
Derik, I'd like a copy of your receipt if possible. Thanks.

Unregistered guest
Awesome Derik! I have negotiated with UE in the past and they are usually pretty flexible. Much more than, let say, a Best Buy. Email the receipt to

I am looking at purchasing one of those big 3 piece entertainment cabinets (Maple), vs just the stand. Any one have any recommendations?


Unregistered guest
I bought the Mitsubishi WD-62725 62" DLP for $3800 thru ELECTROLINE WHOLESALE ELECTRONICS INC in Los Angeles, CA Ph 213 623-1062. I think they also sell over the internet under the name of The TV Store. They are an authorized dealer so no problems with the manufacturer if you have a problem with the set

New member
Username: Bigkev

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I bought the WD-62725 along with a Denon 1910 DVD player that upconverts DVD to HD quality and running the DVD player to the TV via Monster cables going from the DVI output of the DVD player to the HDMI input on the TV. My TV gets delivered today so I don't know what it will look like yet. Has anyone done this yet? and if so how does it look?

Unregistered guest
Derik,I too would love a copy of your receipt as I am looking at negotiating with UE on the same set next week. Thanks for all your help.
Email address is

Unregistered guest
I am also running the WD-62725 with the Denon 1910 and Monster DVI to HDMI cables and the picture is outstanding. The Faroudja DCDi progressive scan chip really makes a difference. However, as they say, "garbage in, garbage out," older movies and even some more recent ones that were converted from analog to a lower resolution digital, may look grainy with a lot of dark noise. Good choice in electronics!

Unregistered guest
Since the WD-62725 has been out for awhile now and because of the up and coming Christmas season I would like to know REALISTICALLY what I should try and negotiate one of these units down to at Ultimate Electronics. It seems like they are more willing to give me a deal than my local Mits dealer. I would pay to have a copy of someone's receipt that has gotten a great deal. It would give me a lot more leverage when trying to buy.

Also, I have heard that unless you buy from a local T.V. store that has in house servicing you may have to ship your T.V. off to get repaired if problems do exist. Is anyone else concerned about this? How good are the retail chains at servicing or replacing a Mits should it have problems?

P.S. This forum has been a great help and I truly appreciate all who contribute to it.

Unregistered guest
Just had my WD-62725 deliverd on Saturday Nov. 13th. The OTA HD picture is stunning, however, my set seems to show a small green/white image in the lower center of the screen when changing channels or when a scene change occurs and that area of the screen is black. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I purchased the TV new from Ultimate Electronics. I figured I would watch it a few hours to get some runtime on the TV before calling them. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you...

New member
Username: Pbrockman

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-04
I am experiencing an occasional popping sound when listening to my 62725. Has anyone else has this problem. If so what was the issue.

New member
Username: Pitburger

Post Number: 10
Registered: Nov-04
Paul - I have heard this too. I determined it wasnt the TV, in my set up anyway, by directly connecting a DVD player to TV and got no popping. I have the cable STB hooked into the reciver via coax audio cable. I also hooked up the regular audio out via L/R into the TV, thinking I could use the TV speakers as additional speakers. The popping comes from that connection. SO when I turn the TV volume all the way down, i hear no popping.
I would be interested to hear if you set up is the same, or if anyone else can shed some light on why I get the popping with my set-up.

Bronze Member
Username: Pitburger

Post Number: 11
Registered: Nov-04
another thought - could it be that you can only use one of the audio outs on the Cable box at a time?? Does anyone know?

New member
Username: Derik_boucher

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-04
Andrew (and anyone else with the bright spot issuse):

Visit this link for more info on this problem: &threadid=467700

Unregistered guest
I just purchased the mits 62725 for 3519.00, matching stand 190.00, 5 yr in home warranty 399.00, cables free (RCA ultimate series). I debated between this and the Hitachi 60 vs810. The Hitachi has many more connections, but the mits didn't have any glare and a somewhat brighter picture. I got my deal at HhGregg in Cincinnati, Ohio

Unregistered guest
Markvdb, would it be possible to get a copy of your receipt?

New member
Username: Safetygirl


Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
If anyone has a receipt from the New Jersey area showing the 62725 for less than 3999 could you email me a copy please? I purchased at Tweeter in Deptford, NJ and they will price match for 60 days if I can get a receipt. Anyone buy for lower at PC Richards or Sound City?

New member
Username: Mcbeebcm

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
Looking to pick up the 62725 today at R.C. Willey and they need a receipt in order to match the price everyone is quoting here. I'm looking to get it under the 3700-3800 mark. Is anyone willing to give me a copy of their receipt for $20? I'll pay through paypal. If you can find it under 3700 I'll pay $30 through paypal. Thanks again. Please mail me at

New member
Username: Safetygirl


Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-04
If anyone has a receipt from any Tweeter store for less than 3999 for the 62725 can you please send me a copy at I can pay via paypal. Thanks.

Unregistered guest
I also purchased the WD-62725 from UE/Soundtrak in Colorado Springs this month for $4160 + $250 stand + $450 5 year extended warranty/bulb replacement. Also got the 2 year no interest financing.

Had it delivered and so far has been wonderful! I purchased the Denon 1910 with Monster cables feeding the component video as input and the picture has been impressive! After reading the posts, I think I will try the DVI/HDMI input to see if the picture quality is any better.

Even with the room lights on full, I have not seen any real problem with glare.

Unregistered guest
I plan to buy the WD-62725 within the next week or so. I am torn between buying local vice the net. The local dealers that I have contacted (MD) just do not seem to be motivated to deal so I am tempted to take my chances and go mail-order.

I did see some discussion about needing to purchase from an authorized dealer for the warranty to be valid, but are there any other pitfalls I should know about?

Regarding a possible local purchase please let me know if anybody has had good luck with a similar purchase from a reasonable dealer/salesperson within the Baltimore-DC corridor.

Any advice would be appreciated. If this is not of general interest, please contact me directly at



Unregistered guest
I just purchased the WD-62725 this weekend from Ultimate Electronics and thanks to this board and one kind person sending me a receipt, I was able to get it for $3,750. All in all with the stand and a five year warranty I walked out the door with a total of $4,549 delivery (120 miles away) and setup included. I appreciate everyone that contributed here and can't wait to check out the picture. I will report back after making my first audition of the t.v. setup in my home.

New member
Username: Safetygirl


Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-04
We got our 62725 delivered and so far the only issue is with Comcast installing the cable card (apparently they don't know anything about them!) Other than that we love it!

Stupid question- how do I record HDTV shows now with the cable card? Are there any VCRs or DVRs that will work with this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

FYI- They are now carrying the 62725 at Boscovs! It is listed in the ad for 4499 with free 13" Sharp TV. Thinking it could possibly be combined with another % off coupon or the secret sales they frequently run. Please post if anyone is able to come up with a coupon that will work with this TV at Boscovs.

Unregistered guest
Markvdb/Mits4me/Any one,
I am planning to buy 62725 on day after thanksgiving, Could you please send me a receipt of your purchase. I can pay you thru paypal(any amount less than 3750). I prefer Tweeter or any store near by to Washington DC area.
Please let me know know for how much you bought your TV's. Mail me at

Unregistered guest
Man the stands on these Mits are absolutley ugly. Anybody have any luck finding a better looking stand or even a sofa table that would look better than this cheap thing? Preferably having some sort of wood to match my decor better.

Suggestions are appreciated. And yes I've looked at most of the stand suggestions from previous posts. Still not really impressed because there is too much glass in them.

Mitsman -

Ethan Allen has a nice stand for about $800. You have to order and wait but it looks good and is probably built a lot better then most of the stuff out there for that price. I have ordered it and is scheduled to come in late Dec. Here is a link to see what it looks like... =1

Sorry...the link apparently does not is the detail for the stand:

Media Cabinet 68"
68 " w x 23 1/4" d x 25 " h

Interior storage holds up to six components
Includes both panel and glass doors
Antique pewter finish metal base
Removable back panels with wiring holes
Wiring grommet in top for center channel speaker of TV

New member
Username: Showmethetv

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I plan to get the 62725 the day after Thanksgiving from Ultimate Electronics. 3,750 sounds like a great deal. If someone could send me a copy of their receipt that would help me a lot. Please write to if interested. Thanks.

New member
Username: Njbruin

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
Consider getting the IKEA stand called "OPPLI". I bought it for my 62725 and it fits perfectly. Only costs about 100 dollars, easy to assemble. I got the birch veneer unit and it looks great. Althought the rated load is a few lbs below the mits weight, I'm not worried (that number is probably conservative). Note, I have a really useful separate vertical component rack so I don't need to rely on the OPPLI to store any components (although it does have room for some small items.

Unregistered guest
Is $3000 a good price for the 52725? I know a lot of discussion has been about the 62", but I thought you could let me know if that is a good price for the 52"

Unregistered guest
Where are you able to get a quote of $3000 on the 52725 from? I think that's a pretty good price from what I've been reading.

New member
Username: Dmako

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-04
I'd say $3000 is very good. The best I could come up with was $3300 in CT.

Unregistered guest
I just purchased the 52725 yesterday for $2,797 from a local dealer in Atlanta - Brandsmart. It was the best deal that I could find, and I've been looking. Delivery and set up was just $40! I also bought the three-year extended warranty for an additional $218. This service even includes annual calibration at no additional cost. The only thing it doesn't cover is the bulb, but I understand that there is now a bulb warranty that you can buy. Can't wait to get the set home.

Unregistered guest
I'm in S. Florida. I was able to get $3000 because my company does work with Sound Advice. I just want to make sure that's the best price out there. There are a bunch of Brandsmarts down here, so maybe I'll go by there and look. Thanks for the responses.

Unregistered guest
if anyone is interested in a mitsubishi 52 or 62 - 525 or 725 model e-mail me at . i work for electronics expo and i am commited to make a deal depending on the demand on this dlp set.. if anyone is interested e-mail me and i will be more than happy to work out a price and have it shipped to you.. and yes i am a authorized dealer for all products i sell check out my website at any questions feel free to email me... thank you

Unregistered guest
I'm from S. Florida as well where I learned that you can negotiate at Brandsmart for any product like at a car dealership.

I've also done quite a bit of business with Sound Advise and think it's a reputable outfit and their sales staff is fairly well trained. Go with them if they can match the Brandsmart price. Good luck.

Unregistered guest

Unregistered guest
Derik Boucher could I get a copy of your receipt?Email me and I will email my fax number to you. Thanks!

Unregistered guest
Anyone having trouble with the size of the horizontal and vertical bars shown on some screen formats on the 62725? At first my top horizontal bar (seen in widescreen movies) was wider at one end of the TV. I was told to "flex" the top of the set and that worked to fix it. Now my left side bar seen in narrow format is wider at the bottom than at the top.

Unregistered guest
I am also willing to pay for a copy of the receipt that shows anything near 2797.. Please let me know ASAP thanks

Unregistered guest
I am looking for the receipt of the mits wd-62725

Unregistered guest


New member
Username: Jnunezec

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-04
With the 62725 being out for a couple of months now, I was wondering if $4397 out the door is a good deal? Price includes 62725, matching stand, 5-year warranty, component cable, second remote, and tax. Your thoughts on this is appreciated.

New member
Username: Irq77

Fort Collins, CO USA

Post Number: 4
Registered: Oct-04
Jaime Nunez-

$4397 sounds like a great price to me. Did the 5 year warranty include bulb replacement? Where are you from?

If you purchase, i'd like a copy of the receipt or someone who can beat it!!!!


New member
Username: Jnunezec

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-04

Yes, bulb replacement is included. Haven't bouth it yet--salesman is waiting for me to sign the dotted line. BTW I'm in Houston, Texas.

Unregistered guest
Jaime Nunez,
If you sign on that could you please send me the copy of receipt, Does the bulb replacement covers all 5 years or just one year replacement ?
I was talking to tweeter sales rep, he claims that no dealer gives bulb replacement for 5 years.He is ready to give warranty on bulb only for 1 year ? Does any one have warranty for 5 years on bulb ?

New member
Username: Jnunezec

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-04

I'm checking with my salesguy to verify bulb replacement warranty. Other than that, is tweeter willing to price-match?

Unregistered guest

I'd be interested in a copy of your receipt if you sign as well.

Ultimate Electronics 5 year service plan covers up to 2 bulb replacements over the entire 5 years.

Assuming you are purchasing from an authorized dealer, I would think a high probability that Tweeter and/or Ultimate Electronics will pricematch.

Unregistered guest
Yeah they are almost matching, like 62725 for 3750, mathcing stang 200, and 5 year warrenty 350(With out bulb replcement) + taxes total comes to around 4500. I am not sure whether this is a good deal or not but i guess around washington area no one else matches this price.

Unregistered guest

I am in Fort Worth, I would love to have that copy if you sign as well. Thanks so much and thanks to this forum, I have learned alot!!

Jaime, you can e mail me at

Unregistered guest
Many, many post ago, a few folks were talking about the "vertical" and "horizontal" sweetspots in terms of positioning the set. I am an idiot. What does that mean?

Unregistered guest
Could you please send me the copy of your receipt to
I am looking for a receipt under $4500 with buld replacement ?

Unregistered guest
I am searching experience on 62725 performance and function. And also like to exchange the ideas of finding. Currently, I have two questions and hope not the problems of the TV:

1) there are two fans inside TV set - one for bulb when the TV is powered on and in operation mode; the second one is internal fan and run even after power off and in stand by mode, and according to Mits, it runs 24h/d and 7d/w all the time. The first big fan is very loud and I can clearly hear it when I sit 15 feet away. but, the sales person told me that it will be quiet down after one month break-in period. I also feel the backside of TV is quite worm even when the TV is in stand by mode for 24 hours. My question is that is it normal or I might have problems?

2) Cable Card - Comcast has been coming to my house to isntall and exchange the card three tims but I still have problem in receiving digital channels (100-500), no prolem on analog 2-73 and HDTV 700s. However, through the Cable Box (not card), I can receive all the subscribed channels. Finally, Comcast claims it is my 62725 TV problem and gave up fixing cable card but left me the cable box. However, I lost the functions of SAP and PIP/POP through the box. Does anyone here have the similar problem and might have the experience how to fix it?

Urgently need your opinion since I am still in 30 days return periord. Try to make sure before return.

Thanks here.


New member
Username: Tbfox

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-04

Derik Boucher, I'd love to get a copy of your sales receipt from UE. My wife would actually allow that price. :-) Would be great!! Let me know if persuasion is necessary. heh.

Thanks! -Tom (email:

Bronze Member
Username: Pitburger

Post Number: 19
Registered: Nov-04
1) I have had mine for 2 1/2 months. At first, i did notice the fan too during operation but only at low volume levels. Now i dont notice it at all. I have never heard of a "break in period" on fan, is that even possible?? I have not got out my db meter, I think its more that you get used to it. This fan does run for a minute or two after power off to cool the unit. The fan that runs 24/7, i cant hear at all unless I stick my ear next to it. Mine is not warm.
2) I decide against the cable card, so I have no real experience with it, however, it seems alot of these cable companies know less they we do. What did Mits say about cable card problems

Bronze Member
Username: Dmako

Post Number: 30
Registered: Nov-04
Two fans? Try five!
Returning our 52725.
1) rainbows 2) fan that runs even when set is powered off 3) fan noise in general.


New member
Username: Tbfox

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-04
Success! Pricematched the 62725 for $3750 (at a UE in Dallas, TX, but first attempt at store in Plano failed). Too bad our sales tax is so high. Thanks to the participants in this forum! I'm excited!

Fan noise is okay with me. I've got a Shuttle PC in my living room entertainment setup now with a fan that's quite noticeable -- it couldn't be much worse. The new surrounding furniture for the 62725 should "contain" the PC noise, but now I'll have the TV fan noise. Oh well, worth it.

Unregistered guest
What is the difference between the 62525 and the 62725??? Compared spec's and they appear to be exact! What is the best price anyone has achieved on the 6275?

Bronze Member
Username: Dmako

Post Number: 31
Registered: Nov-04
RE:What is the difference between the 62525 and the 62725??? Compared spec's and they appear to be exact! What is the best price anyone has achieved on the 6275?

725 anti-glare coating on front glass.

Unregistered guest
mario abad: Did you buy other items with your WD-62725 such as a 5-year warranty and the Matching Base? How much was that?

Pete Simpson
Unregistered guest
Looking for a copy of a sub-$3850 receipt for 62725. If you have one please email me at solonari*at* and let me know what you need in order to send it. Thanks in advance.

Unregistered guest
Rob Hilden,

Thanks for your opinion about the fans. When the Sales mentioned "break-in", he probably mean the fan will automatically adjust slower after the circultry break-in? I hope he's telling the truth... Yes, the small 7/24 fan's noice is not really noticable.

I'd prefer the Cable Card for few reasons:
1) better picture quality. Direct digital signal without converting from (analog) components cable. I saved HDMI for DVD. Specially better picture on analog channels from cable card vs. the box with omponents connection.

2) simple and staright operation to use SAP and PIP/POP without cable-box.

3) when use the internal PVR/DVR (62825), the source can be only from Antana 1 (incuding card) and Ant 2 but not from the box.

4) Mitsu said the card problem is from initial set-up program. Called Comcast. They agree to send fourth technition to my home tomorrow. Hope they will find the way to make it work this time. cross my finers.

Bronze Member
Username: Pitburger

Post Number: 20
Registered: Nov-04
W Tsao -

I have the 62725 so I kept the STB mainly for the DVR, PPV movies and the on-screen guide.
What kind of connection does the cable card have? HDMI?
You can use mutiple HDMI connection via a switch box -

Unregistered guest
Rob Hilden,

Hmm... the HDMI switch box is quite expensive...
The cable card directly receive original signal from the cable and decode/descamble signal. No any other connection or convertion is required that is why the better pistcure.

Unregistered guest
Hi all mitsu dlp owners
Is anyone seeing a halo spot roughly 5 inches above the mistubishi logo. It is very visible on grey screens (darker movies such as Matrix or blade, etc) and i did notice a halo on the field during monday night football. I have had my wd-62725 replaced once - and the halo was brighter in the first set - and now it is back!
Talked to the service center at UE and mitsu support and they tell me to adjust the contrast - which i did and it is still there.
They say the reason is because the Mitsu DLPs are a 2 mirror system and the mirrors are capturing ambient light - that's not possible, because i have my TV in the basement with absolutely no light.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Other than the annoying halo spot, i love the TV!

Unregistered guest
Hi everyone,

Ive been looking to buy the 725 for a while in the Minneapolis area.

Derik Boucher if you are still around (or anyone else that may have it) can you please send me a copy of your reciept? Thank you so much in advance,

Unregistered guest
Hello everyone

Could you please tell me your best deal for the wd 62725 and wd 62825 in the RI /Mass area including prices for stand and warranty (please post if with or without bulb replacement). Thanks in advance
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